package http import ( "bytes" "strings" "" json "" http "" "" "" "" "" ) type ( RevocationRequest struct { Action string Token string } //nolint: tagliatelle VerificationResponse struct { Me string `json:"me"` ClientID string `json:"client_id"` Scope string `json:"scope"` } RevocationResponse struct{} RequestHandler struct { tokener token.UseCase } ) const ( Action string = "action" ActionRevoke string = "revoke" ) func NewRequestHandler(tokener token.UseCase) *RequestHandler { return &RequestHandler{ tokener: tokener, } } func (h *RequestHandler) Register(r *router.Router) { r.GET("/token", h.Read) r.POST("/token", h.Update) } func (h *RequestHandler) Read(ctx *http.RequestCtx) { ctx.SetContentType(common.MIMEApplicationJSON) ctx.SetStatusCode(http.StatusOK) rawToken := ctx.Request.Header.Peek(http.HeaderAuthorization) t, err := h.tokener.Verify(ctx, string(bytes.TrimPrefix(rawToken, []byte("Bearer ")))) if err != nil { if xerrors.Is(err, token.ErrRevoke) { ctx.Error(http.StatusMessage(http.StatusUnauthorized), http.StatusUnauthorized) } else { ctx.Error(err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest) } return } if t == nil { ctx.Error(http.StatusMessage(http.StatusUnauthorized), http.StatusUnauthorized) return } if err := json.NewEncoder(ctx).Encode(&VerificationResponse{ ClientID: t.ClientID, Me: t.Me, Scope: strings.Join(t.Scopes, " "), }); err != nil { ctx.Error(err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } } func (h *RequestHandler) Update(ctx *http.RequestCtx) { if strings.EqualFold(string(ctx.FormValue(Action)), ActionRevoke) { h.Revocation(ctx) } } func (h *RequestHandler) Revocation(ctx *http.RequestCtx) { ctx.SetContentType(common.MIMEApplicationJSON) ctx.SetStatusCode(http.StatusOK) encoder := json.NewEncoder(ctx) req := new(RevocationRequest) if err := req.bind(ctx); err != nil { ctx.Error(err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest) return } if err := h.tokener.Revoke(ctx, req.Token); err != nil { ctx.Error(err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest) return } if err := encoder.Encode(&RevocationResponse{}); err != nil { ctx.Error(err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } } func (r *RevocationRequest) bind(ctx *http.RequestCtx) error { if r.Action = string(ctx.FormValue(Action)); !strings.EqualFold(r.Action, ActionRevoke) { return domain.Error{ Code: "invalid_request", Description: "request MUST contain 'action' key with value 'revoke'", URI: "", Frame: xerrors.Caller(1), } } if r.Token = string(ctx.FormValue("token")); r.Token == "" { return domain.Error{ Code: "invalid_request", Description: "request MUST contain the 'token' key with the valid access token as its value", URI: "", Frame: xerrors.Caller(1), } } return nil }