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GoLang bindings for the Telegraph API discord

This project is just to provide a wrapper around the API without any additional features.

Build Status
Go Report

All methods and types available and this library (possibly) is ready for use in production. Yaay!

Start using telegraph

Download and install it:
$ go get -u

Import it in your code:
import ""


This is an example of "quick start", which shows how to create a new account for future pages, as well as creating a first simple page with text, picture, video and signature:

package main

import (

// Example content. Be sure to wrap every media in a <figure> tag, okay? Be easy, bro.
const data = `<figure><img src="/file/6a5b15e7eb4d7329ca7af.jpg"/></figure><p><i>Hello</i>, my name is
<b>Page</b>, <u>look at me</u>!</p><figure><iframe src=""></iframe>
<figcaption>Yes, you can embed youtube, vimeo and twitter widgets too!</figcaption></figure>`

func main() {
    // Create new Telegraph account. Author name/link can be epmty.
    // So secure. Much anonymously. Wow.
    acc, err := telegraph.CreateAccount(
        "toby3d", // required for assign all new pages (invisible for others)
        "Maxim Lebedev",
    if err != nil {

    // Boom!.. And your text will be understandable for Telegraph. MAGIC.
    content, err := telegraph.ContentFormat(data)
    if err != nil {
    newPage := &telegraph.Page{
        Title:   "My super-awesome page",
        Content: content,

        // Not necessarily, but, hey, it's just an example.
        AuthorName: acc.AuthorName,
        AuthorURL:  acc.AuthorURL,

    if page, err := acc.CreatePage(newPage, false); err != nil {
    log.Println("Kaboom! Page created, look what happened:", page.URL)
