package telegram // Version represents current version of Telegram API supported by this package const Version string = "4.4" // Action represents available and supported status actions of bot const ( ActionFindLocation = "find_location" ActionRecordAudio = "record_audio" ActionRecordVideo = "record_video" ActionRecordVideoNote = "record_video_note" ActionTyping = "typing" ActionUploadAudio = "upload_audio" ActionUploadDocument = "upload_document" ActionUploadPhoto = "upload_photo" ActionUploadVideo = "upload_video" ActionUploadVideoNote = "upload_video_note" ) // Chat represents available and supported chat types const ( ChatChannel = "channel" ChatGroup = "group" ChatPrivate = "private" ChatSuperGroup = "supergroup" ) // Command represents global commands which should be supported by any bot. // You can user IsCommandEqual method of Message for checking. // // See: const ( CommandStart = "start" CommandHelp = "help" CommandSettings = "settings" ) // Entity represents available and supported entity types const ( EntityBold = "bold" EntityBotCommand = "bot_command" EntityCashtag = "cashtag" EntityCode = "code" EntityEmail = "email" EntityHashtag = "hashtag" EntityItalic = "italic" EntityMention = "mention" EntityPhoneNumber = "phone_number" EntityPre = "pre" EntityTextLink = "text_link" EntityTextMention = "text_mention" EntityURL = "url" ) // Method represents available and supported Telegram API methods const ( MethodAddStickerToSet = "addStickerToSet" MethodAnswerCallbackQuery = "answerCallbackQuery" MethodAnswerInlineQuery = "answerInlineQuery" MethodAnswerPreCheckoutQuery = "answerPreCheckoutQuery" MethodAnswerShippingQuery = "answerShippingQuery" MethodCreateNewStickerSet = "createNewStickerSet" MethodDeleteChatPhoto = "deleteChatPhoto" MethodDeleteChatStickerSet = "deleteChatStickerSet" MethodDeleteMessage = "deleteMessage" MethodDeleteStickerFromSet = "deleteStickerFromSet" MethodDeleteWebhook = "deleteWebhook" MethodEditMessageCaption = "editMessageCaption" MethodEditMessageLiveLocation = "editMessageLiveLocation" MethodEditMessageMedia = "editMessageMedia" MethodEditMessageReplyMarkup = "editMessageReplyMarkup" MethodEditMessageText = "editMessageText" MethodExportChatInviteLink = "exportChatInviteLink" MethodForwardMessage = "forwardMessage" MethodGetChat = "getChat" MethodGetChatAdministrators = "getChatAdministrators" MethodGetChatMember = "getChatMember" MethodGetChatMembersCount = "getChatMembersCount" MethodGetFile = "getFile" MethodGetGameHighScores = "getGameHighScores" MethodGetMe = "getMe" MethodGetStickerSet = "getStickerSet" MethodGetUpdates = "getUpdates" MethodGetUserProfilePhotos = "getUserProfilePhotos" MethodGetWebhookInfo = "getWebhookInfo" MethodKickChatMember = "kickChatMember" MethodLeaveChat = "leaveChat" MethodPinChatMessage = "pinChatMessage" MethodPromoteChatMember = "promoteChatMember" MethodRestrictChatMember = "restrictChatMember" MethodSendAnimation = "sendAnimation" MethodSendAudio = "sendAudio" MethodSendChatAction = "sendChatAction" MethodSendContact = "sendContact" MethodSendDocument = "sendDocument" MethodSendGame = "sendGame" MethodSendInvoice = "sendInvoice" MethodSendLocation = "sendLocation" MethodSendMediaGroup = "sendMediaGroup" MethodSendMessage = "sendMessage" MethodSendPhoto = "sendPhoto" MethodSendPoll = "sendPoll" MethodSendSticker = "sendSticker" MethodSendVenue = "sendVenue" MethodSendVideo = "sendVideo" MethodSendVideoNote = "sendVideoNote" MethodSendVoice = "sendVoice" MethodSetChatDescription = "setChatDescription" MethodSetChatPermissions = "setChatPermissions" MethodSetChatPhoto = "setChatPhoto" MethodSetChatStickerSet = "setChatStickerSet" MethodSetChatTitle = "setChatTitle" MethodSetGameScore = "setGameScore" MethodSetPassportDataErrors = "setPassportDataErrors" MethodSetStickerPositionInSet = "setStickerPositionInSet" MethodSetWebhook = "setWebhook" MethodStopMessageLiveLocation = "stopMessageLiveLocation" MethodStopPoll = "stopPoll" MethodUnbanChatMember = "unbanChatMember" MethodUnpinChatMessage = "unpinChatMessage" MethodUploadStickerFile = "uploadStickerFile" ) // Mode represents available and supported parsing modes of messages const ( StyleHTML = "html" StyleMarkdown = "markdown" ) // Mime represents available and supported MIME types of data const ( MimeHTML = "text/html" MimeMP4 = "video/mp4" MimePDF = "application/pdf" MimeZIP = "application/zip" ) // Scheme represents optional schemes for URLs const ( SchemeAttach = "attach" SchemeTelegram = "tg" ) // Status represents available and supported statuses of ID const ( StatusAdministrator = "administrator" StatusCreator = "creator" StatusKicked = "kicked" StatusLeft = "left" StatusMember = "member" StatusRestricted = "restricted" ) // Type represents available and supported types of data const ( TypeAddress = "address" TypeArticle = "article" TypeAudio = "audio" TypeBankStatement = "bank_statement" TypeContact = "contact" TypeDocument = "document" TypeDriverLicense = "driver_license" TypeEmail = "email" TypeGame = "game" TypeGIF = "gif" TypeIdentityCard = "identity_card" TypeInternalPassport = "internal_passport" TypeLocation = "location" TypeMpeg4Gif = "mpeg4_gif" TypePassport = "passport" TypePassportRegistration = "passport_registration" TypePersonalDetails = "personal_details" TypePhoneNumber = "phone_number" TypePhoto = "photo" TypeRentalAgreement = "rental_agreement" TypeSticker = "sticker" TypeTemporaryRegistration = "temporary_registration" TypeUtilityBill = "utility_bill" TypeVenue = "venue" TypeVideo = "video" TypeVoice = "voice" ) // Update represents available and supported types of updates const ( UpdateCallbackQuery = "callback_query" UpdateChannelPost = "channel_post" UpdateChosenInlineResult = "chosen_inline_result" UpdateEditedChannelPost = "edited_channel_post" UpdateEditedMessage = "edited_message" UpdateInlineQuery = "inline_query" UpdateMessage = "message" UpdatePreCheckoutQuery = "pre_checkout_query" UpdateShippingQuery = "shipping_query" )