package http import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "" http "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type ( Request struct { // A random string that can be redeemed for an access token. Ticket string `form:"ticket"` // The access token will work at this URL. Resource *domain.URL `form:"resource"` // The access token should be used when acting on behalf of this URL. // WARN(toby3d): deadcode for now Subject *domain.Me `form:"subject"` } RequestHandler struct { useCase ticket.UseCase } ) func NewRequestHandler(useCase ticket.UseCase) *RequestHandler { return &RequestHandler{ useCase: useCase, } } func (h *RequestHandler) Register(r *router.Router) { r.POST("/ticket", h.update) } func (h *RequestHandler) update(ctx *http.RequestCtx) { ctx.SetContentType(common.MIMEApplicationJSONCharsetUTF8) ctx.SetStatusCode(http.StatusOK) encoder := json.NewEncoder(ctx) req := new(Request) if err := req.bind(ctx); err != nil { ctx.SetStatusCode(http.StatusBadRequest) encoder.Encode(err) return } token, err := h.useCase.Redeem(ctx, &domain.Ticket{ Ticket: req.Ticket, Resource: req.Resource, Subject: req.Subject, }) if err != nil { ctx.SetStatusCode(http.StatusBadRequest) encoder.Encode(domain.Error{ Code: "invalid_request", Description: err.Error(), Frame: xerrors.Caller(1), }) return } // TODO(toby3d): print the result as part of the debugging. Instead, we // need to send or save the token to the recipient for later use. ctx.SetBodyString(fmt.Sprintf(`{ "access_token": "%s", "token_type": "Bearer", "scope": "%s", "me": "%s" }`, token.AccessToken, token.Scope.String(), token.Me.String())) } func (req *Request) bind(ctx *http.RequestCtx) (err error) { if err = form.Unmarshal(ctx.Request.PostArgs(), req); err != nil { return domain.Error{ Code: "invalid_request", Description: err.Error(), URI: "", Frame: xerrors.Caller(1), } } if req.Ticket == "" { return domain.Error{ Code: "invalid_request", Description: "ticket parameter is required", URI: "", Frame: xerrors.Caller(1), } } if req.Resource == nil { return domain.Error{ Code: "invalid_request", Description: "invalid resource value", URI: "", Frame: xerrors.Caller(1), } } if req.Subject == nil { return domain.Error{ Code: "invalid_request", Description: "invalid subject value", URI: "", Frame: xerrors.Caller(1), } } return nil }