// Copyright (c) 2020 The Decred developers // Use of this source code is governed by an ISC // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package secp256k1 // ErrorKind identifies a kind of error. It has full support for errors.Is and // errors.As, so the caller can directly check against an error kind when // determining the reason for an error. type ErrorKind string // These constants are used to identify a specific RuleError. const ( // ErrPubKeyInvalidLen indicates that the length of a serialized public // key is not one of the allowed lengths. ErrPubKeyInvalidLen = ErrorKind("ErrPubKeyInvalidLen") // ErrPubKeyInvalidFormat indicates an attempt was made to parse a public // key that does not specify one of the supported formats. ErrPubKeyInvalidFormat = ErrorKind("ErrPubKeyInvalidFormat") // ErrPubKeyXTooBig indicates that the x coordinate for a public key // is greater than or equal to the prime of the field underlying the group. ErrPubKeyXTooBig = ErrorKind("ErrPubKeyXTooBig") // ErrPubKeyYTooBig indicates that the y coordinate for a public key is // greater than or equal to the prime of the field underlying the group. ErrPubKeyYTooBig = ErrorKind("ErrPubKeyYTooBig") // ErrPubKeyNotOnCurve indicates that a public key is not a point on the // secp256k1 curve. ErrPubKeyNotOnCurve = ErrorKind("ErrPubKeyNotOnCurve") // ErrPubKeyMismatchedOddness indicates that a hybrid public key specified // an oddness of the y coordinate that does not match the actual oddness of // the provided y coordinate. ErrPubKeyMismatchedOddness = ErrorKind("ErrPubKeyMismatchedOddness") ) // Error satisfies the error interface and prints human-readable errors. func (e ErrorKind) Error() string { return string(e) } // Error identifies an error related to public key cryptography using a // sec256k1 curve. It has full support for errors.Is and errors.As, so the // caller can ascertain the specific reason for the error by checking // the underlying error. type Error struct { Err error Description string } // Error satisfies the error interface and prints human-readable errors. func (e Error) Error() string { return e.Description } // Unwrap returns the underlying wrapped error. func (e Error) Unwrap() error { return e.Err } // makeError creates an Error given a set of arguments. func makeError(kind ErrorKind, desc string) Error { return Error{Err: kind, Description: desc} }