Maxim Lebedev 531b14524c
⬆️ Upgraded JWX package
for secure and fast decoding access tokens
2022-06-10 01:22:15 +05:00

172 lines
5.0 KiB

package httprc
import (
// ErrSink is an abstraction that allows users to consume errors
// produced while the cache queue is running.
type HTTPClient interface {
Get(string) (*http.Response, error)
// Cache represents a cache that stores resources locally, while
// periodically refreshing the contents based on HTTP header values
// and/or user-supplied hints.
// Refresh is performed _periodically_, and therefore the contents
// are not kept up-to-date in real time. The interval between checks
// for refreshes is called the refresh window.
// The default refresh window is 15 minutes. This means that if a
// resource is fetched is at time T, and it is supposed to be
// refreshed in 20 minutes, the next refresh for this resource will
// happen at T+30 minutes (15+15 minutes).
type Cache struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
queue *queue
wl Whitelist
const defaultRefreshWindow = 15 * time.Minute
// New creates a new Cache object.
// The context object in the argument controls the life-cycle of the
// auto-refresh worker. If you cancel the `ctx`, then the automatic
// refresh will stop working.
// Refresh will only be performed periodically where the interval between
// refreshes are controlled by the `refresh window` variable. For example,
// if the refresh window is every 5 minutes and the resource was queued
// to be refreshed at 7 minutes, the resource will be refreshed after 10
// minutes (in 2 refresh window time).
// The refresh window can be configured by using `httprc.WithRefreshWindow`
// option. If you want refreshes to be performed more often, provide a smaller
// refresh window. If you specify a refresh window that is smaller than 1
// second, it will automatically be set to the default value, which is 15
// minutes.
// Internally the HTTP fetching is done using a pool of HTTP fetch
// workers. The default number of workers is 3. You may change this
// number by specifying the `httprc.WithFetcherWorkerCount`
func NewCache(ctx context.Context, options ...CacheOption) *Cache {
var refreshWindow time.Duration
var errSink ErrSink
var wl Whitelist
var fetcherOptions []FetcherOption
for _, option := range options {
switch option.Ident() {
case identRefreshWindow{}:
refreshWindow = option.Value().(time.Duration)
case identFetcherWorkerCount{}, identWhitelist{}:
fetcherOptions = append(fetcherOptions, option)
case identErrSink{}:
errSink = option.Value().(ErrSink)
if refreshWindow < time.Second {
refreshWindow = defaultRefreshWindow
fetch := NewFetcher(ctx, fetcherOptions...)
queue := newQueue(ctx, refreshWindow, fetch, errSink)
return &Cache{
queue: queue,
wl: wl,
// Register configures a URL to be stored in the cache.
// For any given URL, the URL must be registered _BEFORE_ it is
// accessed using `Get()` method.
func (c *Cache) Register(u string, options ...RegisterOption) error {
if wl := c.wl; wl != nil {
if !wl.IsAllowed(u) {
return fmt.Errorf(`httprc.Cache: url %q has been rejected by whitelist`, u)
return c.queue.Register(u, options...)
// Unregister removes the given URL `u` from the cache.
// Subsequent calls to `Get()` will fail until `u` is registered again.
func (c *Cache) Unregister(u string) error {
return c.queue.Unregister(u)
// IsRegistered returns true if the given URL `u` has already been
// registered in the cache.
func (c *Cache) IsRegistered(u string) bool {
return c.queue.IsRegistered(u)
// Refresh is identical to Get(), except it always fetches the
// specified resource anew, and updates the cached content
func (c *Cache) Refresh(ctx context.Context, u string) (interface{}, error) {
return c.getOrFetch(ctx, u, true)
// Get returns the cached object.
// The context.Context argument is used to control the timeout for
// synchronous fetches, when they need to happen. Synchronous fetches
// will be performed when the cache does not contain the specified
// resource.
func (c *Cache) Get(ctx context.Context, u string) (interface{}, error) {
return c.getOrFetch(ctx, u, false)
func (c *Cache) getOrFetch(ctx context.Context, u string, forceRefresh bool) (interface{}, error) {
e, ok := c.queue.getRegistered(u)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`url %q is not registered (did you make sure to call Register() first?)`, u)
// Only one goroutine may enter this section.
// has this entry been fetched? (but ignore and do a fetch
// if forceRefresh is true)
if forceRefresh || !e.hasBeenFetched() {
if err := c.queue.fetchAndStore(ctx, e); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`failed to fetch %q: %w`, u, err)
data :=
return data, nil
func (c *Cache) Snapshot() *Snapshot {
return c.queue.snapshot()