package http import ( "net/url" "time" "" json "" http "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type ( Handler struct { useCase auth.UseCase } AuthorizeRequest struct { RedirectURI string ResponseType string ClientID string State []byte Scope string CodeChallenge string CodeChallengeMethod string Me string } RedirectRequest struct { Authorize string ClientID string CodeChallenge string CodeChallengeMethod string Me string RedirectURI string ResponseType string Scope string State []byte } ExchangeRequest struct { GrantType string Code string ClientID string RedirectURI string CodeVerifier string } ExchangeResponse struct { Me string `json:"me"` } ) func NewAuthHandler(useCase auth.UseCase) *Handler { return &Handler{ useCase: useCase, } } func (h *Handler) Register(r *router.Router) { chain := middleware.Chain{middleware.CSRFWithConfig(middleware.CSRFConfig{ ContextKey: "csrf", CookieHTTPOnly: true, CookieName: "__Host-CSRF", CookiePath: "/", CookieSameSite: http.CookieSameSiteLaxMode, CookieSecure: true, TokenLookup: "form:_csrf", Skipper: func(ctx *http.RequestCtx) bool { return ctx.IsPost() && ctx.PostArgs().Has("grant_type") && string(ctx.PostArgs().Peek("grant_type")) == "authorization_code" }, })} r.GET("/authorize", chain.RequestHandler(h.ClientInfo)) r.POST("/authorize", chain.RequestHandler(h.Update)) } func (r *AuthorizeRequest) bind(ctx *http.RequestCtx) error { if r.ClientID = string(ctx.QueryArgs().Peek("client_id")); r.ClientID == "" { return domain.Error{ Code: domain.ErrInvalidRequest.Code, Description: "'client_id' query is required", } } if r.ResponseType = string(ctx.QueryArgs().Peek("response_type")); r.ResponseType != "code" { return domain.Error{ Code: domain.ErrInvalidRequest.Code, Description: "'response_type' must be 'code'", } } if ctx.QueryArgs().Has("code_challenge") { r.CodeChallenge = string(ctx.QueryArgs().Peek("code_challenge")) if len(r.CodeChallenge) < 43 || len(r.CodeChallenge) > 128 { return domain.Error{ Code: domain.ErrInvalidRequest.Code, Description: "length of the 'code_challenge' value must be greater than 43 and less than 128 symbols", } } r.CodeChallengeMethod = pkce.DefaultMethod if ctx.PostArgs().Has("code_challenge_method") { r.CodeChallengeMethod = string(ctx.QueryArgs().Peek("code_challenge_method")) } if _, err := pkce.New(r.CodeChallengeMethod); err != nil { return domain.Error{ Code: domain.ErrInvalidRequest.Code, Description: err.Error(), } } } r.RedirectURI = string(ctx.QueryArgs().Peek("redirect_uri")) r.State = ctx.QueryArgs().Peek("state") r.Scope = string(ctx.QueryArgs().Peek("scope")) r.Me = string(ctx.QueryArgs().Peek("me")) return nil } func (h *Handler) ClientInfo(ctx *http.RequestCtx) { r := new(AuthorizeRequest) r.Scope = "profile" if err := r.bind(ctx); err != nil { ctx.Error(err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest) return } client, err := h.useCase.Discovery(ctx, r.ClientID) if err != nil { ctx.Error(err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest) return } csrf, _ := ctx.UserValue("csrf").([]byte) ctx.SetContentType("text/html") web.WritePageTemplate(ctx, &web.AuthPage{ Client: client, CodeChallenge: r.CodeChallenge, CodeChallengeMethod: r.CodeChallengeMethod, CSRF: csrf, Me: r.Me, RedirectURI: r.RedirectURI, ResponseType: r.ResponseType, Scope: r.Scope, State: r.State, }) } func (h *Handler) Update(ctx *http.RequestCtx) { if ctx.PostArgs().Has("response_type") && string(ctx.PostArgs().Peek("response_type")) == "code" { h.Redirect(ctx) return } if ctx.PostArgs().Has("grant_type") && string(ctx.PostArgs().Peek("grant_type")) == "authorization_code" { h.Exchange(ctx) return } ctx.Error("please, restart your authoriztion flow", http.StatusBadRequest) } func (r *RedirectRequest) bind(ctx *http.RequestCtx) (err error) { r.RedirectURI = string(ctx.PostArgs().Peek("redirect_uri")) if r.ClientID = string(ctx.PostArgs().Peek("client_id")); r.ClientID == "" { return domain.Error{ Code: domain.ErrInvalidRequest.Code, Description: "'client_id' query is required", } } if r.Authorize = string(ctx.PostArgs().Peek("authorize")); r.Authorize != "allow" && r.Authorize != "deny" { return domain.Error{ Code: domain.ErrInvalidRequest.Code, Description: "invalid prompt action, try starting the authorization flow again", } } if r.ResponseType = string(ctx.PostArgs().Peek("response_type")); r.ResponseType != "code" { return domain.Error{ Code: domain.ErrInvalidRequest.Code, Description: "'response_type' must be 'code', try starting the authorization flow again", } } if ctx.PostArgs().Has("code_challenge") { r.CodeChallenge = string(ctx.PostArgs().Peek("code_challenge")) if len(r.CodeChallenge) < 43 || len(r.CodeChallenge) > 128 { return domain.Error{ Code: domain.ErrInvalidRequest.Code, Description: "length of the 'code_challenge' value must be greater than 43 and less than 128 symbols, try starting the authorization flow again", } } r.CodeChallengeMethod = pkce.DefaultMethod if ctx.PostArgs().Has("code_challenge_method") { r.CodeChallengeMethod = string(ctx.PostArgs().Peek("code_challenge_method")) } _, err := pkce.New(r.CodeChallengeMethod) if err != nil { return domain.Error{ Code: domain.ErrInvalidRequest.Code, Description: err.Error(), } } } r.State = ctx.PostArgs().Peek("state") r.Scope = string(ctx.PostArgs().Peek("scope")) r.Me = string(ctx.PostArgs().Peek("me")) return nil } func (h *Handler) Redirect(ctx *http.RequestCtx) { r := new(RedirectRequest) if err := r.bind(ctx); err != nil { ctx.Error(err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest) return } redirectUri, err := url.Parse(r.RedirectURI) if err != nil { ctx.Error(err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest) return } query := redirectUri.Query() query.Set("state", string(r.State)) switch r.Authorize { case "allow": code, err := h.useCase.Approve(ctx, &domain.Login{ CreatedAt: time.Now().UTC().Unix(), ClientID: r.ClientID, CodeChallenge: r.CodeChallenge, CodeChallengeMethod: r.CodeChallengeMethod, Me: r.Me, RedirectURI: r.RedirectURI, Scope: r.Scope, }) if err != nil { query.Set("error", domain.ErrServerError.Code) query.Set("error_description", err.Error()) redirectUri.RawQuery = query.Encode() ctx.Redirect(redirectUri.String(), http.StatusFound) return } query.Set("code", code) case "deny": query.Set("error", domain.ErrAccessDenied.Code) } redirectUri.RawQuery = query.Encode() ctx.Redirect(redirectUri.String(), http.StatusFound) } func (r *ExchangeRequest) bind(ctx *http.RequestCtx) (err error) { if r.GrantType = string(ctx.PostArgs().Peek("grant_type")); r.GrantType != "authorization_code" { return domain.Error{ Code: domain.ErrInvalidRequest.Code, Description: "'grant_type' must be 'authorization_code'", } } if r.RedirectURI = string(ctx.PostArgs().Peek("redirect_uri")); r.RedirectURI == "" { return domain.Error{ Code: domain.ErrInvalidRequest.Code, Description: "'redirect_uri' query is required", } } if r.ClientID = string(ctx.PostArgs().Peek("client_id")); r.ClientID == "" { return domain.Error{ Code: domain.ErrInvalidRequest.Code, Description: "'client_id' query is required", } } if r.Code = string(ctx.PostArgs().Peek("code")); r.Code == "" { return domain.Error{ Code: domain.ErrInvalidRequest.Code, Description: "'code' query is required", } } r.CodeVerifier = string(ctx.PostArgs().Peek("code_verifier")) return nil } func (h *Handler) Exchange(ctx *http.RequestCtx) { encoder := json.NewEncoder(ctx) req := new(ExchangeRequest) if err := req.bind(ctx); err != nil { ctx.Error(err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest) return } me, err := h.useCase.Exchange(ctx, &domain.ExchangeRequest{ ClientID: req.ClientID, Code: req.Code, CodeVerifier: req.CodeVerifier, RedirectURI: req.RedirectURI, }) if err != nil { ctx.Error(err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest) return } if me == "" { ctx.Error(domain.ErrUnauthorizedClient.Error(), http.StatusUnauthorized) return } ctx.SetContentType("application/json") _ = encoder.Encode(&ExchangeResponse{ Me: me, }) }