package middleware import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "net/http" "" "" "" ) type ( // JWTConfig defines the config for JWT middleware. JWTConfig struct { // Skipper defines a function to skip middleware. Skipper Skipper // BeforeFunc defines a function which is executed just before // the middleware. BeforeFunc BeforeFunc // SuccessHandler defines a function which is executed for a // valid token. SuccessHandler JWTSuccessHandler // ErrorHandler defines a function which is executed for an // invalid token. It may be used to define a custom JWT error. ErrorHandler JWTErrorHandler // ErrorHandlerWithContext is almost identical to ErrorHandler, // but it's passed the current context. ErrorHandlerWithContext JWTErrorHandlerWithContext // Signing key to validate token. // This is one of the three options to provide a token // validation key. The order of precedence is a user-defined // KeyFunc, SigningKeys and SigningKey. // // Required if neither user-defined KeyFunc nor SigningKeys is // provided. SigningKey any // Map of signing keys to validate token with kid field usage. // This is one of the three options to provide a token // validation key. The order of precedence is a user-defined // KeyFunc, SigningKeys and SigningKey. // // Required if neither user-defined KeyFunc nor SigningKey is // provided. SigningKeys map[string]any // Signing method used to check the token's signing algorithm. // // Optional. Default value HS256. SigningMethod jwa.SignatureAlgorithm // Context key to store user information from the token into // context. // // Optional. Default value "user". ContextKey string // Claims are extendable claims data defining token content. // Used by default ParseTokenFunc implementation. Not used if // custom ParseTokenFunc is set. // // Optional. Default value []jwt.ClaimPair Claims []jwt.ClaimPair // TokenLookup is a string in the form of ":" or // ":,:" that is used to extract // token from the request. // Optional. Default value "header:Authorization". // Possible values: // - "header:" // - "query:" // - "param:" // - "cookie:" // - "form:" // Multiply sources example: // - "header: Authorization,cookie: myowncookie" TokenLookup string // TokenLookupFuncs defines a list of user-defined functions // that extract JWT token from the given context. // This is one of the two options to provide a token extractor. // The order of precedence is user-defined TokenLookupFuncs, and // TokenLookup. // You can also provide both if you want. TokenLookupFuncs []ValuesExtractor // AuthScheme to be used in the Authorization header. // // Optional. Default value "Bearer". AuthScheme string // KeyFunc defines a user-defined function that supplies the // public key for a token validation. The function shall take // care of verifying the signing algorithm and selecting the // proper key. A user-defined KeyFunc can be useful if tokens // are issued by an external party. Used by default // ParseTokenFunc implementation. // // When a user-defined KeyFunc is provided, SigningKey, // SigningKeys, and SigningMethod are ignored. This is one of // the three options to provide a token validation key. The // order of precedence is a user-defined KeyFunc, SigningKeys // and SigningKey. Required if neither SigningKeys nor // SigningKey is provided. Not used if custom ParseTokenFunc is // set. Default to an internal implementation verifying the // signing algorithm and selecting the proper key. // KeyFunc jwt.Keyfunc // ParseTokenFunc defines a user-defined function that parses // token from given auth. Returns an error when token parsing // fails or parsed token is invalid. Defaults to implementation // using `` as JWT implementation library ParseTokenFunc func(auth []byte, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (any, error) // ContinueOnIgnoredError allows the next middleware/handler to // be called when ErrorHandlerWithContext decides to ignore the // error (by returning `nil`). This is useful when parts of your // site/api allow public access and some authorized routes // provide extra functionality. In that case you can use // ErrorHandlerWithContext to set a default public JWT token // value in the request context and continue. Some logic down // the remaining execution chain needs to check that (public) // token value then. ContinueOnIgnoredError bool } // JWTSuccessHandler defines a function which is executed for a valid // token. JWTSuccessHandler func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) // JWTErrorHandler defines a function which is executed for an invalid // token. JWTErrorHandler func(err error) // JWTErrorHandlerWithContext is almost identical to JWTErrorHandler, // but it's passed the current context. JWTErrorHandlerWithContext func(err error, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error jwtExtractor func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) ([]byte, error) ) // DefaultJWTConfig is the default JWT auth middleware config. //nolint: gochecknoglobals var DefaultJWTConfig = JWTConfig{ Skipper: DefaultSkipper, SigningMethod: "HS256", ContextKey: "user", TokenLookup: "header:" + common.HeaderAuthorization, AuthScheme: "Bearer", Claims: []jwt.ClaimPair{}, } // Possible token errors. var ( ErrJWTMissing = errors.New("jwt: missing or malformed jwt") ErrJWTInvalid = errors.New("jwt: invalid or expired jwt") ) // JWT returns a JSON Web Token (JWT) auth middleware. // // * For valid token, it sets the user in context and calls next handler. // * For invalid token, it returns "401 - Unauthorized" error. // * For missing token, it returns "400 - Bad Request" error. func JWT(key any) Interceptor { config := DefaultJWTConfig config.SigningKey = key return JWTWithConfig(config) } // JWTWithConfig returns a JWT auth middleware with config. //nolint: funlen, gocognit func JWTWithConfig(config JWTConfig) Interceptor { // Defaults if config.Skipper == nil { config.Skipper = DefaultJWTConfig.Skipper } if config.SigningKey == nil && len(config.SigningKeys) == 0 && config.ParseTokenFunc == nil { panic("jwt: middleware requires signing key") } if config.SigningMethod == "" { config.SigningMethod = DefaultJWTConfig.SigningMethod } if config.ContextKey == "" { config.ContextKey = DefaultJWTConfig.ContextKey } if config.Claims == nil { config.Claims = DefaultJWTConfig.Claims } if config.TokenLookup == "" { config.TokenLookup = DefaultJWTConfig.TokenLookup } if config.AuthScheme == "" { config.AuthScheme = DefaultJWTConfig.AuthScheme } if config.ParseTokenFunc == nil { config.ParseTokenFunc = config.defaultParseToken } extractors, err := createExtractors(config.TokenLookup, config.AuthScheme) if err != nil { panic("middleware: jwt: " + err.Error()) } if len(config.TokenLookupFuncs) > 0 { extractors = append(config.TokenLookupFuncs, extractors...) } return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, next http.HandlerFunc) { if config.Skipper(w, r) { next(w, r) return } if config.BeforeFunc != nil { config.BeforeFunc(w, r) } var lastExtractorErr, lastTokenErr error for _, extractor := range extractors { auths, err := extractor(w, r) if err != nil { lastExtractorErr = ErrJWTMissing continue } for _, auth := range auths { token, err := config.ParseTokenFunc([]byte(auth), w, r) if err != nil { lastTokenErr = err continue } r = r.WithContext(context.WithValue(r.Context(), config.ContextKey, token)) if config.SuccessHandler != nil { config.SuccessHandler(w, r) } next(w, r) return } } err := lastTokenErr if err == nil { err = lastExtractorErr } if config.ErrorHandler != nil { config.ErrorHandler(err) return } if config.ErrorHandlerWithContext != nil { tmpErr := config.ErrorHandlerWithContext(err, w, r) if config.ContinueOnIgnoredError && tmpErr == nil { next(w, r) } else { http.Error(w, tmpErr.Error(), http.StatusUnauthorized) } return } if lastTokenErr != nil { http.Error(w, lastTokenErr.Error(), http.StatusUnauthorized) return } http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } } func (config *JWTConfig) defaultParseToken(auth []byte, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (any, error) { token, err := jwt.Parse(auth, jwt.WithKey(config.SigningMethod, config.SigningKey), jwt.WithVerify(true)) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse JWT token: %w", err) } return token, nil }