wrote ch3 and preface, also formatted ch3

This commit is contained in:
Nicky Case 2018-10-04 13:14:18 -04:00
parent 9c772e3c1d
commit 46ace5a46e
6 changed files with 886 additions and 108 deletions

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@ -12,45 +12,432 @@
<div id="comic">
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- WHAT, WHY, HOW, WHEN - -->
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- - - -->
<!-- WHAT -->
<!-- - - -->
<!-- Part 1.1: Leitner Calendar -->
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic src="pics/leit0.png" sx=0 sy=0></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
dasd sad assad ddasdasdasdas asdasdsd asds
<words x=30 y=350 w=430 h=60>
asdasdassaasd asdassadas sadasd s asdas as
<panel w=500 h=350>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic> <!-- WHAT, WHY, HOW, and WHEN? -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=450 h=60>
To help you get started with Spaced Repetition <i>today</i>,
you need to answer four questions:
<panel w=600 h=400 bg="#fff">
<sim x=0 y=0 w=600 h=400 src="sims/type/?card=test"></sim>
<panel w="600" h="80">
<words w="600" x="-15" no-bg="">
Now, let's make a flashcard! I'll give you the question on the front,
you write your <i>own</i> answer on the back. Here's the front:
<panel w=400 h=240 bg="#bada55" style="margin-bottom:20px">
<!-- WHAT do you want to learn? -->
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic src="pics/leit0.png" sx=0 sy=0></pic>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
dasd sad assad ddasdasdasdas asdasdsd asds
For example, you could use Spaced Repetition to help you learn...
<words x=30 y=350 w=430 h=60>
asdasdassaasd asdassadas sadasd s asdas as
<words x=80 y=380 w=380 h=30>
Now, you write <i>your</i> answer on the back:
<panel w=400 h=240 bg="#ff4040" style="margin-top:20px">
<!-- Suggestions:
What do you want to learn?
EVERYTHING (just curiosity)
a new language | an instrument | details of friends' lives |
the history of your country | countries of the world |
the entire list of pokémon
<panel w="400" h="70">
<words w="400" x="-15" y="-20" no-bg="">
(if you change your mind, you can always scroll back here &amp; edit your answer)
<!-- - - -->
<!-- WHY -->
<!-- - - -->
<panel w="600" h="80">
<words w="600" x="-15" no-bg="">
However, recall that for Spaced Repetition to work,
you need to connect it to something you <i>care</i> about.
So our next card is:
<panel w=400 h=240 bg="#bada55" style="margin-bottom:20px">
<!-- WHY do you want to learn X? -->
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
That may be too philosophical, so here's some
concrete examples of a <i>why</i> behind a <i>what:</i>
<words x=210 y=380 w=250 h=30>
So... what's <i>your</i> why?
<panel w=400 h=240 bg="#ff4040" style="margin:20px 0 10px 0">
<!-- Suggestions:
<!-- - - -->
<!-- HOW -->
<!-- - - -->
<panel w="600" h="80">
<words w="600" x="-15" no-bg="">
You now have your what and why... but we still need to pick a <i>how!</i>
That is, what tool/app do you want to use?
Our next card asks:
<panel w=400 h=240 bg="#bada55" style="margin-bottom:20px">
<!-- HOW do you want to do Spaced Repetition? (with what tool?) -->
<panel w=500 h=700>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=450 h=90>
So far, we've seen three tools you could use:
The Leitner Box, Anki, and TinyCards.
Here's the more detailed pros-and-cons of each:
<words x=10 y=530 w=450 h=60>
(Want something else?
Here's a few other tools:
SuperMemo, NimbleNotes, Mnemosyne)
<words x=110 y=620 w=360 h=40 no-bg fontsize=20>
* <i>anti</i>-disclaimer: i am <i>not</i> affiliated with any of these.
i just think they're cool &amp; helpful!
<panel w=600 h=50>
<words w=600 x=-15 no-bg>
So, what's it gonna be?
<panel w=400 h=240 bg="#ff4040" style="margin-bottom:20px">
<!-- Suggestions:
<!-- - - -->
<!-- WHEN -->
<!-- - - -->
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=90>
Just one card left!
Now: doing Spaced Repetition is actually quite easy...
however, doing it <i>as a daily habit</i> is hard.
<words x=30 y=380 w=430 h=30>
Why? Because making <i>any</i> new habit is hard.
<panel w=500 h=500>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic> <!-- thanks, you too! -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=90>
Hard, but straightforward.
The science of habits shows that if you do the same thing, given the same cue,
over and over...
<words x=20 y=400 w=440 h=60>
...it'll become a habit, for better or worse.
So for a Spaced Repetition habit, the question is:
<panel w=400 h=240 bg="#bada55" style="margin:20px 0">
<!-- WHEN do you want to do Spaced Repetition? -->
<panel w=500 h=500>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=400 h=60>
For example, you could play the Spaced Repetition game...
After waking up, to jog your mind
On a commute, to fill up spare time
Before sleeping, coz otherwise you'd just stress-binge on twitter
<words x=30 y=370 w=430 h=90>
It doesn't really matter <i>when</i> you do it, as long as you do it
daily and consistently (more or less - you can skip a day once in a while).
<panel w=400 h=500>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=350 h=90>
(Tip: whenever I try to create a new habit,
I draw a circle on a calendar for each day I successfully do it)
<words x=10 y=370 w=350 h=90>
(It's a game I play with myself! The goal is to try not break
my streak, and build the longest chain I can.)
<panel w=600 h=50>
<words w=600 x=-15 no-bg>
Now, let's fill out that final flashcard:
<panel w=400 h=240 bg="#ff4040" style="margin-bottom:20px">
<!-- Suggestions:
<!-- - - - - - - - -->
<!-- ALL THE CARDS -->
<!-- - - - - - - - -->
<panel w=400 h=80>
<words w=400 x=-15 no-bg>
Et voilà, here's all four of your flashcards, all about you!
<panel w=264 h=180 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=-88 y=-60 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=mitochondria_1" class="small_card"></sim>
<panel w=264 h=180 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=-88 y=-60 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=mitochondria_2" class="small_card"></sim>
<panel w=264 h=180 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=-88 y=-60 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=mitochondria_3" class="small_card"></sim>
<panel w=264 h=180 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=-88 y=-60 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=mitochondria_4" class="small_card"></sim>
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<panel w=500 h=250>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic> <!-- brain squirm -->
<words x=180 y=10 w=250 no-bg>
But like I said, I want to help you take control of your memory <i>today</i>.
<words x=230 y=130 w=250 no-bg>
Not "eventually", not "tomorrow", <i>TODAY</i>.
<panel w=500 h=250>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic> <!-- brain given gift -->
<words x=160 y=30 w=100 no-bg>
<words x=230 y=90 w=250 no-bg>
here's some
<b style="font-size:30px">
you can download!
<!-- Reminder Wallpaper -->
<panel w=600 h=100>
<words x=-15 y=0 w=600 no-bg style="text-align:left" fontsize=30>
a wallpaper for your desktop,
<!--a lock screen wallpaper for your phone,-->
to remind you to play your Spaced Repetition game each day!
<!-- Leitner Calendar / Anki -->
<panel w=600 h=100>
<words x=-15 y=0 w=600 no-bg style="text-align:left" fontsize=30>
<!--a looping 64-day calendar for your Leitner Box!-->
a link to the Anki app!
(and here's a video tutorial on how to get started)
<!-- All flashcards -->
<panel w=600 h=100>
<words x=-15 y=0 w=600 no-bg style="text-align:left" fontsize=30>
And finally,
a .zip of all the flashcards you've been practicing in this interactive comic!
<panel w=600 h=120>
<words x=-15 y=0 w=600 no-bg style="text-align:left">
(These can be your first few days' worth of Spaced Repetition cards,
to help you get started! And as a plus, you'll get to remember everything
you learnt here today, forever)
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- THE END - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- Review -->
<panel w=500 h=350>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic> <!-- holding card -->
<words x=110 y=30 w=250 no-bg>
Which reminds me...
<words x=200 y=105 w=220 no-bg>
one last goodbye,
for old time's sake,
the final swan song!
<words x=210 y=230 w=250 no-bg>
...let's review our flashcards, <i>all</i> of them:
<panel w=600 h=400 bg="#ff4040">
<sim x=0 y=0 w=600 h=400 src="sims/multicard/?cards=leit_d,leit_b,leit_a,leit_c"></sim>
<panel w=240 h=300>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic>
<words x=0 y=10 w=210 no-bg>
It's always so hard to say goodbye...
<panel w=240 h=300>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic> <!-- blow nose into a card -->
<panel w=500 h=250>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic>
<words x=160 y=30 w=200 no-bg>
I'll miss the time we had together...
<words x=200 y=120 w=250 no-bg>
...but I hope we live on in each others' memories!
<!-- Classroom -->
<panel w=500 h=400>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=90>
If you're a student, I hope Spaced Repetition
helps you be more confident, and take learning into your own hands.
<panel w=500 h=400>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=90>
If you're a teacher,
please oh <i>please</i> tell your students about Spaced Repetition
(&amp; other science-based study habits) early on.
<panel w=500 h=400>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=90>
But whether you're in or out of school,
I hope Spaced Repetition helps you develop your memory, your mind,
your muse...
<panel w=500 h=550>
<pic style="background:#fff"></pic>
<words x=30 y=30 w=250 no-bg>
...and learn one of life's greatest loves:
<words x=120 y=455 w=300 style="text-align:right" no-bg>
a lifelong love of learning.
<!-- Bow Goodbye -->
<panel w=600 h=300 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=80 y=0 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=test&refresh=yes"></sim>
<!-- THE END, with full cast of characters -->
<sim x=80 y=0 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=mitochondria_all"></sim>
<panel w=600 h=400 bg="#fff">
<sim x=0 y=0 w=600 h=400 src="sims/downloads/all.html"></sim>
<!-- want more? further reading & credits below! -->
@ -59,75 +446,6 @@
<!-- - - - - - - - - - -->
<div id="labels">
<span id="flashcard_test_front">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=0 sy=960></div>
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:160px;">
What's this?
<span id="flashcard_test_back">
<div class="fcard_center" editable="test">
<span id="flashcard_sci_a_front">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:2.5em">
<span id="flashcard_sci_a_back">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards0.png" sx=400 sy=0></div>
<div style="position: absolute; width: 250px; top: 60px; right: 0; line-height: 1.1em;">
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_7_front">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=400 sy=960 style="top:40px"></div>
<div class="fcard_center" style="font-size: 35px; height: 220px;">
According to Endosymbiotic Theory, mitochondria arose around
<span class="underline">____</span> years ago
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_7_back">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:1.5em">
~1.5 billion years ago
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_8_front">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=400 sy=960 style="top:40px"></div>
<div class="fcard_center" style="font-size: 37px; height: 220px;">
According to Endosymbiotic Theory, mitochondria first arose when...
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_8_back">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=0 sy=1440></div>
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:230px">
when a prokaryote was eaten by another cell
<span id="flashcard_sci_c_front">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:3.4em">
The Forgetting Curve (<i>with</i> optimally-spaced recalls) looks like...
<span id="flashcard_sci_c_back">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards0.png" sx=400 sy=240></div>
<div style="position: absolute; width: 360px; top: 120px; left: 20px; font-size:20px; line-height: 1.1em;">
(note: the gaps between recalls <i>increase</i> in length)

ch3_codetest.html Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>An Interactive Comic</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/comic.css"/>
<div id="comic">
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- WHAT, WHY, HOW, WHEN - -->
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- Part 1.1: Leitner Calendar -->
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic src="pics/leit0.png" sx=0 sy=0></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
dasd sad assad ddasdasdasdas asdasdsd asds
<words x=30 y=350 w=430 h=60>
asdasdassaasd asdassadas sadasd s asdas as
<panel w=600 h=400 bg="#fff">
<sim x=0 y=0 w=600 h=400 src="sims/type/?card=test"></sim>
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic src="pics/leit0.png" sx=0 sy=0></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
dasd sad assad ddasdasdasdas asdasdsd asds
<words x=30 y=350 w=430 h=60>
asdasdassaasd asdassadas sadasd s asdas as
<panel w=600 h=300 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=80 y=0 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=test&refresh=yes"></sim>
<panel w=600 h=300 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=80 y=0 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=mitochondria_7"></sim>
<panel w=600 h=400 bg="#fff">
<sim x=0 y=0 w=600 h=400 src="sims/downloads/all.html"></sim>
<!-- - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- - - - - - - - - - -->
<div id="labels">
<span id="flashcard_test_front">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=0 sy=960></div>
<div id="fc_words" class="fcard_center" style="height:160px;">
What's this?
<span id="flashcard_test_back">
<div id="fc_words" class="fcard_center" editable="test">
<span id="flashcard_sci_a_front">
<div id="fc_words" class="fcard_center" style="height:2.5em">
<span id="flashcard_sci_a_back">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards0.png" sx=400 sy=0></div>
<div id="fc_words" style="position: absolute; width: 250px; top:60px; left:150px; line-height: 1.1em;">
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_7_front">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=400 sy=960 style="top:40px"></div>
<div id="fc_words" class="fcard_center" style="font-size: 35px; height: 220px;">
According to Endosymbiotic Theory, mitochondria arose around
<span class="underline">____</span> years ago
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_7_back">
<div id="fc_words" class="fcard_center" style="height:1.5em">
~1.5 billion years ago
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_8_front">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=400 sy=960 style="top:40px"></div>
<div id="fc_words" class="fcard_center" style="font-size:37px; height:220px;">
According to Endosymbiotic Theory, mitochondria first arose when...
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_8_back">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=0 sy=1440></div>
<div id="fc_words" class="fcard_center" style="height:230px">
when a prokaryote was eaten by another cell
<span id="flashcard_sci_c_front">
<div id="fc_words" class="fcard_center" style="height:3.4em">
The Forgetting Curve (<i>with</i> optimally-spaced recalls) looks like...
<span id="flashcard_sci_c_back">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards0.png" sx=400 sy=240></div>
<div id="fc_words" style="position: absolute; width: 360px; top: 120px; left: 20px; font-size:20px; line-height: 1.1em;">
(note: the gaps between recalls <i>increase</i> in length)
<script src="js/minpubsub.src.js"></script>
<script src="js/comic.js"></script>

View File

@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ b, strong{
#comic panel{
display: inline-block;
width: 250px;
height: 250px;
width: 400px;
height: 300px;
/*border: 2px solid #ccc;*/
margin: 5px;
position: relative;

preface.html Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>An Interactive Comic</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/comic.css"/>
<div id="comic">
<!-- Muse -->
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic> <!-- Muse. plus fidget spinner. -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
In Greek mythology, the Muses, the goddesses of inspiration...
<words x=30 y=350 w=430 h=60>
...were the daughters of Mnemosyne: the goddess of Memory.
<!-- Pfffft. Lookup. Rote -->
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
<words x=30 y=350 w=430 h=60>
Who cares about MEMORY anymore?
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic> <!-- Teacher: "lecture lecture lecture" -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
Seriously, why memorize anything when we can just look it up?
<words x=30 y=350 w=430 h=60>
And besides, isn't rote memorization bad?
Shouldn't we focus instead on teaching creativity and critical thinking?
<!-- Need mem -->
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic> <!-- greeks & mnemosyne w/ foundation -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
On the contrary: cognitive scientists have shown that
creativity and critical thinking <i>require</i> memory.
<words x=30 y=350 w=430 h=60>
(Imagine trying to compose a poem or essay if you haven't memorized any words!)
<!-- Lectures, highlighting, re-reading? Actually NO! Instead, SR! -->
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic> <!-- Teacher: "lecture lecture lectu- hey who's talking during class" -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
That said, the ways most of us try to memorize things... suck.
<words x=30 y=350 w=430 h=60>
In 2013, a meta-study of 100+ other studies ranked how effective (or not)
different learning techniques are.
Hey, why don't you take a guess at what works &amp; what doesn't?
<!-- Re-reading -->
<panel w=600 h=300 bg="#ff4040">
What?! Aren't you supposed to get better the more you practice something?
Scroll down, and let's find out what's up...
<!-- Testing Yourself -->
<panel w=600 h=300 bg="#ff4040">
<!-- Ah... that's why re-reading doesn't work.
When you re-read, you're only practicing "feeling familiar".
When you test yourself, you're practicing ACTUAL RECALL. -->
<!-- Highlighting/underlining -->
<panel w=600 h=300 bg="#ff4040">
<!-- Same problem as re-reading. You're not actually practicing RECALL. -->
<!-- Spacing -->
<panel w=600 h=300 bg="#ff4040">
<!-- You know how you cram for an exam, then one month later you remember nothing?
Cramming only works short-term. If you want long-term, space it out.
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic> <!-- dumpster -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
The most popular study techniques re-reading, highlighting, cramming...
<words x=30 y=350 w=430 h=60>
...don't work.
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic> <!-- combination -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
Instead, <i>testing yourself</i> and <i>spacing out your learning</i>
are the two most science-backed ways to learn...
<words x=30 y=350 w=430 h=60>
...which can be combined into a simple but powerful method called “Spaced Repetition”.
<!-- What is Spaced Repetition? -->
<panel w=600 h=300 bg="#ff4040">
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic> <!-- Teacher: "nicky, stop talking during class." "NICKY." -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
But seriously, at the risk of sounding like a cult,
<words x=30 y=350 w=430 h=60>
Spaced Repetition has <i>changed my life.</i>
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic> <!-- examples -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
Spaced Repetition is most popular for language-learning,
<words x=30 y=350 w=430 h=60>
but I, and friends I know, are using it to learn so much more!
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic> <!-- Teacher standing behind Nicky with ruler -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
In this interactive comic, I want to share with you the science &amp; art of Spaced Repetition...
<words x=30 y=350 w=430 h=60>
...and help you get started using it <i>today.</i>
And throughout this comic,
you can test yourself on what you've learnt,
in spaced-out intervals.
<b>That is, you'll use Spaced Repetition to learn about Spaced Repetition.</b>
Like so:
<!-- Review -->
<panel w=600 h=400 bg="#ff4040">
Three popular but ineffective learning techniques are: (re-reading), (highlighting), (cramming)
The two most science-backed ways to learn are: (testing yourself) and (
The Goddess of (Memory) is the mother of the goddesses of (Inspiration)
<!-- Not study hacks -->
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic> <!-- A spanked Nicky -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
I want to clarify something.
This isn't just a "study trick" or a "life hack".
<words x=30 y=350 w=430 h=60>
This is a way to take control of your <i>mind.</i>
To make long-term memory a <i>choice</i>.
To develop a lifelong love for learning...
<!-- But, a muse -->
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic style="background:#bada55"></pic> <!-- Muse. fidget spinner -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
...to mother your own, inner Muse.
<!-- - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- - - - - - - - - - -->
<div id="labels">
<script src="js/minpubsub.src.js"></script>
<script src="js/comic.js"></script>

View File

@ -1,27 +1,22 @@
1. ONLY when you press the button, does it take labels & pics & such... @done
- Draw text box in correct position @done
- With word wrap @done
2. Loads 'em all...
3. Draws html to canvasses!
- draw SOMETHING @done
- draw background image (if any) @done
- draw text box in correct position & text align with word wrap
4. Lets you download all of 'em, as a .zip! @done
- Detect device
- Download a wallpaper/lockscreen
var download_btn = $("#download");
download_btn.onclick = function(){
@ -64,14 +59,15 @@ download_btn.onclick = function(){
var filename = results[0];
var canvas = results[1];
zip.file(filename+".png", canvas.toDataURL().substr(22), {base64: true});
//zip.file(filename+".png", canvas.toDataURL().substr(22), {base64: true});
// Download...
.then(function(content) {
saveAs(content, "flashcards.zip");
@ -129,10 +125,58 @@ function _drawToCanvas(filename, dom){
// Draw text
// Draw the innerText, w/e
// Get font size
var words = dom.querySelector("#fc_words");
var fontsize = words.style.fontSize || 40;
fontsize = parseInt(fontsize);
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.textBaseline = "top";
ctx.fillStyle = "#000";
ctx.font = "20px PatrickHand";
ctx.fillText(dom.innerText, 10, 50);
ctx.font = fontsize+"px PatrickHand, Helvetica, Arial";
// Line Height
var lineHeight = words.style.lineHeight || "1.1em";
lineHeight = fontsize * parseFloat(lineHeight);
// Width & Lineheight
var maxWidth = words.style.width || 360;
maxWidth = parseInt(maxWidth);
// Get position
var position = {x:0, y:0};
var h = words.style.height || "44px";
h = fontsize * parseFloat(h);
}else if(h.includes("px")){
h = parseFloat(h);
// Editable?
var numLines = testHowManyLines(ctx, dom.innerText.trim(), maxWidth);
h = fontsize * numLines;
position.x = 200;
position.y = (240-h-10)/2;
var x = parseFloat(words.style.left)
var y = parseFloat(words.style.top)
position.x = x + maxWidth/2;
position.y = y;
// Draw the innerText, w/e
position.x, position.y,
// Return it!
resolveCanvas([filename, canvas]);
@ -142,3 +186,63 @@ function _drawToCanvas(filename, dom){
function wrapText(context, text, x, y, maxWidth, lineHeight) {
var words = text.replace(/\n/g," ").split(' ');
words = words.map(word => word.trim());
var line = '';
for(var n=0; n<words.length; n++){
var testLine;
testLine = line + words[n];
testLine = line + " " + words[n];
var metrics = context.measureText(testLine);
var testWidth = metrics.width;
if(testWidth>maxWidth && n>0){
context.fillText(line, x, y);
line = words[n];
y += lineHeight;
line = testLine;
context.fillText(line, x, y);
function testHowManyLines(context, text, maxWidth){
var numLines = 1;
var words = text.replace(/\n/g," ").split(' ');
words = words.map(word => word.trim());
var line = '';
for(var n=0; n<words.length; n++){
var testLine;
testLine = line + words[n];
testLine = line + " " + words[n];
var metrics = context.measureText(testLine);
var testWidth = metrics.width;
if(testWidth>maxWidth && n>0){
//context.fillText(line, x, y);
line = words[n];
line = testLine;
//context.fillText(line, x, y);
return numLines;

View File

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ if(_getQueryVariable("refresh")=="yes"){
var _reAlign = function(){
var bounds = dom.getBoundingClientRect();
dom.style.top = (((240-bounds.height)/2)-10) +"px";
dom.style.top = (((240-bounds.height-10)/2)) +"px";