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package middleware
import "net/http"
type (
// Interceptor intercepts an HTTP handler invocation, it is passed both
// response writer and request which after interception can be passed
// onto the handler function.
Interceptor func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, next http.HandlerFunc)
// HandlerFunc builds on top of http.HandlerFunc, and exposes API to
// intercept with Interceptor. This allows building complex long chains
// without complicated struct manipulation.
HandlerFunc http.HandlerFunc
// Chain is a collection of interceptors that will be invoked in there
// index order.
Chain []Interceptor
// Skipper is a requests checker for middleware configurations. true
// return force middleware to skip any actions with current request.
Skipper func(r *http.Request) bool
var DefaultSkipper Skipper = func(_ *http.Request) bool { return false }
// Intercept returns back a continuation that will call install middleware to
// intercept the continuation call.
func (hf HandlerFunc) Intercept(i Interceptor) HandlerFunc {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
i(w, r, http.HandlerFunc(hf))
// Handler allows hooking multiple middleware in single call.
func (c Chain) Handler(hf http.HandlerFunc) http.Handler {
current := HandlerFunc(hf)
for i := len(c) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
current = current.Intercept(c[i])
return http.HandlerFunc(current)