In Greek mythology, the Muses, the goddesses of inspiration... ...were the daughters of Mnemosyne: the goddess of Memory. PFFFFFFFFFT Who cares about MEMORY anymore? Seriously, why memorize anything when we can just look it up? And besides, isn't rote memorization bad? Shouldn't we focus instead on teaching creativity and critical thinking? On the contrary: cognitive scientists have shown that creativity and critical thinking require memory. (Imagine trying to compose a poem or essay if you haven't memorized any words!) That said, the ways most of us try to memorize things... suck. In 2013, a meta-study of 100+ other studies ranked how effective (or not) different learning techniques are. Hey, why don't you take a guess at what works & what doesn't? The most popular study techniques – re-reading, highlighting, cramming... ...don't work. Instead, testing yourself and spacing out your learning are the two most science-backed ways to learn... ...which can be combined into a simple but powerful method called “Spaced Repetition”. But seriously, at the risk of sounding like a cult, Spaced Repetition has changed my life. Spaced Repetition is most popular for language-learning, but I, and friends I know, are using it to learn so much more! In this interactive comic, I want to share with you the science & art of Spaced Repetition... ...and help you get started using it today. And throughout this comic, you can test yourself on what you've learnt, in spaced-out intervals. That is, you'll use Spaced Repetition to learn about Spaced Repetition. Like so: I want to clarify something. This isn't just a "study trick" or a "life hack". This is a way to take control of your mind. To make long-term memory a choice. To develop a lifelong love for learning... mother your own, inner Muse.