package jwe import ( "crypto/aes" cryptocipher "crypto/cipher" "crypto/ecdsa" "crypto/rsa" "crypto/sha256" "crypto/sha512" "fmt" "hash" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // decrypter is responsible for taking various components to decrypt a message. // its operation is not concurrency safe. You must provide locking yourself //nolint:govet type decrypter struct { aad []byte apu []byte apv []byte computedAad []byte iv []byte keyiv []byte keysalt []byte keytag []byte tag []byte privkey interface{} pubkey interface{} ctalg jwa.ContentEncryptionAlgorithm keyalg jwa.KeyEncryptionAlgorithm cipher content_crypt.Cipher keycount int } // newDecrypter Creates a new Decrypter instance. You must supply the // rest of parameters via their respective setter methods before // calling Decrypt(). // // privkey must be a private key in its "raw" format (i.e. something like // *rsa.PrivateKey, instead of jwk.Key) // // You should consider this object immutable once you assign values to it. func newDecrypter(keyalg jwa.KeyEncryptionAlgorithm, ctalg jwa.ContentEncryptionAlgorithm, privkey interface{}) *decrypter { return &decrypter{ ctalg: ctalg, keyalg: keyalg, privkey: privkey, } } func (d *decrypter) AgreementPartyUInfo(apu []byte) *decrypter { d.apu = apu return d } func (d *decrypter) AgreementPartyVInfo(apv []byte) *decrypter { d.apv = apv return d } func (d *decrypter) AuthenticatedData(aad []byte) *decrypter { d.aad = aad return d } func (d *decrypter) ComputedAuthenticatedData(aad []byte) *decrypter { d.computedAad = aad return d } func (d *decrypter) ContentEncryptionAlgorithm(ctalg jwa.ContentEncryptionAlgorithm) *decrypter { d.ctalg = ctalg return d } func (d *decrypter) InitializationVector(iv []byte) *decrypter { d.iv = iv return d } func (d *decrypter) KeyCount(keycount int) *decrypter { d.keycount = keycount return d } func (d *decrypter) KeyInitializationVector(keyiv []byte) *decrypter { d.keyiv = keyiv return d } func (d *decrypter) KeySalt(keysalt []byte) *decrypter { d.keysalt = keysalt return d } func (d *decrypter) KeyTag(keytag []byte) *decrypter { d.keytag = keytag return d } // PublicKey sets the public key to be used in decoding EC based encryptions. // The key must be in its "raw" format (i.e. *ecdsa.PublicKey, instead of jwk.Key) func (d *decrypter) PublicKey(pubkey interface{}) *decrypter { d.pubkey = pubkey return d } func (d *decrypter) Tag(tag []byte) *decrypter { d.tag = tag return d } func (d *decrypter) ContentCipher() (content_crypt.Cipher, error) { if d.cipher == nil { switch d.ctalg { case jwa.A128GCM, jwa.A192GCM, jwa.A256GCM, jwa.A128CBC_HS256, jwa.A192CBC_HS384, jwa.A256CBC_HS512: cipher, err := cipher.NewAES(d.ctalg) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf(`failed to build content cipher for %s: %w`, d.ctalg, err) } d.cipher = cipher default: return nil, fmt.Errorf(`invalid content cipher algorithm (%s)`, d.ctalg) } } return d.cipher, nil } func (d *decrypter) Decrypt(recipientKey, ciphertext []byte) (plaintext []byte, err error) { cek, keyerr := d.DecryptKey(recipientKey) if keyerr != nil { err = fmt.Errorf(`failed to decrypt key: %w`, keyerr) return } cipher, ciphererr := d.ContentCipher() if ciphererr != nil { err = fmt.Errorf(`failed to fetch content crypt cipher: %w`, ciphererr) return } computedAad := d.computedAad if d.aad != nil { computedAad = append(append(computedAad, '.'), d.aad...) } plaintext, err = cipher.Decrypt(cek, d.iv, ciphertext, d.tag, computedAad) if err != nil { err = fmt.Errorf(`failed to decrypt payload: %w`, err) return } return plaintext, nil } func (d *decrypter) decryptSymmetricKey(recipientKey, cek []byte) ([]byte, error) { switch d.keyalg { case jwa.DIRECT: return cek, nil case jwa.PBES2_HS256_A128KW, jwa.PBES2_HS384_A192KW, jwa.PBES2_HS512_A256KW: var hashFunc func() hash.Hash var keylen int switch d.keyalg { case jwa.PBES2_HS256_A128KW: hashFunc = sha256.New keylen = 16 case jwa.PBES2_HS384_A192KW: hashFunc = sha512.New384 keylen = 24 case jwa.PBES2_HS512_A256KW: hashFunc = sha512.New keylen = 32 } salt := []byte(d.keyalg) salt = append(salt, byte(0)) salt = append(salt, d.keysalt...) cek = pbkdf2.Key(cek, salt, d.keycount, keylen, hashFunc) fallthrough case jwa.A128KW, jwa.A192KW, jwa.A256KW: block, err := aes.NewCipher(cek) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf(`failed to create new AES cipher: %w`, err) } jek, err := keyenc.Unwrap(block, recipientKey) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf(`failed to unwrap key: %w`, err) } return jek, nil case jwa.A128GCMKW, jwa.A192GCMKW, jwa.A256GCMKW: if len(d.keyiv) != 12 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("GCM requires 96-bit iv, got %d", len(d.keyiv)*8) } if len(d.keytag) != 16 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("GCM requires 128-bit tag, got %d", len(d.keytag)*8) } block, err := aes.NewCipher(cek) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf(`failed to create new AES cipher: %w`, err) } aesgcm, err := cryptocipher.NewGCM(block) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf(`failed to create new GCM wrap: %w`, err) } ciphertext := recipientKey[:] ciphertext = append(ciphertext, d.keytag...) jek, err := aesgcm.Open(nil, d.keyiv, ciphertext, nil) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf(`failed to decode key: %w`, err) } return jek, nil default: return nil, fmt.Errorf("decrypt key: unsupported algorithm %s", d.keyalg) } } func (d *decrypter) DecryptKey(recipientKey []byte) (cek []byte, err error) { if d.keyalg.IsSymmetric() { var ok bool cek, ok = d.privkey.([]byte) if !ok { return nil, fmt.Errorf("decrypt key: []byte is required as the key to build %s key decrypter (got %T)", d.keyalg, d.privkey) } return d.decryptSymmetricKey(recipientKey, cek) } k, err := d.BuildKeyDecrypter() if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf(`failed to build key decrypter: %w`, err) } cek, err = k.Decrypt(recipientKey) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf(`failed to decrypt key: %w`, err) } return cek, nil } func (d *decrypter) BuildKeyDecrypter() (keyenc.Decrypter, error) { cipher, err := d.ContentCipher() if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf(`failed to fetch content crypt cipher: %w`, err) } switch alg := d.keyalg; alg { case jwa.RSA1_5: var privkey rsa.PrivateKey if err := keyconv.RSAPrivateKey(&privkey, d.privkey); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf(`*rsa.PrivateKey is required as the key to build %s key decrypter: %w`, alg, err) } return keyenc.NewRSAPKCS15Decrypt(alg, &privkey, cipher.KeySize()/2), nil case jwa.RSA_OAEP, jwa.RSA_OAEP_256: var privkey rsa.PrivateKey if err := keyconv.RSAPrivateKey(&privkey, d.privkey); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf(`*rsa.PrivateKey is required as the key to build %s key decrypter: %w`, alg, err) } return keyenc.NewRSAOAEPDecrypt(alg, &privkey) case jwa.A128KW, jwa.A192KW, jwa.A256KW: sharedkey, ok := d.privkey.([]byte) if !ok { return nil, fmt.Errorf("[]byte is required as the key to build %s key decrypter", alg) } return keyenc.NewAES(alg, sharedkey) case jwa.ECDH_ES, jwa.ECDH_ES_A128KW, jwa.ECDH_ES_A192KW, jwa.ECDH_ES_A256KW: switch d.pubkey.(type) { case x25519.PublicKey: return keyenc.NewECDHESDecrypt(alg, d.ctalg, d.pubkey, d.apu, d.apv, d.privkey), nil default: var pubkey ecdsa.PublicKey if err := keyconv.ECDSAPublicKey(&pubkey, d.pubkey); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf(`*ecdsa.PublicKey is required as the key to build %s key decrypter: %w`, alg, err) } var privkey ecdsa.PrivateKey if err := keyconv.ECDSAPrivateKey(&privkey, d.privkey); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf(`*ecdsa.PrivateKey is required as the key to build %s key decrypter: %w`, alg, err) } return keyenc.NewECDHESDecrypt(alg, d.ctalg, &pubkey, d.apu, d.apv, &privkey), nil } default: return nil, fmt.Errorf(`unsupported algorithm for key decryption (%s)`, alg) } }