2021-12-25 23:56:19 +05:00

64 lines
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package domain
import (
// NOTE(toby3d): Encapsulate enums in structs for extra compile-time safety:
type ResponseType struct {
slug string
//nolint: gochecknoglobals // NOTE(toby3d): structs cannot be constants
var (
ResponseTypeUndefined ResponseType = ResponseType{
slug: "",
// Deprecated(toby3d): Only accept response_type=code requests, and for
// backwards-compatible support, treat response_type=id requests as
// response_type=code requests:
ResponseTypeID ResponseType = ResponseType{
slug: "id",
// Indicates to the authorization server that an authorization code
// should be returned as the response:
ResponseTypeCode ResponseType = ResponseType{
slug: "code",
var ErrResponseTypeUnknown = errors.New("unknown grant type")
func ParseResponseType(slug string) (ResponseType, error) {
switch strings.ToLower(slug) {
case ResponseTypeCode.slug:
return ResponseTypeCode, nil
case ResponseTypeID.slug:
return ResponseTypeID, nil
return ResponseTypeUndefined, fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", ErrResponseTypeUnknown, slug)
func (rt *ResponseType) UnmarshalForm(src []byte) error {
responseType, err := ParseResponseType(string(src))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("response_type: %w", err)
*rt = responseType
return nil
func (rt ResponseType) String() string {
return rt.slug