package domain import ( "fmt" "strconv" "strings" "" ) // Scope represent single token scope supported by IndieAuth. // // NOTE(toby3d): Encapsulate enums in structs for extra compile-time safety: // type Scope struct { scope string } var ErrScopeUnknown error = NewError(ErrorCodeInvalidRequest, "unknown scope", "") //nolint:gochecknoglobals // structs cannot be constants var ( ScopeUnd = Scope{scope: ""} // "und" // ScopeCreate = Scope{scope: "create"} // "create" ScopeDelete = Scope{scope: "delete"} // "delete" ScopeDraft = Scope{scope: "draft"} // "draft" ScopeMedia = Scope{scope: "media"} // "media" ScopeUndelete = Scope{scope: "undelete"} // "undelete" ScopeUpdate = Scope{scope: "update"} // "update" // ScopeBlock = Scope{scope: "block"} // "block" ScopeChannels = Scope{scope: "channels"} // "channels" ScopeFollow = Scope{scope: "follow"} // "follow" ScopeMute = Scope{scope: "mute"} // "mute" ScopeRead = Scope{scope: "read"} // "read" // This scope requests access to the user's default profile information // which include the following properties: name, photo, url. // // NOTE(toby3d): ScopeProfile = Scope{scope: "profile"} // "profile" // This scope requests access to the user's email address in the // following property: email. // // Note that because the profile scope is required when requesting // profile information, the email scope cannot be requested on its own // and must be requested along with the profile scope if desired. // // NOTE(toby3d): ScopeEmail = Scope{scope: "email"} // "email" ) //nolint:gochecknoglobals // maps cannot be constants var uidsScopes = map[string]Scope{ ScopeBlock.scope: ScopeBlock, ScopeChannels.scope: ScopeChannels, ScopeCreate.scope: ScopeCreate, ScopeDelete.scope: ScopeDelete, ScopeDraft.scope: ScopeDraft, ScopeEmail.scope: ScopeEmail, ScopeFollow.scope: ScopeFollow, ScopeMedia.scope: ScopeMedia, ScopeMute.scope: ScopeMute, ScopeProfile.scope: ScopeProfile, ScopeRead.scope: ScopeRead, ScopeUndelete.scope: ScopeUndelete, ScopeUpdate.scope: ScopeUpdate, } // ParseScope parses scope slug into Scope domain. func ParseScope(uid string) (Scope, error) { if scope, ok := uidsScopes[strings.ToLower(uid)]; ok { return scope, nil } return ScopeUnd, fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", ErrScopeUnknown, uid) } func (s *Scope) UnmarshalJSON(v []byte) error { src, err := strconv.Unquote(string(v)) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Scope: UnmarshalJSON: cannot unquote string: %w", err) } out, err := ParseScope(src) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Scopes: UnmarshalJSON: cannot parse scope: %w", err) } *s = out return nil } func (s Scope) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { return []byte(strconv.Quote(s.scope)), nil } // String returns string representation of scope. func (s Scope) String() string { if s.scope != "" { return s.scope } return common.Und } func (s Scope) GoString() string { return "domain.Scope(" + s.String() + ")" }