package http import ( "bytes" "context" "net/url" "strings" "" "" http "" "" "" "" ) type httpClientRepository struct { client *http.Client } const ( HApp string = "h-app" HXApp string = "h-x-app" KeyName string = "name" KeyLogo string = "logo" KeyURL string = "url" ValueValue string = "value" RelRedirectURI string = "redirect_uri" ) func NewHTTPClientRepository(c *http.Client) client.Repository { return &httpClientRepository{ client: c, } } func (repo *httpClientRepository) Get(ctx context.Context, id string) (*model.Client, error) { req := http.AcquireRequest() defer http.ReleaseRequest(req) req.Header.SetMethod(http.MethodGet) req.SetRequestURI(id) resp := http.AcquireResponse() defer http.ReleaseResponse(resp) if err := repo.client.Do(req, resp); err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to make a request to the client") } client := new(model.Client) client.ID = model.URL(id) client.RedirectURI = make([]model.URL, 0) for _, l := range linkheader.Parse(string(resp.Header.Peek(http.HeaderLink))) { if !strings.Contains(l.Rel, "redirect_uri") { continue } client.RedirectURI = append(client.RedirectURI, model.URL(l.URL)) } u, err := url.Parse(id) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to parse id as url") } data := microformats.Parse(bytes.NewReader(resp.Body()), u) for _, item := range data.Items { if len(item.Type) == 0 && !strings.EqualFold(item.Type[0], HApp) && !strings.EqualFold(item.Type[0], HXApp) { continue } populateProperties(item.Properties, client) } populateRels(data.Rels, client) return client, nil } func populateProperties(src map[string][]interface{}, dst *model.Client) { for key, property := range src { if len(property) == 0 { continue } switch key { case KeyName: dst.Name = getString(property) case KeyLogo: for i := range property { switch val := property[i].(type) { case string: dst.Logo = model.URL(val) case map[string]string: dst.Logo = model.URL(val[ValueValue]) } } case KeyURL: dst.URL = model.URL(getString(property)) } } } func populateRels(src map[string][]string, dst *model.Client) { for key, values := range src { if !strings.EqualFold(key, RelRedirectURI) { continue } for i := range values { dst.RedirectURI = append(dst.RedirectURI, model.URL(values[i])) } } } func getString(property []interface{}) string { for i := range property { val, _ := property[i].(string) return val } return "" }