2021-12-28 05:23:29 +05:00

101 lines
2.4 KiB

package domain
import (
type (
Config struct {
Database ConfigDatabase
IndieAuth ConfigIndieAuth
Server ConfigServer
Name string
RunMode string
ConfigIndieAuth struct {
JWTSecret interface{}
AccessTokenExpirationTime time.Duration
JWTSigningAlgorithm string
JWTSigningPrivateKeyFile string
CodeLength int
JWTNonceLength int
Enabled bool
ConfigServer struct {
CertificateFile string
Domain string
Host string
KeyFile string
Protocol string
RootURL string
StaticRootPath string
StaticURLPrefix string
Port string
EnablePprof bool
ConfigDatabase struct {
Path string
Type string
// GetAddress return host:port address.
func (cs *ConfigServer) GetAddress() string {
return net.JoinHostPort(cs.Host, cs.Port)
// GetRootURL returns generated from template RootURL.
func (cs *ConfigServer) GetRootURL() string {
return fasttemplate.ExecuteString(cs.RootURL, `{{`, `}}`, map[string]interface{}{
"domain": cs.Domain,
"host": cs.Host,
"port": cs.Port,
"protocol": cs.Protocol,
"staticRootPath": cs.StaticRootPath,
"staticUrlPrefix": cs.StaticURLPrefix,
// TestConfig returns a valid *viper.Viper with the generated test data filled in.
func TestConfig(tb testing.TB) *Config {
return &Config{
Name: "IndieAuth",
RunMode: "dev",
Database: ConfigDatabase{
Path: filepath.Join("test", "development.db"),
Type: "bolt",
IndieAuth: ConfigIndieAuth{
AccessTokenExpirationTime: time.Hour,
CodeLength: 32, //nolint: gomnd
Enabled: true,
JWTNonceLength: 22, //nolint: gomnd
JWTSecret: []byte("hackme"),
JWTSigningAlgorithm: "HS256",
JWTSigningPrivateKeyFile: filepath.Join("jwt", "private.pem"),
Server: ConfigServer{
CertificateFile: filepath.Join("https", "cert.pem"),
Domain: "localhost",
EnablePprof: false,
Host: "",
KeyFile: filepath.Join("https", "key.pem"),
Port: "3000",
Protocol: "http",
RootURL: "{{protocol}}://{{domain}}:{{port}}/",
StaticRootPath: "/",
StaticURLPrefix: "/static",