This commit is contained in:
Nicky Case 2018-10-17 16:46:23 -04:00
parent 94f23f4da6
commit d169c080d3
6 changed files with 3 additions and 3431 deletions

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@ -1,464 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>An Interactive Comic</title>
TODO: Active recall vs passive re-read -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/comic.css"/>
<div class="comic">
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- THE SCIENCE of SRS - - -->
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<panel w=600 h=90>
<words w=600 x=-15 no-bg>
(<b>This is a work-in-progress!</b>
Please don't share yet.
Let me know your honest feedback, thanks!)
<!-- Part I: Decay -->
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic src="pics/sci0.png" sx=0 sy=0></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=400 h=60>
In 1885, Hermann Ebbinghaus performed an act of scientific masochism.
<words x=30 y=320 w=430 h=90>
The German psychologist memorized <i>thousands</i> of nonsense words,
recorded how much he forgot over time, and discovered...
<panel w=400 h=500>
<pic src="pics/sci0.png" sx=500 sy=0></pic>
<words x=60 y=10 w=250>
<words x=10 y=310 w=350>
He found that you forget most of what you learn in the first 24 hours,
then if you dont practice recall your remaining memories decay exponentially.
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic src="pics/sci0.png" sx=900 sy=0></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=400 h=60>
Since then, Ebbinghauss findings have been replicated again and again
<words x=60 y=350 w=400 h=60>
and grew into a whole new scientific field of memory!
<panel w=600 h=80>
<words w=600 x=-15 no-bg>
Heres a playable simulation of the Forgetting Curve.
<b>Change the rate of memory decay. What happens to the curve?</b>
<panel w=600 h=370>
<sim x=0 y=0 w=600 h=370 src="sims/ebbinghaus/?mode=0"></sim>
<!-- Part II: Reminder -->
<panel w=600 h=90>
<words w=600 x=-15 no-bg>
As you can see, the less the decay, the flatter the curve
that is, the longer the memory lasts.
<panel w=400 h=400>
<pic src="pics/sci0.png" sx=0 sy=500></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=300>
How fast a persons memory decays depends on the person and the memory...
<panel w=400 h=400>
<pic src="pics/sci0.png" sx=400 sy=500></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=300>
But, in general, a memorys “rate of decay” slows down each time you <b>actively recall</b> it.
<panel w=400 h=400>
<pic src="pics/sci0.png" sx=800 sy=500></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=300>
(although, when you stop practicing, it still decays.)
<panel w=600 h=120>
<words w=600 x=-15 no-bg>
Heres the simulation again, with a single active recall session.
(grey line: what memory would've been <i>without</i> the recall)
<b>Change the recall timing to see how it affects the curve:</b>
<panel w=600 h=400>
<sim x=0 y=0 w=600 h=400 src="sims/ebbinghaus/?mode=1"></sim>
<!-- Part III: Desirable Difficulty -->
<panel w=600 h=90>
<words w=600 x=-15 no-bg>
A single recall boosts memory for a bit... but in the long run,
due to exponential decay of memory, a single recall changes nothing.
<panel w=450 h=400>
<pic src="pics/sci1.png" sx=0 sy=0></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=390>
Is there a better way to learn?
There is! The trick to remembering...
<words x=210 y=330 w=200>
...<i>is to almost forget.</i>
<panel w=500 h=300>
<pic src="pics/sci1.png" sx=450 sy=0></pic>
<words x=250 y=20 w=200>
To understand this, think about training your muscles.
Youll gain nothing with a weight thats too easy...
<panel w=500 h=300>
<pic src="pics/sci1.png" sx=450 sy=300></pic>
<words x=250 y=20 w=200>
...nor one thats too hard.
<panel w=350 h=350>
<pic src="pics/sci1.png" sx=950 sy=0></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=300>
The sames true of training your brain.
You need <b>desirable difficulty</b>: the sweet spot of just-hard-enough.
<panel w=450 h=400>
<pic src="pics/sci1.png" sx=0 sy=400></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=360>
Therefore: to best learn something, you need to recall it...
<words x=60 y=330 w=350>
...<i>just as youre about to forget it.</i>
<panel w=600 h=120>
<words w=600 x=-15 no-bg>
Same simulation as before, but now it shows the <span style="background:#ffe866">sweet spot</span>
where youve forgotten <i>just a little bit.</i>
<b>Put the recall in the <i>middle</i> of the sweet spot. What happens?</b>
<panel w=600 h=400>
<sim x=0 y=0 w=600 h=400 src="sims/ebbinghaus/?mode=2"></sim>
<!-- Part IV: Bigger and Bigger spaces -->
<panel w=600 h=90>
<words w=600 x=-15 no-bg>
See? If you time a recall so that it's right in the sweet spot,
you can slow the decay by a lot!
Now, what about <i>multiple</i> recalls?
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic src="pics/sci2.png" sx=0 sy=0></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=430>
Lets say youre
<span style="text-decoration:line-through;">lazy</span>
time-efficient, so youre only doing 4 recall sessions.
<words x=30 y=350 w=430>
<i>whats the best way to spread out your recalls?</i>
<panel w=500 h=350>
<pic src="pics/sci2.png" sx=500 sy=0></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=190>
Should you have evenly spaced gaps?
Gaps of increasing length?
Gaps of decreasing length?
Or make it unpredictable, to keep you on your toes?
<panel w=400 h=90>
<words h=90>
<b>Give it your best guess</b>,
then when youre ready, <b>flip the card over &darr;</b>
<!-- TODO: SAY again, guess THEN flip -->
<panel w=600 h=300 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=80 y=0 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=guessgap"></sim>
<panel fadeInOn="flip_guessgap" w=600 h=120>
<words w=600 x=-15 y=0 no-bg>
Which is very counter-intuitive!
You can prove to yourself this is true, by playing with the sim below.
Get all recalls into the <i>middle</i> of the <span style="background:#ffe866">sweet spot</span>.
What spacing do you get?
<panel w=600 h=520>
<sim x=0 y=0 w=600 h=520 src="sims/ebbinghaus/?mode=3"></sim>
<!-- Part V: Sandbox -->
<panel w=600 h=120>
<words w=600 x=-15 no-bg>
(To prove this isn't a fluke,
heres a sim where you can change
the initial memory decay &amp; sweet spot.
Note how, in all but the extreme cases,
the best schedule is still “increasing gaps”!)
<panel w=600 h=570>
<sim x=0 y=0 w=600 h=570 src="sims/ebbinghaus/?mode=4"></sim>
<!-- Part VI: And now, in practice... -->
<panel w=350 h=500>
<pic src="pics/sci2.png" sx=0 sy=450></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=300>
Why <i>must</i> the gaps increase?
Because: each time you do a recall at the sweet spot of forgetting,
the memorys decay slows down...
<words x=10 y=400 w=300>
...meaning itll take <i>longer</i>
to hit the sweet spot next time!
<panel w=500 h=500>
<pic src="pics/sci2.png" sx=350 sy=450></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=400>
But you know whats sweeter?
This also means if you time your recalls just right...
<words x=60 y=400 w=400> can easily keep <i>any number</i> of things in your long-term memory,
<panel w=250 h=250>
<pic src="pics/sci2.png" sx=850 sy=450></pic>
<panel w=600 h=90>
<words w=600 x=-15 no-bg>
And speaking of doing active recall in order to learn,
let's do some active recall on what we just learnt:
<panel w=600 h=400 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=0 y=0 w=600 h=400 src="sims/multicard/?cards=sci_a,sci_b,sci_c"></sim>
<panel w=400 h=400>
<pic src="pics/sci2.png" sx=0 sy=950></pic>
<words x=50 y=20 w=300 bg=none>
Anyway, this all sounds great,
but finding the optimal schedule must be impossible, right?
<panel w=400 h=400>
<pic src="pics/sci2.png" sx=400 sy=950></pic>
<words x=50 y=30 w=300 bg=none>
<i>Au contraire!</i>
Its so simple, you can even create your own automatic scheduler...
<panel w=400 h=400>
<pic src="pics/sci2.png" sx=800 sy=950></pic>
<words x=30 y=30 w=200 bg=none>
...using a <i>shoebox.</i>
<panel w=600 h=500>
<words w=600 x=-15 no-bg>
Sorry for the cliffhanger!
The rest of this comic would show you how to make a <b>Leitner Box</b>,
tell you about other digital <b>spaced repetition systems</b> like <b>Anki</b>,
and finally, help you get started using spaced repetition <i>today!</i>
(And every once in a while, it'll use flashcards to get you
to actively recall what you just learnt. I'll use spaced repetition
to teach you <i>about</i> spaced repetition!)
Anyway, please let me know your <i>honest</i> feedback so far!
Early feedback helps me a lot. Many thanks in advance!
<br>~ Nicky
<div id="labels">
<!-- Ebbinghaus -->
<span id="ebbinghaus_y_axis">
strength of memory &rarr;
<span id="ebbinghaus_x_axis">
time &rarr;
<span id="ebbinghaus_decay">
<span id="ebbinghaus_forgetting">
sweet spot:
<span id="ebbinghaus_recall">
timing of recall:
<span id="ebbinghaus_recalls">
timing of recalls:
<span id="ebbinghaus_auto">
<!-- Flashcards -->
<span id="flashcard_guessgap_front">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:2.5em">
the best way to space out your recalls is...
<span id="flashcard_guessgap_back">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards0.png" sx=0 sy=0></div>
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:2.5em">
...with <i>increasing</i> gaps!
<!-- Flashcards -->
<span id="flashcard_sci_a_front">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:2.5em">
The discoverer of the Forgetting Curve was...
<span id="flashcard_sci_a_back">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards0.png" sx=400 sy=0></div>
<div style="position: absolute; width: 250px; top: 60px; left:150px; line-height: 1.1em;">
Hermann Ebbinghaus
<span id="flashcard_sci_b_front">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:3.4em">
The Forgetting Curve (<i>without</i> any recalls) looks like...
<span id="flashcard_sci_b_back">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards0.png" sx=0 sy=240></div>
<div style="position: absolute; width: 280px; top: 70px; right: 20px; font-size:20px; line-height: 1.1em;">
(note: it decays quickly, then slowly "exponential decay")
<span id="flashcard_sci_c_front">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:3.4em">
The Forgetting Curve (<i>with</i> optimally-spaced recalls) looks like...
<span id="flashcard_sci_c_back">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards0.png" sx=400 sy=240></div>
<div style="position: absolute; width: 360px; top: 120px; left: 20px; font-size:20px; line-height: 1.1em;">
(note: the gaps between recalls <i>increase</i> in length)
<!-- Multi Card Labels -->
<span id="multicard_q">
try to recall &uarr;
then flip ↻
<span id="multicard_cards_left">
(cards left: [N])
<span id="multicard_a">
did you remember this?
<span id="multicard_no">
nah, try again
<span id="multicard_yes">
yup, onwards!
<span id="multicard_done">
done for now! keep scrolling
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<script src="js/comic.js"></script>

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@ -1,916 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>An Interactive Comic</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/comic.css"/>
<div class="comic">
<panel w=600 h=180>
<words w=600 x=-15 no-bg>
(<b>This is a work-in-progress!</b>
Please don't share yet.
Let me know your honest feedback, thanks!)
(Also, this is <b>CHAPTER 2</b> of my prototype.
You might wanna play <a href="" target="_blank">CHAPTER 1</a> first,
if you haven't already.)
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- THE ART of SRS - - - - -->
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- Part 1.1: Leitner Calendar -->
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic src="pics/leit0.png" sx=0 sy=0></pic> <!-- hey susan, TRAINERS -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
You don't <i>have</i> to use a shoebox for Spaced Repetition,
but it's funnier if you do.
<words x=30 y=350 w=430 h=60>
(Later, we'll look at some Spaced Repetition <i>apps</i>,
like Anki &amp; Tinycards)
<panel w=500 h=370>
<pic src="pics/leit0.png" sx=500 sy=0></pic> <!-- poker: me vs brain -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
This setup is called The Leitner Box.
It's like a card game you play against yourself!
<words x=30 y=300 w=430 h=30>
First, divide your box up into seven "Levels".
<panel w=500 h=370>
<pic src="pics/leit0.png" sx=0 sy=480></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=30>
All new flashcards start at Level 1.
<words x=30 y=270 w=430 h=60>
(If you're new to Spaced Repetition, I recommend starting with 5 new cards a day.)
<panel w=500 h=400>
<pic src="pics/leit0.png" sx=500 sy=480></pic> <!-- valhalla -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
When you review a card, and get it right, it moves up <i>one</i> Level.
<words x=30 y=300 w=430 h=60>
(If you're at the final Level, congrats!
Your card gets to retire in your long-term memory)
<panel w=500 h=430>
<pic src="pics/leit0.png" sx=0 sy=900></pic> <!-- HIGH STAKES -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
But if you review a card, and get it wrong... it has to go
<i>all the way back down to Level 1.</i>
<words x=30 y=300 w=430 h=90>
(If it's already at Level 1, good news:
you can keep testing yourself on it until you get it right,
and move it up to Level 2)
<panel w=500 h=400>
<pic src="pics/leit0.png" sx=0 sy=1370></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=120>
But <i>when</i> do we review cards?
That's the trick.
In the Leitner Box, we review Level 1 cards every day,
Level 2 every two days, Level 3 every <i>FOUR</i> days,
Level 4 every <i>EIGHT</i> days, etc...
<words x=30 y=300 w=430 h=60>
The pattern is: we <i>double the gap</i> (# of days between reviews) for each Level!
<panel w=600 h=60>
<words w=600 x=-15 no-bg>
Here's what the looping 64-day game calendar looks like:
<panel w=600 h=400 bg="#fff">
<sim x=0 y=0 w=600 h=400 src="sims/calendar/"></sim>
<panel w=500 h=490>
<pic src="pics/leit0.png" sx=500 sy=870></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=90>
(Note: the reason we review Level 1 at the end
is so you see your new cards <i>and</i> the cards you forgot from higher Levels.)
<words x=30 y=330 w=430 h=120>
(At the end of a daily game of Spaced Repetition,
leave no cards in Level 1.
Test yourself until you can get them all right,
and move them up to Level 2!)
<panel w=400 h=400>
<pic src="pics/leit0.png" sx=600 sy=1400></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=350 h=90>
(Note #2: Spaced Repetition <i>apps</i> like Anki use a more sophisticated algorithm...)
<words x=10 y=300 w=350 h=60>
(...but at its core, it works on the same principles as the Leitner Box)
<panel w=600 h=80>
<words w=600 x=-15 no-bg>
And that's all to it!
Here's how the game plays out, step by step:
(<b>This sim has no end. Once you "get it", just keep scrolling.</b>)
<panel w=600 h=470 bg="#fff">
<sim x=0 y=0 w=600 h=470 src="sims/leitner/?mode=1"></sim>
<!-- Part 1.3: Leitner Full Sim -->
<panel w=600 h=110>
<words w=600 x=-15 no-bg>
Each daily review takes 20-30 minutes.
Instead of watching a TV episode, you could play a card game
and remember anything you want <i>for life</i>.
<panel w=500 h=400>
<pic src="pics/leit1.png" sx=0 sy=0></pic> <!-- snowball -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
However, habits are hard. If you start big, you won't get the ball rolling...
<words x=30 y=300 w=430 h=60>
But if you start <i>small</i>, you can gain momentum,
and roll your snowball bigger and bigger.
<panel w=500 h=690>
<pic src="pics/leit1.png" sx=0 sy=400></pic> <!-- katamari damacy -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
That's why I recommend <i>starting</i> with 5 new cards a day.
<words x=30 y=300 w=430 h=60>
Once you're comfortable with that, you can do 10 new cards/day.
Then 15. Then 20, 25, 30.
<words x=10 y=590 w=430 h=60>
And at 30 new cards a day, you can learn <i>10,000+</i> new facts/words/etc a <i>year.</i>
<panel w=600 h=50>
<words w=600 x=-15 no-bg>
Here's how the game plays out, in the long, <i>long</i> run:
<panel w=600 h=470 bg="#fff">
<sim x=0 y=0 w=600 h=470 src="sims/leitner/?mode=2"></sim>
<!-- Part 1.3: Leitner Outro -->
<panel w=600 h=110>
<words w=600 x=-15 no-bg>
That's it. That's how you can make long-term memory a <i>choice</i>.
<words w=600 x=-15 y=50 no-bg>
Let's let that sink in. Take a break, and recall what we just learnt:
<panel w=600 h=400 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=0 y=0 w=600 h=400 src="sims/multicard/?cards=leit_a,leit_b,leit_c"></sim>
<!-- Part 2.1: Pitfalls -->
<panel w=600 h=140>
<words w=600 x=-15 no-bg>
<b>(TODO: Include practice flashcards from Chapter 1)</b>
Spaced Repetition almost seems too good to be true.
And it is... <i>IF</i> you fall for some very common pitfalls.
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic src="pics/leit1.png" sx=500 sy=0></pic> <!-- Library, humor -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=420 h=60>
Memory isn't a bookshelf
where you collect random giant tomes to impress others.
<words x=10 y=350 w=450 h=60>
That's to say: Spaced Repetition will fail if your cards feel
<i>bloated</i>, <i>disconnected</i> or <i>meaningless</i>.
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic src="pics/leit1.png" sx=500 sy=450></pic> <!-- Jigsaw ANGRY FACE -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=90>
Instead, memory is like a jigsaw puzzle: full of small, connected pieces.
(This is also how neurons work: lots of small, connected things)
<words x=30 y=380 w=430 h=30>
It's not about <i>collection</i>, it's about <i>connection</i>.
<panel w=500 h=400>
<pic src="pics/leit1.png" sx=500 sy=900></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=410 h=60>
Thus, to get the most out of Spaced Repetition,
you must make your cards...
<panel w=450 h=60>
<words w=450 x=-15 no-bg>
Let's see how.
<!-- Part 2.2: Small -->
<panel w=600 h=150>
<pic src="pics/leit2.png" sx=0 sy=0></pic>
<!--words x=10 y=10 w=200>
<panel w=450 h=50>
<words w=450 x=-15 no-bg>
This card sucks:
<panel w=600 h=300 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=80 y=0 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=mitochondria_all"></sim>
<panel w=450 h=380>
<pic src="pics/leit2.png" sx=0 sy=450></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=400 h=30>
It's too big. Too much information.
<words x=10 y=250 w=400 h=90>
Let's cut it up into smaller, connected pieces!
As a rule of thumb, <i>each flashcard should have one &amp; only one idea.</i>
Like so:
<panel w=264 h=180 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=-88 y=-60 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=mitochondria_1" class="small_card"></sim>
<panel w=264 h=180 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=-88 y=-60 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=mitochondria_2" class="small_card"></sim>
<panel w=264 h=180 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=-88 y=-60 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=mitochondria_3" class="small_card"></sim>
<panel w=264 h=180 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=-88 y=-60 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=mitochondria_4" class="small_card"></sim>
<panel w=264 h=180 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=-88 y=-60 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=mitochondria_5" class="small_card"></sim>
<panel w=264 h=180 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=-88 y=-60 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=mitochondria_6" class="small_card"></sim>
<panel w=264 h=180 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=-88 y=-60 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=mitochondria_7" class="small_card"></sim>
<panel w=264 h=180 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=-88 y=-60 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=mitochondria_8" class="small_card"></sim>
<panel w=450 h=90>
<words w=450 x=-15 no-bg>
Facts connect to facts.
But there's other, more playful ways for cards to be...
<!-- Part 2.3: Connected -->
<panel w=600 h=150>
<pic src="pics/leit2.png" sx=0 sy=150></pic>
<!--words x=10 y=10 w=200>
<panel w=450 h=110>
<words w=450 x=-15 no-bg>
This card is... alright.
It's an English word on the front, French word on the back.
It's the standard for most language-learning flashcards:
<panel w=600 h=300 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=80 y=0 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=cat"></sim>
<panel w=450 h=400>
<pic src="pics/leit2.png" sx=0 sy=800></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=400 h=60>
But you know what would make it stick in memory better?
<words x=10 y=300 w=400 h=60>
If you connected it to
<i>pictures, sounds, context, and/or personal details!</i>
Like so:
<panel w=600 h=300 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=80 y=0 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=cat2"></sim>
<panel w=600 h=300>
<pic src="pics/leit2.png" sx=600 sy=0></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=210>
The front now has a drawing of a cat (picture)
with a fill-in-the-blank French sentence (context: grammar)
about my childhood cat, Stripes. (personal)
<panel w=600 h=300>
<pic src="pics/leit2.png" sx=600 sy=300></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=210>
The back now has a symbol of the noun's gender (picture),
its pronunciation (sound*),
and a warning about the female version of the noun. (context: slang)
<words w=330 x=250 y=225 no-bg fontsize=20>
* Obviously, paper cards can't play sounds.
But apps like Anki/Tinycards can!
<audio controls style="position: absolute; top: 105px; left: 280px; transform: scale(0.4) rotate(4deg);">
<source src="audio/chat.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
<panel w=450 h=90>
<words w=450 x=-15 no-bg>
But the <i>most</i> important connection of all,
is to connect your learning to something that is...
<!-- Part 2.4: Meaningful -->
<panel w=600 h=150>
<pic src="pics/leit2.png" sx=0 sy=300></pic>
<!--words x=10 y=10 w=200>
<panel w=500 h=350>
<pic src="pics/leit2.png" sx=450 sy=600></pic> <!-- examples: programming, ukulele, french -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=450 h=60>
Personally, here's how I've learnt best:
First, I try (emphasis on <i>try</i>) to <b>do</b> something.
<panel w=500 h=350>
<pic src="pics/leit2.png" sx=950 sy=600></pic> <!-- examples: programming, ukulele, french -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=450 h=60>
Inevitably, I'll get stuck.
In that moment, I'll look up what I need,
and <b>learn</b> something.
<panel w=600 h=300 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=80 y=0 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=learndo&forever_card=yes"></sim>
<panel w=450 h=30>
<words w=450 x=-15 y=-15 no-bg>
And so on.
<panel w=450 h=400>
<pic src="pics/leit2.png" sx=450 sy=950></pic> <!-- connected to HEART -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=400 h=60>
That, I believe, is the best way to keep yourself motivated while learning:
<words x=10 y=300 w=400 h=60>
By making sure your learning is in service of <i>doing something you care about.</i>
<panel w=600 h=90>
<words w=600 x=-15 no-bg>
Speaking of learning, let's practice recalling what we've learnt:
(this will be the second-last time!)
<panel w=600 h=400 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=0 y=0 w=600 h=400 src="sims/multicard/?cards=leit_d,leit_b,leit_a,leit_c"></sim>
<!-- Part 2.5: Outro -->
<panel w=400 h=400>
<pic src="pics/leit3.png" sx=0 sy=450></pic> <!-- me, talking -->
<words x=10 y=20 w=350 no-bg>
The consensus in the Spaced Repetition community is,
after a while, <b>you should make your own cards.</b>
<words x=30 y=130 w=230 no-bg>
That way, you can connect facts to what <i>you</i> know, what <i>you</i> love.
<panel w=400 h=400>
<pic src="pics/leit3.png" sx=400 sy=450></pic>
<words x=10 y=15 w=300 no-bg>
That's why, in the <i>final</i> part of this interactive comic,
you're going to make your <i>own</i> cards!
<words x=30 y=165 w=170 no-bg>
And those cards will be about...
<panel w=400 h=400>
<pic src="pics/leit3.png" sx=800 sy=450></pic> <!-- goofy pic -->
<words x=0 y=10 w=230 fontsize=150 no-bg color="#ffffff">
<panel w=600 h=930>
<words w=600 x=-15 no-bg>
Sorry for the cliffhanger, again!
The 3rd/final short chapter will have you make your <i>own</i> flashcards to these questions:
<ul style="text-align:left">
WHAT do you want to learn?
WHY do you want to learn that? (to make your cards meaningful)
HOW will you learn? (choose: Leitner Box, or digital apps like Anki / TinyCards / etc)
If you picked Anki/Tinycards, it'll help you download them and get started.
If you picked a Leitner Box, it'll give you a 64-day calendar to download &amp; print out.
And finally, to <i>really</i> help you get started and keep going, you'll also get to download a laptop/phone wallpaper
to remind you to do your Spaced Repetition.
You'll also get to download <i>all the practice flashcards</i>
in this interactive comic, including the ones you just made. These can be your first cards!
Hopefully... this all helps you start using Spaced Repetition <i>TODAY</i>
letting you take better control of your learning, and fill the long-term memory library of your mind
with wonderful things.
Anyway, please let me know your <i>honest</i> feedback so far!
Early feedback helps me a lot. Many thanks in advance!
<br>~ Nicky
<!-- - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- - - - - - - - - - -->
<div id="labels">
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- - - - - - - - THE LEITNER CALENDAR - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<span id="calendar_day">
On Day [N]...
<span id="calendar_review">
review Levels [N] (<i>in that order</i>)
<span id="calendar_loop">
(and then loop back to Day 1!)
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- - - - - - - - - THE LEITNER BOX - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<span id="leitner_day">
Day [N]
<span id="leitner_step_to_review">
to review: Level
<span id="leitner_step_reviewing">
review Level [N]
<span id="leitner_step_new">
add [N] new cards
<span id="leitner_step_stats">
total: [N] cards!
<span id="leitner_step_stats_2">
([N] retired)
<span id="leitner_button_next_step">
next step
<span id="leitner_button_next_day">
next day
<span id="leitner_button_next_week">
next week
<span id="leitner_button_next_month">
next month
<span id="leitner_slider_new">
[N] new cards a day
<span id="leitner_slider_wrong">
recall [N]% of cards <i>wrong</i>
<span id="leitner_reset">
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- - - - - - - - - MULTI-FLASHCARD - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<span id="multicard_q">
try to recall &uarr;
then flip ↻
<span id="multicard_cards_left">
(cards left: [N])
<span id="multicard_a">
did you remember this?
<span id="multicard_no">
nah, try again
<span id="multicard_yes">
yup, onwards!
<span id="multicard_done">
done for now! keep scrolling
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- - - - - - - FLASHCARDS FOR CHAPTER 2 - - - - - - - -->
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<span id="flashcard_cat_front">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:100px">
<div style="font-size:120px; height:75px;">
<span id="flashcard_cat_back">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:100px">
<div style="font-size:120px; height:75px;">
<span id="flashcard_cat2_front">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=0 sy=0></div>
<div class="fcard_center"></div>
<span id="flashcard_cat2_back">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=400 sy=0></div>
<div class="fcard_center">
<audio controls id="HACK_audio" style="position: absolute; top: 115px; left: 30px; transform: scale(0.5);">
<source src="../../audio/chat.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
<span id="flashcard_learndo_front">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=0 sy=240></div>
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:195px; font-size:33px;">
...then back to doing... ↻
<span id="flashcard_learndo_back">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=400 sy=240></div>
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:195px; font-size:33px;">
...then back to learning... ↻
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_all_front">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=0 sy=960></div>
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:160px;">
What's this?
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_all_back">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:220px; font-size:20px;">
This organelle is called "mitochondria".
Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.
They're found in almost all eukaryotic (nucleus-having) organisms.
The most widely-accepted hypothesis for the origin of mitochondria is Endosymbiotic Theory:
around ~1.5 billion years ago, a prokaryotic (nucleus-lacking) cell that was "eaten" by another cell,
somehow survived, and has continued to live inside them ever since.
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_1_front">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=0 sy=960></div>
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:160px;">
What's this?
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_1_back">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:1.5em;">
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_2_front">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=400 sy=960></div>
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:180px">
Mitochondria is the <span class="underline">_______</span> of the cell
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_2_back">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:150px">
<span class="bonus_note">
// bonus note: seriously though, we'd all be dead without 'em.
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_3_front">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=400 sy=960 style="top:45px"></div>
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:180px;">
Mitochondria is found in almost all <span class="underline">____</span> organisms.
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_3_back">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:1.5em">
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_4_front">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:2.5em">
Eukaryotes are cells that...
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_4_back">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=0 sy=1200></div>
<div class="fcard_center" style="width: 200px; left: 170px; top: 20px;">
have a nucleus
<span class="bonus_note">
// bonus note: "eu"=good, "karyon"=kernel
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_5_front">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:2.5em">
Prokaryotes are cells that...
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_5_back">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=400 sy=1200></div>
<div class="fcard_center" style="width: 200px; left: 170px; top: 20px;">
DON'T have a nucleus
<span class="bonus_note">
// bonus note: "pro"=before, "karyon"=kernel
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_6_front">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=400 sy=960 style="top:10px"></div>
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:200px; font-size:35px">
The most widely-accepted hypothesis for the origin of mitochondria is...
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_6_back">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:120px">
Endosymbiotic Theory
<span class="bonus_note">
// bonus note: "endo"=inner, "sym"=together, "bio"=living
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_7_front">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=400 sy=960 style="top:40px"></div>
<div class="fcard_center" style="font-size: 35px; height: 220px;">
According to Endosymbiotic Theory, mitochondria arose around
<span class="underline">____</span> years ago
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_7_back">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:1.5em">
~1.5 billion years ago
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_8_front">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=400 sy=960 style="top:40px"></div>
<div class="fcard_center" style="font-size: 37px; height: 220px;">
According to Endosymbiotic Theory, mitochondria first arose when...
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_8_back">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=0 sy=1440></div>
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:230px">
when a prokaryote was eaten by another cell
<!-- Spaced Rep Flashcards -->
<span id="flashcard_leit_a_front">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:4.5em">
In the Leitner Box, we <span class="underline">______</span>
the gap (# of days between reviews) for each Level
<span id="flashcard_leit_a_back">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=0 sy=720 style="left:-5px"></div>
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:110px">
double the gap
<span id="flashcard_leit_b_front">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:4.5em">
The Leitner Box game:
when you get a card <i>right</i>, you move it <span class="underline">______</span> .
<span id="flashcard_leit_b_back">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=0 sy=480></div>
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:170px">
up one Level
<span id="flashcard_leit_c_front">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:4.5em">
The Leitner Box game:
when you get a card <i>wrong</i>, you move it <span class="underline">______</span> .
<span id="flashcard_leit_c_back">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=400 sy=480></div>
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:180px">
back to Level 1!
<span id="flashcard_leit_d_front">
<div class="fcard_center" style="font-size:30px; height:170px;">
According to some random comic-game on the internet,
my Spaced Repetition flashcards should be
<span class="underline">______</span> ,
<span class="underline">______</span> , and
<span class="underline">______</span> .
<span id="flashcard_leit_d_back">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=400 sy=720></div>
<div class="fcard_center" style="color:#fff; height:200px; height: 180px; font-size: 30px;">
small, connected &amp; meaningful
<script src="js/howler.core.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/minpubsub.src.js"></script>
<script src="js/comic.js"></script>

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@ -1,938 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>An Interactive Comic</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/comic.css"/>
<div class="comic">
<panel w=600 h=180>
<words w=600 x=-15 no-bg>
(<b>This is a work-in-progress!</b>
Please don't share yet.
Let me know your honest feedback, thanks!)
(Also, this is <b>CHAPTER 2</b> of my prototype.
You might wanna play <a href="" target="_blank">CHAPTER 1</a> first,
if you haven't already.)
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- THE ART of SRS - - - - -->
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- Part 1.1: Leitner Calendar -->
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic src="pics/leit0.png" sx=0 sy=0></pic> <!-- hey susan, TRAINERS -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
You don't <i>have</i> to use a shoebox for Spaced Repetition,
but it's funnier if you do.
<words x=30 y=350 w=430 h=60>
(Later, we'll look at some Spaced Repetition <i>apps</i>,
like Anki &amp; Tinycards)
<panel w=500 h=370>
<pic src="pics/leit0.png" sx=500 sy=0></pic> <!-- poker: me vs brain -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
This setup is called The Leitner Box.
It's like a card game you play against yourself!
<words x=30 y=300 w=430 h=30>
First, divide your box up into seven "Levels".
<panel w=500 h=400>
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
All new cards start at Level 1, then get promoted to higher Levels
as your memory of them improves. (I'll explain the details later)
<words x=30 y=300 w=430 h=60>
Thus: Level 1 cards have fast memory-decay, Level 2 cards have slower memory-decay, etc.
<panel w=500 h=400>
<pic src="pics/leit0.png" sx=0 sy=1300></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=90>
But remember, we have to try recalling a card <i>just as we're about to forget it</i>.
<words x=30 y=270 w=430 h=90>
And as we saw earlier,
you do this by scheduling recalls with <i>increasing gaps of time</i>.
<panel w=500 h=400>
<pic src="pics/leit0.png" sx=0 sy=1300></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=90>
That's why, in the Leitner Box,
we review Level 1 cards every day,
Level 2 every two days,
Level 3 every <i>FOUR</i> days,
Level 4 every <i>EIGHT</i> days... and so on.
<words x=30 y=270 w=430 h=90>
The pattern is: we <i>double</i> the gap between Levels!
<panel w=600 h=60>
<words w=600 x=-15 no-bg>
Here's what that looks like over a 64-day, looping calendar:
<panel w=600 h=400 bg="#fff">
<sim x=0 y=0 w=600 h=400 src="sims/calendar/"></sim>
<!-- Part 1.2: Leitner Rules -->
<panel w=600 h=60>
<words w=600 x=-15 no-bg>
Now, how <i>do</i> you play this game of Spaced Repetition Solitaire?
<panel w=500 h=400>
<pic src="pics/leit0.png" sx=0 sy=450></pic> <!-- joyful baby card... and grisly card -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
The rules are simple.
First, all new cards start at Level 1.
<words x=30 y=300 w=430 h=60>
(If you're new to Spaced Repetition, I recommend starting with 5 new cards a day.)
<panel w=500 h=430>
<pic src="pics/leit0.png" sx=500 sy=450></pic> <!-- valhalla -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=90>
Every day, review your Levels from highest to lowest.
Shuffle each Level's cards first.
Every card you get right goes up <i>one</i> Level.
<words x=30 y=330 w=430 h=60>
(If you're at the final Level, congrats!
Your card gets to retire in your long-term memory)
<panel w=500 h=400>
<pic src="pics/leit0.png" sx=0 sy=900></pic> <!-- HIGH STAKES -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
However, every card you get wrong... has to go
<i>all the way back down to Level 1.</i>
<words x=30 y=300 w=430 h=60>
(You can change the rules I mean, it's <i>your</i> shoebox
but I recommend playing this way)
<panel w=500 h=400>
<pic src="pics/leit0.png" sx=500 sy=900></pic> <!-- baby + REMEMBER ME?! -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
Each day, you review Level 1 at the end.
You'll see your new cards + the cards you forgot.
<words x=30 y=300 w=430 h=60>
Keep trying to recall them, until you can get <i>every one</i> right!
Move them all to Level 2.
<panel w=600 h=80>
<words w=600 x=-15 no-bg>
And that's all to it!
Here's how the game plays out, over a few days:
(<b>There's no end. Once you "get it", just keep scrolling.</b>)
<panel w=600 h=470 bg="#fff">
<sim x=0 y=0 w=600 h=470 src="sims/leitner/?mode=1"></sim>
<!-- Part 1.3: Leitner Full Sim -->
<panel w=600 h=110>
<words w=600 x=-15 no-bg>
Each daily review takes 20-30 minutes.
Instead of watching a TV episode, you could play a card game
and remember anything you want <i>for life</i>.
<panel w=500 h=400>
<pic src="pics/leit1.png" sx=0 sy=0></pic> <!-- snowball -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
However, habits are hard. If you start big, you won't get the ball rolling...
<words x=30 y=300 w=430 h=60>
But if you start <i>small</i>, you can gain momentum,
and roll your snowball bigger and bigger.
<panel w=500 h=690>
<pic src="pics/leit1.png" sx=0 sy=400></pic> <!-- katamari damacy -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
That's why I recommend <i>starting</i> with 5 new cards a day.
<words x=30 y=300 w=430 h=60>
Once you're comfortable with that, you can do 10 new cards/day.
Then 15. Then 20, 25, 30.
<words x=10 y=590 w=430 h=60>
And at 30 new cards a day, you can learn <i>10,000+</i> new facts/words/etc a <i>year.</i>
<panel w=600 h=50>
<words w=600 x=-15 no-bg>
Here's how the game plays out, in the long, <i>long</i> run:
<panel w=600 h=470 bg="#fff">
<sim x=0 y=0 w=600 h=470 src="sims/leitner/?mode=2"></sim>
<!-- Part 1.3: Leitner Outro -->
<panel w=600 h=110>
<words w=600 x=-15 no-bg>
That's it. That's how you can make long-term memory a <i>choice</i>.
<words w=600 x=-15 y=50 no-bg>
Let's let that sink in. Take a break, and recall what we just learnt:
<panel w=600 h=400 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=0 y=0 w=600 h=400 src="sims/multicard/?cards=leit_a,leit_b,leit_c"></sim>
<!-- Part 2.1: Pitfalls -->
<panel w=600 h=140>
<words w=600 x=-15 no-bg>
<b>(TODO: Include practice flashcards from Chapter 1)</b>
Spaced Repetition almost seems too good to be true.
And it is... <i>IF</i> you fall for some very common pitfalls.
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic src="pics/leit1.png" sx=500 sy=0></pic> <!-- Library, humor -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=420 h=60>
Memory isn't a bookshelf
where you collect random giant tomes to impress others.
<words x=10 y=350 w=450 h=60>
That's to say: Spaced Repetition will fail if your cards feel
<i>bloated</i>, <i>disconnected</i> or <i>meaningless</i>.
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic src="pics/leit1.png" sx=500 sy=450></pic> <!-- Jigsaw ANGRY FACE -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=90>
Instead, memory is like a jigsaw puzzle: full of small, connected pieces.
(This is also how neurons work: lots of small, connected things)
<words x=30 y=380 w=430 h=30>
It's not about <i>collection</i>, it's about <i>connection</i>.
<panel w=500 h=400>
<pic src="pics/leit1.png" sx=500 sy=900></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=410 h=60>
Thus, to get the most out of Spaced Repetition,
you must make your cards...
<panel w=450 h=60>
<words w=450 x=-15 no-bg>
Let's see how.
<!-- Part 2.2: Small -->
<panel w=600 h=150>
<pic src="pics/leit2.png" sx=0 sy=0></pic>
<!--words x=10 y=10 w=200>
<panel w=450 h=50>
<words w=450 x=-15 no-bg>
This card sucks:
<panel w=600 h=300 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=80 y=0 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=mitochondria_all"></sim>
<panel w=450 h=380>
<pic src="pics/leit2.png" sx=0 sy=450></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=400 h=30>
It's too big. Too much information.
<words x=10 y=250 w=400 h=90>
Let's cut it up into smaller, connected pieces!
As a rule of thumb, <i>each flashcard should have one &amp; only one idea.</i>
Like so:
<panel w=264 h=180 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=-88 y=-60 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=mitochondria_1" class="small_card"></sim>
<panel w=264 h=180 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=-88 y=-60 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=mitochondria_2" class="small_card"></sim>
<panel w=264 h=180 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=-88 y=-60 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=mitochondria_3" class="small_card"></sim>
<panel w=264 h=180 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=-88 y=-60 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=mitochondria_4" class="small_card"></sim>
<panel w=264 h=180 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=-88 y=-60 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=mitochondria_5" class="small_card"></sim>
<panel w=264 h=180 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=-88 y=-60 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=mitochondria_6" class="small_card"></sim>
<panel w=264 h=180 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=-88 y=-60 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=mitochondria_7" class="small_card"></sim>
<panel w=264 h=180 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=-88 y=-60 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=mitochondria_8" class="small_card"></sim>
<panel w=450 h=90>
<words w=450 x=-15 no-bg>
Facts connect to facts.
But there's other, more playful ways for cards to be...
<!-- Part 2.3: Connected -->
<panel w=600 h=150>
<pic src="pics/leit2.png" sx=0 sy=150></pic>
<!--words x=10 y=10 w=200>
<panel w=450 h=110>
<words w=450 x=-15 no-bg>
This card is... alright.
It's an English word on the front, French word on the back.
It's the standard for most language-learning flashcards:
<panel w=600 h=300 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=80 y=0 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=cat"></sim>
<panel w=450 h=400>
<pic src="pics/leit2.png" sx=0 sy=800></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=400 h=60>
But you know what would make it stick in memory better?
<words x=10 y=300 w=400 h=60>
If you connected it to
<i>pictures, sounds, context, and/or personal details!</i>
Like so:
<panel w=600 h=300 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=80 y=0 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=cat2"></sim>
<panel w=600 h=300>
<pic src="pics/leit2.png" sx=600 sy=0></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=210>
The front now has a drawing of a cat (picture)
with a fill-in-the-blank French sentence (context: grammar)
about my childhood cat, Stripes. (personal)
<panel w=600 h=300>
<pic src="pics/leit2.png" sx=600 sy=300></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=210>
The back now has a symbol of the noun's gender (picture),
its pronunciation (sound*),
and a warning about the female version of the noun. (context: slang)
<words w=330 x=250 y=225 no-bg fontsize=20>
* Obviously, paper cards can't play sounds.
But apps like Anki/Tinycards can!
<audio controls style="position: absolute; top: 105px; left: 280px; transform: scale(0.4) rotate(4deg);">
<source src="audio/chat.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
<panel w=450 h=90>
<words w=450 x=-15 no-bg>
But the <i>most</i> important connection of all,
is to connect your learning to something that is...
<!-- Part 2.4: Meaningful -->
<panel w=600 h=150>
<pic src="pics/leit2.png" sx=0 sy=300></pic>
<!--words x=10 y=10 w=200>
<panel w=500 h=350>
<pic src="pics/leit2.png" sx=450 sy=600></pic> <!-- examples: programming, ukulele, french -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=450 h=60>
Personally, here's how I've learnt best:
First, I try (emphasis on <i>try</i>) to <b>do</b> something.
<panel w=500 h=350>
<pic src="pics/leit2.png" sx=950 sy=600></pic> <!-- examples: programming, ukulele, french -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=450 h=60>
Inevitably, I'll get stuck.
In that moment, I'll look up what I need,
and <b>learn</b> something.
<panel w=600 h=300 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=80 y=0 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=learndo&forever_card=yes"></sim>
<panel w=450 h=30>
<words w=450 x=-15 y=-15 no-bg>
And so on.
<panel w=450 h=400>
<pic src="pics/leit2.png" sx=450 sy=950></pic> <!-- connected to HEART -->
<words x=10 y=10 w=400 h=60>
That, I believe, is the best way to keep yourself motivated while learning:
<words x=10 y=300 w=400 h=60>
By making sure your learning is in service of <i>doing something you care about.</i>
<panel w=600 h=90>
<words w=600 x=-15 no-bg>
Speaking of learning, let's practice recalling what we've learnt:
(this will be the second-last time!)
<panel w=600 h=400 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=0 y=0 w=600 h=400 src="sims/multicard/?cards=leit_d,leit_b,leit_a,leit_c"></sim>
<!-- Part 2.5: Outro -->
<panel w=400 h=400>
<pic src="pics/leit3.png" sx=0 sy=450></pic> <!-- me, talking -->
<words x=10 y=20 w=350 no-bg>
The consensus in the Spaced Repetition community is,
after a while, <b>you should make your own cards.</b>
<words x=30 y=130 w=230 no-bg>
That way, you can connect facts to what <i>you</i> know, what <i>you</i> love.
<panel w=400 h=400>
<pic src="pics/leit3.png" sx=400 sy=450></pic>
<words x=10 y=15 w=300 no-bg>
That's why, in the <i>final</i> part of this interactive comic,
you're going to make your <i>own</i> cards!
<words x=30 y=165 w=170 no-bg>
And those cards will be about...
<panel w=400 h=400>
<pic src="pics/leit3.png" sx=800 sy=450></pic> <!-- goofy pic -->
<words x=0 y=10 w=230 fontsize=150 no-bg color="#ffffff">
<panel w=600 h=930>
<words w=600 x=-15 no-bg>
Sorry for the cliffhanger, again!
The 3rd/final short chapter will have you make your <i>own</i> flashcards to these questions:
<ul style="text-align:left">
WHAT do you want to learn?
WHY do you want to learn that? (to make your cards meaningful)
HOW will you learn? (choose: Leitner Box, or digital apps like Anki / TinyCards / etc)
If you picked Anki/Tinycards, it'll help you download them and get started.
If you picked a Leitner Box, it'll give you a 64-day calendar to download &amp; print out.
And finally, to <i>really</i> help you get started and keep going, you'll also get to download a laptop/phone wallpaper
to remind you to do your Spaced Repetition.
You'll also get to download <i>all the practice flashcards</i>
in this interactive comic, including the ones you just made. These can be your first cards!
Hopefully... this all helps you start using Spaced Repetition <i>TODAY</i>
letting you take better control of your learning, and fill the long-term memory library of your mind
with wonderful things.
Anyway, please let me know your <i>honest</i> feedback so far!
Early feedback helps me a lot. Many thanks in advance!
<br>~ Nicky
<!-- - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- - - - - - - - - - -->
<div id="labels">
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- - - - - - - - THE LEITNER CALENDAR - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<span id="calendar_day">
On Day [N]...
<span id="calendar_review">
review Levels [N] (<i>in that order</i>)
<span id="calendar_loop">
(and then loop back to Day 1!)
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- - - - - - - - - THE LEITNER BOX - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<span id="leitner_day">
Day [N]
<span id="leitner_step_to_review">
to review: Level
<span id="leitner_step_reviewing">
review Level [N]
<span id="leitner_step_new">
add [N] new cards
<span id="leitner_step_stats">
total: [N] cards!
<span id="leitner_step_stats_2">
([N] retired)
<span id="leitner_button_next_step">
next step
<span id="leitner_button_next_day">
next day
<span id="leitner_button_next_week">
next week
<span id="leitner_button_next_month">
next month
<span id="leitner_slider_new">
[N] new cards a day
<span id="leitner_slider_wrong">
recall [N]% of cards <i>wrong</i>
<span id="leitner_reset">
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- - - - - - - - - MULTI-FLASHCARD - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<span id="multicard_q">
try to recall &uarr;
then flip ↻
<span id="multicard_cards_left">
(cards left: [N])
<span id="multicard_a">
did you remember this?
<span id="multicard_no">
nah, try again
<span id="multicard_yes">
yup, onwards!
<span id="multicard_done">
done for now! keep scrolling
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- - - - - - - FLASHCARDS FOR CHAPTER 2 - - - - - - - -->
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<span id="flashcard_cat_front">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:100px">
<div style="font-size:120px; height:75px;">
<span id="flashcard_cat_back">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:100px">
<div style="font-size:120px; height:75px;">
<span id="flashcard_cat2_front">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=0 sy=0></div>
<div class="fcard_center"></div>
<span id="flashcard_cat2_back">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=400 sy=0></div>
<div class="fcard_center">
<audio controls id="HACK_audio" style="position: absolute; top: 115px; left: 30px; transform: scale(0.5);">
<source src="../../audio/chat.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
<span id="flashcard_learndo_front">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=0 sy=240></div>
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:195px; font-size:33px;">
...then back to doing... ↻
<span id="flashcard_learndo_back">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=400 sy=240></div>
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:195px; font-size:33px;">
...then back to learning... ↻
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_all_front">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=0 sy=960></div>
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:160px;">
What's this?
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_all_back">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:220px; font-size:20px;">
This organelle is called "mitochondria".
Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.
They're found in almost all eukaryotic (nucleus-having) organisms.
The most widely-accepted hypothesis for the origin of mitochondria is Endosymbiotic Theory:
around ~1.5 billion years ago, a prokaryotic (nucleus-lacking) cell that was "eaten" by another cell,
somehow survived, and has continued to live inside them ever since.
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_1_front">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=0 sy=960></div>
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:160px;">
What's this?
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_1_back">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:1.5em;">
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_2_front">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=400 sy=960></div>
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:180px">
Mitochondria is the <span class="underline">_______</span> of the cell
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_2_back">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:150px">
<span class="bonus_note">
// bonus note: seriously though, we'd all be dead without 'em.
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_3_front">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=400 sy=960 style="top:45px"></div>
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:180px;">
Mitochondria is found in almost all <span class="underline">____</span> organisms.
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_3_back">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:1.5em">
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_4_front">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:2.5em">
Eukaryotes are cells that...
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_4_back">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=0 sy=1200></div>
<div class="fcard_center" style="width: 200px; left: 170px; top: 20px;">
have a nucleus
<span class="bonus_note">
// bonus note: "eu"=good, "karyon"=kernel
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_5_front">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:2.5em">
Prokaryotes are cells that...
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_5_back">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=400 sy=1200></div>
<div class="fcard_center" style="width: 200px; left: 170px; top: 20px;">
DON'T have a nucleus
<span class="bonus_note">
// bonus note: "pro"=before, "karyon"=kernel
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_6_front">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=400 sy=960 style="top:10px"></div>
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:200px; font-size:35px">
The most widely-accepted hypothesis for the origin of mitochondria is...
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_6_back">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:120px">
Endosymbiotic Theory
<span class="bonus_note">
// bonus note: "endo"=inner, "sym"=together, "bio"=living
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_7_front">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=400 sy=960 style="top:40px"></div>
<div class="fcard_center" style="font-size: 35px; height: 220px;">
According to Endosymbiotic Theory, mitochondria arose around
<span class="underline">____</span> years ago
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_7_back">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:1.5em">
~1.5 billion years ago
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_8_front">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=400 sy=960 style="top:40px"></div>
<div class="fcard_center" style="font-size: 37px; height: 220px;">
According to Endosymbiotic Theory, mitochondria first arose when...
<span id="flashcard_mitochondria_8_back">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=0 sy=1440></div>
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:230px">
when a prokaryote was eaten by another cell
<!-- Spaced Rep Flashcards -->
<span id="flashcard_leit_a_front">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:4.5em">
In the Leitner Box, we <span class="underline">______</span>
the gap (# of days between reviews) for each Level
<span id="flashcard_leit_a_back">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=0 sy=720 style="left:-5px"></div>
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:110px">
double the gap
<span id="flashcard_leit_b_front">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:4.5em">
The Leitner Box game:
when you get a card <i>right</i>, you move it <span class="underline">______</span> .
<span id="flashcard_leit_b_back">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=0 sy=480></div>
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:170px">
up one Level
<span id="flashcard_leit_c_front">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:4.5em">
The Leitner Box game:
when you get a card <i>wrong</i>, you move it <span class="underline">______</span> .
<span id="flashcard_leit_c_back">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=400 sy=480></div>
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:180px">
back to Level 1!
<span id="flashcard_leit_d_front">
<div class="fcard_center" style="font-size:30px; height:170px;">
According to some random comic-game on the internet,
my Spaced Repetition flashcards should be
<span class="underline">______</span> ,
<span class="underline">______</span> , and
<span class="underline">______</span> .
<span id="flashcard_leit_d_back">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch2.png" sx=400 sy=720></div>
<div class="fcard_center" style="color:#fff; height:200px; height: 180px; font-size: 30px;">
small, connected &amp; meaningful
<script src="js/minpubsub.src.js"></script>
<script src="js/comic.js"></script>

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by nicky case, oct 2018
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<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- WHAT, WHY, HOW, WHEN - -->
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- - - -->
<!-- WHAT -->
<!-- - - -->
<panel w=500 h=350>
<pic src="pics/end0.png" sx=0 sy=0></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=450 h=60>
To help you get started with Spaced Repetition <i>today</i>,
you need to answer four questions:
<panel w="600" h="80">
<words w="600" x="-15" no-bg="">
You'll answer these questions by making flashcards!
So, here's the <i>front</i> of our first flashcard, our question:
<panel w=500 h=250 bg="#e0e0e0">
<!-- WHAT do you want to learn? -->
<sim x=29 y=-20 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=you_what&front_only=yes"
style="width: 440px; height: 300px; transform: scale(0.83,0.83) rotate(3deg);"></sim>
<img src="pics/fcard_frontonly.png" style="width:100%; height:100%; position:absolute; top:0; left:0;"/>
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic src="pics/end0.png" sx=500 sy=0></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
For example, you could use Spaced Repetition to help you learn...
<words x=120 y=104 w=100 style="text-align:left" no-bg class="comic_text">
a new language
<words x=320 y=107 w=100 style="text-align:left" no-bg class="comic_text">
a new instrument
<words x=115 y=195 w=100 style="text-align:left" no-bg class="comic_text">
computer programming
<words x=340 y=195 w=150 style="text-align:left" no-bg class="comic_text">
details of friends' lives
<words x=129 y=283 w=200 style="text-align:left" no-bg class="comic_text">
anything interesting you find, anywhere!
<words x=389 y=290 w=100 style="text-align:left" no-bg class="comic_text">
all the pokémon
<words x=80 y=380 w=380 h=30>
Now, you write <i>your</i> answer on the back:
<!-- WHAT do you want to learn? -->
<panel w=600 h=350 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=0 y=0 w=600 h=350 src="sims/type/?card=you_what"></sim>
<panel fadeInOn="answer_edit_you_what" w="600" h="40" style="margin-bottom: -10px;">
<words w="600" x="-15" y="-10" no-bg="">
(note: you can scroll back here &amp; change your answer later)
<!-- - - -->
<!-- WHY -->
<!-- - - -->
<panel w="600" h="80">
<words w="600" x="-15" no-bg="">
However, recall that for Spaced Repetition to work,
you need to connect it to something you <i>care</i> about.
So our next question is:
<panel w=500 h=250 bg="#e0e0e0">
<!-- WHY do you want to learn X? -->
<sim x=29 y=-20 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=you_why&front_only=yes"
style="width: 440px; height: 300px; transform: scale(0.83,0.83) rotate(3deg);"></sim>
<img src="pics/fcard_frontonly.png" style="width:100%; height:100%; position:absolute; top:0; left:0;"/>
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic src="pics/end0.png" sx=1000 sy=0></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
That may be too philosophical, so here's some
concrete examples of a <i>why</i> behind a <i>what:</i>
<words x=130 y=105 w=350 style="text-align:left" no-bg class="comic_text">
<b>WHAT:</b> a new language
<b>WHY:</b> to speak to friends, family, lovers in their native tongue
<words x=130 y=210 w=350 style="text-align:left" no-bg class="comic_text">
<b>WHAT:</b> computer programming
<b>WHY:</b> to make money so you can eat
<words x=130 y=290 w=350 style="text-align:left" no-bg class="comic_text">
<b>WHAT:</b> anything interesting
<b>WHY:</b> curiosity, for its own sake!
<words x=210 y=380 w=250 h=30>
So... what's <i>your</i> why?
<!-- WHY do you want to learn that? -->
<panel w=600 h=350 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=0 y=0 w=600 h=350 src="sims/type/?card=you_why"></sim>
<!-- - - -->
<!-- HOW -->
<!-- - - -->
<panel w="600" h="80">
<words w="600" x="-15" no-bg="">
You now have your what and why... but we still need to pick a <i>how!</i>
That is, what tool/app do you want to use?
Our next card asks:
<panel w=500 h=250 bg="#e0e0e0">
<!-- HOW do you want to do Spaced Repetition? (with what tool?) -->
<sim x=29 y=-20 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=you_how&front_only=yes"
style="width: 440px; height: 300px; transform: scale(0.83,0.83) rotate(3deg);"></sim>
<img src="pics/fcard_frontonly.png" style="width:100%; height:100%; position:absolute; top:0; left:0;"/>
<panel w=500 h=700>
<pic src="pics/end0.png" sx=0 sy=450></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=450 h=90>
I currently use
<a target="_blank" href="">The Leitner Box</a>,
but many of my friends use
<a target="_blank" href="">Anki</a>,
and for a while I used
<a target="_blank" href="">TinyCards</a>.
Here's how they compare:
<words x=160 y=140 w=300 fontsize=21 style="text-align:left" no-bg>
<b>Leitner Box</b>
Pros: arts-and-craftsy, easy to use
Cons: not as portable as an app
<words x=160 y=275 w=300 fontsize=21 style="text-align:left" no-bg>
<b>Anki (app)</b>
Pros: huge community, open-source, lots of powerful features
Cons: kinda ugly
<words x=160 y=405 w=300 fontsize=21 style="text-align:left" no-bg>
<b>TinyCards (app)</b>
Pros: beautiful design, easy to use
Cons: max 150 cards per deck, doesn't let <i>you</i> decide if you got a card right
<words x=10 y=530 w=450 h=60>
(Want something else?
Here's a few other tools:
<a target="_blank" href="">SuperMemo</a>,
<a target="_blank" href="">NimbleNotes</a>,
<a target="_blank" href="">Mnemosyne</a>)
<words x=110 y=620 w=360 h=40 no-bg fontsize=20>
* <i>anti</i>-disclaimer: i am <i>not</i> affiliated with any of these.
i just think they're cool &amp; helpful!
<panel w=600 h=50>
<words w=600 x=-15 no-bg>
So, what's it gonna be?
<!-- HOW do you want to do Spaced Repetition? -->
<panel w=600 h=350 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=0 y=0 w=600 h=350 src="sims/type/?card=you_how"></sim>
<!-- - - -->
<!-- WHEN -->
<!-- - - -->
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic src="pics/end0.png" sx=500 sy=450></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=90>
Just one card left!
Now: doing Spaced Repetition is actually quite easy...
however, doing it <i>as a daily habit</i> is hard.
<words x=60 y=355 w=400 h=30 no-bg>
Why? Because getting the ball rolling on <i>any</i> new habit is hard.
<panel w=500 h=550>
<pic src="pics/end0.png" sx=1000 sy=450></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=90>
Hard, but straightforward.
The science of habits shows that if you do the same thing, given the same cue,
over and over...
<words x=20 y=450 w=440 h=60>'ll become a habit, for better or worse.
So for a Spaced Repetition habit, our question is:
<panel w=500 h=250 bg="#e0e0e0">
<!-- WHEN do you want to do Spaced Repetition? -->
<sim x=29 y=-20 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=you_when&front_only=yes"
style="width: 440px; height: 300px; transform: scale(0.83,0.83) rotate(3deg);"></sim>
<img src="pics/fcard_frontonly.png" style="width:100%; height:100%; position:absolute; top:0; left:0;"/>
<panel w=500 h=450>
<pic src="pics/end0.png" sx=0 sy=1150></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=400 h=60>
For example, you could play the Spaced Repetition game...
After waking up, to jog your mind
On a commute, to fill up spare time
Before sleeping, coz otherwise you'd just stress-binge on twitter
<words x=30 y=320 w=430 h=90>
It doesn't really matter <i>when</i> you do it, as long as you do it
daily and consistently (more or less - you can skip a day once in a while).
<panel w=400 h=500>
<pic src="pics/end0.png" sx=500 sy=1150></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=350 h=90>
(Tip: whenever I try to create a new habit,
I draw a circle on a calendar for each day I successfully do it)
<words x=10 y=370 w=350 h=90>
(It's a game I play with myself! The goal is to try not break
my streak, and build the longest chain I can.)
<panel w=600 h=50>
<words w=600 x=-15 no-bg>
Now, let's fill out that final flashcard:
<!-- WHEN do you want to do Spaced Repetition? -->
<panel w=600 h=350 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=0 y=0 w=600 h=350 src="sims/type/?card=you_when"></sim>
<!-- - - - - - - - -->
<!-- ALL THE CARDS -->
<!-- - - - - - - - -->
<panel w=400 h=80>
<words w=400 x=-15 no-bg>
Et voilà, here's all four of your flashcards, all about you!
<panel w=264 h=180 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=-88 y=-60 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=you_what&refresh=yes" class="small_card"></sim>
<panel w=264 h=180 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=-88 y=-60 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=you_why&refresh=yes" class="small_card"></sim>
<panel w=264 h=180 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=-88 y=-60 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=you_how&refresh=yes" class="small_card"></sim>
<panel w=264 h=180 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=-88 y=-60 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=you_when&refresh=yes" class="small_card"></sim>
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<panel w=500 h=250>
<pic src="pics/end1.png" sx=0 sy=0></pic>
<words x=180 y=10 w=250 no-bg>
But like I said, I want to help you take control of your memory <i>today</i>.
<words x=230 y=130 w=250 no-bg>
Not "eventually", not "tomorrow", <i>TODAY</i>.
<panel w=500 h=250>
<pic src="pics/end1.png" sx=0 sy=250></pic>
<words x=150 y=30 w=120 no-bg>
so to help...
<words x=270 y=95 w=170 no-bg>
let's download some
<b style="font-size:30px">
<!-- Reminder Wallpaper -->
<panel w=600 h=90>
<words x=-15 y=0 w=600 no-bg style="text-align:left" fontsize=30>
<img src="pics/gift.png" style="height:1em"/>
<span id="gift_wallpaper"></span>
to remind you to play the Spaced Repetition game daily!
<a id="wallpaper_link">
<img id="wallpaper_image"/><br>
(click to download &darr;)
<!-- Leitner Calendar / Anki -->
<panel w=600 h=90>
<words x=-15 y=0 w=600 no-bg style="text-align:left" fontsize=30>
<img src="pics/gift.png" style="height:1em"/>
<span id="gift_app"></span>
<!-- All flashcards -->
<panel w=600 h=90>
<words x=-15 y=0 w=600 no-bg style="text-align:left" fontsize=30>
<img src="pics/gift.png" style="height:1em"/>
And finally,
a .zip of all the flashcards you've been practicing in this interactive comic!
<panel w=400 h=200 bg="#fff">
<sim x=0 y=0 w=600 h=400 src="sims/downloads/all.html"></sim>
<panel w=600 h=120>
<words x=-15 y=0 w=600 no-bg style="text-align:left">
(These can be your first few days' worth of Spaced Repetition cards,
to help you get started! And as a plus, you'll get to remember everything
you learnt here today, forever)
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- THE END - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- Review -->
<panel w=500 h=350>
<pic src="pics/end1.png" sx=500 sy=0></pic>
<words x=110 y=30 w=250 no-bg>
Which reminds me...
<words x=200 y=105 w=220 no-bg>
one last goodbye,
for old time's sake,
the final swan song!
<words x=210 y=230 w=250 no-bg>
...let's review our flashcards, <i>all</i> of them:
<panel w=600 h=400 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=0 y=0 w=600 h=400 src="sims/multicard/?final=yes&cards=you_why,sci_a,you_when,sci_b,you_how,sci_c"></sim>
<panel w=240 h=300>
<pic src="pics/end1.png" sx=0 sy=500></pic>
<words x=0 y=12 w=210 no-bg>
It's always so hard to say goodbye...
<panel w=240 h=300>
<pic src="pics/end1.png" sx=240 sy=500></pic>
<words x=-20 y=-10 no-bg fontsize=120 color="rgba(0,0,0,0.5)" style="transform:rotate(10deg)">
<panel w=500 h=250>
<pic src="pics/end1.png" sx=480 sy=500></pic>
<words x=160 y=30 w=200 no-bg>
I'll miss the time we had together...
<words x=200 y=120 w=250 no-bg>
...but I hope we live on in each others' memories!
<!-- Classroom -->
<panel w=500 h=350>
<pic src="pics/end1.png" sx=0 sy=800></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=90>
If you're a student, I hope Spaced Repetition
helps you be more confident, and take learning into your own hands.
<panel w=500 h=350>
<pic src="pics/end1.png" sx=500 sy=800></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=90>
If you're a teacher,
please oh <i>please</i> tell your students about Spaced Repetition
(&amp; other evidence-based study habits) early on.
<panel w=500 h=350>
<pic src="pics/end1.png" sx=1000 sy=800></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=90>
But whether you're in or out of school,
I hope Spaced Repetition helps you develop your memory, your mind,
your Muse...
<panel w=500 h=550>
<pic src="pics/end1.png" sx=1000 sy=0></pic>
<words x=30 y=30 w=250 no-bg>
...and learn one of life's greatest loves:
<words x=120 y=455 w=300 style="text-align:right" no-bg>
a lifelong love of learning.
<!-- Bow Goodbye -->
<panel w=600 h=300 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=80 y=0 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=the_end"></sim>
<!-- want more? further reading & credits below! -->
<panel fadeInOn="flip_the_end" w=600 h=90>
<words w=600 x=-15 y=0 no-bg>
(want more? scroll down for further reading &amp; credits!)
&darr; &darr; &darr; &darr; &darr;
<!-- - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- - - - - - - - - - -->
<div id="labels">
<!-- GIFTS -->
<span id="gift_wallpaper_what">
<span id="gift_wallpaper_why">
<span id="gift_wallpaper_do_1">
<span id="gift_wallpaper_do_2">
<span id="gift_wallpaper_filename">
<span id="gift_wallpaper_desktop">
a wallpaper for your desktop,
<span id="gift_wallpaper_phone">
a lock-screen wallpaper for your phone,
<span id="gift_app_leitner">
a looping 64-day calendar for your Leitner Box!
(pdf, so you can print it out)
<span id="gift_app_anki">
a link to
<a target="_blank" href="">download Anki!</a>
(and here's
<a target="_blank" href="">a video tutorial</a>
on how to get started)
<span id="gift_app_tiny">
a link to
<a target="_blank" href="">TinyCards!</a>
(i recommend checking out their
<a target="_blank" href="">geography decks</a>)
<span id="gift_app_other">
links to
the Leitner Box 64-day calendar,
the Anki app,
and TinyCards!
<!-- QUESTIONS -->
<span id="flashcard_you_what_front">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch3.png" sx=0 sy=0></div>
<div id="fc_words" class="fcard_center" style="position: absolute; width: 190px; margin: 0; top: 50px; left: 180px;">
WHAT do you want to learn?
<span id="flashcard_you_what_back">
<div id="fc_words" class="fcard_center" editable="you_what" style="height:1.2em">
Anything interesting!
<span id="flashcard_you_why_front">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch3.png" sx=400 sy=0></div>
<div id="fc_words" class="fcard_center" style="position: absolute; width: 190px; margin: 0; top: 50px; left: 180px;">
WHY do you want to learn that?
<span id="flashcard_you_why_back">
<div id="fc_words" class="fcard_center" editable="you_why" style="height:1.2em">
For curiosity's sake
<span id="flashcard_you_how_front">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch3.png" sx=0 sy=240></div>
<div id="fc_words" class="fcard_center" style="position: absolute; width: 190px; margin: 0; top:31px; left: 180px;">
HOW do you want to do Spaced Repetition?
<span id="flashcard_you_how_back">
<div id="fc_words" class="fcard_center" editable="you_how" style="height:1.2em">
Leitner Box
<span id="flashcard_you_when_front">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch3.png" sx=400 sy=240></div>
<div id="fc_words" class="fcard_center" style="position: absolute; width: 190px; margin: 0; top:31px; left: 180px;">
WHEN do you want to do Spaced Repetition?
<span id="flashcard_you_when_back">
<div id="fc_words" class="fcard_center" editable="you_when" style="height:1.2em">
In the evening
<!-- THE END -->
<span id="flashcard_the_end_front">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch3.png" sx=0 sy=480></div>
<span id="flashcard_the_end_back">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_ch3.png" sx=400 sy=480></div>
<div id="fc_words" class="fcard_center" style="top:30px; font-size:50px;">
<span id="you_what_suggestions">
<li>Anything interesting!</li>
<li>A language</li>
<span id="you_why_suggestions">
<li>For people I love</li>
<li>For my own sake</li>
<li>For curiosity's sake</li>
<span id="you_how_suggestions">
<li>Leitner Box</li>
<span id="you_when_suggestions">
<li>In the morning</li>
<li>On my commute</li>
<li>In the evening</li>
<span id="type_question">
<span id="type_placeholder">
type your answer here
<span id="type_suggestions">
or pick one of these suggestions:
<!-- Flashcards -->
<span id="flashcard_sci_a_front">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:2.5em">
The discoverer of the Forgetting Curve was...
<span id="flashcard_sci_a_back">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards0.png" sx=400 sy=0></div>
<div style="position: absolute; width: 250px; top: 60px; right: 0; line-height: 1.1em;">
Hermann Ebbinghaus
<span id="flashcard_sci_b_front">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:3.4em">
The Forgetting Curve (<i>without</i> any recalls) looks like...
<span id="flashcard_sci_b_back">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards0.png" sx=0 sy=240></div>
<div style="position: absolute; width: 280px; top: 70px; right: 20px; font-size:20px; line-height: 1.1em;">
(note: it decays quickly, then slowly "exponential decay")
<span id="flashcard_sci_c_front">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:3.4em">
The Forgetting Curve (<i>with</i> optimally-spaced recalls) looks like...
<span id="flashcard_sci_c_back">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards0.png" sx=400 sy=240></div>
<div style="position: absolute; width: 360px; top: 120px; left: 20px; font-size:20px; line-height: 1.1em;">
(note: the gaps between recalls <i>increase</i> in length)
<!-- Multi Card Labels -->
<span id="multicard_q">
try to recall &uarr;
then flip ↻
<span id="multicard_cards_left">
(cards left: [N])
<span id="multicard_a">
did you remember this?
<span id="multicard_no">
nah, try again
<span id="multicard_yes">
yup, onwards!
<span id="multicard_done">
done for now! keep scrolling
<span id="multicard_done_2">
that's all, folks! keep scrolling
<!-- Chapter Links -->
<span id="label_chapter_links">
<a href="#0">
<a href="#1">
The Science
<a href="#2">
The Art
<a href="#3">
Get Started!
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View File

@ -644,7 +644,7 @@ Its so simple, you can even create your own automatic scheduler...
<pic src="pics/leit0.png" sx=500 sy=870></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=90>
(Note: the reason we review Level 1 at the end
is so you see your new cards <i>and</i> the cards you forgot from higher Levels.)
is so you'll see your new cards <i>and</i> the cards you forgot from higher Levels.)
<words x=30 y=330 w=430 h=120>
(At the end of a daily game of Spaced Repetition,
@ -668,7 +668,7 @@ Its so simple, you can even create your own automatic scheduler...
<words w=600 x=-15 no-bg>
And that's all to it!
Here's how the game plays out, step by step:
(<b>This sim has no end. Once you "get it", just keep scrolling.</b>)
(<b>This sim has no end. Once you "get it", just scroll down.</b>)
@ -1620,7 +1620,7 @@ Before sleeping, coz otherwise you'd just stress-binge on twitter
<span id="multicard_done_2">
that's all, folks! keep scrolling
that's all, folks!

View File

@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>An Interactive Comic</title>
Possible titles:
- What If Long-Term Memory Could Be A Choice?
- Remember By Choice
- How To Remember Pretty Much Anything
- Remember Forever
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/comic.css"/>
<div class="comic">
<!-- Muse -->
<panel w=400 h=650>
<pic src="pics/intro0.png" sx=0 sy=0></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=350 h=60>
In Greek mythology, Mnemosyne, the goddess of Memory...
<words x=30 y=330 w=310 h=60>
...was the mother of the Muses, the goddesses of inspiration.
<panel w=600 h=60>
<words w=600 x=-15 no-bg>
So, how's Memory and Inspiration doing in schools?
<panel w=550 h=250>
<pic src="pics/intro0.png" sx=400 sy=0></pic>
<panel w=500 h=250>
<pic src="pics/intro0.png" sx=400 sy=250></pic>
<words x=155 y=20 w=90 no-bg>
<words x=196 y=65 w=270 no-bg>
Not only are common practices like lectures, re-reading, and highlighting <i>boring</i>,
science has shown they <i>don't even work well</i>.*
<panel w=500 h=30 style="margin-top:-5px">
<words w=500 x=-15 y=-15 no-bg style="width: 500px; font-size:0.8em; text-align: right; color:#999;">
* all sources and links will be at the end of this comic!
<panel w=500 h=350>
<pic src="pics/intro0.png" sx=400 sy=500></pic>
<words x=95 y=30 w=340 no-bg>
But what if I said there's a way to learn
that's evidence-based <i>and</i> fun?
<words x=164 y=141 w=300 no-bg>
What if I said there's a memory card game you can play, for 20 minutes a day,
to store <i>anything you choose</i> into long-term memory, <i>forever?</i>
<!-- Therefore: SPACED REPETITION (interaction) -->
<!-- And it's called... -->
<panel w=600 h=300 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=80 y=0 w=440 h=300 src="sims/singlecard/?card=spaced_rep"></sim>
<!-- Model: Us & Others -->
<panel w=500 h=450 fadeInOn="flip_spaced_rep">
<pic src="pics/intro0.png" sx=950 sy=0></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=430 h=60>
And it's <i>awesome</i>.
I started using Spaced Repetition earlier this year to learn French.
<words x=30 y=350 w=430 h=60>
In two <i>months</i>, I learnt more words than I did in two <i>years</i>
of high school classes.
<panel w=500 h=400>
<pic src="pics/intro0.png" sx=950 sy=450></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=400 h=60>
Since then, I've used Spaced Repetition to remember all sorts of things...
<words x=60 y=300 w=400 h=60>
...and this lil' memory card game became a core part of my <i>life</i>.
<panel w=550 h=350>
<pic src="pics/intro0.png" sx=0 sy=850></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=500 h=30>
In short, Spaced Repetition = testing + time.
<words x=10 y=220 w=500 h=90>
You test yourself on a fact again and again, spacing out your repetitions over time.
(Wouldn't this take forever? Ah, but as we'll see later, there's a trick...)
<panel w=400 h=400>
<pic src="pics/intro0.png" sx=0 sy=1200></pic>
<words x=10 y=20 w=290 no-bg>
Spaced Repetition is free, evidence-based, and so simple you can do it with a <i>shoebox</i>.
<words x=90 y=130 w=270 no-bg>
So, what's the catch? Why isn't <i>everyone</i> already doing Spaced Repetition?
<panel w=400 h=400>
<pic src="pics/intro0.png" sx=400 sy=1200></pic>
<words x=10 y=20 w=330 no-bg>
Well, the catch is that making <i>any</i> new habit is hard
especially a weird habit like Spaced Repetition.
<words x=100 y=134 w=270 no-bg>
That's why I made this badly-drawn interactive comic.
<panel w=400 h=400>
<pic src="pics/intro0.png" sx=800 sy=1200></pic>
<words x=10 y=20 w=300 no-bg>
In this comic on Spaced Repetition,
I'll show you WHY it works, HOW it works...
<words x=110 y=140 w=250 no-bg>
...and help you get started with it <i>TODAY.</i>
<!-- Ergo: SR WITH SR -->
<panel w=600 h=180>
<words w=600 x=-15 no-bg>
Also, throughout this comic,
you can test yourself on what you've learnt,
at spaced-out intervals.
<b>That is: you'll use Spaced Repetition to learn about Spaced Repetition.</b>
Like so:
<panel w=600 h=400 bg="#e0e0e0">
<sim x=0 y=0 w=600 h=400 src="sims/multicard/?cards=intro_a,intro_b,intro_c"></sim>
<panel w=550 h=450>
<pic src="pics/intro0.png" sx=950 sy=1600></pic>
<words x=10 y=10 w=480 h=90>
Still, isn't "rote memorization" bad?
Can't we look everything up these days?
Shouldn't we learn creativity &amp; critical thinking instead?
<words x=30 y=320 w=480 h=90>
There <i>is</i> no "instead".
Cognitive science shows
you <i>need</i> memorization for creativity &amp; critical thinking.
(Imagine writing an essay if you know no words!)
<panel w=550 h=300>
<pic src="pics/intro0.png" sx=0 sy=1600></pic>
<words x=10 y=20 w=310 no-bg>
Spaced Repetition isn't a "study trick".
It isn't a "life hack".
<words x=30 y=113 w=320 no-bg>
It's a way to take back control of your <i>mind.</i>
To make long-term memory a <i>choice</i>.
To develop a lifelong love of learning...
<panel w=400 h=550>
<pic src="pics/intro0.png" sx=550 sy=1600></pic>
<words x=20 y=20 w=330 h=30> mother your own, inner Muse.
<words x=240 y=480 w=120 h=30>
Let's begin.
<!-- - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- - - - - - - - - - -->
<div id="labels">
<!-- Multi Card Labels -->
<span id="multicard_q">
try to recall &uarr;
then flip ↻
<span id="multicard_cards_left">
(cards left: [N])
<span id="multicard_a">
did you remember this?
<span id="multicard_no">
nah, try again
<span id="multicard_yes">
yup, onwards!
<span id="multicard_done">
done for now! keep scrolling
<!-- Flashcards -->
<span id="flashcard_spaced_rep_front">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:2.5em">
and the name of this game is...
<span id="flashcard_spaced_rep_back">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_intro.png" sx=0 sy=0></div>
<div class="fcard_center" style="color:white; font-size:74px; height:1.6em; line-height:0.8em;">
<span id="flashcard_intro_a_front">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:2.5em">
Spaced Repetition = <span class="underline">____</span> + <span class="underline">____</span>
<span id="flashcard_intro_a_back">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_intro.png" sx=0 sy=240></div>
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:2.5em">
testing + time
<span id="flashcard_intro_b_front">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:4.5em">
3 common but ineffective learning/teaching practices are...
<span id="flashcard_intro_b_back">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:2.2em">
...lectures, re-reading, and highlighting
<span id="flashcard_intro_c_front">
<div class="fcard_center" style="height:4.4em">
In Greek Mythology,
the goddess of <span class="underline">____</span>
was the mother of the goddesses of
<span class="underline">________</span>
<span id="flashcard_intro_c_back">
<div class="fcard_bg" src="pics/fcards_intro.png" sx=400 sy=0></div>
<div style="position: absolute; width:250px; top:50px; left:140px; line-height:1.1em;">
Memory is the mother of Inspiration
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