
181 lines
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r: Looks like you're caught in a fight with yourself, kid.
h2: (nods)
r: You're not alone, friend. Anxiety's super common.
{{if _.act1_ending=="fight"}}
r: Heck, just yesterday, I heard someone on campus had a nervous breakdown and smashed their phone!
{{if _.act1_ending=="flight"}}
r: Heck, just yesterday, I heard someone curled up into an armadillo ball and cried in public!
h2: huh imagine that.
r: Listen: I know what it's like to have that animal in your head.
r: All of us here do. That's why we're here! I throw these parties every weekend so we can forget our worries, forget that animal.
h2: but my anxiety...
r: Don't worry, kid. I used to be like you. But then I discovered a little trick to make that beast shut up forever...
music(null, {fade:1});
publish("act2-party-action", ["twist3"]);
`publish("act2-party-action", ["twist4"]);`
r: My own specialty blend. It's a mix of... well, everything.
r: Bottoms up, motherfucker.
# act2k
r: You alright, kid?
{{if _.a2_ending=="fight"}}
{{if _.a2_ending=="flight"}}
# act2k_fight
r: Y-you...
r: are *kinky*.
r: I like that. Come to my party next weekend, cutie.
h2: ok bye ciao adios
r: The animal might have won today, but come back, and I'll mix something even stronger for you!
h2: sayōnara au revoir auf wiedersehen zài jiàn
r: You and me, kid, we'll show that beast who's boss!
# act2k_flight
h2: ok sorry i have to run
r: Damn it. The animal won today, huh?
h2: no no, just, uh, gotta run a marathon. gotta go fast.
r: Come to my party next weekend, cutie. I'll mix something even stronger for you.
`publish("act2-party-action", ["end_run"]);`
h2: ok thanks gonna run run run run run
r: You and me, kid, we'll show that beast who's boss!
# act3
h2: *Ah* that hits the spot.
r: You know, kid...
h2: Specifically, the spots hit are my left and right amygdala.
r: You remind me of myself when I was younger. Back when I was tormented by the animal in my head.
r: I'm proud to help you get rid of it. It's almost like a... *parental*... sort of pride.
r: Hey, quick question: truth or da--
h2: DARE!
r: Haha! Good.
r: Ok. You see that swimming pool down there?
h2: Yeah? Ten floors down?
r: Jump in.
h2: ...
h2: Wait, what?
r: The animal's started whining, hasn't it?
r: *Oh nooooo it's dangerous, don't do iiiiit.*
r: But that's exactly why we need to do thrilling, death-defying stunts! Party hard! Carpe diem! Snort coke off a hooker's butt, hashtag #YOLO!
r: Show that animal we don't give two *dicks* about its bitching! Jump.
h2: Uh, but sometimes, um... fear has a point...
r: ...
r: ...
r: I'm sorry, did you fall for that "mindfulness" fad bullshit that claims feeling bad is *good?*
r: Pleasure is the opposite of pain. There-fucking-fore, you can use pleasure to fight pain! How goddamn stupid are those California-Buddhists to not see that?!
r: Kid, I know that *you* know that animal *hurts* people like us. It *tortures* people like us.
r: It's not your fucking friend. It's a savage beast that needs to be tranquilized,
r: Or taken to the shed to be *shot in the back of the skull.*
r: Otherwise, you're going to let it win.
h2:'re wrong.
h2: I'm not going to let it win.
r: Fuck yeah! I believe in you, babe! Kill it! <3
# act3_walkaway
r: Aw *come on*. After everything it put you through, you're just walking away?!
r: What's the matter, kid? You *scared?*
h2: Yes.
h2: I'm scared.
h2: And that's okay!
h2: It's okay to be scared.
r: Did they just lock the door?