package telegram import ( "bytes" "crypto/aes" "crypto/cipher" "crypto/rand" "crypto/rsa" "crypto/sha1" "crypto/sha256" "crypto/sha512" "encoding/base64" "errors" "fmt" "log" "net" "path" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" http "" "" "" ) type ( // Bot represents a bot user with access token getted from @BotFather and // fasthttp.Client for requests. Bot struct { *User AccessToken string Client *http.Client } // UpdatesChannel is a channel for reading updates of bot. UpdatesChannel <-chan Update ShutdownFunc func() error ) const ( DefaultAudioSeparator = " – " DefaultAudioTitle = "[untitled]" ) var ErrNotEqual = errors.New("credentials hash and credentials data hash is not equal") // New creates a new default Bot structure based on the input access token. func New(accessToken string) (*Bot, error) { var err error b := new(Bot) b.SetClient(&defaultClient) b.AccessToken = accessToken b.User, err = b.GetMe() return b, err } // SetClient allow set custom fasthttp.Client (for proxy traffic, for example). func (b *Bot) SetClient(newClient *http.Client) { if b == nil { b = new(Bot) } b.Client = newClient } // NewForceReply calls the response interface to the message. func NewForceReply() *ForceReply { return &ForceReply{ ForceReply: true, } } // NewInlineMentionURL creates a url.URL for the mention user without username. func NewInlineMentionURL(userID int) *http.URI { link := http.AcquireURI() link.Update("tg://user?id=" + strconv.Itoa(userID)) return link } func NewMarkdownBold(text string) string { return "*" + text + "*" } func NewMarkdownItalic(text string) string { return "_" + text + "_" } func NewMarkdownURL(text string, link fmt.Stringer) string { return "[" + text + "](" + link.String() + ")" } func NewMarkdownMention(text string, id int) string { return NewMarkdownURL(text, NewInlineMentionURL(id)) } func NewMarkdownCode(text string) string { return "`" + text + "`" } func NewMarkdownCodeBlock(text string) string { return "```" + text + "```" } func NewHTMLBold(text string) string { return "" + text + "" } func NewHTMLItalic(text string) string { return "" + text + "" } func NewHTMLURL(text string, link fmt.Stringer) string { return `` + text + `` } func NewHTMLMention(text string, id int) string { return NewHTMLURL(text, NewInlineMentionURL(id)) } func NewHTMLCode(text string) string { return "" + text + "" } func NewHTMLCodeBlock(text string) string { return "
" + text + "
" } func (a *Animation) HasThumb() bool { return a != nil && a.Thumb != nil } func (a *Animation) File() *File { if a == nil { return nil } return &File{ FileID: a.FileID, FileSize: a.FileSize, } } func (a *Audio) FullName(separator string) (name string) { if a.HasPerformer() { if separator == "" { separator = DefaultAudioSeparator } name += a.Performer + separator } title := DefaultAudioTitle if a.HasTitle() { title = a.Title } name += title return } func (a *Audio) HasPerformer() bool { return a != nil && a.Performer != "" } func (a *Audio) HasTitle() bool { return a != nil && a.Title != "" } func (a *Audio) HasThumb() bool { return a != nil && a.Thumb != nil } func (a *Audio) File() *File { if a == nil { return nil } return &File{ FileID: a.FileID, FileSize: a.FileSize, } } // IsMessageFromMe checks that the input message is a message from the current // bot. func (b *Bot) IsMessageFromMe(m *Message) bool { return b != nil && b.User != nil && m != nil && m.From != nil && m.From.ID == b.ID } // IsForwardFromMe checks that the input message is a forwarded message from the // current bot. func (b *Bot) IsForwardFromMe(m *Message) bool { return b != nil && b.User != nil && m.IsForward() && m.ForwardFrom.ID == b.ID } // IsReplyToMe checks that the input message is a reply to the current bot. func (b *Bot) IsReplyToMe(m *Message) bool { return m.Chat.IsPrivate() || (m.IsReply() && b.IsMessageFromMe(m.ReplyToMessage)) } // IsCommandToMe checks that the input message is a command for the current bot. func (b *Bot) IsCommandToMe(m *Message) bool { if !m.IsCommand() { return false } if m.Chat.IsPrivate() { return true } parts := strings.Split(m.RawCommand(), "@") if len(parts) <= 1 { return false } return strings.EqualFold(parts[1], b.User.Username) } // IsMessageMentionsMe checks that the input message mentions the current bot. func (b *Bot) IsMessageMentionsMe(m *Message) bool { if b == nil || b.User == nil || m == nil { return false } if b.IsCommandToMe(m) { return true } var entities []MessageEntity switch { case m.HasMentions(): entities = m.Entities case m.HasCaptionMentions(): entities = m.CaptionEntities } for _, entity := range entities { if entity.IsMention() && entity.User.ID == b.ID { return true } } return false } // IsForwardMentionsMe checks that the input forwarded message mentions the // current bot. func (b *Bot) IsForwardMentionsMe(m *Message) bool { return m.IsForward() && b.IsMessageMentionsMe(m) } // IsReplyMentionsMe checks that the input message mentions the current bot. func (b *Bot) IsReplyMentionsMe(m *Message) bool { return m.IsReply() && b.IsMessageMentionsMe(m.ReplyToMessage) } // IsMessageToMe checks that the input message is addressed to the current bot. func (b *Bot) IsMessageToMe(m *Message) bool { if m == nil || m.Chat == nil { return false } if m.Chat.IsPrivate() || b.IsCommandToMe(m) || b.IsReplyToMe(m) || b.IsMessageMentionsMe(m) { return true } return false } // NewFileURL creates a url.URL to file with path getted from GetFile method. func (b *Bot) NewFileURL(filePath string) *http.URI { if b == nil || b.AccessToken == "" || filePath == "" { return nil } result := http.AcquireURI() result.SetScheme("https") result.SetHost("") result.SetPath(path.Join("file", "bot"+b.AccessToken, filePath)) return result } // NewRedirectURL creates new url.URL for redirecting from one chat to another. func (b *Bot) NewRedirectURL(param string, group bool) *http.URI { if b == nil || b.User == nil || b.User.Username == "" { return nil } link := http.AcquireURI() link.SetScheme("https") link.SetHost("") link.SetPath(b.User.Username) q := link.QueryArgs() key := "start" if group { key += "group" } q.Set(key, param) link.SetQueryStringBytes(q.QueryString()) return link } func (b *Bot) DecryptFile(pf *PassportFile, fc *FileCredentials) (data []byte, err error) { secret, err := decodeField(fc.Secret) if err != nil { return nil, err } hash, err := decodeField(fc.FileHash) if err != nil { return nil, err } key, iv := decryptSecretHash(secret, hash) file, err := b.GetFile(pf.FileID) if err != nil { return nil, err } if _, data, err = b.Client.Get(nil, b.NewFileURL(file.FilePath).String()); err != nil { return nil, err } if data, err = decryptData(key, iv, data); err != nil { return nil, err } if !match(hash, data) { err = ErrNotEqual return nil, err } offset := int(data[0]) data = data[offset:] return data, nil } // IsPrivate checks that the current chat is a private chat with single user. func (c *Chat) IsPrivate() bool { return c != nil && strings.EqualFold(c.Type, ChatPrivate) } // IsGroup checks that the current chat is a group. func (c *Chat) IsGroup() bool { return c != nil && strings.EqualFold(c.Type, ChatGroup) } // IsSuperGroup checks that the current chat is a supergroup. func (c *Chat) IsSuperGroup() bool { return c != nil && strings.EqualFold(c.Type, ChatSuperGroup) } // IsChannel checks that the current chat is a channel. func (c *Chat) IsChannel() bool { return c != nil && strings.EqualFold(c.Type, ChatChannel) } // HasPinnedMessage checks that the current chat has a pinned message. func (c *Chat) HasPinnedMessage() bool { return c != nil && c.PinnedMessage != nil } // HasStickerSet checks that the current chat has a sticker set. func (c *Chat) HasStickerSet() bool { return c != nil && c.StickerSetName != "" } // StickerSet return StickerSet structure if StickerSetName is available. func (c *Chat) StickerSet(bot *Bot) *StickerSet { if !c.HasStickerSet() || bot == nil { return nil } set, err := bot.GetStickerSet(c.StickerSetName) if err != nil { return nil } return set } // FullName returns the full name of chat or FirstName if LastName is not available. func (c *Chat) FullName() string { if c == nil { return "" } if c.HasLastName() { return c.FirstName + " " + c.LastName } return c.FirstName } // HaveLastName checks what the current user has a LastName. func (c *Chat) HasLastName() bool { return c != nil && c.LastName != "" } // HaveUsername checks what the current user has a username. func (c *Chat) HasUsername() bool { return c != nil && c.Username != "" } func (c *Chat) HasDescription() bool { return c != nil && c.Description != "" } func (c *Chat) HasInviteLink() bool { return c != nil && c.InviteLink != "" } func (cir *ChosenInlineResult) HasLocation() bool { return cir != nil && cir.Location != nil } // FullName returns the full name of contact or FirstName if LastName is not // available. func (c *Contact) FullName() string { if c == nil { return "" } if c.HasLastName() { return c.FirstName + " " + c.LastName } return c.FirstName } // HaveLastName checks what the current contact has a LastName. func (c *Contact) HasLastName() bool { return c != nil && c.LastName != "" } func (c *Contact) HasTelegram() bool { return c != nil && c.UserID != 0 } func (c *Contact) HasVCard() bool { return c != nil && c.VCard != "" } func (dc *DataCredentials) decrypt(d string) (data []byte, err error) { secret, err := decodeField(dc.Secret) if err != nil { return } hash, err := decodeField(dc.DataHash) if err != nil { return } key, iv := decryptSecretHash(secret, hash) if data, err = decodeField(d); err != nil { return } if data, err = decryptData(key, iv, data); err != nil { return } if !match(hash, data) { err = ErrNotEqual } offset := int(data[0]) data = data[offset:] return } func (d *Document) HasThumb() bool { return d != nil && d.Thumb != nil } func (d *Document) File() *File { return &File{ FileID: d.FileID, FileSize: d.FileSize, } } func (ec *EncryptedCredentials) Decrypt(pk *rsa.PrivateKey) (*Credentials, error) { if ec == nil || pk == nil { return nil, nil } data, err := decrypt(pk, ec.Secret, ec.Hash, ec.Data) if err != nil { return nil, err } var c Credentials err = parser.Unmarshal(data, &c) return &c, err } func (epe *EncryptedPassportElement) DecryptPersonalDetails(sv *SecureValue) (*PersonalDetails, error) { if !epe.IsPersonalDetails() || !sv.HasData() { return nil, nil } body, err := sv.Data.decrypt(epe.Data) if err != nil { return nil, err } var pd PersonalDetails err = parser.Unmarshal(body, &pd) return &pd, err } func (epe *EncryptedPassportElement) DecryptPassport(sv *SecureValue, b *Bot) (*IDDocumentData, []byte, []byte, [][]byte, error) { if !epe.IsPassport() || !sv.HasData() || !sv.HasFrontSide() { return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil } body, err := sv.Data.decrypt(epe.Data) if err != nil { return nil, nil, nil, nil, err } var idd IDDocumentData if err = parser.Unmarshal(body, &idd); err != nil { return nil, nil, nil, nil, err } fs, err := b.DecryptFile(epe.FrontSide, sv.FrontSide) if err != nil { return &idd, nil, nil, nil, err } var s []byte if sv.HasSelfie() { if s, err = b.DecryptFile(epe.Selfie, sv.Selfie); err != nil { return &idd, fs, nil, nil, err } } t := make([][]byte, len(sv.Translation)) if sv.HasTranslation() { for i := range t { if t[i], err = b.DecryptFile(&epe.Translation[i], &sv.Translation[i]); err != nil { return &idd, fs, s, nil, err } } } return &idd, fs, s, t, nil } func (epe *EncryptedPassportElement) DecryptInternalPassport(sv *SecureValue, b *Bot) (*IDDocumentData, []byte, []byte, [][]byte, error) { if !epe.IsInternalPassport() || !sv.HasData() || !sv.HasFrontSide() { return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil } body, err := sv.Data.decrypt(epe.Data) if err != nil { return nil, nil, nil, nil, err } var idd IDDocumentData if err = parser.Unmarshal(body, &idd); err != nil { return nil, nil, nil, nil, err } fs, err := b.DecryptFile(epe.FrontSide, sv.FrontSide) if err != nil { return &idd, nil, nil, nil, err } var s []byte if sv.HasSelfie() { if s, err = b.DecryptFile(epe.Selfie, sv.Selfie); err != nil { return &idd, fs, nil, nil, err } } t := make([][]byte, len(sv.Translation)) if sv.HasTranslation() { for i := range t { if t[i], err = b.DecryptFile(&epe.Translation[i], &sv.Translation[i]); err != nil { return &idd, fs, s, nil, err } } } return &idd, fs, s, t, nil } func (epe *EncryptedPassportElement) DecryptDriverLicense(sv *SecureValue, b *Bot) (*IDDocumentData, []byte, []byte, []byte, [][]byte, error) { if !epe.IsDriverLicense() || !sv.HasData() || !sv.HasFrontSide() || !sv.HasReverseSide() { return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil } body, err := sv.Data.decrypt(epe.Data) if err != nil { return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, err } var idd IDDocumentData if err = parser.Unmarshal(body, &idd); err != nil { return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, err } fs, err := b.DecryptFile(epe.FrontSide, sv.FrontSide) if err != nil { return &idd, nil, nil, nil, nil, err } rs, err := b.DecryptFile(epe.ReverseSide, sv.ReverseSide) if err != nil { return &idd, nil, nil, nil, nil, err } var s []byte if sv.HasSelfie() { if s, err = b.DecryptFile(epe.Selfie, sv.Selfie); err != nil { return &idd, fs, rs, nil, nil, err } } t := make([][]byte, len(sv.Translation)) if sv.HasTranslation() { for i := range t { if t[i], err = b.DecryptFile(&epe.Translation[i], &sv.Translation[i]); err != nil { return &idd, fs, rs, s, nil, err } } } return &idd, fs, rs, s, t, nil } func (epe *EncryptedPassportElement) IsAddress() bool { return epe != nil && strings.EqualFold(epe.Type, TypeAddress) } func (epe *EncryptedPassportElement) IsBankStatement() bool { return epe != nil && strings.EqualFold(epe.Type, TypeBankStatement) } func (epe *EncryptedPassportElement) IsDriverLicense() bool { return epe != nil && strings.EqualFold(epe.Type, TypeDriverLicense) } func (epe *EncryptedPassportElement) IsEmail() bool { return epe != nil && strings.EqualFold(epe.Type, TypeEmail) } func (epe *EncryptedPassportElement) IsIdentityCard() bool { return epe != nil && strings.EqualFold(epe.Type, TypeIdentityCard) } func (epe *EncryptedPassportElement) IsInternalPassport() bool { return epe != nil && strings.EqualFold(epe.Type, TypeInternalPassport) } func (epe *EncryptedPassportElement) IsPassport() bool { return epe != nil && strings.EqualFold(epe.Type, TypePassport) } func (epe *EncryptedPassportElement) IsPassportRegistration() bool { return epe != nil && strings.EqualFold(epe.Type, TypePassportRegistration) } func (epe *EncryptedPassportElement) IsPersonalDetails() bool { return epe != nil && strings.EqualFold(epe.Type, TypePersonalDetails) } func (epe *EncryptedPassportElement) IsPhoneNumber() bool { return epe != nil && strings.EqualFold(epe.Type, TypePhoneNumber) } func (epe *EncryptedPassportElement) IsRentalAgreement() bool { return epe != nil && strings.EqualFold(epe.Type, TypeRentalAgreement) } func (epe *EncryptedPassportElement) IsTemporaryRegistration() bool { return epe != nil && strings.EqualFold(epe.Type, TypeTemporaryRegistration) } func (epe *EncryptedPassportElement) IsUtilityBill() bool { return epe != nil && strings.EqualFold(epe.Type, TypeUtilityBill) } // ParseURL selects URL from entered text of message and parse it as fasthttp.URI. func (e *MessageEntity) ParseURL(messageText string) *http.URI { if e == nil || !e.IsURL() || messageText == "" { return nil } from := e.Offset to := from + e.Length text := []rune(messageText) if len(text) < to { return nil } link := http.AcquireURI() link.Update(string(text[from:to])) return link } // IsBold checks that the current entity is a bold tag. func (e *MessageEntity) IsBold() bool { return e != nil && strings.EqualFold(e.Type, EntityBold) } // IsBotCommand checks that the current entity is a bot command. func (e *MessageEntity) IsBotCommand() bool { return e != nil && strings.EqualFold(e.Type, EntityBotCommand) } // IsCode checks that the current entity is a code tag. func (e *MessageEntity) IsCode() bool { return e != nil && strings.EqualFold(e.Type, EntityCode) } // IsEmail checks that the current entity is a email. func (e *MessageEntity) IsEmail() bool { return e != nil && strings.EqualFold(e.Type, EntityEmail) } // IsHashtag checks that the current entity is a hashtag. func (e *MessageEntity) IsHashtag() bool { return e != nil && strings.EqualFold(e.Type, EntityHashtag) } // IsItalic checks that the current entity is a italic tag. func (e *MessageEntity) IsItalic() bool { return e != nil && strings.EqualFold(e.Type, EntityItalic) } // IsMention checks that the current entity is a username mention. func (e *MessageEntity) IsMention() bool { return e != nil && strings.EqualFold(e.Type, EntityMention) } // IsPre checks that the current entity is a pre tag. func (e *MessageEntity) IsPre() bool { return e != nil && strings.EqualFold(e.Type, EntityPre) } // IsTextLink checks that the current entity is a text link. func (e *MessageEntity) IsTextLink() bool { return e != nil && strings.EqualFold(e.Type, EntityTextLink) } // IsTextMention checks that the current entity is a mention without username. func (e *MessageEntity) IsTextMention() bool { return e != nil && strings.EqualFold(e.Type, EntityTextMention) } // IsURL checks that the current entity is a URL func (e *MessageEntity) IsURL() bool { return e != nil && strings.EqualFold(e.Type, EntityURL) } // TextLink parse current text link entity as fasthttp.URI. func (e *MessageEntity) TextLink() *http.URI { if e == nil { return nil } link := http.AcquireURI() link.Update(e.URL) return link } func (idd *IDDocumentData) ExpiryTime() *time.Time { if idd == nil || idd.ExpiryDate == "" { return nil } et, err := time.Parse("02.01.2006", idd.ExpiryDate) if err != nil { return nil } return &et } // NewInlineKeyboardMarkup creates a new inline keyboard markup for message. func NewInlineKeyboardMarkup(rows ...[]InlineKeyboardButton) *InlineKeyboardMarkup { var keyboard [][]InlineKeyboardButton keyboard = append(keyboard, rows...) return &InlineKeyboardMarkup{ InlineKeyboard: keyboard, } } // NewInlineKeyboardRow creates a new inline keyboard row for buttons. func NewInlineKeyboardRow(buttons ...InlineKeyboardButton) []InlineKeyboardButton { var row []InlineKeyboardButton row = append(row, buttons...) return row } // NewInlineKeyboardButton creates a new inline keyboard callback button. func NewInlineKeyboardButton(text, data string) InlineKeyboardButton { return InlineKeyboardButton{ Text: text, CallbackData: data, } } // NewInlineKeyboardButtonURL creates a new inline keyboard button with URL. func NewInlineKeyboardButtonURL(text, url string) InlineKeyboardButton { return InlineKeyboardButton{ Text: text, URL: url, } } // NewInlineKeyboardButtonSwitch creates a new inline keyboard button to make // specific inline query in other chat. func NewInlineKeyboardButtonSwitch(text, query string) InlineKeyboardButton { return InlineKeyboardButton{ Text: text, SwitchInlineQuery: query, } } // NewInlineKeyboardButtonSwitchSelf creates a new inline keyboard button to make // specific inline query in same chat. func NewInlineKeyboardButtonSwitchSelf(text, query string) InlineKeyboardButton { return InlineKeyboardButton{ Text: text, SwitchInlineQueryCurrentChat: query, } } // NewInlineKeyboardButtonGame creates a new inline keyboard button with game // callback. func NewInlineKeyboardButtonGame(text string) InlineKeyboardButton { var game CallbackGame return InlineKeyboardButton{ Text: text, CallbackGame: &game, } } // NewInlineKeyboardButtonPay creates a new inline keyboard button with pay // callback. func NewInlineKeyboardButtonPay(text string) InlineKeyboardButton { return InlineKeyboardButton{ Text: text, Pay: true, } } // HasLocation checks what current InlineQuery has Location info. func (iq *InlineQuery) HasLocation() bool { return iq != nil && iq.Location != nil } // HasOffset checks what current InlineQuery has Offset. func (iq *InlineQuery) HasOffset() bool { return iq != nil && iq.Offset != "" } // HasQuery checks what current InlineQuery has Query string. func (iq *InlineQuery) HasQuery() bool { return iq != nil && iq.Query != "" } // NewInlineQueryResultCachedAudio creates a new inline query result with cached // audio. func NewInlineQueryResultCachedAudio(resultID, fileID string) *InlineQueryResultCachedAudio { return &InlineQueryResultCachedAudio{ Type: TypeAudio, ID: resultID, AudioFileID: fileID, } } // NewInlineQueryResultCachedDocument creates a new inline query result with // cached document. func NewInlineQueryResultCachedDocument(resultID, fileID, title string) *InlineQueryResultCachedDocument { return &InlineQueryResultCachedDocument{ Type: TypeDocument, ID: resultID, Title: title, DocumentFileID: fileID, } } // NewInlineQueryResultCachedGif creates a new inline query result with cached // GIF. func NewInlineQueryResultCachedGif(resultID, fileID string) *InlineQueryResultCachedGif { return &InlineQueryResultCachedGif{ Type: TypeGIF, ID: resultID, GifFileID: fileID, } } // NewInlineQueryResultCachedMpeg4Gif creates a new inline query result with // cached MPEG GIF. func NewInlineQueryResultCachedMpeg4Gif(resultID, fileID string) *InlineQueryResultCachedMpeg4Gif { return &InlineQueryResultCachedMpeg4Gif{ Type: TypeMpeg4Gif, ID: resultID, Mpeg4FileID: fileID, } } // NewInlineQueryResultCachedPhoto creates a new inline query result with cached // photo. func NewInlineQueryResultCachedPhoto(resultID, fileID string) *InlineQueryResultCachedPhoto { return &InlineQueryResultCachedPhoto{ Type: TypePhoto, ID: resultID, PhotoFileID: fileID, } } // NewInlineQueryResultCachedSticker creates a new inline query result with // cached sticker. func NewInlineQueryResultCachedSticker(resultID, fileID string) *InlineQueryResultCachedSticker { return &InlineQueryResultCachedSticker{ Type: TypeSticker, ID: resultID, StickerFileID: fileID, } } // NewInlineQueryResultCachedVideo creates a new inline query result with cached // video. func NewInlineQueryResultCachedVideo(resultID, fileID, title string) *InlineQueryResultCachedVideo { return &InlineQueryResultCachedVideo{ Type: TypeVideo, ID: resultID, VideoFileID: fileID, Title: title, } } // NewInlineQueryResultCachedVoice creates a new inline query result with cached // voice. func NewInlineQueryResultCachedVoice(resultID, fileID, title string) *InlineQueryResultCachedVoice { return &InlineQueryResultCachedVoice{ Type: TypeVoice, ID: resultID, VoiceFileID: fileID, Title: title, } } // NewInlineQueryResultArticle creates a new inline query result with article. func NewInlineQueryResultArticle(resultID, title string, content interface{}) *InlineQueryResultArticle { return &InlineQueryResultArticle{ Type: TypeArticle, ID: resultID, Title: title, InputMessageContent: content, } } // NewInlineQueryResultAudio creates a new inline query result with audio. func NewInlineQueryResultAudio(resultID, audioURL, title string) *InlineQueryResultAudio { return &InlineQueryResultAudio{ Type: TypeAudio, ID: resultID, AudioURL: audioURL, Title: title, } } // NewInlineQueryResultContact creates a new inline query result with contact. func NewInlineQueryResultContact(resultID, phoneNumber, firstName string) *InlineQueryResultContact { return &InlineQueryResultContact{ Type: TypeContact, ID: resultID, PhoneNumber: phoneNumber, FirstName: firstName, } } // NewInlineQueryResultGame creates a new inline query result with game. func NewInlineQueryResultGame(resultID, gameShortName string) *InlineQueryResultGame { return &InlineQueryResultGame{ Type: TypeGame, ID: resultID, GameShortName: gameShortName, } } // NewInlineQueryResultDocument creates a new inline query result with document. func NewInlineQueryResultDocument(resultID, title, documentURL, mimeType string) *InlineQueryResultDocument { return &InlineQueryResultDocument{ Type: TypeDocument, ID: resultID, Title: title, DocumentURL: documentURL, MimeType: mimeType, } } // NewInlineQueryResultGif creates a new inline query result with GIF. func NewInlineQueryResultGif(resultID, gifURL, thumbURL string) *InlineQueryResultGif { return &InlineQueryResultGif{ Type: TypeGIF, ID: resultID, GifURL: gifURL, ThumbURL: thumbURL, } } // NewInlineQueryResultLocation creates a new inline query result with location. func NewInlineQueryResultLocation(resultID, title string, latitude, longitude float32) *InlineQueryResultLocation { return &InlineQueryResultLocation{ Type: TypeLocation, ID: resultID, Latitude: latitude, Longitude: longitude, Title: title, } } // NewInlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif creates a new inline query result with MPEG GIF. func NewInlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif(resultID, mpeg4URL, thumbURL string) *InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif { return &InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif{ Type: TypeMpeg4Gif, ID: resultID, Mpeg4URL: mpeg4URL, ThumbURL: thumbURL, } } // NewInlineQueryResultPhoto creates a new inline query result with photo. func NewInlineQueryResultPhoto(resultID, photoURL, thumbURL string) *InlineQueryResultPhoto { return &InlineQueryResultPhoto{ Type: TypePhoto, ID: resultID, PhotoURL: photoURL, ThumbURL: thumbURL, } } // NewInlineQueryResultVenue creates a new inline query result with venue. func NewInlineQueryResultVenue(resultID, title, address string, latitude, longitude float32) *InlineQueryResultVenue { return &InlineQueryResultVenue{ Type: TypeVenue, ID: resultID, Latitude: latitude, Longitude: longitude, Title: title, Address: address, } } // NewInlineQueryResultVideo creates a new inline query result with video. func NewInlineQueryResultVideo(resultID, videoURL, mimeType, thumbURL, title string) *InlineQueryResultVideo { return &InlineQueryResultVideo{ Type: TypeVideo, ID: resultID, VideoURL: videoURL, MimeType: mimeType, ThumbURL: thumbURL, Title: title, } } // NewInlineQueryResultVoice creates a new inline query result with voice. func NewInlineQueryResultVoice(resultID, voiceURL, title string) *InlineQueryResultVoice { return &InlineQueryResultVoice{ Type: TypeVoice, ID: resultID, VoiceURL: voiceURL, Title: title, } } func (iqra *InlineQueryResultArticle) ResultID() string { return iqra.ID } func (iqra *InlineQueryResultArticle) ResultType() string { return iqra.Type } func (iqra *InlineQueryResultArticle) ResultReplyMarkup() *InlineKeyboardMarkup { return iqra.ReplyMarkup } func (iqrp *InlineQueryResultPhoto) ResultID() string { return iqrp.ID } func (iqrp *InlineQueryResultPhoto) ResultType() string { return iqrp.Type } func (iqrp *InlineQueryResultPhoto) ResultReplyMarkup() *InlineKeyboardMarkup { return iqrp.ReplyMarkup } func (iqrg *InlineQueryResultGif) ResultID() string { return iqrg.ID } func (iqrg *InlineQueryResultGif) ResultType() string { return iqrg.Type } func (iqrg *InlineQueryResultGif) ResultReplyMarkup() *InlineKeyboardMarkup { return iqrg.ReplyMarkup } func (iqrm4g *InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif) ResultID() string { return iqrm4g.ID } func (iqrm4g *InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif) ResultType() string { return iqrm4g.Type } func (iqrm4g *InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif) ResultReplyMarkup() *InlineKeyboardMarkup { return iqrm4g.ReplyMarkup } func (iqrv *InlineQueryResultVideo) ResultID() string { return iqrv.ID } func (iqrv *InlineQueryResultVideo) ResultType() string { return iqrv.Type } func (iqrv *InlineQueryResultVideo) ResultReplyMarkup() *InlineKeyboardMarkup { return iqrv.ReplyMarkup } func (iqra *InlineQueryResultAudio) ResultID() string { return iqra.ID } func (iqra *InlineQueryResultAudio) ResultType() string { return iqra.Type } func (iqra *InlineQueryResultAudio) ResultReplyMarkup() *InlineKeyboardMarkup { return iqra.ReplyMarkup } func (iqrv *InlineQueryResultVoice) ResultID() string { return iqrv.ID } func (iqrv *InlineQueryResultVoice) ResultType() string { return iqrv.Type } func (iqrv *InlineQueryResultVoice) ResultReplyMarkup() *InlineKeyboardMarkup { return iqrv.ReplyMarkup } func (iqrd *InlineQueryResultDocument) ResultID() string { return iqrd.ID } func (iqrd *InlineQueryResultDocument) ResultType() string { return iqrd.Type } func (iqrd *InlineQueryResultDocument) ResultReplyMarkup() *InlineKeyboardMarkup { return iqrd.ReplyMarkup } func (iqrl *InlineQueryResultLocation) ResultID() string { return iqrl.ID } func (iqrl *InlineQueryResultLocation) ResultType() string { return iqrl.Type } func (iqrl *InlineQueryResultLocation) ResultReplyMarkup() *InlineKeyboardMarkup { return iqrl.ReplyMarkup } func (iqrv *InlineQueryResultVenue) ResultID() string { return iqrv.ID } func (iqrv *InlineQueryResultVenue) ResultType() string { return iqrv.Type } func (iqrv *InlineQueryResultVenue) ResultReplyMarkup() *InlineKeyboardMarkup { return iqrv.ReplyMarkup } func (iqrc *InlineQueryResultContact) ResultID() string { return iqrc.ID } func (iqrc *InlineQueryResultContact) ResultType() string { return iqrc.Type } func (iqrc *InlineQueryResultContact) ResultReplyMarkup() *InlineKeyboardMarkup { return iqrc.ReplyMarkup } func (iqrg *InlineQueryResultGame) ResultID() string { return iqrg.ID } func (iqrg *InlineQueryResultGame) ResultType() string { return iqrg.Type } func (iqrg *InlineQueryResultGame) ResultReplyMarkup() *InlineKeyboardMarkup { return iqrg.ReplyMarkup } func (iqrcp *InlineQueryResultCachedPhoto) ResultID() string { return iqrcp.ID } func (iqrcp *InlineQueryResultCachedPhoto) ResultType() string { return iqrcp.Type } func (iqrcp *InlineQueryResultCachedPhoto) ResultReplyMarkup() *InlineKeyboardMarkup { return iqrcp.ReplyMarkup } func (iqrcg *InlineQueryResultCachedGif) ResultID() string { return iqrcg.ID } func (iqrcg *InlineQueryResultCachedGif) ResultType() string { return iqrcg.Type } func (iqrcg *InlineQueryResultCachedGif) ResultReplyMarkup() *InlineKeyboardMarkup { return iqrcg.ReplyMarkup } func (iqrcm4g *InlineQueryResultCachedMpeg4Gif) ResultID() string { return iqrcm4g.ID } func (iqrcm4g *InlineQueryResultCachedMpeg4Gif) ResultType() string { return iqrcm4g.Type } func (iqrcm4g *InlineQueryResultCachedMpeg4Gif) ResultReplyMarkup() *InlineKeyboardMarkup { return iqrcm4g.ReplyMarkup } func (iqrcs *InlineQueryResultCachedSticker) ResultID() string { return iqrcs.ID } func (iqrcs *InlineQueryResultCachedSticker) ResultType() string { return iqrcs.Type } func (iqrcs *InlineQueryResultCachedSticker) ResultReplyMarkup() *InlineKeyboardMarkup { return iqrcs.ReplyMarkup } func (iqrcd *InlineQueryResultCachedDocument) ResultID() string { return iqrcd.ID } func (iqrcd *InlineQueryResultCachedDocument) ResultType() string { return iqrcd.Type } func (iqrcd *InlineQueryResultCachedDocument) ResultReplyMarkup() *InlineKeyboardMarkup { return iqrcd.ReplyMarkup } func (iqrcv *InlineQueryResultCachedVideo) ResultID() string { return iqrcv.ID } func (iqrcv *InlineQueryResultCachedVideo) ResultType() string { return iqrcv.Type } func (iqrcv *InlineQueryResultCachedVideo) ResultReplyMarkup() *InlineKeyboardMarkup { return iqrcv.ReplyMarkup } func (iqrcv *InlineQueryResultCachedVoice) ResultID() string { return iqrcv.ID } func (iqrcv *InlineQueryResultCachedVoice) ResultType() string { return iqrcv.Type } func (iqrcv *InlineQueryResultCachedVoice) ResultReplyMarkup() *InlineKeyboardMarkup { return iqrcv.ReplyMarkup } func (iqrca *InlineQueryResultCachedAudio) ResultID() string { return iqrca.ID } func (iqrca *InlineQueryResultCachedAudio) ResultType() string { return iqrca.Type } func (iqrca *InlineQueryResultCachedAudio) ResultReplyMarkup() *InlineKeyboardMarkup { return iqrca.ReplyMarkup } // NewInputTextMessageContent creates a new text of message. func NewInputTextMessageContent(messageText string) *InputTextMessageContent { return &InputTextMessageContent{ MessageText: messageText, } } // NewInputLocationMessageContent creates a new location. func NewInputLocationMessageContent(latitude, longitude float32) *InputLocationMessageContent { return &InputLocationMessageContent{ Latitude: latitude, Longitude: longitude, } } // NewInputVenueMessageContent creates a new venue. func NewInputVenueMessageContent(latitude, longitude float32, title, address string) *InputVenueMessageContent { return &InputVenueMessageContent{ Latitude: latitude, Longitude: longitude, Title: title, Address: address, } } // NewInputContactMessageContent creates a new contact. func NewInputContactMessageContent(phoneNumber, firstName string) *InputContactMessageContent { return &InputContactMessageContent{ PhoneNumber: phoneNumber, FirstName: firstName, } } // NewInputMediaPhoto creates a new photo in media album. func NewInputMediaPhoto(media string) *InputMediaPhoto { return &InputMediaPhoto{ Type: TypePhoto, Media: media, } } // NewInputMediaVideo creates a new video in media album. func NewInputMediaVideo(media string) *InputMediaVideo { return &InputMediaVideo{ Type: TypeVideo, Media: media, } } func (ima *InputMediaAnimation) File() string { if ima == nil { return "" } return ima.Media } func (ima *InputMediaAnimation) InputMediaCaption() string { if ima == nil { return "" } return ima.Caption } func (ima *InputMediaAnimation) InputMediaParseMode() string { if ima == nil { return "" } return ima.ParseMode } func (ima *InputMediaAnimation) InputMediaType() string { if ima == nil { return "" } return ima.Type } func (imd *InputMediaDocument) File() string { if imd == nil { return "" } return imd.Media } func (imd *InputMediaDocument) InputMediaCaption() string { if imd == nil { return "" } return imd.Caption } func (imd *InputMediaDocument) InputMediaParseMode() string { if imd == nil { return "" } return imd.ParseMode } func (imd *InputMediaDocument) InputMediaType() string { if imd == nil { return "" } return imd.Type } func (ima *InputMediaAudio) File() string { if ima == nil { return "" } return ima.Media } func (ima *InputMediaAudio) InputMediaCaption() string { if ima == nil { return "" } return ima.Caption } func (ima *InputMediaAudio) InputMediaParseMode() string { if ima == nil { return "" } return ima.ParseMode } func (ima *InputMediaAudio) InputMediaType() string { if ima == nil { return "" } return ima.Type } func (imp *InputMediaPhoto) File() string { if imp == nil { return "" } return imp.Media } func (imp *InputMediaPhoto) InputMediaCaption() string { if imp == nil { return "" } return imp.Caption } func (imp *InputMediaPhoto) InputMediaParseMode() string { if imp == nil { return "" } return imp.ParseMode } func (imp *InputMediaPhoto) InputMediaType() string { if imp == nil { return "" } return imp.Type } func (imv *InputMediaVideo) File() string { if imv == nil { return "" } return imv.Media } func (imv *InputMediaVideo) InputMediaCaption() string { if imv == nil { return "" } return imv.Caption } func (imv *InputMediaVideo) InputMediaParseMode() string { if imv == nil { return "" } return imv.ParseMode } func (imv *InputMediaVideo) InputMediaType() string { if imv == nil { return "" } return imv.Type } func (itmc *InputTextMessageContent) IsInputMessageContent() bool { return true } func (ilmc *InputLocationMessageContent) IsInputMessageContent() bool { return true } func (ivmc *InputVenueMessageContent) IsInputMessageContent() bool { return true } func (icmc *InputContactMessageContent) IsInputMessageContent() bool { return true } // NewReplyKeyboardRemove just hides keyboard. func NewReplyKeyboardRemove(selective bool) *ReplyKeyboardRemove { return &ReplyKeyboardRemove{ RemoveKeyboard: true, Selective: selective, } } // NewReplyKeyboardMarkup creates new keyboard markup of simple buttons. func NewReplyKeyboardMarkup(rows ...[]KeyboardButton) *ReplyKeyboardMarkup { var keyboard [][]KeyboardButton keyboard = append(keyboard, rows...) return &ReplyKeyboardMarkup{Keyboard: keyboard} } // NewReplyKeyboardRow creates new keyboard row for buttons. func NewReplyKeyboardRow(buttons ...KeyboardButton) []KeyboardButton { var row []KeyboardButton row = append(row, buttons...) return row } // NewReplyKeyboardButton creates new button with custom text for sending it. func NewReplyKeyboardButton(text string) KeyboardButton { return KeyboardButton{ Text: text, } } // NewReplyKeyboardButtonContact creates new button with custom text for sending // user contact. func NewReplyKeyboardButtonContact(text string) KeyboardButton { return KeyboardButton{ Text: text, RequestContact: true, } } // NewReplyKeyboardButtonLocation creates new button with custom text for sending // user location. func NewReplyKeyboardButtonLocation(text string) KeyboardButton { return KeyboardButton{ Text: text, RequestLocation: true, } } // IsCreator checks that current member is creator. func (m *ChatMember) IsCreator() bool { return m != nil && strings.EqualFold(m.Status, StatusCreator) } // IsAdministrator checks that current member is administrator. func (m *ChatMember) IsAdministrator() bool { return m != nil && strings.EqualFold(m.Status, StatusAdministrator) } // IsRestricted checks that current member has been restricted. func (m *ChatMember) IsRestricted() bool { return m != nil && strings.EqualFold(m.Status, StatusRestricted) } // IsLeft checks that current member has left the chat. func (m *ChatMember) IsLeft() bool { return m != nil && strings.EqualFold(m.Status, StatusLeft) } // IsKicked checks that current member has been kicked. func (m *ChatMember) IsKicked() bool { return m != nil && strings.EqualFold(m.Status, StatusKicked) } // UntilTime parse UntilDate of restrictions and returns time.Time. func (m *ChatMember) UntilTime() *time.Time { if m == nil { return nil } ut := time.Unix(m.UntilDate, 0) return &ut } // IsCommand checks that the current message is a bot command. func (m *Message) IsCommand() bool { if !m.IsText() || !m.HasEntities() { return false } entity := m.Entities[0] return entity.IsBotCommand() && entity.Offset == 0 } // IsCommandEqual checks that the current message is a specific bot command. func (m *Message) IsCommandEqual(command string) bool { return m.IsCommand() && strings.EqualFold(m.Command(), command) } // Command returns identifier of the bot command without bot username, if it was // available func (m *Message) Command() string { if !m.IsCommand() { return "" } return strings.Split(m.RawCommand(), "@")[0] } // RawCommand returns identifier of the bot command with bot username, if it was // available func (m *Message) RawCommand() string { if !m.IsCommand() { return "" } return string([]rune(m.Text)[1:m.Entities[0].Length]) } // HasCommandArgument checks that the current command message contains argument. func (m *Message) HasCommandArgument() bool { if !m.IsCommand() { return false } entity := m.Entities[0] if !entity.IsBotCommand() { return false } return len([]rune(m.Text)) != entity.Length } // CommandArgument returns raw command argument. func (m *Message) CommandArgument() string { if !m.HasCommandArgument() { return "" } return string([]rune(m.Text)[m.Entities[0].Length+1:]) } // IsReply checks that the current message is a reply on other message. func (m *Message) IsReply() bool { return m != nil && m.ReplyToMessage != nil } // IsForward checks that the current message is a forward of other message. func (m *Message) IsForward() bool { return m != nil && m.ForwardFrom != nil } // Time parse current message Date and returns time.Time. func (m *Message) Time() *time.Time { if m == nil { return nil } t := time.Unix(m.Date, 0) return &t } // ForwardTime parse current message ForwardDate and returns time.Time. func (m *Message) ForwardTime() *time.Time { if m == nil { return nil } ft := time.Unix(m.ForwardDate, 0) return &ft } // EditTime parse current message EditDate and returns time.Time. func (m *Message) EditTime() *time.Time { if m == nil || !m.HasBeenEdited() { return nil } et := time.Unix(m.EditDate, 0) return &et } // HasBeenEdited checks that the current message has been edited. func (m *Message) HasBeenEdited() bool { return m != nil && m.EditDate > 0 } // IsText checks that the current message is just a text message. func (m *Message) IsText() bool { return m != nil && m.Text != "" } // IsAudio checks that the current message is a audio. func (m *Message) IsAudio() bool { return m != nil && m.Audio != nil } // IsDocument checks that the current message is a document. func (m *Message) IsDocument() bool { return m != nil && m.Document != nil } // IsGame checks that the current message is a game. func (m *Message) IsGame() bool { return m != nil && m.Game != nil } // IsPhoto checks that the current message is a photo. func (m *Message) IsPhoto() bool { return m != nil && len(m.Photo) > 0 } // IsSticker checks that the current message is a sticker. func (m *Message) IsSticker() bool { return m != nil && m.Sticker != nil } // IsVideo checks that the current message is a video. func (m *Message) IsVideo() bool { return m != nil && m.Video != nil } // IsVoice checks that the current message is a voice. func (m *Message) IsVoice() bool { return m != nil && m.Voice != nil } // IsVideoNote checks that the current message is a video note. func (m *Message) IsVideoNote() bool { return m != nil && m.VideoNote != nil } // IsContact checks that the current message is a contact. func (m *Message) IsContact() bool { return m != nil && m.Contact != nil } // IsLocation checks that the current message is a location. func (m *Message) IsLocation() bool { return m != nil && m.Location != nil } // IsVenue checks that the current message is a venue. func (m *Message) IsVenue() bool { return m != nil && m.Venue != nil } // IsAnimation checks that the current message is a animation. func (m *Message) IsAnimation() bool { return m != nil && m.Animation != nil } // IsNewChatMembersEvent checks that the current message is a event of entry of // new members. func (m *Message) IsNewChatMembersEvent() bool { return m != nil && len(m.NewChatMembers) > 0 } // IsLeftChatMemberEvent checks that the current message is a event of members // exit. func (m *Message) IsLeftChatMemberEvent() bool { return m != nil && m.LeftChatMember != nil } // IsNewChatTitleEvent checks that the current message is a event of setting a // new chat title. func (m *Message) IsNewChatTitleEvent() bool { return m != nil && !strings.EqualFold(m.NewChatTitle, "") } // IsNewChatPhotoEvent checks that the current message is a event of setting a // new chat avatar. func (m *Message) IsNewChatPhotoEvent() bool { return m != nil && len(m.NewChatPhoto) > 0 } // IsDeleteChatPhotoEvent checks that the current message is a event of deleting // a chat avatar. func (m *Message) IsDeleteChatPhotoEvent() bool { return m != nil && m.DeleteChatPhoto } // IsGroupChatCreatedEvent checks that the current message is a event of creating // a new group. func (m *Message) IsGroupChatCreatedEvent() bool { return m != nil && m.GroupChatCreated } // IsSupergroupChatCreatedEvent checks that the current message is a event of // creating a new supergroup. func (m *Message) IsSupergroupChatCreatedEvent() bool { return m != nil && m.SupergroupChatCreated } // IsChannelChatCreatedEvent checks that the current message is a event of // creating a new channel. func (m *Message) IsChannelChatCreatedEvent() bool { return m != nil && m.ChannelChatCreated } // IsPinnedMessage checks that the current message is a event of pinning another // message. func (m *Message) IsPinnedMessage() bool { return m != nil && m.PinnedMessage != nil } // IsInvoice checks that the current message is a invoice. func (m *Message) IsInvoice() bool { return m != nil && m.Invoice != nil } // IsSuccessfulPayment checks that the current message is a event of successful // payment. func (m *Message) IsSuccessfulPayment() bool { return m != nil && m.SuccessfulPayment != nil } // IsPoll checks that the current message is a poll. func (m *Message) IsPoll() bool { return m != nil && m.Poll != nil } // HasEntities checks that the current message contains entities. func (m *Message) HasEntities() bool { return m != nil && len(m.Entities) > 0 } // HasCaptionEntities checks that the current media contains entities in caption. func (m *Message) HasCaptionEntities() bool { return m != nil && len(m.CaptionEntities) > 0 } // HasMentions checks that the current message contains mentions. func (m *Message) HasMentions() bool { if !m.HasEntities() { return false } for _, entity := range m.Entities { if entity.IsMention() || entity.IsTextMention() { return true } } return false } // HasCaptionMentions checks that the current media contains mentions in caption. func (m *Message) HasCaptionMentions() bool { if !m.HasCaptionEntities() { return false } for _, entity := range m.CaptionEntities { if entity.IsMention() || entity.IsTextMention() { return true } } return false } // HasCaption checks that the current media has caption. func (m *Message) HasCaption() bool { return m != nil && m.Caption != "" } // HasAuthorSignature checks that the current channel post has author signature. func (m *Message) HasAuthorSignature() bool { return m != nil && m.AuthorSignature != "" } // IsEvent checks what current message is a any chat event. func (m *Message) IsEvent() bool { return m.IsChannelChatCreatedEvent() || m.IsDeleteChatPhotoEvent() || m.IsGroupChatCreatedEvent() || m.IsLeftChatMemberEvent() || m.IsNewChatMembersEvent() || m.IsNewChatTitleEvent() || m.IsSupergroupChatCreatedEvent() || m.IsNewChatPhotoEvent() } func sortPhotos(ps []PhotoSize, reverse bool) []PhotoSize { buf := make([]PhotoSize, len(ps)) copy(buf, ps) sort.Slice(buf, func(i, j int) bool { if reverse { return buf[i].Width > buf[j].Width && buf[i].Height > buf[j].Height } return buf[i].Width < buf[j].Width && buf[i].Height < buf[j].Height }) return buf } func (m *Message) BigPhoto() *PhotoSize { if m == nil || !m.IsPhoto() { return nil } if len(m.Photo) == 1 { return &m.Photo[0] } sp := sortPhotos(m.Photo, true) return &sp[0] } func (m *Message) SmallPhoto() *PhotoSize { if m == nil || !m.IsPhoto() { return nil } if len(m.Photo) == 1 { return &m.Photo[0] } sp := sortPhotos(m.Photo, false) return &sp[0] } func (m *Message) BigChatPhoto() *PhotoSize { if m == nil || !m.IsNewChatPhotoEvent() { return nil } if len(m.NewChatPhoto) == 1 { return &m.NewChatPhoto[0] } sp := sortPhotos(m.NewChatPhoto, true) return &sp[0] } func (m *Message) SmallChatPhoto() *PhotoSize { if m == nil || !m.IsNewChatPhotoEvent() { return nil } if len(m.NewChatPhoto) == 1 { return &m.NewChatPhoto[0] } sp := sortPhotos(m.NewChatPhoto, false) return &sp[0] } func decrypt(pk *rsa.PrivateKey, s, h, d string) (obj []byte, err error) { // Note that all base64-encoded fields should be decoded before use. secret, err := decodeField(s) if err != nil { return nil, err } hash, err := decodeField(h) if err != nil { return nil, err } data, err := decodeField(d) if err != nil { return nil, err } if pk != nil { // Decrypt the credentials secret (secret field in EncryptedCredentials) // using your private key secret, err = decryptSecret(pk, secret) if err != nil { return nil, err } } // Use this secret and the credentials hash (hash field in // EncryptedCredentials) to calculate credentials_key and credentials_iv key, iv := decryptSecretHash(secret, hash) if err != nil { return nil, err } // Decrypt the credentials data (data field in EncryptedCredentials) by // AES256-CBC using these credentials_key and credentials_iv. data, err = decryptData(key, iv, data) if err != nil { return nil, err } // IMPORTANT: At this step, make sure that the credentials hash is equal // to SHA256(credentials_data) if !match(hash, data) { return nil, ErrNotEqual } // Credentials data is padded with 32 to 255 random padding bytes to make // its length divisible by 16 bytes. The first byte contains the length // of this padding (including this byte). Remove the padding to get the // data. offset := int(data[0]) return data[offset:], nil } func decodeField(rawField string) (field []byte, err error) { return base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(rawField) } func decryptSecret(pk *rsa.PrivateKey, s []byte) (secret []byte, err error) { return rsa.DecryptOAEP(sha1.New(), rand.Reader, pk, s, nil) } func decryptSecretHash(s, h []byte) (key, iv []byte) { hash := sha512.New() var err error if _, err = hash.Write(s); err != nil { return } if _, err = hash.Write(h); err != nil { return } sh := hash.Sum(nil) return sh[0:32], sh[32 : 32+16] } func match(h, d []byte) bool { dh := sha256.New() if _, err := dh.Write(d); err != nil { return false } return bytes.EqualFold(h, dh.Sum(nil)) } func decryptData(key, iv, data []byte) (buf []byte, err error) { block, err := aes.NewCipher(key) if err != nil { return } buf = make([]byte, len(data)) cipher.NewCBCDecrypter(block, iv).CryptBlocks(buf, data) return } func (peedf *PassportElementErrorDataField) PassportElementErrorMessage() string { if peedf == nil { return "" } return peedf.Message } func (peedf *PassportElementErrorDataField) PassportElementErrorSource() string { if peedf == nil { return "" } return peedf.Source } func (peedf *PassportElementErrorDataField) PassportElementErrorType() string { if peedf == nil { return "" } return peedf.Type } func (peeff *PassportElementErrorFrontSide) PassportElementErrorMessage() string { if peeff == nil { return "" } return peeff.Message } func (peeff *PassportElementErrorFrontSide) PassportElementErrorSource() string { if peeff == nil { return "" } return peeff.Source } func (peeff *PassportElementErrorFrontSide) PassportElementErrorType() string { if peeff == nil { return "" } return peeff.Type } func (peerf *PassportElementErrorReverseSide) PassportElementErrorMessage() string { if peerf == nil { return "" } return peerf.Message } func (peerf *PassportElementErrorReverseSide) PassportElementErrorSource() string { if peerf == nil { return "" } return peerf.Source } func (peerf *PassportElementErrorReverseSide) PassportElementErrorType() string { if peerf == nil { return "" } return peerf.Type } func (pees *PassportElementErrorSelfie) PassportElementErrorMessage() string { if pees == nil { return "" } return pees.Message } func (pees *PassportElementErrorSelfie) PassportElementErrorSource() string { if pees == nil { return "" } return pees.Source } func (pees *PassportElementErrorSelfie) PassportElementErrorType() string { if pees == nil { return "" } return pees.Type } func (peef *PassportElementErrorFile) PassportElementErrorMessage() string { if peef == nil { return "" } return peef.Message } func (peef *PassportElementErrorFile) PassportElementErrorSource() string { if peef == nil { return "" } return peef.Source } func (peef *PassportElementErrorFile) PassportElementErrorType() string { if peef == nil { return "" } return peef.Type } func (peef *PassportElementErrorFiles) PassportElementErrorMessage() string { if peef == nil { return "" } return peef.Message } func (peef *PassportElementErrorFiles) PassportElementErrorSource() string { if peef == nil { return "" } return peef.Source } func (peef *PassportElementErrorFiles) PassportElementErrorType() string { if peef == nil { return "" } return peef.Type } func (peetf *PassportElementErrorTranslationFile) PassportElementErrorMessage() string { if peetf == nil { return "" } return peetf.Message } func (peetf *PassportElementErrorTranslationFile) PassportElementErrorSource() string { if peetf == nil { return "" } return peetf.Source } func (peetf *PassportElementErrorTranslationFile) PassportElementErrorType() string { if peetf == nil { return "" } return peetf.Type } func (peetf *PassportElementErrorTranslationFiles) PassportElementErrorMessage() string { if peetf == nil { return "" } return peetf.Message } func (peetf *PassportElementErrorTranslationFiles) PassportElementErrorSource() string { if peetf == nil { return "" } return peetf.Source } func (peetf *PassportElementErrorTranslationFiles) PassportElementErrorType() string { if peetf == nil { return "" } return peetf.Type } func (peeu *PassportElementErrorUnspecified) PassportElementErrorMessage() string { if peeu == nil { return "" } return peeu.Message } func (peeu *PassportElementErrorUnspecified) PassportElementErrorSource() string { if peeu == nil { return "" } return peeu.Source } func (peeu *PassportElementErrorUnspecified) PassportElementErrorType() string { if peeu == nil { return "" } return peeu.Type } func (pseoos *PassportScopeElementOneOfSeveral) PassportScopeElementTranslation() bool { if pseoos == nil { return false } return pseoos.Translation } func (pseoos *PassportScopeElementOneOfSeveral) PassportScopeElementSelfie() bool { if pseoos == nil { return false } return pseoos.Selfie } func (pseo *PassportScopeElementOne) PassportScopeElementTranslation() bool { if pseo == nil { return false } return pseo.Translation } func (pseo *PassportScopeElementOne) PassportScopeElementSelfie() bool { if pseo == nil { return false } return pseo.Selfie } func (pd *PersonalDetails) BirthTime() *time.Time { if pd == nil || pd.BirthDate == "" { return nil } bt, err := time.Parse("02.01.2006", pd.BirthDate) if err != nil { return nil } return &bt } func (pd *PersonalDetails) FullName() string { if pd == nil { return "" } return pd.FirstName + " " + pd.LastName } func (pd *PersonalDetails) FullNameNative() string { if pd == nil { return "" } return pd.FirstNameNative + " " + pd.LastNameNative } func (sv *SecureValue) HasData() bool { return sv != nil && sv.Data != nil } func (sv *SecureValue) HasFiles() bool { return sv != nil && len(sv.Files) > 0 } func (sv *SecureValue) HasFrontSide() bool { return sv != nil && sv.FrontSide != nil } func (sv *SecureValue) HasReverseSide() bool { return sv != nil && sv.ReverseSide != nil } func (sv *SecureValue) HasSelfie() bool { return sv != nil && sv.Selfie != nil } func (sv *SecureValue) HasTranslation() bool { return sv != nil && len(sv.Translation) > 0 } // InSet checks that the current sticker in the stickers set. // // For uploaded WebP files this return false. func (s *Sticker) InSet() bool { return s != nil && s.SetName != "" } // IsWebP check that the current sticker is a WebP file uploaded by user. func (s *Sticker) IsWebP() bool { return s != nil && s.SetName == "" } // Set use bot for getting parent StickerSet if SetName is present. // // Return nil if current sticker has been uploaded by user as WebP file. func (s *Sticker) Set(bot *Bot) *StickerSet { if s.IsWebP() || bot == nil { return nil } set, err := bot.GetStickerSet(s.SetName) if err != nil { return nil } return set } func (s *Sticker) HasThumb() bool { return s != nil && s.Thumb != nil } func (s *Sticker) IsMask() bool { return s != nil && s.MaskPosition != nil } func (s *Sticker) File() *File { if s == nil { return nil } return &File{ FileID: s.FileID, FileSize: s.FileSize, } } // NewLongPollingChannel creates channel for receive incoming updates using long // polling. func (b *Bot) NewLongPollingChannel(params *GetUpdatesParameters) UpdatesChannel { if params == nil { params = &GetUpdatesParameters{ Offset: 0, Limit: 100, Timeout: 60, } } channel := make(chan Update, params.Limit) go func() { for { updates, err := b.GetUpdates(params) if err != nil { dlog.Ln(err.Error()) dlog.Ln("Failed to get updates, retrying in 3 seconds...") time.Sleep(time.Second * 3) continue } for _, update := range updates { if update.ID >= params.Offset { params.Offset = update.ID + 1 channel <- update } } } }() return channel } // NewWebhookChannel creates channel for receive incoming updates via an outgoing webhook. // // If cert argument is provided by two strings (["path/to/cert.file", "path/to/cert.key"]), then TLS server will // be created by this filepaths. func (b *Bot) NewWebhookChannel(setURL *http.URI, params *SetWebhookParameters, ln net.Listener, cert ...string) (updates UpdatesChannel, shutdown ShutdownFunc) { defer http.ReleaseURI(setURL) if params == nil { params = &SetWebhookParameters{ URL: setURL.String(), MaxConnections: 40, } } var err error channel := make(chan Update, 100) handleFunc := func(ctx *http.RequestCtx) { dlog.Ln("Request path:", string(ctx.Path())) if !bytes.HasPrefix(ctx.Path(), setURL.Path()) { dlog.Ln("Unsupported request path:", string(ctx.Path())) return } dlog.Ln("Catched supported request path:", string(ctx.Path())) var update Update if err = parser.Unmarshal(ctx.Request.Body(), &update); err != nil { return } channel <- update } srv := http.Server{ Name: b.Username, Concurrency: params.MaxConnections, Handler: handleFunc, ReduceMemoryUsage: true, } go func() { switch { case len(cert) == 2: dlog.Ln("Creating TLS router...") err = srv.ServeTLS(ln, cert[0], cert[1]) default: dlog.Ln("Creating simple router...") err = srv.Serve(ln) } if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err.Error()) } }() if _, err = b.SetWebhook(params); err != nil { log.Fatalln(err.Error()) } return channel, srv.Shutdown } // IsMessage checks that the current update is a message creation event. func (u *Update) IsMessage() bool { return u != nil && u.Message != nil } // IsEditedMessage checks that the current update is a editing message event. func (u *Update) IsEditedMessage() bool { return u != nil && u.EditedMessage != nil } // IsChannelPost checks that the current update is a post channel creation event. func (u *Update) IsChannelPost() bool { return u != nil && u.ChannelPost != nil } // IsEditedChannelPost checks that the current update is a editing post channel // event. func (u *Update) IsEditedChannelPost() bool { return u != nil && u.EditedChannelPost != nil } // IsInlineQuery checks that the current update is a inline query update. func (u *Update) IsInlineQuery() bool { return u != nil && u.InlineQuery != nil } // IsChosenInlineResult checks that the current update is a chosen inline result // update. func (u *Update) IsChosenInlineResult() bool { return u != nil && u.ChosenInlineResult != nil } // IsCallbackQuery checks that the current update is a callback query update. func (u *Update) IsCallbackQuery() bool { return u != nil && u.CallbackQuery != nil } // IsShippingQuery checks that the current update is a shipping query update. func (u *Update) IsShippingQuery() bool { return u != nil && u.ShippingQuery != nil } // IsPreCheckoutQuery checks that the current update is a pre checkout query // update. func (u *Update) IsPreCheckoutQuery() bool { return u != nil && u.PreCheckoutQuery != nil } // IsPoll checks that the current update is a poll update. func (u *Update) IsPoll() bool { return u != nil && u.Poll != nil } // Type return update type for current update. func (u *Update) Type() string { switch { case u.IsCallbackQuery(): return UpdateCallbackQuery case u.IsChannelPost(): return UpdateChannelPost case u.IsChosenInlineResult(): return UpdateChosenInlineResult case u.IsEditedChannelPost(): return UpdateEditedChannelPost case u.IsEditedMessage(): return UpdateEditedMessage case u.IsInlineQuery(): return UpdateInlineQuery case u.IsMessage(): return UpdateMessage case u.IsPreCheckoutQuery(): return UpdatePreCheckoutQuery case u.IsShippingQuery(): return UpdateShippingQuery case u.IsPoll(): return UpdatePoll default: return "" } } // Language parse LanguageCode of current user and returns language.Tag. func (u *User) Language() language.Tag { if u == nil { return language.Und } tag, err := language.Parse(u.LanguageCode) if err != nil { return language.Und } return tag } // NewPrinter create simple message.Printer with User.Language() by default. func (u *User) NewPrinter() *message.Printer { return message.NewPrinter(u.Language()) } // FullName returns the full name of user or FirstName if LastName is not // available. func (u *User) FullName() string { if u == nil { return "" } if u.HasLastName() { return u.FirstName + " " + u.LastName } return u.FirstName } // HaveLastName checks what the current user has a LastName. func (u *User) HasLastName() bool { return u != nil && u.LastName != "" } // HaveUsername checks what the current user has a username. func (u *User) HasUsername() bool { return u != nil && u.Username != "" } func (v *Video) HasThumb() bool { return v != nil && v.Thumb != nil } func (v *Video) File() *File { if v == nil { return nil } return &File{ FileID: v.FileID, FileSize: v.FileSize, } } func (vn *VideoNote) HasThumb() bool { return vn != nil && vn.Thumb != nil } func (vn *VideoNote) File() *File { if vn == nil { return nil } return &File{ FileID: vn.FileID, FileSize: vn.FileSize, } } func (wi *WebhookInfo) HasURL() bool { return wi != nil && wi.URL != "" } func (wi *WebhookInfo) LastErrorTime() *time.Time { if wi == nil { return nil } led := time.Unix(wi.LastErrorDate, 0) return &led }