Maxim Lebedev 531b14524c
⬆️ Upgraded JWX package
for secure and fast decoding access tokens
2022-06-10 01:22:15 +05:00

349 lines
9.2 KiB

package jwk
import (
type Transformer = httprc.Transformer
type HTTPClient = httprc.HTTPClient
type ErrSink = httprc.ErrSink
type Whitelist = httprc.Whitelist
// Cache is a container that keeps track of Set object by their source URLs.
// The Set objects are stored in memory, and are refreshed automatically
// behind the scenes.
// Before retrieving the Set objects, the user must pre-register the
// URLs they intend to use by calling `Register()`
// c := jwk.NewCache(ctx)
// c.Register(url, options...)
// Once registered, you can call `Get()` to retrieve the Set object.
// All JWKS objects that are retrieved via this mechanism should be
// treated read-only, as they are shared among the consumers and this object.
type Cache struct {
cache *httprc.Cache
// PostFetcher is an interface for objects that want to perform
// operations on the `Set` that was fetched.
type PostFetcher interface {
// PostFetch revceives the URL and the JWKS, after a successful
// fetch and parse.
// It should return a `Set`, optionally modified, to be stored
// in the cache for subsequent use
PostFetch(string, Set) (Set, error)
// PostFetchFunc is a PostFetcher based on a functon.
type PostFetchFunc func(string, Set) (Set, error)
func (f PostFetchFunc) PostFetch(u string, set Set) (Set, error) {
return f(u, set)
// httprc.Transofmer that transforms the response into a JWKS
type jwksTransform struct {
postFetch PostFetcher
parseOptions []ParseOption
// Default transform has no postFetch. This can be shared
// by multiple fetchers
var defaultTransform = &jwksTransform{}
func (t *jwksTransform) Transform(u string, res *http.Response) (interface{}, error) {
buf, err := io.ReadAll(res.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`failed to read response body status: %w`, err)
set, err := Parse(buf, t.parseOptions...)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`failed to parse JWK set at %q: %w`, u, err)
if pf := t.postFetch; pf != nil {
v, err := pf.PostFetch(u, set)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`failed to execute PostFetch: %w`, err)
set = v
return set, nil
// NewCache creates a new `jwk.Cache` object.
// Please refer to the documentation for `httprc.New` for more
// details.
func NewCache(ctx context.Context, options ...CacheOption) *Cache {
var hrcopts []httprc.CacheOption
for _, option := range options {
switch option.Ident() {
case identRefreshWindow{}:
hrcopts = append(hrcopts, httprc.WithRefreshWindow(option.Value().(time.Duration)))
case identErrSink{}:
hrcopts = append(hrcopts, httprc.WithErrSink(option.Value().(ErrSink)))
return &Cache{
cache: httprc.NewCache(ctx, hrcopts...),
// Register registers a URL to be managed by the cache. URLs must
// be registered before issuing `Get`
// This method is almost identical to `(httprc.Cache).Register`, except
// it accepts some extra options.
// Use `jwk.WithParser` to configure how the JWKS should be parsed,
// such as passing it extra options.
// Please refer to the documentation for `(httprc.Cache).Register` for more
// details.
func (c *Cache) Register(u string, options ...RegisterOption) error {
var hrropts []httprc.RegisterOption
var pf PostFetcher
var parseOptions []ParseOption
// Note: we do NOT accept Transform option
for _, option := range options {
if parseOpt, ok := option.(ParseOption); ok {
parseOptions = append(parseOptions, parseOpt)
switch option.Ident() {
case identHTTPClient{}:
hrropts = append(hrropts, httprc.WithHTTPClient(option.Value().(HTTPClient)))
case identRefreshInterval{}:
hrropts = append(hrropts, httprc.WithRefreshInterval(option.Value().(time.Duration)))
case identMinRefreshInterval{}:
hrropts = append(hrropts, httprc.WithMinRefreshInterval(option.Value().(time.Duration)))
case identFetchWhitelist{}:
hrropts = append(hrropts, httprc.WithWhitelist(option.Value().(httprc.Whitelist)))
case identPostFetcher{}:
pf = option.Value().(PostFetcher)
var t *jwksTransform
if pf == nil && len(parseOptions) == 0 {
t = defaultTransform
} else {
// User-supplied PostFetcher is attached to the transformer
t = &jwksTransform{
postFetch: pf,
parseOptions: parseOptions,
// Set the transfomer at the end so that nobody can override it
hrropts = append(hrropts, httprc.WithTransformer(t))
return c.cache.Register(u, hrropts...)
// Get returns the stored JWK set (`Set`) from the cache.
// Please refer to the documentation for `(httprc.Cache).Get` for more
// details.
func (c *Cache) Get(ctx context.Context, u string) (Set, error) {
v, err := c.cache.Get(ctx, u)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
set, ok := v.(Set)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`cached object is not a Set (was %T)`, v)
return set, nil
// Refresh is identical to Get(), except it always fetches the
// specified resource anew, and updates the cached content
// Please refer to the documentation for `(httprc.Cache).Refresh` for
// more details
func (c *Cache) Refresh(ctx context.Context, u string) (Set, error) {
v, err := c.cache.Refresh(ctx, u)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
set, ok := v.(Set)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`cached object is not a Set (was %T)`, v)
return set, nil
// IsRegistered returns true if the given URL `u` has already been registered
// in the cache.
// Please refer to the documentation for `(httprc.Cache).IsRegistered` for more
// details.
func (c *Cache) IsRegistered(u string) bool {
return c.cache.IsRegistered(u)
// Unregister removes the given URL `u` from the cache.
// Please refer to the documentation for `(httprc.Cache).Unregister` for more
// details.
func (c *Cache) Unregister(u string) error {
return c.cache.Unregister(u)
func (c *Cache) Snapshot() *httprc.Snapshot {
return c.cache.Snapshot()
// CachedSet is a thin shim over jwk.Cache that allows the user to cloack
// jwk.Cache as if it's a `jwk.Set`. Behind the scenes, the `jwk.Set` is
// retrieved from the `jwk.Cache` for every operation.
// Since `jwk.CachedSet` always deals with a cached version of the `jwk.Set`,
// all operations that mutate the object (such as AddKey(), RemoveKey(), et. al)
// are no-ops and return an error.
// Note that since this is a utility shim over `jwk.Cache`, you _will_ lose
// the ability to control the finer details (such as controlling how long to
// wait for in case of a fetch failure using `context.Context`)
type CachedSet struct {
cache *Cache
url string
var _ Set = &CachedSet{}
func NewCachedSet(cache *Cache, url string) Set {
return &CachedSet{
cache: cache,
url: url,
func (cs *CachedSet) cached() (Set, error) {
return cs.cache.Get(context.Background(), cs.url)
// Add is a no-op for `jwk.CachedSet`, as the `jwk.Set` should be treated read-only
func (*CachedSet) AddKey(_ Key) error {
return fmt.Errorf(`(jwk.Cachedset).AddKey: jwk.CachedSet is immutable`)
// Clear is a no-op for `jwk.CachedSet`, as the `jwk.Set` should be treated read-only
func (*CachedSet) Clear() error {
return fmt.Errorf(`(jwk.CachedSet).Clear: jwk.CachedSet is immutable`)
// Set is a no-op for `jwk.CachedSet`, as the `jwk.Set` should be treated read-only
func (*CachedSet) Set(_ string, _ interface{}) error {
return fmt.Errorf(`(jwk.CachedSet).Set: jwk.CachedSet is immutable`)
// Remove is a no-op for `jwk.CachedSet`, as the `jwk.Set` should be treated read-only
func (*CachedSet) Remove(_ string) error {
// TODO: Remove() should be renamed to Remove(string) error
return fmt.Errorf(`(jwk.CachedSet).Remove: jwk.CachedSet is immutable`)
// RemoveKey is a no-op for `jwk.CachedSet`, as the `jwk.Set` should be treated read-only
func (*CachedSet) RemoveKey(_ Key) error {
return fmt.Errorf(`(jwk.CachedSet).RemoveKey: jwk.CachedSet is immutable`)
func (cs *CachedSet) Clone() (Set, error) {
set, err := cs.cached()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`failed to get cached jwk.Set: %w`, err)
return set.Clone()
// Get returns the value of non-Key field stored in the jwk.Set
func (cs *CachedSet) Get(name string) (interface{}, bool) {
set, err := cs.cached()
if err != nil {
return nil, false
return set.Get(name)
// Key returns the Key at the specified index
func (cs *CachedSet) Key(idx int) (Key, bool) {
set, err := cs.cached()
if err != nil {
return nil, false
return set.Key(idx)
func (cs *CachedSet) Index(key Key) int {
set, err := cs.cached()
if err != nil {
return -1
return set.Index(key)
func (cs *CachedSet) Keys(ctx context.Context) KeyIterator {
set, err := cs.cached()
if err != nil {
return arrayiter.New(nil)
return set.Keys(ctx)
func (cs *CachedSet) Iterate(ctx context.Context) HeaderIterator {
set, err := cs.cached()
if err != nil {
return mapiter.New(nil)
return set.Iterate(ctx)
func (cs *CachedSet) Len() int {
set, err := cs.cached()
if err != nil {
return -1
return set.Len()
func (cs *CachedSet) LookupKeyID(kid string) (Key, bool) {
set, err := cs.cached()
if err != nil {
return nil, false
return set.LookupKeyID(kid)