# VA > Dead simple responsive-flexible-adaptive CSS framework for [Hugo](https://gohugo.io/) websites ## Install ### Config [Import module](https://gohugo.io/hugo-modules/use-modules/#use-a-module-for-a-theme) in your site configuration: ```yaml imports: - path: gitlab.com/toby3d/va ``` ### Templates Inject cached partials in your `` (as early as possible to speed up loading) and `` (preferably as close as possible to the closing tag): ```html {{ partialCached "va/head" . }} ... {{ partialCached "va/body" . }} ``` ...And that's it! ## Usage Use the classes from the attached styles for the layout of your templates. ### Methodologies I use [CUBE CSS](https://cube.fyi/) for class readability with brackets and class sorting and [BEM](https://bem.info/) to reduce code coherence and ease of debugging. ### Blocks See [Every Layout](https://every-layout.dev/) (and buy the book, it's great!). ### Exceptions Use variables for changing some values and implement exceptions. Easy example: ```html
``` Advanced example: ```html ``` ### Docs Coming soon.