package telegram import ( "fmt" "net/url" "os" "testing" "time" log "" ) const ( accessToken = "153667468:AAHlSHlMqSt1f_uFmVRJbm5gntu2HI4WW8I" chatID = 76918703 superGroupID = -1001120141283 replyToMessageID = 35 photoFileID = "AgADAgADw6cxG4zHKAkr42N7RwEN3IFShCoABHQwXEtVks4EH2wBAAEC" documentFileID = "BQADAgADOQADjMcoCcioX1GrDvp3Ag" audioFileID = "BQADAgADRgADjMcoCdXg3lSIN49lAg" voiceFileID = "AwADAgADWQADjMcoCeul6r_q52IyAg" videoFileID = "BAADAgADZgADjMcoCav432kYe0FRAg" videoNoteFileID = "DQADAgADdQAD70cQSUK41dLsRMqfAg" stickerFileID = "BQADAgADcwADjMcoCbdl-6eB--YPAg" ) var ( bot = new(Bot) photoURL = url.URL{ Scheme: "https", Host: "", Path: "/images/46/24/46246c1b8c4fcc37050085a850c165c4.jpg", } messageID int ) func TestMain(m *testing.M) { bot.AccessToken = accessToken os.Exit(m.Run()) } func TestGetUpdates(t *testing.T) { updates, err := bot.GetUpdates(nil) if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) } log.D(updates) if len(updates) <= 0 { t.Error("unexpected result: no updates") } } func TestSetWebhook(t *testing.T) { ok, err := bot.SetWebhook(NewWebhook("", nil)) if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) } if !ok { t.Error("unexpected result: ok is not true") } } func TestDeleteWebhook(t *testing.T) { ok, err := bot.DeleteWebhook() if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) } if !ok { t.Error("unexpected result: ok is not true") } } func TestGetWebhookInfo(t *testing.T) { info, err := bot.GetWebhookInfo() if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) } if info == nil { t.Error("unexpected result: info is nil") } } func TestGetMe(t *testing.T) { var err error bot.Self, err = bot.GetMe() if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) t.FailNow() } log.D(bot.Self) if bot.Self == nil { t.Error("unexpected result: bot user is nil") t.FailNow() } } func TestSendMessage(t *testing.T) { resp, err := bot.SendMessage( NewMessage(chatID, "Hello, World"), ) if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) } log.D(resp) if resp == nil { t.Error("unexpected result: message is nil") } } func TestForwardMessage(t *testing.T) { resp, err := bot.ForwardMessage( NewForwardMessage(chatID, superGroupID, replyToMessageID), ) if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) } log.D(resp) if resp == nil { t.Error("unexpected result: message is nil") } } func TestSendPhoto(t *testing.T) { resp, err := bot.SendPhoto( NewPhoto(chatID, photoFileID), ) if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) } log.D(resp) if resp == nil { t.Error("unexpected result: message is nil") } else { messageID = resp.ID } } func TestSendDocument(t *testing.T) { resp, err := bot.SendDocument( NewDocument(chatID, documentFileID), ) if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) } log.D(resp) if resp == nil { t.Error("unexpected result: message is nil") } } func TestSendMediaGroup(t *testing.T) { resp, err := bot.SendMediaGroup(NewMediaGroup( chatID, NewInputMediaPhoto(photoFileID), NewInputMediaPhoto(photoURL.String()), )) if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) } log.D(resp) if len(resp) <= 0 { t.Error("unexpected result: message is nil") } } func TestSendLocation(t *testing.T) { resp, err := bot.SendLocation(NewLocation(chatID, 36.724510, 139.268181)) if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) } log.D(resp) if resp == nil { t.Error("unexpected result: message is nil") } } func TestSendVenue(t *testing.T) { resp, err := bot.SendVenue(NewVenue(chatID, 36.724510, 139.268181, "Japan", "Japan")) if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) } log.D(resp) if resp == nil { t.Error("unexpected result: resp is nil") } } func TestSendContact(t *testing.T) { resp, err := bot.SendContact(NewContact(chatID, "+42410", "Telegram")) if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) } log.D(resp) if resp == nil { t.Error("unexpected result: message is nil") } } func TestSendChatAction(t *testing.T) { ok, err := bot.SendChatAction(chatID, ActionTyping) if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) } if !ok { t.Error("unexpected result: ok is not true") } } func TestGetUserProfilePhotos(t *testing.T) { photos, err := bot.GetUserProfilePhotos(chatID, 0, 100) if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) } log.D(photos) if photos == nil { t.Error("unexpected result: photos is nil") } } func TestGetFile(t *testing.T) { file, err := bot.GetFile(documentFileID) if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) } log.D(file) if file == nil { t.Error("unexpected result: file is nil") } } func TestKickChatMember(t *testing.T) { ok, err := bot.KickChatMember(superGroupID, chatID, time.Now().Add(time.Second*30).Unix()) if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) } if !ok { t.Error("unexpected result: ok is not true") } } func TestUnbanChatMember(t *testing.T) { ok, err := bot.UnbanChatMember(superGroupID, chatID) if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) } if !ok { t.Error("unexpected result: ok is not true") } } func TestExportChatInviteLink(t *testing.T) { inviteLink, err := bot.ExportChatInviteLink(superGroupID) if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) } log.Ln("InviteLink:", inviteLink) if inviteLink == "" { t.Error("unexpected result: inviteLink is empty") } } func TestSetChatPhoto(t *testing.T) { ok, err := bot.SetChatPhoto(superGroupID, "./test/photo.png") if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) } if !ok { t.Error("unexpected result: ok is not true") } } func TestDeleteChatPhoto(t *testing.T) { ok, err := bot.DeleteChatPhoto(superGroupID) if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) } if !ok { t.Error("unexpected result: ok is not true") } } func TestSetChatTitle(t *testing.T) { ok, err := bot.SetChatTitle(superGroupID, "Go Telegram Bot API") if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) } if !ok { t.Error("unexpected result: ok is not true") } } func TestSetChatDescription(t *testing.T) { ok, err := bot.SetChatDescription( superGroupID, fmt.Sprint("Go Telegram BotAPI testing chat (updated: ", time.Now().String(), ")"), ) if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) } if !ok { t.Error("unexpected result: ok is not true") } } func TestPinChatMessage(t *testing.T) { ok, err := bot.PinChatMessage(superGroupID, replyToMessageID, true) if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) } if !ok { t.Error("unexpected result: ok is not true") } } func TestUnpinChatMessage(t *testing.T) { ok, err := bot.UnpinChatMessage(superGroupID) if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) } if !ok { t.Error("unexpected result: ok is not true") } } func TestLeaveChat(t *testing.T) { ErrNotMember := "Forbidden: bot is not a member of the supergroup chat" ok, err := bot.LeaveChat(-1001037355946) if err != nil && err.Error() != ErrNotMember { t.Error(err.Error()) } if !ok && err.Error() != ErrNotMember { t.Error("unexpected result: ok is not true") } } func TestGetChat(t *testing.T) { chat, err := bot.GetChat(superGroupID) if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) } log.D(chat) if chat == nil { t.Error("unexpected result: chat is nil") } } func TestGetChatAdministrators(t *testing.T) { admins, err := bot.GetChatAdministrators(superGroupID) if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) } log.D(admins) if len(admins) <= 0 { t.Error("unexpected result: admins not exist") } } func TestGetChatMembersCount(t *testing.T) { total, err := bot.GetChatMembersCount(superGroupID) if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) } log.Ln(total, "members") if total <= 0 { t.Error("unexpected result: members count is 0") } } func TestGetChatMember(t *testing.T) { member, err := bot.GetChatMember(superGroupID, chatID) if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) } log.D(member) if member == nil { t.Error("unexpected result: member is nil") } } func TestSetChatStickerSet(t *testing.T) { ErrCantSetStickerSet := "Bad Request: can't set supergroup sticker set" ok, err := bot.SetChatStickerSet(superGroupID, "HentaiDB") if err != nil && err.Error() != ErrCantSetStickerSet { t.Error(err.Error()) } if !ok && err.Error() != ErrCantSetStickerSet { t.Error("unexpected result: ok is not true") } } func TestDeleteChatStickerSet(t *testing.T) { ErrCantSetStickerSet := "Bad Request: can't set supergroup sticker set" ok, err := bot.DeleteChatStickerSet(superGroupID) if err != nil && err.Error() != ErrCantSetStickerSet { t.Error(err.Error()) } if !ok && err.Error() != ErrCantSetStickerSet { t.Error("unexpected result: ok is not true") } } func TestEditMessageText(t *testing.T) { text := NewMessageText( fmt.Sprint("Go Telegram BotAPI testing chat (updated: ", time.Now().String(), ")"), ) text.ChatID = chatID text.MessageID = replyToMessageID resp, err := bot.EditMessageText(text) if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) } log.D(resp) if resp == nil { t.Error("unexpected result: resp is nil") } } func TestEditMessageCaption(t *testing.T) { var caption EditMessageCaptionParameters caption.Caption = fmt.Sprint("Go Telegram BotAPI testing chat (updated: ", time.Now().String(), ")") caption.ChatID = chatID caption.MessageID = messageID resp, err := bot.EditMessageCaption(&caption) if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) } log.D(resp) if resp == nil { t.Error("unexpected result: resp is nil") } } func TestEditMessageReplyMarkup(t *testing.T) { var markup EditMessageReplyMarkupParameters markup.ChatID = superGroupID markup.MessageID = replyToMessageID markup.ReplyMarkup = NewInlineKeyboardMarkup( NewInlineKeyboardRow( NewInlineKeyboardButton("hello", fmt.Sprint("time", time.Now().Unix())), ), ) resp, err := bot.EditMessageReplyMarkup(&markup) if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) } log.D(resp) if resp == nil { t.Error("unexpected result: resp is nil") } } func TestDeleteMessage(t *testing.T) { ok, err := bot.DeleteMessage(chatID, messageID) if err != nil { t.Error(err.Error()) } if !ok { t.Error("unexpected result: ok is not true") } }