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Public Domain
Nicky Case and Monplaisir hereby dedicate all their work for this game to the public domain, under Creative Commons Zero.
That means: you can remix and reuse any of the original art / code / music in this game for any purpose, even commercial use!
Q: Do I have to give attribution?
A: You're not legally required to, but it's highly appreciated! <3
Q: Legally speaking, can I claim I made this?
A: Yes, the same way you're legally allowed to claim to have written Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, or claim you have 13 nipples.
Q: Can I post this game on other sites?
A: Maybe. Though it's completely legal copyright-wise, many sites have their own policies against posting other people's public domain/open source work without significant modifications. (But if it's your own site, then by all means, please mirror this game!)
Q: Can I sell a port of this game?
A: Yes! But to avoid confusion, I recommend labeling your game as "Fan-Made Port", and link to this statement saying I'm explicitly allowing commercial remixes. (Example: a Steam port of another one of my games!) This is to avoid accusations of theft from folks who weren't aware I always open-source + public-domain my projects.
Q: Can I turn this game into a dating sim between the human and wolf?
A: uh
Полные титры
Арт / Код / Написан Nicky Case
Музыка Monplaisir
Экстра код Spacie
Звуковые эффекты FreeSound.org (Creative Commons)
- Intro Scream by MaderaDelEste Films
- Dramatic Hit by qubodup
- Nature Ambience by michorvath
- Grass Footstep 1 by morganpurkis
- Grass Footstep 2 by morganpurkis
- Eating a Sandwich by dleverett
- Search a Bag by Tristan_Lohengrin
- Whoosh by crackles04
- Empty Room Ambience by kyles
- Ball Bounce by 13GPanska_Lakota_Jan
- Faucet by calivintage
- Pop by onikage22
- Angry Scream by cdrk
- Dirty Explosion by Link-Boy
- Clothes Rustle by leonelmail
- Typewriter by tams_kp
- Yelp by JúliaLN
- Tension Building by benjaminharveydesign
- Short Fart by DSISStudios
- Party Crowd by kyles
- Party Music by djfroyd
- Party Crowd 2 by Adam_N
- Party Music 2 by djfroyd
- Vinyl Scratch by filmsndfx
- Jacob's Ladder by bethanyjodenton
- Yap Yap Yap by Robinhood76
- Door Close by InspectorJ
- Door Lock by Fabrizio84
- Judge Gravel by qubodup
- Bottles Clinking by HDM2013
- Drinking by georgisound
- Concrete Footsteps by harrietniamh
- Slide Whistle by sheepfilms
- Ambulance Siren by sofialomba
- Distant Ambulance Sirens by ivolipa
- ICU Room by chaffron
- EMT Radio by relwin
- Inside A Driving Truck by RutgerMuller
- Karate HI-YA by AmeAngelofSin
- Canned Sitcom Laughter by Kinoton
- Clap 1 by InspectorJ
- Clap 2 by InspectorJ
- Clap 3 by InspectorJ
- Duck Quack by qubodup
- Glass Breaking by Samgd14
- Bottle on Concrete by 13GPanska_Gorbusinova_Anna
- Cartoon Running by Mountain852
Звуковые эффекты Kenney.nl (All Creative Commons Zero)
Copyrighted Sounds That I Really Hope Count As Fair Use:
- The Pokémon theme song is © The Pokémon Company. I used a ~22s instrumental clip for a parody song about Tinder.
- The "Hadouken!" sound is © Capcom. I used it as parody for the anxiety wolf's Special Attack.
Open Source Libraries
- Howler.js by James Simpsson for sounds
- MinPubSub by Daniel Lamb for pub/sub
- RSVP.js by Tilde for promises
- Simple Sharing Buttons by Stefan Bohacek
- Ceaser by Matthew Lein for CSS animation
Спасибо моим тестировщикам!
B Cavello, EmilyKate McDonough, Glen Chiacchieri, Mikayla Hutchinson, Monica Srivastava, Rowan, Srini Kadamati
И, конечно, спасибо за щедрую поддержку моих поклонников на Patreon. Люблю вас всех <3