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<title>An Interactive Comic</title>
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2018-10-11 18:24:06 +00:00
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<!-- Muse -->
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic> <!-- Muse. plus fidget spinner. -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
In Greek mythology, the Muses, the goddesses of inspiration...
<words x=30 y=350 w=430 h=60>
...were the daughters of Mnemosyne: the goddess of Memory.
<!-- Pfffft. Lookup. Rote -->
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
<words x=30 y=350 w=430 h=60>
Who cares about MEMORY anymore?
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic> <!-- Teacher: "lecture lecture lecture" -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
Seriously, why memorize anything when we can just look it up?
<words x=30 y=350 w=430 h=60>
And besides, isn't rote memorization bad?
Shouldn't we focus instead on teaching creativity and critical thinking?
<!-- Need mem -->
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic> <!-- greeks & mnemosyne w/ foundation -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
On the contrary: cognitive scientists have shown that
creativity and critical thinking <i>require</i> memory.
<words x=30 y=350 w=430 h=60>
(Imagine trying to compose a poem or essay if you haven't memorized any words!)
<!-- Lectures, highlighting, re-reading? Actually NO! Instead, SR! -->
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic> <!-- Teacher: "lecture lecture lectu- hey who's talking during class" -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
That said, the ways most of us try to memorize things... suck.
<words x=30 y=350 w=430 h=60>
In 2013, a meta-study of 100+ other studies ranked how effective (or not)
different learning techniques are.
Hey, why don't you take a guess at what works &amp; what doesn't?
<!-- Re-reading -->
<panel w=600 h=300 bg="#ff4040">
What?! Aren't you supposed to get better the more you practice something?
Scroll down, and let's find out what's up...
<!-- Testing Yourself -->
<panel w=600 h=300 bg="#ff4040">
<!-- Ah... that's why re-reading doesn't work.
When you re-read, you're only practicing "feeling familiar".
When you test yourself, you're practicing ACTUAL RECALL. -->
<!-- Highlighting/underlining -->
<panel w=600 h=300 bg="#ff4040">
<!-- Same problem as re-reading. You're not actually practicing RECALL. -->
<!-- Spacing -->
<panel w=600 h=300 bg="#ff4040">
<!-- You know how you cram for an exam, then one month later you remember nothing?
Cramming only works short-term. If you want long-term, space it out.
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic> <!-- dumpster -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
The most popular study techniques re-reading, highlighting, cramming...
<words x=30 y=350 w=430 h=60>
...don't work.
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic> <!-- combination -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
Instead, <i>testing yourself</i> and <i>spacing out your learning</i>
are the two most science-backed ways to learn...
<words x=30 y=350 w=430 h=60>
...which can be combined into a simple but powerful method called “Spaced Repetition”.
<!-- What is Spaced Repetition? -->
<panel w=600 h=300 bg="#ff4040">
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic> <!-- Teacher: "nicky, stop talking during class." "NICKY." -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
But seriously, at the risk of sounding like a cult,
<words x=30 y=350 w=430 h=60>
Spaced Repetition has <i>changed my life.</i>
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic> <!-- examples -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
Spaced Repetition is most popular for language-learning,
<words x=30 y=350 w=430 h=60>
but I, and friends I know, are using it to learn so much more!
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic> <!-- Teacher standing behind Nicky with ruler -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
In this interactive comic, I want to share with you the science &amp; art of Spaced Repetition...
<words x=30 y=350 w=430 h=60>
...and help you get started using it <i>today.</i>
And throughout this comic,
you can test yourself on what you've learnt,
in spaced-out intervals.
<b>That is, you'll use Spaced Repetition to learn about Spaced Repetition.</b>
Like so:
<!-- Review -->
<panel w=600 h=400 bg="#ff4040">
Three popular but ineffective learning techniques are: (re-reading), (highlighting), (cramming)
The two most science-backed ways to learn are: (testing yourself) and (
The Goddess of (Memory) is the mother of the goddesses of (Inspiration)
<!-- Not study hacks -->
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic> <!-- A spanked Nicky -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
I want to clarify something.
This isn't just a "study trick" or a "life hack".
<words x=30 y=350 w=430 h=60>
This is a way to take control of your <i>mind.</i>
To make long-term memory a <i>choice</i>.
To develop a lifelong love for learning...
<!-- But, a muse -->
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic> <!-- Muse. fidget spinner -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60> mother your own, inner Muse.
<!-- - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- - - - - - - - - - -->
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