Maxim Lebedev dcf9e3c2ca
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing
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2022-06-09 22:35:23 +05:00

865 lines
25 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2015 Andy Leap, Google
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Package microformats provides a microformats parser, supporting both v1 and
// v2 syntax.
// Usage:
// import ""
// Retrieve the HTML contents of a page, and call Parse or ParseNode, depending
// on what input you have (an io.Reader or an html.Node).
// To parse only a section of an HTML document, use a package like goquery to
// select the root node to parse from. For example, see cmd/gomf/main.go.
// See also:
package microformats // import ""
import (
var (
rootClassNames = regexp.MustCompile(`^h-([a-z0-9]+-)?[a-z]+(-[a-z]+)*$`)
propertyClassNames = regexp.MustCompile(`^(p|u|dt|e)-([a-z0-9]+-)?[a-z]+(-[a-z]+)*$`)
// Microformat specifies a single microformat object and its properties. It
// may represent a person, an address, a blog post, etc.
type Microformat struct {
ID string `json:"id,omitempty"`
Value string `json:"value,omitempty"`
HTML string `json:"html,omitempty"`
Type []string `json:"type"`
Properties map[string][]interface{} `json:"properties"`
Shape string `json:"shape,omitempty"`
Coords string `json:"coords,omitempty"`
Children []*Microformat `json:"children,omitempty"`
// track whether this microformat has various types of properties or
// nested microformats. Used in processing implied property values.
hasNestedMicroformats bool
hasPProperties bool
hasEProperties bool
hasUProperties bool
// whether this is a v1 microformat parsed in backwards compatible mode
backcompat bool
// Data specifies all of the microformats and data parsed from a single HTML
// page.
type Data struct {
// Items includes all top-level microformats found on the page.
Items []*Microformat `json:"items"`
// Rels includes all related URLs found on the page (<a> or <link>
// elements with a "rel" value). Map keys are the rel value, mapped to
// a slice of URLs with that relation. For example:
// map[string][]string{
// "author": {"", ""},
// "alternate": {""},
// }
// Relative URL values are resolved to absolute URLs using the base URL
// of the page.
Rels map[string][]string `json:"rels"`
// RelURLs maps related URLs found on the page to additional metadata
// about that relationship. If a URL is linked to more than once, only
// the metadata for the first link is included here. Relative URL
// values are resolved to absolute URLs using the base URL of the page.
RelURLs map[string]*RelURL `json:"rel-urls"`
// RelURL represents the attributes of a URL. The URL value itself is the map
// key in the RelURLs field of the Data type.
type RelURL struct {
Rels []string `json:"rels,omitempty"`
Text string `json:"text,omitempty"`
Media string `json:"media,omitempty"`
HrefLang string `json:"hreflang,omitempty"`
Title string `json:"title,omitempty"`
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
// parser parses a single HTML page for microformats. parser is not thread
// safe, and should only be used to parse a single document.
type parser struct {
curData *Data
curItem *Microformat
base *url.URL
baseFound bool
// root node of the parsed document
root *html.Node
// Parse the microformats found in the HTML document read from r. baseURL is
// the URL this document was retrieved from and is used to resolve any
// relative URLs.
func Parse(r io.Reader, baseURL *url.URL) *Data {
doc, _ := html.Parse(r)
return ParseNode(doc, baseURL)
// ParseNode parses the microformats found in doc. baseURL is the URL this
// document was retrieved from and is used to resolve any relative URLs.
func ParseNode(doc *html.Node, baseURL *url.URL) *Data {
p := new(parser)
p.curData = &Data{
Items: make([]*Microformat, 0),
Rels: make(map[string][]string),
RelURLs: make(map[string]*RelURL),
p.base = baseURL
p.baseFound = false
p.root = doc
return p.curData
// expandAttrURLs expands relative URLs in attributes to be absolute URLs.
// Attributes are taken from
func (p *parser) expandAttrURLs(node *html.Node) {
var attr []string
if isAtom(node, atom.Form) {
attr = append(attr, "action")
if isAtom(node, atom.Blockquote, atom.Del, atom.Ins, atom.Q) {
attr = append(attr, "cite")
if isAtom(node, atom.Object) {
attr = append(attr, "data")
if isAtom(node, atom.Button, atom.Input) {
attr = append(attr, "formaction")
if isAtom(node, atom.A, atom.Area, atom.Base, atom.Link) {
attr = append(attr, "href")
if isAtom(node, atom.A, atom.Area) {
attr = append(attr, "ping")
if isAtom(node, atom.Audio, atom.Embed, atom.Iframe, atom.Img, atom.Input, atom.Script, atom.Source, atom.Track, atom.Video) {
attr = append(attr, "src")
if isAtom(node, atom.Video) {
attr = append(attr, "poster")
for _, a := range attr {
value := getAttrPtr(node, a)
if value != nil {
*value = expandURL(*value, p.base)
for c := node.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {
// expandURL expands relative URL r into an absolute URL by resolving it relative to
// base. If r is not a valid URL or base is nil, the original r value is returned.
func expandURL(r string, base *url.URL) string {
if base != nil {
if u, err := url.Parse(r); err == nil {
u = base.ResolveReference(u)
r = u.String()
return r
// walk the DOM rooted at node, storing parsed microformats in p.
func (p *parser) walk(node *html.Node) {
if isAtom(node, atom.Template) {
var curItem *Microformat
var priorItem *Microformat
var rootclasses []string
classes := getClasses(node)
for _, class := range classes {
if rootClassNames.MatchString(class) {
rootclasses = append(rootclasses, class)
var backcompat bool
if len(rootclasses) == 0 {
rootclasses = backcompatRootClasses(classes, p.curItem)
if len(rootclasses) > 0 {
backcompat = true
if len(rootclasses) > 0 {
curItem = &Microformat{
Type: rootclasses,
Properties: make(map[string][]interface{}),
backcompat: backcompat,
if !backcompat {
curItem.ID = getAttr(node, "id")
if p.curItem == nil {
p.curData.Items = append(p.curData.Items, curItem)
} else {
p.curItem.hasNestedMicroformats = true
priorItem = p.curItem
p.curItem = curItem
// handle backcompat include pattern
if p.curItem != nil && p.curItem.backcompat {
refs, replace := p.backcompatIncludeRefs(node)
if len(refs) != 0 {
node = p.backcompatIncludeNode(node, refs, replace)
if !p.baseFound && isAtom(node, atom.Base) {
if href := getAttr(node, "href"); href != "" {
if newbase, err := url.Parse(href); err == nil {
newbase = p.base.ResolveReference(newbase)
p.base = newbase
p.baseFound = true
var rels []string
if isAtom(node, atom.A, atom.Link) {
if rel := getAttr(node, "rel"); rel != "" {
urlVal := getAttr(node, "href")
urlVal = expandURL(urlVal, p.base)
rels = strings.Fields(rel)
for _, relval := range rels {
var seen bool // whether we've already stored this url for this rel
for _, u := range p.curData.Rels[relval] {
if u == urlVal {
seen = true
if !seen {
p.curData.Rels[relval] = append(p.curData.Rels[relval], urlVal)
if _, ok := p.curData.RelURLs[urlVal]; !ok {
p.curData.RelURLs[urlVal] = &RelURL{
Text: getTextContent(node, nil),
Rels: rels,
Media: getAttr(node, "media"),
HrefLang: getAttr(node, "hreflang"),
Title: getAttr(node, "title"),
Type: getAttr(node, "type"),
for c := node.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {
if curItem != nil {
// all child elements of node have been processed, and all explicit
// properties on curItem have been set.
// Process implied date for 'end' property.
if p.curItem == nil || !p.curItem.backcompat {
// Now process implied property values.
if _, ok := curItem.Properties["name"]; !ok {
if !curItem.hasNestedMicroformats && !curItem.hasPProperties && !curItem.hasEProperties {
name := getImpliedName(node)
if name != "" {
curItem.Properties["name"] = append(curItem.Properties["name"], name)
if _, ok := curItem.Properties["photo"]; !ok {
photo, alt := getImpliedPhoto(node, p.base)
if alt != "" {
curItem.Properties["photo"] = append(curItem.Properties["photo"], map[string]string{
"alt": alt,
"value": photo,
} else if photo != "" {
curItem.Properties["photo"] = append(curItem.Properties["photo"], photo)
if _, ok := curItem.Properties["url"]; !ok {
if !curItem.hasNestedMicroformats && !curItem.hasUProperties {
url := getImpliedURL(node, p.base)
if url != "" {
curItem.Properties["url"] = append(curItem.Properties["url"], url)
p.curItem = priorItem
var propertyclasses []string
if p.curItem != nil && p.curItem.backcompat {
var itemType []string
if p.curItem != nil {
itemType = p.curItem.Type
propertyclasses = backcompatPropertyClasses(classes, rels, itemType)
} else {
for _, class := range classes {
match := propertyClassNames.FindStringSubmatch(class)
if match != nil {
propertyclasses = append(propertyclasses, match[0])
if len(propertyclasses) > 0 {
for _, prop := range propertyclasses {
parts := strings.SplitN(prop, "-", 2)
prefix, name := parts[0], parts[1]
var value, embedValue *string
var propData = make(map[string]string)
switch prefix {
case "p":
if p.curItem != nil {
p.curItem.hasPProperties = true
value = getValueClassPattern(node)
if value == nil && isAtom(node, atom.Abbr, atom.Link) {
value = getAttrPtr(node, "title")
if value == nil && isAtom(node, atom.Data, atom.Input) {
value = getAttrPtr(node, "value")
if value == nil && isAtom(node, atom.Img, atom.Area) {
value = getAttrPtr(node, "alt")
if value == nil {
value = new(string)
*value = strings.TrimSpace(getTextContent(node, p.imageAltSrcValue))
if curItem != nil && p.curItem != nil {
embedValue = getFirstPropValue(curItem, "name")
case "u":
if p.curItem != nil {
p.curItem.hasUProperties = true
if value == nil && isAtom(node, atom.A, atom.Area, atom.Link) {
value = getAttrPtr(node, "href")
if value == nil && isAtom(node, atom.Img) {
value = getAttrPtr(node, "src")
if p.curItem != nil && !p.curItem.backcompat {
if alt := imageAltValue(node); alt != "" {
propData["alt"] = alt
if value == nil && isAtom(node, atom.Audio, atom.Video, atom.Source) {
value = getAttrPtr(node, "src")
if value == nil && isAtom(node, atom.Object) {
value = getAttrPtr(node, "data")
if value == nil && isAtom(node, atom.Video) {
value = getAttrPtr(node, "poster")
if value == nil {
value = getValueClassPattern(node)
if value == nil && isAtom(node, atom.Abbr) {
value = getAttrPtr(node, "title")
if value == nil && isAtom(node, atom.Data, atom.Input) {
value = getAttrPtr(node, "value")
if value == nil {
value = new(string)
*value = strings.TrimSpace(getTextContent(node, nil))
if value != nil {
*value = strings.TrimSpace(expandURL(*value, p.base))
if curItem != nil && p.curItem != nil {
embedValue = getFirstPropValue(curItem, "url")
// for category URLs in backcompat mode, strip to the last path segment
if p.curItem != nil && p.curItem.backcompat && name == "category" {
*value = backcompatURLCategory(*value)
case "e":
if p.curItem != nil {
p.curItem.hasEProperties = true
value = new(string)
*value = strings.TrimSpace(getTextContent(node, p.imageAltSrcValue))
var buf bytes.Buffer
for c := node.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {
p.expandAttrURLs(c) // microformats/microformats2-parsing#38
html.Render(&buf, c)
htmlbody := strings.TrimSpace(buf.String())
// HTML spec: Serializing HTML Fragments algorithm does not include
// a trailing slash, so remove it. Nor should apostrophes be
// encoded, which is doing.
htmlbody = strings.Replace(htmlbody, `/>`, `>`, -1)
htmlbody = strings.Replace(htmlbody, `&#39;`, `'`, -1)
propData["html"] = htmlbody
case "dt":
if value == nil {
value = getDateTimeValue(node)
if value == nil && isAtom(node, atom.Time, atom.Ins, atom.Del) {
value = getAttrPtr(node, "datetime")
if value == nil && isAtom(node, atom.Abbr) {
value = getAttrPtr(node, "title")
if value == nil && isAtom(node, atom.Data, atom.Input) {
value = getAttrPtr(node, "value")
if value == nil {
value = new(string)
*value = strings.TrimSpace(getTextContent(node, nil))
if curItem != nil && p.curItem != nil {
if embedValue == nil {
embedValue = value
p.curItem.Properties[name] = append(p.curItem.Properties[name], &Microformat{
ID: curItem.ID,
Type: curItem.Type,
Properties: curItem.Properties,
Coords: curItem.Coords,
Shape: curItem.Shape,
Value: *embedValue,
HTML: propData["html"],
} else if value != nil && p.curItem != nil {
if len(propData) > 0 {
propData["value"] = *value
p.curItem.Properties[name] = append(p.curItem.Properties[name], propData)
} else {
p.curItem.Properties[name] = append(p.curItem.Properties[name], *value)
} else {
if curItem != nil && p.curItem != nil {
p.curItem.Children = append(p.curItem.Children, curItem)
p.curItem.hasNestedMicroformats = true
// getClasses returns all of the classes on node.
func getClasses(node *html.Node) []string {
if c := getAttrPtr(node, "class"); c != nil {
return strings.Fields(*c)
return nil
// hasMatchingClass whether node contains a class that matches regex.
func hasMatchingClass(node *html.Node, regex *regexp.Regexp) bool {
classes := getClasses(node)
for _, class := range classes {
if regex.MatchString(class) {
return true
return false
// getAttr returns the value of the specified attribute on node.
func getAttr(node *html.Node, name string) string {
if v := getAttrPtr(node, name); v != nil {
return *v
return ""
// getAttr returns pointer to value of the specified attribute on node. If
// node does not contain the specified attribute, nil will be returned.
func getAttrPtr(node *html.Node, name string) *string {
if node == nil {
return nil
for i, attr := range node.Attr {
if strings.EqualFold(attr.Key, name) {
return &node.Attr[i].Val
return nil
// isAtom returns whether node's atom is one of atoms.
func isAtom(node *html.Node, atoms ...atom.Atom) bool {
if node == nil {
return false
for _, atom := range atoms {
if atom == node.DataAtom {
return true
return false
// getTextContent returns the text content of node, following the common
// microformats v2 algorithm. Nested script and style elements are ignored,
// and img elements are run through imgFn. If imgFn is nil, img elements are
// ignored as well.
func getTextContent(node *html.Node, imgFn func(*html.Node) string) string {
if node == nil {
return ""
if isAtom(node, atom.Script, atom.Style, atom.Template) {
return ""
if isAtom(node, atom.Img) && imgFn != nil {
return imgFn(node)
if node.Type == html.TextNode {
return node.Data
var buf bytes.Buffer
for c := node.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {
buf.WriteString(getTextContent(c, imgFn))
return buf.String()
// imageAltValue returns the value of node's alt attribute.
func imageAltValue(node *html.Node) string {
return getAttr(node, "alt")
// imageAltSrcValue returns the value of node's alt attribute. If node doesn't
// have an alt attribute, the value of node's src attribute is expanded to an
// absolute URL and returned.
func (p *parser) imageAltSrcValue(node *html.Node) string {
if v := getAttrPtr(node, "alt"); v != nil {
return *v
if v := getAttrPtr(node, "src"); v != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf(" %v ", expandURL(*v, p.base))
return ""
// getOnlyChild returns the sole child of node. Returns nil if node has zero
// or more than one child.
func getOnlyChild(node *html.Node) *html.Node {
if node == nil {
return nil
var n *html.Node
for c := node.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {
if c.Type == html.ElementNode {
if n == nil {
n = c
} else {
return nil
return n
// getOnlyChild returns the sole child of node with the specified atom.
// Returns nil if node has zero or more than one child with that atom.
func getOnlyChildAtom(node *html.Node, atom atom.Atom) *html.Node {
if node == nil {
return nil
var n *html.Node
for c := node.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {
if c.Type == html.ElementNode && c.DataAtom == atom {
if n == nil {
n = c
} else {
return nil
return n
// getOnlyChild returns the sole child of node with the specified atom and
// attribute. Returns nil if node has zero or more than one child with that
// atom and attribute.
func getOnlyChildAtomWithAttr(node *html.Node, atom atom.Atom, attr string) *html.Node {
if node == nil {
return nil
var n *html.Node
for c := node.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {
if c.Type == html.ElementNode && c.DataAtom == atom && getAttrPtr(c, attr) != nil {
if n == nil {
n = c
} else {
return nil
return n
// getImpliedName gets the implied name value for node.
// See
func getImpliedName(node *html.Node) string {
var name *string
if isAtom(node, atom.Img, atom.Area) {
name = getAttrPtr(node, "alt")
if name == nil && isAtom(node, atom.Abbr) {
name = getAttrPtr(node, "title")
if name == nil {
subnode := getOnlyChild(node)
if subnode != nil && subnode.DataAtom == atom.Img && !hasMatchingClass(subnode, rootClassNames) {
name = getAttrPtr(subnode, "alt")
if name == nil {
subnode := getOnlyChild(node)
if subnode != nil && subnode.DataAtom == atom.Area && !hasMatchingClass(subnode, rootClassNames) {
name = getAttrPtr(subnode, "alt")
if name == nil {
subnode := getOnlyChild(node)
if subnode != nil && subnode.DataAtom == atom.Abbr && !hasMatchingClass(subnode, rootClassNames) {
name = getAttrPtr(subnode, "title")
if name == nil {
subnode := getOnlyChild(node)
if subnode != nil && !hasMatchingClass(subnode, rootClassNames) {
subsubnode := getOnlyChild(subnode)
if subsubnode != nil && subsubnode.DataAtom == atom.Img && !hasMatchingClass(subsubnode, rootClassNames) {
name = getAttrPtr(subsubnode, "alt")
if name == nil {
subnode := getOnlyChild(node)
if subnode != nil && !hasMatchingClass(subnode, rootClassNames) {
subsubnode := getOnlyChild(subnode)
if subsubnode != nil && subsubnode.DataAtom == atom.Area && !hasMatchingClass(subsubnode, rootClassNames) {
name = getAttrPtr(subsubnode, "alt")
if name == nil {
subnode := getOnlyChild(node)
if subnode != nil && !hasMatchingClass(subnode, rootClassNames) {
subsubnode := getOnlyChild(subnode)
if subsubnode != nil && subsubnode.DataAtom == atom.Abbr {
name = getAttrPtr(subsubnode, "title")
if name == nil {
name = new(string)
*name = strings.TrimSpace(getTextContent(node, imageAltValue))
return strings.TrimSpace(*name)
// getImpliedPhoto gets the implied photo value for node.
// See
func getImpliedPhoto(node *html.Node, baseURL *url.URL) (src, alt string) {
var photo *string
if photo == nil && isAtom(node, atom.Img) {
photo = getAttrPtr(node, "src")
alt = getAttr(node, "alt")
if photo == nil && isAtom(node, atom.Object) {
photo = getAttrPtr(node, "data")
if photo == nil {
subnode := getOnlyChildAtomWithAttr(node, atom.Img, "src")
if subnode != nil && !hasMatchingClass(subnode, rootClassNames) {
photo = getAttrPtr(subnode, "src")
alt = getAttr(subnode, "alt")
if photo == nil {
subnode := getOnlyChildAtomWithAttr(node, atom.Object, "data")
if subnode != nil && !hasMatchingClass(subnode, rootClassNames) {
photo = getAttrPtr(subnode, "data")
if photo == nil {
subnode := getOnlyChild(node)
if subnode != nil && !hasMatchingClass(subnode, rootClassNames) {
subsubnode := getOnlyChildAtomWithAttr(subnode, atom.Img, "src")
if subsubnode != nil && !hasMatchingClass(subsubnode, rootClassNames) {
photo = getAttrPtr(subsubnode, "src")
alt = getAttr(subsubnode, "alt")
if photo == nil {
subnode := getOnlyChild(node)
if subnode != nil && !hasMatchingClass(subnode, rootClassNames) {
subsubnode := getOnlyChildAtomWithAttr(subnode, atom.Object, "data")
if subsubnode != nil && !hasMatchingClass(subsubnode, rootClassNames) {
photo = getAttrPtr(subsubnode, "data")
if photo == nil {
return "", alt
return expandURL(*photo, baseURL), alt
// getImpliedName gets the implied url value for node.
// See
func getImpliedURL(node *html.Node, baseURL *url.URL) string {
var value *string
if value == nil && isAtom(node, atom.A, atom.Area) {
value = getAttrPtr(node, "href")
if value == nil {
subnode := getOnlyChildAtomWithAttr(node, atom.A, "href")
if subnode != nil && !hasMatchingClass(subnode, rootClassNames) {
value = getAttrPtr(subnode, "href")
if value == nil {
subnode := getOnlyChildAtomWithAttr(node, atom.Area, "href")
if subnode != nil && !hasMatchingClass(subnode, rootClassNames) {
value = getAttrPtr(subnode, "href")
if value == nil {
subnode := getOnlyChild(node)
if subnode != nil && !hasMatchingClass(subnode, rootClassNames) {
subsubnode := getOnlyChildAtomWithAttr(subnode, atom.A, "href")
if subsubnode != nil && !hasMatchingClass(subsubnode, rootClassNames) {
value = getAttrPtr(subsubnode, "href")
if value == nil {
subnode := getOnlyChild(node)
if subnode != nil && !hasMatchingClass(subnode, rootClassNames) {
subsubnode := getOnlyChildAtomWithAttr(subnode, atom.Area, "href")
if subsubnode != nil && !hasMatchingClass(subsubnode, rootClassNames) {
value = getAttrPtr(subsubnode, "href")
if value == nil {
return ""
return expandURL(*value, baseURL)
// getValueClassPattern gets the value of node using the value class pattern.
// See
func getValueClassPattern(node *html.Node) *string {
values := parseValueClassPattern(node, false)
if len(values) > 0 {
val := strings.Join(values, "")
return &val
return nil
// parseValueClassPattern parses node for values using the value class pattern.
// If dt is true, the rules for date and time parsing will be used.
func parseValueClassPattern(node *html.Node, dt bool) []string {
if node == nil {
return nil
var values []string
for c := node.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {
classes := getClasses(c)
var valueClass, valueTitleClass bool
for _, class := range classes {
if class == "value" {
valueClass = true
if class == "value-title" {
valueTitleClass = true
if valueTitleClass {
values = append(values, *getAttrPtr(c, "title"))
} else if valueClass {
if isAtom(c, atom.Img, atom.Area) && getAttrPtr(c, "alt") != nil {
values = append(values, *getAttrPtr(c, "alt"))
} else if isAtom(c, atom.Data) && getAttrPtr(c, "value") != nil {
values = append(values, *getAttrPtr(c, "value"))
} else if isAtom(c, atom.Abbr) && getAttrPtr(c, "title") != nil {
values = append(values, *getAttrPtr(c, "title"))
} else if dt && isAtom(c, atom.Del, atom.Ins, atom.Time) && getAttrPtr(c, "datetime") != nil {
values = append(values, *getAttrPtr(c, "datetime"))
} else {
values = append(values, strings.TrimSpace(getTextContent(c, nil)))
return values
// getFirstPropValue returns the first property value for prop in item.
func getFirstPropValue(item *Microformat, prop string) *string {
values := item.Properties[prop]
if len(values) > 0 {
if v, ok := values[0].(string); ok {
return &v
return nil