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2019-05-22 19:47:13 +00:00
# act4
h: Sigh.
h: You were right.
h: I *was* being an idiot, my so-called friends *were* using me, and we almost fucking *died*.
// h: I *was* being an idiot, my so-called friends *were* using me, and I almost jumped off a fucking *roof*.
[Yeah, not to mention the hospital bill.]()
// [Not to mention the damage you did to your liver.]()
[Yeah, that *was* the worst-case scenario.]()
[Yeah, I was right.]()
# act4a_bill
h: Right. I don't think my health insurance covers "being a dumbass".
b: And it doesn't cover "literally being dead"! Which we could've been!
# act4a_liver
b: We definitely shaved a few years off our life expectancy...
b: But... at least we still *have* a life expectancy!
# act4a_worst
b: And yet...
h: Hm?
b: ...and yet, we survived.
# act4a_right
b: But... you were right, too.
h: Hm?
b: I *was* the wolf who cried wolf. I kept barking at nothing, so when *actual* danger came, you didn't believe me.
b: The worst possible danger did, in fact, happen.
h: ...
b: ...
b: And yet, we survived!
# act4b
b: That could have gone so much worse! But it didn't. We're still here.
// b: We were *this* close to actually dying! But we didn't. We're still here.
h: We're still here.
b: And we don't have to fight.
b: I'm not a Big Bad Wolf. But I'm not a guard-wolf either.
b: I'm a battered shelter dog.
b: We've been through some rough stuff in life, so that's why whenever I sense the slightest danger I over-react and go--
b: But I don't *want* to be a cowardly dog! I want to protect you! I want to be a good dog!
b: Human... will you help tame me?
h: I...
h: ...don't know how.
h: But we can fake it until we make it.
h: Okay. So, I'd like to have a healthy relationship with my negative emotions... and healthy relationships need good communication. So, let's communicate.
h: Dear inner wolf... how are *you* feeling?
n: //info
[I'm scared we'll be harmed.]()
[I'm scared we'll be alone.]()
[I'm scared we're bad people.]()
# act4_harm
// b: news story, fire exit, serial killer, sedentary, w/e
b: ...God, there's so many dangerous things in the world!
// b: I dunno, what do *you* think, human?
[You're right. So how can we better defend ourselves?]()
[I'm not so sure. Let's try small experiments?]()
[Thank you.]()
# act4_harm_skills
b: Well... I *do* have claws & fangs, but I'm just a metaphor for the fight-flight circuit in your brain.
h: We could take a self-defense class? Try improving our general health? Learn to better assert our boundaries of what we feel safe with?
b: Maybe, but...
[Where do we even start?]()
[What if they still don't work?]()
[What if we go overboard on "safety"?]()
# act4_harm_skills_start
b: There's so much to do, so much we need to fix about ourselves. What do we even *begin* with?
h: We're beginning right now.
b: Eh?
h: I mean, we're practicing good communication right now. And if that works, we can detect danger better with fewer false positives... and *does* help protect us from harm!
h: This *is* self-defense training.
b: Huh. I was expecting more of this:
h: Heh.
# act4_harm_skills_work
h: True, there's no way to 100% protect ourselves...
h: But even a 1% improvement is still worth something, right?
b: You're seeing the glass as not 99% empty, but 1% full.
h: Which is still worth something if you're stranded in the desert.
b: Heh. Bottoms up, then.
# act4_harm_skills_overboard
b: I mean, the whole reason you ignored my warnings earlier was *because* I went overboard with safety!
b: I *am* your fear, and now I fear fear itself!
h: Naw, you're right, that's a good point. We have to also do safety in moderation. Everything in moderation.
b: Sorry, *EVERYTHING* in moderation?
h: *A moderate number of things* in moderation.
b: Thank you for making your statements recursively self-consistent.
# act4_harm_experiments
# act4_harm_thanks
# act4_alone
// callbacks
b: Will we be loved? *Can* we be loved?
b: I dunno, what do *you* think, human?
// Again, back to you, human. What do you think?
// Thoughts, human?
[I agree that I'd like to work on our social skills.]()
[I think we're lovable. Let's experiment to find out?]()
[Thank you.]()
# act4_bad
// callbacks
// RETROACTIVE: intrusive thoughts?
b: God, are we just *broken?*
[I don't think so. But let's check that with experiments?]()
[Yes. So how can we start to repair ourselves?]()
[Thank you.]()