
199 lines
5.8 KiB

{% package template %}
{% import (
) %}
{% code type Authorize struct {
Scope domain.Scopes
CodeChallengeMethod challenge.Method
ResponseType response.Type
Client *domain.Client
Me *domain.Me
RedirectURI *domain.URL
Providers []*domain.Provider
CSRF []byte
CodeChallenge string
State string
} %}
{% stripspace %}
{% func (p *Authorize) Title() %}
{% if p.Client.Name != "" %}
{%= p.T("Authorize %s", p.Client.Name) %}
{% else %}
{%= p.T("Authorize application") %}
{% endif %}
{% endfunc %}
{% func (p *Authorize) Body() %}
{% if p.Client.Logo != nil %}
<img class=""{% space %}
crossorigin="anonymous"{% space %}
decoding="async"{% space %}
height="140"{% space %}
importance="high"{% space %}
loading="lazy"{% space %}
referrerpolicy="no-referrer-when-downgrade"{% space %}
src="{%s p.Client.Logo.String() %}"{% space %}
alt="{%s p.Client.Name %}"{% space %}
{% endif %}
{% if p.Client.URL != nil %}
<a href="{%s p.Client.URL.String() %}">
{% endif %}
{% if p.Client.Name != "" %}
{%s p.Client.Name %}
{% else %}
{%s p.Client.ID.String() %}
{% endif %}
{% if p.Client.URL != nil %}
{% endif %}
{% if p.CodeChallengeMethod != challenge.Und && p.CodeChallenge != "" %}
<p class="with-icon">
<span class="icon"{% space %}
role="img"{% space %}
aria-label="closed lock with key">🔐</span>
{%= p.T(`This client uses %sPKCE%s with the %s%s%s method.`, `<abbr title="Proof of Key Code Exchange">`,
`</abbr>`, `<code>`, p.CodeChallengeMethod, `</code>`) %}
{% else %}
<summary class="with-icon">
<span class="icon"{% space %}
role="img"{% space %}
{%= p.T(`This client does not use %sPKCE%s!`, `<abbr title="Proof of Key Code Exchange">`, `</abbr>`) %}
{%= p.T(`%sProof of Key Code Exchange%s is a mechanism that protects against attackers in the middle hijacking `+
`your application's authentication process. You can still authorize this application without this protection, `+
`but you must independently verify the security of this connection. If you have any doubts - stop the process `+
` and contact the developers.`, `<dfn id="PKCE">`, `</dfn>`) %}
{% endif %}
<form class=""{% space %}
accept-charset="utf-8"{% space %}
action="/authorize/verify"{% space %}
autocomplete="off"{% space %}
enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"{% space %}
method="post"{% space %}
novalidate="true"{% space %}
{% if p.CSRF != nil %}
<input type="hidden"{% space %}
name="_csrf"{% space %}
value="{%z p.CSRF %}">
{% endif %}
{% for key, val := range map[string]string{
"client_id": p.Client.ID.String(),
"redirect_uri": p.RedirectURI.String(),
"response_type": p.ResponseType.String(),
"state": p.State,
} %}
<input type="hidden"{% space %}
name="{%s key %}"{% space %}
value="{%s val %}">
{% endfor %}
{% if len(p.Scope) > 0 %}
<legend>{%= p.T("Scopes") %}</legend>
{% for _, scope := range p.Scope %}
<input type="checkbox"{% space %}
name="scope[]"{% space %}
value="{%s scope.String() %}"{% space %}
{%s scope.String() %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<p>{%= p.T(`No scopes is requested: the application will only get your profile URL.`) %}</p>
{% endif %}
{% if p.CodeChallenge != "" %}
{% for key, val := range map[string]string{
"code_challenge": p.CodeChallenge,
"code_challenge_method": p.CodeChallengeMethod.String(),
} %}
<input type="hidden"{% space %}
name="{%s key %}"{% space %}
value="{%s val %}">
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if p.Me != nil %}
<input type="hidden"{% space %}
name="me"{% space %}
value="{%s p.Me.String() %}">
{% endif %}
{% if len(p.Providers) > 0 %}
<select name="provider"{% space %}
autocomplete{% space %}
{% for _, provider := range p.Providers %}
<option value="{%s provider.UID %}"
{% if provider.UID == "mastodon" %}selected{% endif %}>
{%s provider.Name %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<input type="hidden"{% space %}
name="provider"{% space %}
{% endif %}
<button type="submit"{% space %}
name="authorize"{% space %}
{%= p.T("Deny") %}
<button type="submit"{% space %}
name="authorize"{% space %}
{%= p.T("Allow") %}
<p>{%= p.T(`You will be redirected to %s%s%s`, `<code>`, p.RedirectURI, `</code>`) %}</p>
{% endfunc %}
{% endstripspace %}