// Package http contains utilities, jokes and helpers for manipulate HTTP data // in clients and servers. package http import "net/http" // StatusText wraps native [net/http.StatusText], but considers the status codes // provided in this package before referring to the standard ones. func StatusText(code int) string { switch code { default: // Reserved for meritocracy related bullshit if StatusFuckingWindows < code && code < StatusDidntBotherToCompileIt { return "TBD. Got the brains trust on the case." } return http.StatusText(code) case StatusQuestionableButOkay: return "Questionable But Okay" case StatusMeh: return "Meh" case StatusEmacs: return "Emacs" case StatusExplosion: return "Explosion" case StatusGotoFail: return "Goto Fail" case StatusIWroteTheCodeAndMissedTheNecessaryValidationByAnOversight: return "I wrote the code and missed the necessary validation by an oversight" case StatusDeleteYourAccount: return "Delete Your Account" case StatusCantQuitVi: return "Can't quit vi" case StatusPHP: return "PHP" case StatusConvenienceStore: return "Convenience Store" case StatusNoSQL: return "NoSQL" case StatusIAmNotATeapot: return "I am not a teapot" case StatusHaskell: return "Haskell" case StatusUnpossible: return "Unpossible" case StatusKnownUnknowns: return "Known Unknowns" case StatusUnknownUnknowns: return "Unknown Unknowns" case StatusTricky: return "Tricky" case StatusThisLineShouldBeUnreachable: return "This line should be unreachable" case StatusItWorksOnMyMachine: return "It works on my machine" case StatusItsAFeatureNotABug: return "It's a feature, not a bug" case Status32BitsIsPlenty: return "32 bits is plenty" case StatusItWorksInMyTimezone: return "It works in my timezone" case StatusFuckingNpm: return "Fucking npm" case StatusFuckingRubygems: return "Fucking Rubygems" case StatusFuckingUnicode: return "Fucking Unic💩de" case StatusFuckingDeadlocks: return "Fucking Deadlocks" case StatusFuckingDeferreds: return "Fucking Deferreds" case StatusFuckingRaceConditions: return "Fucking Race Conditions" case StatusFuckingIE: return "Fucking IE" case StatusFuckThreadsing: return "FuckThreadsing" case StatusFuckingExactlyOnceDelivery: return "Fucking Exactly-once Delivery" case StatusFuckingWindows: return "Fucking Windows" case StatusDidntBotherToCompileIt: return "Didn't bother to compile it" case StatusSyntaxError: return "Syntax Error" case StatusTooManySemiColons: return "Too many semi-colons" case StatusNotEnoughSemiColons: return "Not enough semi-colons" case StatusInsufficientlyPolite: return "Insufficiently polite" case StatusExcessivelyPolite: return "Excessively polite" case StatusUnexpectedT_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM: return "Unexpected \"T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM\"" case StatusHungover: return "Hungover" case StatusStoned: return "Stoned" case StatusUnderCaffeinated: return "Under-Caffeinated" case StatusOverCaffeinated: return "Over-Caffeinated" case StatusRailscamp: return "Railscamp" case StatusSober: return "Sober" case StatusDrunk: return "Drunk" case StatusAccidentallyTookSleepingPillsInsteadOfMigrainePillsDuringCrunchWeek: return "Accidentally Took Sleeping Pills Instead Of Migraine Pills During Crunch Week" case StatusCachedForTooLong: return "Cached for too long" case StatusNotCachedLongEnough: return "Not cached long enough" case StatusNotCachedAtAll: return "Not cached at all" case StatusWhyWasThisCached: return "Why was this cached?" case StatusOutOfCash: return "Out of cash" case StatusErrorOnTheException: return "Error on the Exception" case StatusCoincidence: return "Coincidence" case StatusOffByOneError: return "Off By One Error" case StatusOffByTooManyToCountError: return "Off By Too Many To Count Error" case StatusProjectOwnerNotResponding: return "Project owner not responding" case StatusOperations: return "Operations" case StatusQA: return "QA" case StatusItWasACustomerRequestHonestly: return "It was a customer request, honestly" case StatusManagementObviously: return "Management, obviously" case StatusTPSCoverSheetNotAttached: return "TPS Cover Sheet not attached" case StatusTryItNow: return "Try it now" case StatusFurtherFundingRequired: return "Further Funding Required" case StatusDesignersFinalDesignsWerent: return "Designer's final designs weren't" case StatusNotMyDepartment: return "Not my department" case StatusTheInternetShutDownDueToCopyrightRestrictions: return "The Internet shut down due to copyright restrictions" case StatusClimateChangeDrivenCatastrophicWeatherEvent: return "Climate change driven catastrophic weather event" case StatusZombieApocalypse: return "Zombie Apocalypse" case StatusSomeoneLetPGNearAREPL: return "Someone let PG near a REPL" case StatusHeartbleed: return "#heartbleed" case StatusSomeDNSFuckeryIdno: return "Some DNS fuckery idno" case StatusThisIsTheLastPageOfTheInternetGoBack: return "This is the last page of the Internet. Go back" case StatusICheckedTheDbBackupsCupboardAndTheCupboardWasBare: return "I checked the db backups cupboard and the cupboard was bare" case StatusEndOfTheWorld: return "End of the world" } }