Maxim Lebedev dcf9e3c2ca
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing
📌 Vendored dependencies
2022-06-09 22:35:23 +05:00

28 lines
832 B

package radix
import (
const (
errSetHandler = "a handler is already registered for path '%s'"
errSetWildcardHandler = "a wildcard handler is already registered for path '%s'"
errWildPathConflict = "'%s' in new path '%s' conflicts with existing wild path '%s' in existing prefix '%s'"
errWildcardConflict = "'%s' in new path '%s' conflicts with existing wildcard '%s' in existing prefix '%s'"
errWildcardSlash = "no / before wildcard in path '%s'"
errWildcardNotAtEnd = "wildcard routes are only allowed at the end of the path in path '%s'"
type radixError struct {
msg string
params []interface{}
func (err radixError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf(err.msg, err.params...)
func newRadixError(msg string, params ...interface{}) radixError {
return radixError{msg, params}