// Copyright 2021 The Libc Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package libc // import "modernc.org/libc" import ( "strings" "syscall" "unsafe" "golang.org/x/sys/unix" "modernc.org/libc/fcntl" "modernc.org/libc/fts" "modernc.org/libc/sys/types" "modernc.org/libc/time" "modernc.org/libc/utime" ) type ( long = int32 ulong = uint32 ) // int sigaction(int signum, const struct sigaction *act, struct sigaction *oldact); func Xsigaction(t *TLS, signum int32, act, oldact uintptr) int32 { panic(todo("")) // if _, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_SIGACTION, uintptr(signum), act, oldact); err != 0 { // t.setErrno(err) // return -1 // } // return 0 } // FILE *fopen64(const char *pathname, const char *mode); func Xfopen64(t *TLS, pathname, mode uintptr) uintptr { m := strings.ReplaceAll(GoString(mode), "b", "") var flags int switch m { case "r": flags = fcntl.O_RDONLY case "r+": flags = fcntl.O_RDWR case "w": flags = fcntl.O_WRONLY | fcntl.O_CREAT | fcntl.O_TRUNC case "w+": flags = fcntl.O_RDWR | fcntl.O_CREAT | fcntl.O_TRUNC case "a": flags = fcntl.O_WRONLY | fcntl.O_CREAT | fcntl.O_APPEND case "a+": flags = fcntl.O_RDWR | fcntl.O_CREAT | fcntl.O_APPEND default: panic(m) } fd, err := unix.Open(GoString(pathname), int(flags), 0666) if err != nil { if dmesgs { dmesg("%v: %q %q: %v FAIL", origin(1), GoString(pathname), GoString(mode), err) } t.setErrno(err) return 0 } if dmesgs { dmesg("%v: %q %q: fd %v", origin(1), GoString(pathname), GoString(mode), fd) } if p := newFile(t, int32(fd)); p != 0 { return p } panic("OOM") } // int lstat(const char *pathname, struct stat *statbuf); func Xlstat64(t *TLS, pathname, statbuf uintptr) int32 { if err := unix.Lstat(GoString(pathname), (*unix.Stat_t)(unsafe.Pointer(statbuf))); err != nil { if dmesgs { dmesg("%v: %q: %v FAIL", origin(1), GoString(pathname), err) } t.setErrno(err) return -1 } if dmesgs { dmesg("%v: %q: ok", origin(1), GoString(pathname)) } return 0 } // int stat(const char *pathname, struct stat *statbuf); func Xstat64(t *TLS, pathname, statbuf uintptr) int32 { if err := unix.Stat(GoString(pathname), (*unix.Stat_t)(unsafe.Pointer(statbuf))); err != nil { if dmesgs { dmesg("%v: %q: %v FAIL", origin(1), GoString(pathname), err) } t.setErrno(err) return -1 } if dmesgs { dmesg("%v: %q: ok", origin(1), GoString(pathname)) } return 0 } // int mkdir(const char *path, mode_t mode); func Xmkdir(t *TLS, path uintptr, mode types.Mode_t) int32 { if err := unix.Mkdir(GoString(path), uint32(mode)); err != nil { if dmesgs { dmesg("%v: %q: %v FAIL", origin(1), GoString(path), err) } t.setErrno(err) return -1 } if dmesgs { dmesg("%v: %q: ok", origin(1), GoString(path)) } return 0 } // int access(const char *pathname, int mode); func Xaccess(t *TLS, pathname uintptr, mode int32) int32 { if err := unix.Access(GoString(pathname), uint32(mode)); err != nil { if dmesgs { dmesg("%v: %q %#o: %v FAIL", origin(1), GoString(pathname), mode, err) } t.setErrno(err) return -1 } if dmesgs { dmesg("%v: %q %#o: ok", origin(1), GoString(pathname), mode) } return 0 } // int unlink(const char *pathname); func Xunlink(t *TLS, pathname uintptr) int32 { if err := unix.Unlink(GoString(pathname)); err != nil { if dmesgs { dmesg("%v: %q: %v", origin(1), GoString(pathname), err) } t.setErrno(err) return -1 } if dmesgs { dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1)) } return 0 } // ssize_t readlink(const char *restrict path, char *restrict buf, size_t bufsize); func Xreadlink(t *TLS, path, buf uintptr, bufsize types.Size_t) types.Ssize_t { var n int var err error switch { case buf == 0 || bufsize == 0: n, err = unix.Readlink(GoString(path), nil) default: n, err = unix.Readlink(GoString(path), (*RawMem)(unsafe.Pointer(buf))[:bufsize:bufsize]) } if err != nil { if dmesgs { dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", err) } t.setErrno(err) return -1 } if dmesgs { dmesg("%v: ok") } return types.Ssize_t(n) } // int symlink(const char *target, const char *linkpath); func Xsymlink(t *TLS, target, linkpath uintptr) int32 { if err := unix.Symlink(GoString(target), GoString(linkpath)); err != nil { if dmesgs { dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err) } t.setErrno(err) return -1 } if dmesgs { dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1)) } return 0 } // int chmod(const char *pathname, mode_t mode) func Xchmod(t *TLS, pathname uintptr, mode types.Mode_t) int32 { if err := unix.Chmod(GoString(pathname), uint32(mode)); err != nil { if dmesgs { dmesg("%v: %q %#o: %v FAIL", origin(1), GoString(pathname), mode, err) } t.setErrno(err) return -1 } if dmesgs { dmesg("%v: %q %#o: ok", origin(1), GoString(pathname), mode) } return 0 } // time_t time(time_t *tloc); func Xtime(t *TLS, tloc uintptr) time.Time_t { panic(todo("")) // n := time.Now().UTC().Unix() // if tloc != 0 { // *(*types.Time_t)(unsafe.Pointer(tloc)) = types.Time_t(n) // } // return types.Time_t(n) } // int utimes(const char *filename, const struct timeval times[2]); func Xutimes(t *TLS, filename, times uintptr) int32 { var a []unix.Timeval if times != 0 { a = make([]unix.Timeval, 2) a[0] = *(*unix.Timeval)(unsafe.Pointer(times)) a[1] = *(*unix.Timeval)(unsafe.Pointer(times + unsafe.Sizeof(unix.Timeval{}))) } if err := unix.Utimes(GoString(filename), a); err != nil { if dmesgs { dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err) } t.setErrno(err) return -1 } if dmesgs { dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1)) } return 0 } // int fstat(int fd, struct stat *statbuf); func Xfstat64(t *TLS, fd int32, statbuf uintptr) int32 { if err := unix.Fstat(int(fd), (*unix.Stat_t)(unsafe.Pointer(statbuf))); err != nil { if dmesgs { dmesg("%v: fd %d: %v FAIL", origin(1), fd, err) } t.setErrno(err) return -1 } if dmesgs { dmesg("%v: fd %d: ok", origin(1), fd) } return 0 } // off64_t lseek64(int fd, off64_t offset, int whence); func Xlseek64(t *TLS, fd int32, offset types.Off_t, whence int32) types.Off_t { n, err := unix.Seek(int(fd), int64(offset), int(whence)) if err != nil { if dmesgs { dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err) } t.setErrno(err) return -1 } if dmesgs { dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1)) } return types.Off_t(n) } func Xfcntl64(t *TLS, fd, cmd int32, args uintptr) int32 { var arg uintptr if args != 0 { arg = *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(args)) } n, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_FCNTL, uintptr(fd), uintptr(cmd), arg) if err != 0 { if dmesgs { dmesg("%v: fd %v cmd %v", origin(1), fcntlCmdStr(fd), cmd) } t.setErrno(err) return -1 } if dmesgs { dmesg("%v: %d %s %#x: %d", origin(1), fd, fcntlCmdStr(cmd), arg, n) } return int32(n) } // int rename(const char *oldpath, const char *newpath); func Xrename(t *TLS, oldpath, newpath uintptr) int32 { if err := unix.Rename(GoString(oldpath), GoString(newpath)); err != nil { if dmesgs { dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err) } t.setErrno(err) return -1 } if dmesgs { dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1)) } return 0 } // int mknod(const char *pathname, mode_t mode, dev_t dev); func Xmknod(t *TLS, pathname uintptr, mode types.Mode_t, dev types.Dev_t) int32 { panic(todo("")) // if _, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_MKNOD, pathname, uintptr(mode), uintptr(dev)); err != 0 { // t.setErrno(err) // return -1 // } // return 0 } // int utime(const char *filename, const struct utimbuf *times); func Xutime(t *TLS, filename, times uintptr) int32 { var a []unix.Timeval if times != 0 { a = make([]unix.Timeval, 2) a[0].Sec = (*utime.Utimbuf)(unsafe.Pointer(times)).Factime a[1].Sec = (*utime.Utimbuf)(unsafe.Pointer(times)).Fmodtime } if err := unix.Utimes(GoString(filename), a); err != nil { if dmesgs { dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err) } t.setErrno(err) return -1 } if dmesgs { dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1)) } return 0 } // int chown(const char *pathname, uid_t owner, gid_t group); func Xchown(t *TLS, pathname uintptr, owner types.Uid_t, group types.Gid_t) int32 { if _, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_CHOWN, pathname, uintptr(owner), uintptr(group)); err != 0 { t.setErrno(err) return -1 } return 0 } // int link(const char *oldpath, const char *newpath); func Xlink(t *TLS, oldpath, newpath uintptr) int32 { panic(todo("")) // if _, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_LINK, oldpath, newpath, 0); err != 0 { // t.setErrno(err) // return -1 // } // return 0 } // int dup2(int oldfd, int newfd); func Xdup2(t *TLS, oldfd, newfd int32) int32 { panic(todo("")) // n, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_DUP2, uintptr(oldfd), uintptr(newfd), 0) // if err != 0 { // t.setErrno(err) // return -1 // } // return int32(n) } // unsigned int alarm(unsigned int seconds); func Xalarm(t *TLS, seconds uint32) uint32 { panic(todo("")) // n, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_ALARM, uintptr(seconds), 0, 0) // if err != 0 { // panic(todo("")) // } // return uint32(n) } func Xgetnameinfo(tls *TLS, sa1 uintptr, sl socklen_t, node uintptr, nodelen size_t, serv uintptr, servlen size_t, flags int32) int32 { /* getnameinfo.c:125:5: */ panic(todo("")) //TODO bp := tls.Alloc(347) //TODO defer tls.Free(347) //TODO // var ptr [78]int8 at bp, 78 //TODO // var buf [256]int8 at bp+78, 256 //TODO // var num [13]int8 at bp+334, 13 //TODO var af int32 = int32((*sockaddr)(unsafe.Pointer(sa1)).sa_family) //TODO var a uintptr //TODO var scopeid uint32 //TODO switch af { //TODO case 2: //TODO a = (sa1 + 4 /* &.sin_addr */) //TODO if (uint64(sl) < uint64(unsafe.Sizeof(sockaddr_in{}))) { //TODO return -6 //TODO } //TODO mkptr4(tls, bp /* &ptr[0] */, a) //TODO scopeid = uint32(0) //TODO break //TODO case 10: //TODO a = (sa1 + 8 /* &.sin6_addr */) //TODO if (uint64(sl) < uint64(unsafe.Sizeof(sockaddr_in6{}))) { //TODO return -6 //TODO } //TODO if Xmemcmp(tls, a, ts+88 /* "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff" */, uint64(12)) != 0 { //TODO mkptr6(tls, bp /* &ptr[0] */, a) //TODO } else { //TODO mkptr4(tls, bp /* &ptr[0] */, (a + uintptr(12))) //TODO } //TODO scopeid = (*sockaddr_in6)(unsafe.Pointer(sa1)).sin6_scope_id //TODO break //TODO default: //TODO return -6 //TODO } //TODO if (node != 0) && (nodelen != 0) { //TODO *(*int8)(unsafe.Pointer(bp + 78 /* &buf[0] */)) = int8(0) //TODO if !((flags & 0x01) != 0) { //TODO reverse_hosts(tls, bp+78 /* &buf[0] */, a, scopeid, af) //TODO } //TODO if !(int32(*(*int8)(unsafe.Pointer(bp + 78 /* buf */))) != 0) && !((flags & 0x01) != 0) { //TODO Xabort(tls) //TODO- //TODO // unsigned char query[18+PTR_MAX], reply[512]; //TODO // int qlen = __res_mkquery(0, ptr, 1, RR_PTR, //TODO // 0, 0, 0, query, sizeof query); //TODO // query[3] = 0; /* don't need AD flag */ //TODO // int rlen = __res_send(query, qlen, reply, sizeof reply); //TODO // buf[0] = 0; //TODO // if (rlen > 0) //TODO // __dns_parse(reply, rlen, dns_parse_callback, buf); //TODO } //TODO if !(int32(*(*int8)(unsafe.Pointer(bp + 78 /* buf */))) != 0) { //TODO if (flags & 0x08) != 0 { //TODO return -2 //TODO } //TODO Xinet_ntop(tls, af, a, bp+78 /* &buf[0] */, uint32(unsafe.Sizeof([256]int8{}))) //TODO if scopeid != 0 { //TODO Xabort(tls) //TODO- //TODO // char *p = 0, tmp[IF_NAMESIZE+1]; //TODO // if (!(flags & NI_NUMERICSCOPE) && //TODO // (IN6_IS_ADDR_LINKLOCAL(a) || //TODO // IN6_IS_ADDR_MC_LINKLOCAL(a))) //TODO // p = if_indextoname(scopeid, tmp+1); //TODO // if (!p) //TODO // p = itoa(num, scopeid); //TODO // *--p = '%'; //TODO // strcat(buf, p); //TODO } //TODO } //TODO if Xstrlen(tls, bp+78 /* &buf[0] */) >= size_t(nodelen) { //TODO return -12 //TODO } //TODO Xstrcpy(tls, node, bp+78 /* &buf[0] */) //TODO } //TODO if (serv != 0) && (servlen != 0) { //TODO var p uintptr = bp + 78 /* buf */ //TODO var port int32 = int32(Xntohs(tls, (*sockaddr_in)(unsafe.Pointer(sa1)).sin_port)) //TODO *(*int8)(unsafe.Pointer(bp + 78 /* &buf[0] */)) = int8(0) //TODO if !((flags & 0x02) != 0) { //TODO reverse_services(tls, bp+78 /* &buf[0] */, port, (flags & 0x10)) //TODO } //TODO if !(int32(*(*int8)(unsafe.Pointer(p))) != 0) { //TODO p = itoa(tls, bp+334 /* &num[0] */, uint32(port)) //TODO } //TODO if Xstrlen(tls, p) >= size_t(servlen) { //TODO return -12 //TODO } //TODO Xstrcpy(tls, serv, p) //TODO } //TODO return 0 } func Xgethostbyaddr_r(tls *TLS, a uintptr, l socklen_t, af int32, h uintptr, buf uintptr, buflen size_t, res uintptr, err uintptr) int32 { /* gethostbyaddr_r.c:10:5: */ panic(todo("")) //TODO bp := tls.Alloc(28) //TODO defer tls.Free(28) //TODO //TODO union { //TODO //TODO struct sockaddr_in sin; //TODO //TODO struct sockaddr_in6 sin6; //TODO //TODO } sa = { .sin.sin_family = af }; //TODO *(*struct { //TODO sin sockaddr_in //TODO _ [12]byte //TODO })(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* sa1 */)) = struct { //TODO sin sockaddr_in //TODO _ [12]byte //TODO }{} //TODO- //TODO (*sockaddr_in)(unsafe.Pointer(bp /* &sa1 */)).sin_family = sa_family_t(af) //TODO- //TODO var sl socklen_t //TODO if af == 10 { //TODO sl = uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(sockaddr_in6{})) //TODO } else { //TODO sl = uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(sockaddr_in{})) //TODO } //TODO var i int32 //TODO *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(res)) = uintptr(0) //TODO // Load address argument into sockaddr structure //TODO if (af == 10) && (l == socklen_t(16)) { //TODO Xmemcpy(tls, (bp /* &sa1 */ /* &.sin6 */ + 8 /* &.sin6_addr */), a, uint64(16)) //TODO } else if (af == 2) && (l == socklen_t(4)) { //TODO Xmemcpy(tls, (bp /* &sa1 */ /* &.sin */ + 4 /* &.sin_addr */), a, uint64(4)) //TODO } else { //TODO *(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(err)) = 3 //TODO return 22 //TODO } //TODO // Align buffer and check for space for pointers and ip address //TODO i = (int32(uintptr_t(buf) & (uint64(unsafe.Sizeof(uintptr(0))) - uint64(1)))) //TODO if !(i != 0) { //TODO i = int32(unsafe.Sizeof(uintptr(0))) //TODO } //TODO if buflen <= (((uint64(5) * uint64(unsafe.Sizeof(uintptr(0)))) - uint64(i)) + uint64(l)) { //TODO return 34 //TODO } //TODO buf += (uintptr(uint64(unsafe.Sizeof(uintptr(0))) - uint64(i))) //TODO buflen = buflen - (((uint64(5) * uint64(unsafe.Sizeof(uintptr(0)))) - uint64(i)) + uint64(l)) //TODO (*hostent)(unsafe.Pointer(h)).h_addr_list = buf //TODO buf += (uintptr(uint64(2) * uint64(unsafe.Sizeof(uintptr(0))))) //TODO (*hostent)(unsafe.Pointer(h)).h_aliases = buf //TODO buf += (uintptr(uint64(2) * uint64(unsafe.Sizeof(uintptr(0))))) //TODO *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer((*hostent)(unsafe.Pointer(h)).h_addr_list)) = buf //TODO Xmemcpy(tls, *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer((*hostent)(unsafe.Pointer(h)).h_addr_list)), a, uint64(l)) //TODO buf += uintptr(l) //TODO *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer((*hostent)(unsafe.Pointer(h)).h_addr_list + 1*8)) = uintptr(0) //TODO *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer((*hostent)(unsafe.Pointer(h)).h_aliases)) = buf //TODO *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer((*hostent)(unsafe.Pointer(h)).h_aliases + 1*8)) = uintptr(0) //TODO switch Xgetnameinfo(tls, bp /* &sa1 */, sl, buf, uint32(buflen), uintptr(0), uint32(0), 0) { //TODO case -3: //TODO *(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(err)) = 2 //TODO return 11 //TODO case -12: //TODO return 34 //TODO default: //TODO fallthrough //TODO case -10: //TODO fallthrough //TODO case -11: //TODO fallthrough //TODO case -4: //TODO *(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(err)) = 3 //TODO return *(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(X___errno_location(tls))) //TODO case 0: //TODO break //TODO } //TODO (*hostent)(unsafe.Pointer(h)).h_addrtype = af //TODO (*hostent)(unsafe.Pointer(h)).h_length = int32(l) //TODO (*hostent)(unsafe.Pointer(h)).h_name = *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer((*hostent)(unsafe.Pointer(h)).h_aliases)) //TODO *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(res)) = h //TODO return 0 } // int getrlimit(int resource, struct rlimit *rlim); func Xgetrlimit64(t *TLS, resource int32, rlim uintptr) int32 { if _, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_GETRLIMIT, uintptr(resource), uintptr(rlim), 0); err != 0 { t.setErrno(err) return -1 } return 0 } func newFtsent(t *TLS, info int, path string, stat *unix.Stat_t, err syscall.Errno) (r *fts.FTSENT) { var statp uintptr if stat != nil { statp = Xmalloc(t, types.Size_t(unsafe.Sizeof(unix.Stat_t{}))) if statp == 0 { panic("OOM") } *(*unix.Stat_t)(unsafe.Pointer(statp)) = *stat } csp, errx := CString(path) if errx != nil { panic("OOM") } return &fts.FTSENT{ Ffts_info: uint16(info), Ffts_path: csp, Ffts_pathlen: uint32(len(path)), Ffts_statp: statp, Ffts_errno: int32(err), } } // DIR *opendir(const char *name); func Xopendir(t *TLS, name uintptr) uintptr { p := Xmalloc(t, uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(darwinDir{}))) if p == 0 { panic("OOM") } fd := int(Xopen(t, name, fcntl.O_RDONLY|fcntl.O_DIRECTORY|fcntl.O_CLOEXEC, 0)) if fd < 0 { if dmesgs { dmesg("%v: FAIL %v", origin(1), (*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(p)).fd) } Xfree(t, p) return 0 } if dmesgs { dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1)) } (*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(p)).fd = fd (*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(p)).h = 0 (*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(p)).l = 0 (*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(p)).eof = false return p }