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package errors
import (
const errorsPackageName = "github.com/go-ap/errors"
const runtimeDebugPackageName = "runtime/debug"
type Error interface {
type notFound struct {
s int
type methodNotAllowed struct {
s int
type notValid struct {
s int
type forbidden struct {
s int
type notImplemented struct {
s int
type conflict struct {
s int
type gone struct {
s int
type badRequest struct {
s int
type unauthorized struct {
s int
challenge string
type notSupported struct {
s int
type timeout struct {
s int
type badGateway struct {
s int
func wrapErr(err error, s string, args ...interface{}) Err {
e := Annotatef(err, s, args...)
asErr := Err{}
As(e, &asErr)
return asErr
func FromResponse(resp *http.Response) error {
if resp.StatusCode < http.StatusBadRequest {
return nil
body := make([]byte, 0)
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, _ = ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
var withStatus error
errors, err := UnmarshalJSON(body)
if err != nil {
return AnnotateFromStatus(nil, resp.StatusCode, string(body))
for _, err := range errors {
if err == nil {
withStatus = err
withStatus = Annotatef(err, err.Error())
return AnnotateFromStatus(withStatus, resp.StatusCode, resp.Status)
func AnnotateFromStatus(err error, status int, s string, args ...interface{}) error {
switch status {
case http.StatusBadRequest:
return NewBadRequest(err, s, args...)
case http.StatusUnauthorized:
return NewUnauthorized(err, s, args...)
// http.StatusPaymentRequired
case http.StatusForbidden:
return NewForbidden(err, s, args...)
case http.StatusNotFound:
return NewNotFound(err, s, args...)
case http.StatusMethodNotAllowed:
return NewMethodNotAllowed(err, s, args...)
case http.StatusNotAcceptable:
return NewNotValid(err, s, args...)
// case http.StatusProxyAuthRequired
// case http.StatusRequestTimeout
case http.StatusConflict:
return NewConflict(err, s, args...)
case http.StatusGone:
return NewGone(err, s, args...)
// case http.StatusLengthRequres
// case http.StatusPreconditionFailed
// case http.StatusRequestEntityTooLarge
// case http.StatusRequestURITooLong
// TODO(marius): http.StatusUnsupportedMediaType
// case http.StatusRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable
// case http.StatusExpectationFailed
// case http.StatusTeapot
// case http.StatusMisdirectedRequest
// case http.StatusUnprocessableEntity
// case http.StatusLocked
// case http.StatusFailedDependency
// case http.StatusTooEarly
// case http.StatusTooManyRequests
// case http.StatusRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge
// case http.StatusUnavailableForLegalReason
// case http.StatusInternalServerError
case http.StatusNotImplemented:
return NewNotImplemented(err, s, args...)
case http.StatusBadGateway:
return NewBadGateway(err, s, args...)
// case http.StatusServiceUnavailable
// case http.StatusGatewayTimeout
case http.StatusHTTPVersionNotSupported:
return NewNotSupported(err, s, args...)
case http.StatusGatewayTimeout:
return NewTimeout(err, s, args...)
return Annotatef(err, s, args...)
func NewFromStatus(status int, s string, args ...interface{}) error {
switch status {
case http.StatusBadRequest:
return BadRequestf(s, args...)
case http.StatusUnauthorized:
return Unauthorizedf(s, args...)
// http.StatusPaymentRequired
case http.StatusForbidden:
return Forbiddenf(s, args...)
case http.StatusNotFound:
return NotFoundf(s, args...)
case http.StatusMethodNotAllowed:
return MethodNotAllowedf(s, args...)
case http.StatusNotAcceptable:
return NotValidf(s, args...)
// case http.StatusProxyAuthRequired
// case http.StatusRequestTimeout
case http.StatusConflict:
return Conflictf(s, args...)
case http.StatusGone:
return Gonef(s, args...)
// case http.StatusLengthRequres
// case http.StatusPreconditionFailed
// case http.StatusRequestEntityTooLarge
// case http.StatusRequestURITooLong
// TODO(marius): http.StatusUnsupportedMediaType
// case http.StatusRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable
// case http.StatusExpectationFailed
// case http.StatusTeapot
// case http.StatusMisdirectedRequest
// case http.StatusUnprocessableEntity
// case http.StatusLocked
// case http.StatusFailedDependency
// case http.StatusTooEarly
// case http.StatusTooManyRequests
// case http.StatusRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge
// case http.StatusUnavailableForLegalReason
// case http.StatusInternalServerError
case http.StatusNotImplemented:
return NotImplementedf(s, args...)
case http.StatusBadGateway:
return BadGatewayf(s, args...)
// case http.StatusServiceUnavailable
// case http.StatusGatewayTimeout
case http.StatusHTTPVersionNotSupported:
return NotSupportedf(s, args...)
case http.StatusGatewayTimeout:
return Timeoutf(s, args...)
return Newf(s, args...)
func WrapWithStatus(status int, err error, s string, args ...interface{}) error {
switch status {
case http.StatusBadRequest:
return NewBadRequest(err, s, args...)
case http.StatusUnauthorized:
return NewUnauthorized(err, s, args...)
// http.StatusPaymentRequired
case http.StatusForbidden:
return NewForbidden(err, s, args...)
case http.StatusNotFound:
return NewNotFound(err, s, args...)
case http.StatusMethodNotAllowed:
return NewMethodNotAllowed(err, s, args...)
case http.StatusNotAcceptable:
return NewNotValid(err, s, args...)
// case http.StatusProxyAuthRequired
// case http.StatusRequestTimeout
case http.StatusConflict:
return NewConflict(err, s, args...)
case http.StatusGone:
return NewGone(err, s, args...)
// case http.StatusLengthRequres
// case http.StatusPreconditionFailed
// case http.StatusRequestEntityTooLarge
// case http.StatusRequestURITooLong
// TODO(marius): http.StatusUnsupportedMediaType
// case http.StatusRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable
// case http.StatusExpectationFailed
// case http.StatusTeapot
// case http.StatusMisdirectedRequest
// case http.StatusUnprocessableEntity
// case http.StatusLocked
// case http.StatusFailedDependency
// case http.StatusTooEarly
// case http.StatusTooManyRequests
// case http.StatusRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge
// case http.StatusUnavailableForLegalReason
// case http.StatusInternalServerError
case http.StatusNotImplemented:
return NewNotImplemented(err, s, args...)
case http.StatusBadGateway:
return NewBadGateway(err, s, args...)
// case http.StatusServiceUnavailable
// case http.StatusGatewayTimeout
case http.StatusHTTPVersionNotSupported:
return NewNotSupported(err, s, args...)
case http.StatusGatewayTimeout:
return NewTimeout(err, s, args...)
return wrapErr(err, s, args...)
func NotFoundf(s string, args ...interface{}) *notFound {
return &notFound{Err: wrapErr(nil, s, args...), s: http.StatusNotFound}
func NewNotFound(e error, s string, args ...interface{}) *notFound {
return &notFound{Err: wrapErr(e, s, args...), s: http.StatusNotFound}
func MethodNotAllowedf(s string, args ...interface{}) *methodNotAllowed {
return &methodNotAllowed{Err: wrapErr(nil, s, args...), s: http.StatusMethodNotAllowed}
func NewMethodNotAllowed(e error, s string, args ...interface{}) *methodNotAllowed {
return &methodNotAllowed{Err: wrapErr(e, s, args...), s: http.StatusMethodNotAllowed}
func NotValidf(s string, args ...interface{}) *notValid {
return &notValid{Err: wrapErr(nil, s, args...)}
func NewNotValid(e error, s string, args ...interface{}) *notValid {
return &notValid{Err: wrapErr(e, s, args...)}
func Conflictf(s string, args ...interface{}) *conflict {
return &conflict{Err: wrapErr(nil, s, args...), s: http.StatusConflict}
func NewConflict(e error, s string, args ...interface{}) *conflict {
return &conflict{Err: wrapErr(e, s, args...), s: http.StatusConflict}
func Gonef(s string, args ...interface{}) *gone {
return &gone{Err: wrapErr(nil, s, args...), s: http.StatusGone}
func NewGone(e error, s string, args ...interface{}) *gone {
return &gone{Err: wrapErr(e, s, args...), s: http.StatusGone}
func Forbiddenf(s string, args ...interface{}) *forbidden {
return &forbidden{Err: wrapErr(nil, s, args...), s: http.StatusForbidden}
func NewForbidden(e error, s string, args ...interface{}) *forbidden {
return &forbidden{Err: wrapErr(e, s, args...), s: http.StatusForbidden}
func NotImplementedf(s string, args ...interface{}) *notImplemented {
return &notImplemented{Err: wrapErr(nil, s, args...), s: http.StatusNotImplemented}
func NewNotImplemented(e error, s string, args ...interface{}) *notImplemented {
return &notImplemented{Err: wrapErr(e, s, args...), s: http.StatusNotImplemented}
func BadRequestf(s string, args ...interface{}) *badRequest {
return &badRequest{Err: wrapErr(nil, s, args...), s: http.StatusBadRequest}
func NewBadRequest(e error, s string, args ...interface{}) *badRequest {
return &badRequest{Err: wrapErr(e, s, args...), s: http.StatusBadRequest}
func Unauthorizedf(s string, args ...interface{}) *unauthorized {
return &unauthorized{Err: wrapErr(nil, s, args...), s: http.StatusUnauthorized}
func NewUnauthorized(e error, s string, args ...interface{}) *unauthorized {
return &unauthorized{Err: wrapErr(e, s, args...), s: http.StatusUnauthorized}
func NotSupportedf(s string, args ...interface{}) *notSupported {
return &notSupported{Err: wrapErr(nil, s, args...), s: http.StatusHTTPVersionNotSupported}
func NewNotSupported(e error, s string, args ...interface{}) *notSupported {
return &notSupported{Err: wrapErr(e, s, args...), s: http.StatusHTTPVersionNotSupported}
func Timeoutf(s string, args ...interface{}) *timeout {
return &timeout{Err: wrapErr(nil, s, args...), s: http.StatusRequestTimeout}
func NewTimeout(e error, s string, args ...interface{}) *timeout {
return &timeout{Err: wrapErr(e, s, args...), s: http.StatusRequestTimeout}
func BadGatewayf(s string, args ...interface{}) *badGateway {
return &badGateway{Err: wrapErr(nil, s, args...), s: http.StatusBadGateway}
func NewBadGateway(e error, s string, args ...interface{}) *badGateway {
return &badGateway{Err: wrapErr(e, s, args...), s: http.StatusBadGateway}
func IsBadRequest(e error) bool {
_, okp := e.(*badRequest)
_, oks := e.(badRequest)
return okp || oks || As(e, &badRequest{})
func IsForbidden(e error) bool {
_, okp := e.(*forbidden)
_, oks := e.(forbidden)
return okp || oks || As(e, &forbidden{})
func IsNotSupported(e error) bool {
_, okp := e.(*notSupported)
_, oks := e.(notSupported)
return okp || oks
func IsConflict(e error) bool {
_, okp := e.(*conflict)
_, oks := e.(conflict)
return okp || oks || As(e, &conflict{})
func IsGone(e error) bool {
_, okp := e.(*gone)
_, oks := e.(gone)
return okp || oks || As(e, &gone{})
func IsMethodNotAllowed(e error) bool {
_, okp := e.(*methodNotAllowed)
_, oks := e.(methodNotAllowed)
return okp || oks || As(e, &methodNotAllowed{})
func IsNotFound(e error) bool {
_, okp := e.(*notFound)
_, oks := e.(notFound)
return okp || oks || As(e, &notFound{})
func IsNotImplemented(e error) bool {
_, okp := e.(*notImplemented)
_, oks := e.(notImplemented)
return okp || oks || As(e, &notImplemented{})
func IsUnauthorized(e error) bool {
_, okp := e.(*unauthorized)
_, oks := e.(unauthorized)
return okp || oks || As(e, &unauthorized{})
func IsTimeout(e error) bool {
_, okp := e.(*timeout)
_, oks := e.(timeout)
return okp || oks || As(e, &timeout{})
func IsNotValid(e error) bool {
_, okp := e.(*notValid)
_, oks := e.(notValid)
return okp || oks || As(e, &notValid{})
func IsBadGateway(e error) bool {
_, okp := e.(*badGateway)
_, oks := e.(badGateway)
return okp || oks || As(e, &badGateway{})
func (n notFound) Is(e error) bool {
return IsNotFound(e)
func (n notValid) Is(e error) bool {
return IsNotValid(e)
func (n notImplemented) Is(e error) bool {
return IsNotImplemented(e)
func (n notSupported) Is(e error) bool {
return IsNotSupported(e)
func (b badRequest) Is(e error) bool {
return IsBadRequest(e)
func (t timeout) Is(e error) bool {
return IsTimeout(e)
func (u unauthorized) Is(e error) bool {
return IsUnauthorized(e)
func (m methodNotAllowed) Is(e error) bool {
return IsMethodNotAllowed(e)
func (f forbidden) Is(e error) bool {
return IsForbidden(e)
func (b badGateway) Is(e error) bool {
return IsBadGateway(e)
func (g gone) Is(e error) bool {
return IsGone(e)
func (c conflict) Is(e error) bool {
return IsConflict(e)
func (n notFound) Unwrap() error {
return n.Err.Unwrap()
func (n notValid) Unwrap() error {
return n.Err.Unwrap()
func (n notImplemented) Unwrap() error {
return n.Err.Unwrap()
func (n notSupported) Unwrap() error {
return n.Err.Unwrap()
func (b badRequest) Unwrap() error {
return b.Err.Unwrap()
func (t timeout) Unwrap() error {
return t.Err.Unwrap()
func (u unauthorized) Unwrap() error {
return u.Err.Unwrap()
func (m methodNotAllowed) Unwrap() error {
return m.Err.Unwrap()
func (f forbidden) Unwrap() error {
return f.Err.Unwrap()
func (b badGateway) Unwrap() error {
return b.Err.Unwrap()
func (g gone) Unwrap() error {
return g.Err.Unwrap()
func (c conflict) Unwrap() error {
return c.Err.Unwrap()
// As is used by the errors.As() function to coerce the method's parameter to the one of the receiver
// if the underlying logic of the receiver's type can understand it.
// In this case we're converting a notFound to its underlying type Err.
func (n *notFound) As(err interface{}) bool {
switch x := err.(type) {
case **notFound:
*x = n
case *notFound:
*x = *n
case *Err:
return n.Err.As(x)
return false
return true
// As is used by the errors.As() function to coerce the method's parameter to the one of the receiver
// if the underlying logic of the receiver's type can understand it.
// In this case we're converting a notValid to its underlying type Err.
func (n *notValid) As(err interface{}) bool {
switch x := err.(type) {
case **notValid:
*x = n
case *notValid:
*x = *n
case *Err:
return n.Err.As(x)
return false
return true
// As is used by the errors.As() function to coerce the method's parameter to the one of the receiver
// if the underlying logic of the receiver's type can understand it.
// In this case we're converting a notImplemented to its underlying type Err.
func (n *notImplemented) As(err interface{}) bool {
switch x := err.(type) {
case **notImplemented:
*x = n
case *notImplemented:
*x = *n
case *Err:
return n.Err.As(x)
return false
return true
// As is used by the errors.As() function to coerce the method's parameter to the one of the receiver
// if the underlying logic of the receiver's type can understand it.
// In this case we're converting a notSupported to its underlying type Err.
func (n *notSupported) As(err interface{}) bool {
switch x := err.(type) {
case **notSupported:
*x = n
case *notSupported:
*x = *n
case *Err:
return n.Err.As(x)
return false
return true
// As is used by the errors.As() function to coerce the method's parameter to the one of the receiver
// if the underlying logic of the receiver's type can understand it.
// In this case we're converting a badRequest to its underlying type Err.
func (b *badRequest) As(err interface{}) bool {
switch x := err.(type) {
case **badRequest:
*x = b
case *badRequest:
*x = *b
case *Err:
return b.Err.As(x)
return false
return true
// As is used by the errors.As() function to coerce the method's parameter to the one of the receiver
// if the underlying logic of the receiver's type can understand it.
// In this case we're converting a timeout to its underlying type Err.
func (t *timeout) As(err interface{}) bool {
switch x := err.(type) {
case **timeout:
*x = t
case *timeout:
*x = *t
case *Err:
return t.Err.As(x)
return false
return true
// As is used by the errors.As() function to coerce the method's parameter to the one of the receiver
// if the underlying logic of the receiver's type can understand it.
// In this case we're converting a unauthorized to its underlying type Err.
func (u *unauthorized) As(err interface{}) bool {
switch x := err.(type) {
case **unauthorized:
*x = u
case *unauthorized:
*x = *u
case *Err:
return u.Err.As(x)
return false
return true
// As is used by the errors.As() function to coerce the method's parameter to the one of the receiver
// if the underlying logic of the receiver's type can understand it.
// In this case we're converting a methodNotAllowed to its underlying type Err.
func (m *methodNotAllowed) As(err interface{}) bool {
switch x := err.(type) {
case **methodNotAllowed:
*x = m
case *methodNotAllowed:
*x = *m
case *Err:
return m.Err.As(x)
return false
return true
// As is used by the errors.As() function to coerce the method's parameter to the one of the receiver
// if the underlying logic of the receiver's type can understand it.
// In this case we're converting a forbidden to its underlying type Err.
func (f *forbidden) As(err interface{}) bool {
switch x := err.(type) {
case **forbidden:
*x = f
case *forbidden:
*x = *f
case *Err:
return f.Err.As(x)
return false
return true
// As is used by the errors.As() function to coerce the method's parameter to the one of the receiver
// if the underlying logic of the receiver's type can understand it.
// In this case we're converting a badGateway to its underlying type Err.
func (b *badGateway) As(err interface{}) bool {
switch x := err.(type) {
case **badGateway:
*x = b
case *badGateway:
*x = *b
case *Err:
return b.Err.As(x)
return false
return true
// As is used by the errors.As() function to coerce the method's parameter to the one of the receiver
// if the underlying logic of the receiver's type can understand it.
// In this case we're converting a gone error to its underlying type Err.
func (g *gone) As(err interface{}) bool {
switch x := err.(type) {
case **gone:
*x = g
case *gone:
*x = *g
case *Err:
return g.Err.As(x)
return false
return true
// As is used by the errors.As() function to coerce the method's parameter to the one of the receiver
// if the underlying logic of the receiver's type can understand it.
// In this case we're converting a conflict error to its underlying type Err.
func (c *conflict) As(err interface{}) bool {
switch x := err.(type) {
case **conflict:
*x = c
case *conflict:
*x = *c
case *Err:
return c.Err.As(x)
return false
return true
// Challenge adds a challenge token to be added to the HTTP response
func (u *unauthorized) Challenge(c string) *unauthorized {
u.challenge = c
return u
// Challenge returns the challenge of the err parameter if it's an unauthorized type error
func Challenge(err error) string {
un := unauthorized{}
if ok := As(err, &un); ok {
return un.challenge
return ""
// ErrorHandlerFn
type ErrorHandlerFn func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) error
// ServeHTTP implements the http.Handler interface for the ItemHandlerFn type
func (h ErrorHandlerFn) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var dat []byte
var status int
if err := h(w, r); err != nil {
if status, dat = RenderErrors(r, err); status == 0 {
status = http.StatusInternalServerError
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
// HandleError is a generic method to return an HTTP handler that passes an error up the chain
func HandleError(e error) ErrorHandlerFn {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
return e
// NotFound is a generic method to return an 404 error HTTP handler that
var NotFound = ErrorHandlerFn(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
return NotFoundf("%s not found", r.URL.Path)
type Http struct {
Code int `jsonld:"status,omitempty"`
Message string `jsonld:"message"`
Trace StackTrace `jsonld:"trace,omitempty"`
func HttpErrors(err error) []Http {
https := make([]Http, 0)
load := func(err error) Http {
var trace StackTrace
var msg string
switch e := err.(type) {
case *Err:
msg = e.Error()
if IncludeBacktrace {
trace = e.StackTrace()
local := new(Err)
if ok := As(err, local); ok {
if IncludeBacktrace {
trace = local.StackTrace()
msg = err.Error()
return Http{
Message: msg,
Trace: trace,
Code: HttpStatus(err),
https = append(https, load(err))
for {
if err = Unwrap(err); err != nil {
https = append(https, load(err))
} else {
return https
func HttpStatus(e error) int {
if IsBadRequest(e) {
return http.StatusBadRequest
if IsUnauthorized(e) {
return http.StatusUnauthorized
// http.StatusPaymentRequired
if IsForbidden(e) {
return http.StatusForbidden
if IsNotFound(e) {
return http.StatusNotFound
if IsMethodNotAllowed(e) {
return http.StatusMethodNotAllowed
if IsNotValid(e) {
return http.StatusNotAcceptable
// http.StatusProxyAuthRequired
// http.StatusRequestTimeout
if IsConflict(e) {
return http.StatusConflict
if IsGone(e) {
return http.StatusGone
// TODO(marius): http.StatusGone
// http.StatusLengthRequires
// http.StatusPreconditionFailed
// http.StatusRequestEntityTooLarge
// http.StatusRequestURITooLong
// TODO(marius): http.StatusUnsupportedMediaType
// http.StatusRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable
// http.StatusExpectationFailed
// http.StatusTeapot
// http.StatusMisdirectedRequest
// http.StatusUnprocessableEntity
// http.StatusLocked
// http.StatusFailedDependency
// http.StatusTooEarly
// http.StatusTooManyRequests
// http.StatusRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge
// http.StatusUnavailableForLegalReason
// http.StatusInternalServerError
if IsNotImplemented(e) {
return http.StatusNotImplemented
if IsBadGateway(e) {
return http.StatusBadGateway
// http.StatusServiceUnavailable
// http.StatusGatewayTimeout
if IsNotSupported(e) {
return http.StatusHTTPVersionNotSupported
if IsTimeout(e) {
return http.StatusGatewayTimeout
return 0
func errorFromStatus(status int) Error {
switch status {
case http.StatusBadRequest:
return new(badRequest)
case http.StatusUnauthorized:
return new(unauthorized)
// case http.StatusPaymentRequired:
case http.StatusForbidden:
return new(forbidden)
case http.StatusNotFound:
return new(notFound)
case http.StatusMethodNotAllowed:
return new(methodNotAllowed)
case http.StatusNotAcceptable:
return new(notValid)
// case http.StatusProxyAuthRequired:
// case http.StatusRequestTimeout:
case http.StatusConflict:
return new(conflict)
// case http.StatusGone: // TODO(marius):
// case http.StatusLengthRequres:
// case http.StatusPreconditionFailed:
// case http.StatusRequestEntityTooLarge:
// case http.StatusRequestURITooLong:
// case http.StatusUnsupportedMediaType: // TODO(marius):
// case http.StatusRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable:
// case http.StatusExpectationFailed:
// case http.StatusTeapot:
// case http.StatusMisdirectedRequest:
// case http.StatusUnprocessableEntity:
// case http.StatusLocked:
// case http.StatusFailedDependency:
// case http.StatusTooEarly:
// case http.StatusTooManyRequests:
// case http.StatusRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge:
// case http.StatusUnavailableForLegalReason:
// case http.StatusInternalServerError:
case http.StatusNotImplemented:
return new(notImplemented)
case http.StatusBadGateway:
return new(badGateway)
// case http.StatusServiceUnavailable:
case http.StatusHTTPVersionNotSupported:
return new(notSupported)
case http.StatusGatewayTimeout:
return new(badGateway)
case http.StatusInternalServerError:
return new(Err)
// TODO(marius): get a proper ctxt
func ctxt(r *http.Request) jsonld.Context {
scheme := "http"
if r.TLS != nil {
scheme = "https"
return jsonld.Context{
Term: "errors",
IRI: jsonld.IRI(fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s/ns#errors", scheme, r.Host)),
// RenderErrors outputs the json encoded errors, with the JsonLD ctxt for current
func RenderErrors(r *http.Request, errs ...error) (int, []byte) {
errMap := make([]Http, 0)
var status int
for _, err := range errs {
more := HttpErrors(err)
errMap = append(errMap, more...)
status = HttpStatus(err)
var dat []byte
var err error
m := struct {
Errors []Http `jsonld:"errors"`
}{Errors: errMap}
if dat, err = jsonld.WithContext(ctxt(r)).Marshal(m); err != nil {
return http.StatusInternalServerError, dat
return status, dat