
143 lines
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package_name: jwk
output: jwk/options_gen.go
- name: CacheOption
comment: |
CacheOption is a type of Option that can be passed to the
`jwk.Cache` object.
- name: AssignKeyIDOption
- name: FetchOption
- fetchOption
- parseOption
- registerOption
comment: |
FetchOption is a type of Option that can be passed to `jwk.Fetch()`
FetchOption also implements the `CacheOption`, and thus can
safely be passed to `(*jwk.Cache).Configure()`
- name: ParseOption
- fetchOption
- registerOption
- readFileOption
comment: |
ParseOption is a type of Option that can be passed to `jwk.Parse()`
ParseOption also implmentsthe `ReadFileOption` and `CacheOption`,
and thus safely be passed to `jwk.ReadFile` and `(*jwk.Cache).Configure()`
- name: ReadFileOption
comment: |
ReadFileOption is a type of `Option` that can be passed to `jwk.ReadFile`
- name: RegisterOption
comment: |
RegisterOption desribes options that can be passed to `(jwk.Cache).Register()`
- ident: HTTPClient
interface: FetchOption
argument_type: HTTPClient
comment: |
WithHTTPClient allows users to specify the "net/http".Client object that
is used when fetching jwk.Set objects.
- ident: ThumbprintHash
interface: AssignKeyIDOption
argument_type: crypto.Hash
- ident: RefreshInterval
interface: RegisterOption
argument_type: time.Duration
comment: |
WithRefreshInterval specifies the static interval between refreshes
of jwk.Set objects controlled by jwk.Cache.
Providing this option overrides the adaptive token refreshing based
on Cache-Control/Expires header (and jwk.WithMinRefreshInterval),
and refreshes will *always* happen in this interval.
- ident: MinRefreshInterval
interface: RegisterOption
argument_type: time.Duration
comment: |
WithMinRefreshInterval specifies the minimum refresh interval to be used
when using `jwk.Cache`. This value is ONLY used if you did not specify
a user-supplied static refresh interval via `WithRefreshInterval`.
This value is used as a fallback value when tokens are refreshed.
When we fetch the key from a remote URL, we first look at the max-age
directive from Cache-Control response header. If this value is present,
we compare the max-age value and the value specified by this option
and take the larger one.
Next we check for the Expires header, and similarly if the header is
present, we compare it against the value specified by this option,
and take the larger one.
Finally, if neither of the above headers are present, we use the
value specified by this option as the next refresh timing
If unspecified, the minimum refresh interval is 1 hour
- ident: LocalRegistry
option_name: withLocalRegistry
interface: ParseOption
argument_type: '*json.Registry'
comment: This option is only available for internal code. Users don't get to play with it
- ident: PEM
interface: ParseOption
argument_type: bool
comment: WithPEM specifies that the input to `Parse()` is a PEM encoded key.
- ident: FetchWhitelist
interface: FetchOption
argument_type: Whitelist
comment: |
WithFetchWhitelist specifies the Whitelist object to use when
fetching JWKs from a remote source. This option can be passed
to both `jwk.Fetch()`, `jwk.NewCache()`, and `(*jwk.Cache).Configure()`
- ident: IgnoreParseError
interface: ParseOption
argument_type: bool
comment: |
WithIgnoreParseError is only applicable when used with `jwk.Parse()`
(i.e. to parse JWK sets). If passed to `jwk.ParseKey()`, the function
will return an error no matter what the input is.
The option specifies that errors found during parsing of individual
keys are ignored. For example, if you had keys A, B, C where B is
invalid (e.g. it does not contain the required fields), then the
resulting JWKS will contain keys A and C only.
This options exists as an escape hatch for those times when a
key in a JWKS that is irrelevant for your use case is causing
your JWKS parsing to fail, and you want to get to the rest of the
keys in the JWKS.
Again, DO NOT USE unless you have exhausted all other routes.
When you use this option, you will not be able to tell if you are
using a faulty JWKS, except for when there are JSON syntax errors.
- ident: FS
interface: ReadFileOption
argument_type: fs.FS
comment: |
WithFS specifies the source `fs.FS` object to read the file from.
- ident: PostFetcher
interface: RegisterOption
argument_type: PostFetcher
comment: |
WithPostFetcher specifies the PostFetcher object to be used on the
jwk.Set object obtained in `jwk.Cache`. This option can be used
to, for example, modify the jwk.Set to give it key IDs or algorithm
names after it has been fetched and parsed, but before it is cached.
- ident: RefreshWindow
interface: CacheOption
argument_type: time.Duration
comment: |
WithRefreshWindow specifies the interval between checks for refreshes.
See the documentation in `httprc.WithRefreshWindow` for more details.
- ident: ErrSink
interface: CacheOption
argument_type: ErrSink
comment: |
WithErrSink specifies the `httprc.ErrSink` object that handles errors
that occurred during the cache's execution.
See the documentation in `httprc.WithErrSink` for more details.