package brotli import "encoding/binary" /* Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. Distributed under MIT license. See file LICENSE for detail or copy at */ /* Bit reading helpers */ const shortFillBitWindowRead = (8 >> 1) var kBitMask = [33]uint32{ 0x00000000, 0x00000001, 0x00000003, 0x00000007, 0x0000000F, 0x0000001F, 0x0000003F, 0x0000007F, 0x000000FF, 0x000001FF, 0x000003FF, 0x000007FF, 0x00000FFF, 0x00001FFF, 0x00003FFF, 0x00007FFF, 0x0000FFFF, 0x0001FFFF, 0x0003FFFF, 0x0007FFFF, 0x000FFFFF, 0x001FFFFF, 0x003FFFFF, 0x007FFFFF, 0x00FFFFFF, 0x01FFFFFF, 0x03FFFFFF, 0x07FFFFFF, 0x0FFFFFFF, 0x1FFFFFFF, 0x3FFFFFFF, 0x7FFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, } func bitMask(n uint32) uint32 { return kBitMask[n] } type bitReader struct { val_ uint64 bit_pos_ uint32 input []byte input_len uint byte_pos uint } type bitReaderState struct { val_ uint64 bit_pos_ uint32 input []byte input_len uint byte_pos uint } /* Initializes the BrotliBitReader fields. */ /* Ensures that accumulator is not empty. May consume up to sizeof(brotli_reg_t) - 1 bytes of input. Returns false if data is required but there is no input available. For BROTLI_ALIGNED_READ this function also prepares bit reader for aligned reading. */ func bitReaderSaveState(from *bitReader, to *bitReaderState) { to.val_ = from.val_ to.bit_pos_ = from.bit_pos_ to.input = from.input to.input_len = from.input_len to.byte_pos = from.byte_pos } func bitReaderRestoreState(to *bitReader, from *bitReaderState) { to.val_ = from.val_ to.bit_pos_ = from.bit_pos_ to.input = from.input to.input_len = from.input_len to.byte_pos = from.byte_pos } func getAvailableBits(br *bitReader) uint32 { return 64 - br.bit_pos_ } /* Returns amount of unread bytes the bit reader still has buffered from the BrotliInput, including whole bytes in br->val_. */ func getRemainingBytes(br *bitReader) uint { return uint(uint32(br.input_len-br.byte_pos) + (getAvailableBits(br) >> 3)) } /* Checks if there is at least |num| bytes left in the input ring-buffer (excluding the bits remaining in br->val_). */ func checkInputAmount(br *bitReader, num uint) bool { return br.input_len-br.byte_pos >= num } /* Guarantees that there are at least |n_bits| + 1 bits in accumulator. Precondition: accumulator contains at least 1 bit. |n_bits| should be in the range [1..24] for regular build. For portable non-64-bit little-endian build only 16 bits are safe to request. */ func fillBitWindow(br *bitReader, n_bits uint32) { if br.bit_pos_ >= 32 { br.val_ >>= 32 br.bit_pos_ ^= 32 /* here same as -= 32 because of the if condition */ br.val_ |= (uint64(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(br.input[br.byte_pos:]))) << 32 br.byte_pos += 4 } } /* Mostly like BrotliFillBitWindow, but guarantees only 16 bits and reads no more than BROTLI_SHORT_FILL_BIT_WINDOW_READ bytes of input. */ func fillBitWindow16(br *bitReader) { fillBitWindow(br, 17) } /* Tries to pull one byte of input to accumulator. Returns false if there is no input available. */ func pullByte(br *bitReader) bool { if br.byte_pos == br.input_len { return false } br.val_ >>= 8 br.val_ |= (uint64(br.input[br.byte_pos])) << 56 br.bit_pos_ -= 8 br.byte_pos++ return true } /* Returns currently available bits. The number of valid bits could be calculated by BrotliGetAvailableBits. */ func getBitsUnmasked(br *bitReader) uint64 { return br.val_ >> br.bit_pos_ } /* Like BrotliGetBits, but does not mask the result. The result contains at least 16 valid bits. */ func get16BitsUnmasked(br *bitReader) uint32 { fillBitWindow(br, 16) return uint32(getBitsUnmasked(br)) } /* Returns the specified number of bits from |br| without advancing bit position. */ func getBits(br *bitReader, n_bits uint32) uint32 { fillBitWindow(br, n_bits) return uint32(getBitsUnmasked(br)) & bitMask(n_bits) } /* Tries to peek the specified amount of bits. Returns false, if there is not enough input. */ func safeGetBits(br *bitReader, n_bits uint32, val *uint32) bool { for getAvailableBits(br) < n_bits { if !pullByte(br) { return false } } *val = uint32(getBitsUnmasked(br)) & bitMask(n_bits) return true } /* Advances the bit pos by |n_bits|. */ func dropBits(br *bitReader, n_bits uint32) { br.bit_pos_ += n_bits } func bitReaderUnload(br *bitReader) { var unused_bytes uint32 = getAvailableBits(br) >> 3 var unused_bits uint32 = unused_bytes << 3 br.byte_pos -= uint(unused_bytes) if unused_bits == 64 { br.val_ = 0 } else { br.val_ <<= unused_bits } br.bit_pos_ += unused_bits } /* Reads the specified number of bits from |br| and advances the bit pos. Precondition: accumulator MUST contain at least |n_bits|. */ func takeBits(br *bitReader, n_bits uint32, val *uint32) { *val = uint32(getBitsUnmasked(br)) & bitMask(n_bits) dropBits(br, n_bits) } /* Reads the specified number of bits from |br| and advances the bit pos. Assumes that there is enough input to perform BrotliFillBitWindow. */ func readBits(br *bitReader, n_bits uint32) uint32 { var val uint32 fillBitWindow(br, n_bits) takeBits(br, n_bits, &val) return val } /* Tries to read the specified amount of bits. Returns false, if there is not enough input. |n_bits| MUST be positive. */ func safeReadBits(br *bitReader, n_bits uint32, val *uint32) bool { for getAvailableBits(br) < n_bits { if !pullByte(br) { return false } } takeBits(br, n_bits, val) return true } /* Advances the bit reader position to the next byte boundary and verifies that any skipped bits are set to zero. */ func bitReaderJumpToByteBoundary(br *bitReader) bool { var pad_bits_count uint32 = getAvailableBits(br) & 0x7 var pad_bits uint32 = 0 if pad_bits_count != 0 { takeBits(br, pad_bits_count, &pad_bits) } return pad_bits == 0 } /* Copies remaining input bytes stored in the bit reader to the output. Value |num| may not be larger than BrotliGetRemainingBytes. The bit reader must be warmed up again after this. */ func copyBytes(dest []byte, br *bitReader, num uint) { for getAvailableBits(br) >= 8 && num > 0 { dest[0] = byte(getBitsUnmasked(br)) dropBits(br, 8) dest = dest[1:] num-- } copy(dest, br.input[br.byte_pos:][:num]) br.byte_pos += num } func initBitReader(br *bitReader) { br.val_ = 0 br.bit_pos_ = 64 } func warmupBitReader(br *bitReader) bool { /* Fixing alignment after unaligned BrotliFillWindow would result accumulator overflow. If unalignment is caused by BrotliSafeReadBits, then there is enough space in accumulator to fix alignment. */ if getAvailableBits(br) == 0 { if !pullByte(br) { return false } } return true }