Maxim Lebedev toby3d
toby3d pushed to master at TabletopSimulator/Askhole 2023-11-24 01:29:14 +05:00
9df36961d3 🍱 Uploaded first 5 lists
toby3d created branch master in TabletopSimulator/Askhole 2023-11-24 01:29:14 +05:00
toby3d created repository TabletopSimulator/Askhole 2023-11-24 01:21:20 +05:00
toby3d pushed to develop at toby3d/auth 2023-11-23 21:26:36 +05:00
59a6250e2b Merge tag 'v0.2.7' into develop
1de9096775 Merge branch 'release/0.2.7'
79db9525e0 🐳 Added SSL certificates for https client requests support
d3e2ec81e4 📝 Format ResponseType domain comments
Compare 4 commits »
toby3d pushed to master at toby3d/auth 2023-11-23 21:26:29 +05:00
1de9096775 Merge branch 'release/0.2.7'
79db9525e0 🐳 Added SSL certificates for https client requests support
d3e2ec81e4 📝 Format ResponseType domain comments
7b5986eac4 Merge branch 'master' into develop
945bff3f56 Merge branch 'master' into develop
Compare 5 commits »
toby3d pushed tag v0.2.7 to toby3d/auth 2023-11-23 21:26:29 +05:00
toby3d pushed to develop at toby3d/home 2023-11-19 18:09:55 +05:00
8a8372bdf0 Merge branch 'feature/context' into develop
bd4a14b38b 🎨 Format of the code
fa1faa3bc3 Added language specific URL transformers
0ea82fe25d 📝 Updated README due changes in templates lookup
47c88e26f0 ♻️ Refactored template context usage
Compare 6 commits »
toby3d pushed to develop at toby3d/home 2023-11-19 16:53:38 +05:00
517efccece 📌 Upgraded and vendored go modules
toby3d pushed to develop at toby3d/home 2023-11-19 13:41:08 +05:00
f7396b3290 🏗️ Moved main app into cmd package
toby3d pushed to develop at toby3d/home 2023-11-19 13:15:27 +05:00
0656fc8ca4 ♻️ Updates filepaths building
41dc86eb62 🔥 Removed Fetch repository method in static module
393d7e0fad Merge branch 'feature/bytes' into develop
860d56cfc5 🚧 Serve Page Resource bytes
5c75e6f9e9 🐛 Fixed redundant static use case return
Compare 11 commits »
toby3d pushed to develop at toby3d/home 2023-11-18 18:46:50 +05:00
555b8cc333 Merge branch 'feature/logfmt' into develop
e96380307b 🏗️ Used middleware.Chain in main with LogFmt logger
f9f75f079f Created LogFmt middleware
a61514a6e9 Merge branch 'feature/resources' into develop
1df6dc3fdd Disabled main tests until creating content testdata
Compare 10 commits »
toby3d pushed to develop at toby3d/home 2023-11-13 13:18:08 +05:00
toby3d pushed to develop at toby3d/home 2023-11-13 12:31:49 +05:00
5b96941955 🚧 Trying to proxy Telegram robot requests for IV
toby3d pushed to develop at toby3d/home 2023-11-13 12:29:16 +05:00
2fb14e9aca 🚧 Trying to proxy Telegram robot requests for IV
f23188e99e Revert "🚧 Trying to setup redirect middleware for Telegram IV"
Compare 2 commits »
toby3d pushed to develop at toby3d/home 2023-11-13 10:59:37 +05:00
toby3d pushed to develop at toby3d/home 2023-11-13 10:48:28 +05:00
9dbe70352f 🚧 Trying to use proxy client instead for Telegram IV
toby3d pushed to develop at toby3d/home 2023-11-13 09:37:07 +05:00
45d4f8abe9 🚧 Trying to change redirect status code for Telegram IV
toby3d pushed to develop at toby3d/home 2023-11-13 09:29:48 +05:00
07fdaa0a9e Merge branch 'feature/middleware' into develop
0558cf72d2 🚧 Trying to setup redirect middleware for Telegram IV
aa7cba5e14 ♻️ Improved redirecting middleware configuration
7f294a1f80 🧑‍💻 Created basic redirect middleware
f9ab36076a 🧑‍💻 Created middleware package
Compare 7 commits »
toby3d pushed to develop at toby3d/home 2023-11-13 07:14:03 +05:00
2558a14d8c 🏗️ Support mono and multilang sites
toby3d pushed to develop at toby3d/home 2023-11-13 06:41:49 +05:00
94c8850e80 📝 Updated README
aff4976a40 Merge branch 'feature/static' into develop
90a91c332d ✏️ Updated doc comment about static serving
6fd916058d ♻️ Safe strip slash prefix for static path
f8a6580444 🐳 Expose default static directory
Compare 25 commits »