♻️ Simplify httputil package utils usage

This commit is contained in:
Maxim Lebedev 2023-08-07 09:07:55 +06:00
parent d6c89a8d00
commit ed78b50f4e
Signed by: toby3d
GPG Key ID: 1F14E25B7C119FC5
13 changed files with 358 additions and 560 deletions

View File

@ -8,27 +8,40 @@ import (
type httpClientRepository struct {
client *http.Client
type (
Response struct {
TicketEndpoint domain.URL `json:"ticket_endpoint"`
AuthorizationEndpoint domain.URL `json:"authorization_endpoint"`
IntrospectionEndpoint domain.URL `json:"introspection_endpoint"`
RevocationEndpoint domain.URL `json:"revocation_endpoint,omitempty"`
ServiceDocumentation domain.URL `json:"service_documentation,omitempty"`
TokenEndpoint domain.URL `json:"token_endpoint"`
UserinfoEndpoint domain.URL `json:"userinfo_endpoint,omitempty"`
Microsub domain.URL `json:"microsub"`
Issuer domain.URL `json:"issuer"`
Micropub domain.URL `json:"micropub"`
GrantTypesSupported []domain.GrantType `json:"grant_types_supported,omitempty"`
IntrospectionEndpointAuthMethodsSupported []string `json:"introspection_endpoint_auth_methods_supported,omitempty"`
RevocationEndpointAuthMethodsSupported []string `json:"revocation_endpoint_auth_methods_supported,omitempty"`
ScopesSupported []domain.Scope `json:"scopes_supported,omitempty"`
ResponseTypesSupported []domain.ResponseType `json:"response_types_supported,omitempty"`
CodeChallengeMethodsSupported []domain.CodeChallengeMethod `json:"code_challenge_methods_supported"`
AuthorizationResponseIssParameterSupported bool `json:"authorization_response_iss_parameter_supported,omitempty"`
const (
DefaultMaxRedirectsCount int = 10
hApp string = "h-app"
hXApp string = "h-x-app"
propertyLogo string = "logo"
propertyName string = "name"
propertyURL string = "url"
relRedirectURI string = "redirect_uri"
httpClientRepository struct {
client *http.Client
func NewHTTPClientRepository(c *http.Client) client.Repository {
@ -46,9 +59,9 @@ func (repo httpClientRepository) Get(ctx context.Context, cid domain.ClientID) (
out := &domain.Client{
ID: cid,
RedirectURI: make([]*url.URL, 0),
Logo: make([]*url.URL, 0),
URL: make([]*url.URL, 0),
Name: make([]string, 0),
Logo: nil,
URL: nil,
Name: "",
if cid.IsLocalhost() {
@ -64,71 +77,82 @@ func (repo httpClientRepository) Get(ctx context.Context, cid domain.ClientID) (
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: status on client page is not 200", client.ErrNotExist)
extract(resp.Body, resp.Request.URL, out, resp.Header.Get(common.HeaderLink))
body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot read response body: %w", err)
// NOTE(toby3d): fetch redirect uri's and application profile from HTML nodes
mf2 := microformats.Parse(bytes.NewReader(body), resp.Request.URL)
for i := range mf2.Items {
if !slices.Contains(mf2.Items[i].Type, common.HApp) &&
!slices.Contains(mf2.Items[i].Type, common.HXApp) {
parseProfile(mf2.Items[i].Properties, out)
for _, val := range mf2.Rels[common.RelRedirectURI] {
var u *url.URL
if u, err = url.Parse(val); err == nil {
out.RedirectURI = append(out.RedirectURI, u)
// NOTE(toby3d): fetch redirect uri's from Link header
for _, link := range linkheader.Parse(resp.Header.Get(common.HeaderLink)) {
if link.Rel != common.RelRedirectURI {
var u *url.URL
if u, err = url.Parse(link.URL); err == nil {
out.RedirectURI = append(out.RedirectURI, u)
return out, nil
func extract(r io.Reader, u *url.URL, dst *domain.Client, header string) {
body, _ := io.ReadAll(r)
for _, endpoint := range httputil.ExtractEndpoints(bytes.NewReader(body), u, header, relRedirectURI) {
if !containsUrl(dst.RedirectURI, endpoint) {
dst.RedirectURI = append(dst.RedirectURI, endpoint)
for _, itemType := range []string{hApp, hXApp} {
for _, name := range httputil.ExtractProperty(bytes.NewReader(body), u, itemType, propertyName) {
if n, ok := name.(string); ok && !slices.Contains(dst.Name, n) {
dst.Name = append(dst.Name, n)
for _, logo := range httputil.ExtractProperty(bytes.NewReader(body), u, itemType, propertyLogo) {
var (
logoURL *url.URL
err error
switch l := logo.(type) {
case string:
logoURL, err = url.Parse(l)
case map[string]string:
if value, ok := l["value"]; ok {
logoURL, err = url.Parse(value)
if err != nil || containsUrl(dst.Logo, logoURL) {
dst.Logo = append(dst.Logo, logoURL)
for _, property := range httputil.ExtractProperty(bytes.NewReader(body), u, itemType, propertyURL) {
prop, ok := property.(string)
if !ok {
if u, err := url.Parse(prop); err == nil && !containsUrl(dst.URL, u) {
dst.URL = append(dst.URL, u)
func containsUrl(src []*url.URL, find *url.URL) bool {
for i := range src {
if src[i].String() != find.String() {
func parseProfile(src map[string][]any, dst *domain.Client) {
for _, val := range src[common.PropertyName] {
v, ok := val.(string)
if !ok {
return true
dst.Name = v
return false
for _, val := range src[common.PropertyURL] {
v, ok := val.(string)
if !ok {
var err error
if dst.URL, err = url.Parse(v); err != nil {
for _, val := range src[common.PropertyLogo] {
v, ok := val.(string)
if !ok {
var err error
if dst.Logo, err = url.Parse(v); err != nil {

View File

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ func testHandler(tb testing.TB, client domain.Client) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set(common.HeaderContentType, common.MIMETextHTMLCharsetUTF8)
w.Header().Set(common.HeaderLink, `<`+client.RedirectURI[0].String()+`>; rel="redirect_uri"`)
fmt.Fprintf(w, testBody, client.Name[0], client.URL[0], client.Logo[0], client.RedirectURI[1])
w.Header().Set(common.HeaderLink, `<`+client.RedirectURI[1].String()+`>; rel="redirect_uri"`)
fmt.Fprintf(w, testBody, client.Name, client.URL, client.Logo, client.RedirectURI[0])

View File

@ -27,4 +27,29 @@ const (
HeaderXCSRFToken string = "X-CSRF-Token"
const (
HApp string = "h-app"
HCard string = "h-card"
HXApp string = "h-x-app"
const (
PropertyEmail string = "email"
PropertyLogo string = "logo"
PropertyName string = "name"
PropertyPhoto string = "photo"
PropertyURL string = "url"
const (
RelAuthn string = "authn"
RelAuthorizationEndpoint string = "authorization_endpoint"
RelIndieAuthMetadata string = "indieauth-metadata"
RelMicropub string = "micropub"
RelMicrosub string = "microsub"
RelRedirectURI string = "redirect_uri"
RelTicketEndpoint string = "ticket_endpoint"
RelTokenEndpoint string = "token_endpoint"
const Und string = "und"

View File

@ -9,21 +9,21 @@ import (
// Client describes the client requesting data about the user.
type Client struct {
Logo *url.URL
URL *url.URL
ID ClientID
Logo []*url.URL
Name string
RedirectURI []*url.URL
URL []*url.URL
Name []string
// NewClient creates a new empty Client with provided ClientID, if any.
func NewClient(cid ClientID) *Client {
return &Client{
ID: cid,
Logo: make([]*url.URL, 0),
Logo: nil,
RedirectURI: make([]*url.URL, 0),
URL: make([]*url.URL, 0),
Name: make([]string, 0),
URL: nil,
Name: "",
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ func TestClient(tb testing.TB) *Client {
return &Client{
ID: *TestClientID(tb),
Name: []string{"Example App"},
URL: []*url.URL{{Scheme: "https", Host: "app.example.com", Path: "/"}},
Logo: []*url.URL{{Scheme: "https", Host: "app.example.com", Path: "/logo.png"}},
Name: "Example App",
URL: &url.URL{Scheme: "https", Host: "app.example.com", Path: "/"},
Logo: &url.URL{Scheme: "https", Host: "app.example.com", Path: "/logo.png"},
RedirectURI: []*url.URL{
{Scheme: "https", Host: "app.example.com", Path: "/redirect"},
{Scheme: "https", Host: "app.example.net", Path: "/redirect"},
@ -81,30 +81,3 @@ func (c *Client) ValidateRedirectURI(redirectURI *url.URL) bool {
return false
// GetName safe returns first name, if any.
func (c Client) GetName() string {
if len(c.Name) == 0 {
return ""
return c.Name[0]
// GetURL safe returns first URL, if any.
func (c Client) GetURL() *url.URL {
if len(c.URL) == 0 {
return nil
return c.URL[0]
// GetLogo safe returns first logo, if any.
func (c Client) GetLogo() *url.URL {
if len(c.Logo) == 0 {
return nil
return c.Logo[0]

View File

@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ func TestClient_ValidateRedirectURI(t *testing.T) {
client := domain.TestClient(t)
for name, in := range map[string]*url.URL{
"client_id prefix": client.ID.URL().JoinPath("/callback"),
"registered redirect_uri": client.RedirectURI[len(client.RedirectURI)-1],
"prefix": client.ID.URL().JoinPath("/callback"),
"redirect_uri": client.RedirectURI[len(client.RedirectURI)-1],
} {
name, in := name, in
@ -27,30 +27,3 @@ func TestClient_ValidateRedirectURI(t *testing.T) {
func TestClient_GetName(t *testing.T) {
client := domain.TestClient(t)
if result := client.GetName(); result != client.Name[0] {
t.Errorf("GetName() = %v, want %v", result, client.Name[0])
func TestClient_GetURL(t *testing.T) {
client := domain.TestClient(t)
if result := client.GetURL(); result != client.URL[0] {
t.Errorf("GetURL() = %v, want %v", result, client.URL[0])
func TestClient_GetLogo(t *testing.T) {
client := domain.TestClient(t)
if result := client.GetLogo(); result != client.Logo[0] {
t.Errorf("GetLogo() = %v, want %v", result, client.Logo[0])

View File

@ -7,18 +7,18 @@ import (
// Profile describes the data about the user.
type Profile struct {
Photo []*url.URL `json:"photo,omitempty"`
URL []*url.URL `json:"url,omitempty"`
Email []*Email `json:"email,omitempty"`
Name []string `json:"name,omitempty"`
Photo *url.URL `json:"photo,omitempty"`
URL *url.URL `json:"url,omitempty"`
Email *Email `json:"email,omitempty"`
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
func NewProfile() *Profile {
return &Profile{
Photo: make([]*url.URL, 0),
URL: make([]*url.URL, 0),
Email: make([]*Email, 0),
Name: make([]string, 0),
Photo: new(url.URL),
URL: new(url.URL),
Email: new(Email),
Name: "",
@ -27,61 +27,9 @@ func TestProfile(tb testing.TB) *Profile {
return &Profile{
Email: []*Email{TestEmail(tb)},
Name: []string{"Example User"},
Photo: []*url.URL{{Scheme: "https", Host: "user.example.net", Path: "/photo.jpg"}},
URL: []*url.URL{{Scheme: "https", Host: "user.example.net", Path: "/"}},
Email: TestEmail(tb),
Name: "Example User",
Photo: &url.URL{Scheme: "https", Host: "user.example.net", Path: "/photo.jpg"},
URL: &url.URL{Scheme: "https", Host: "user.example.net", Path: "/"},
func (p Profile) HasName() bool {
return len(p.Name) > 0
// GetName safe returns first name, if any.
func (p Profile) GetName() string {
if len(p.Name) == 0 {
return ""
return p.Name[0]
func (p Profile) HasURL() bool {
return len(p.URL) > 0
// GetURL safe returns first URL, if any.
func (p Profile) GetURL() *url.URL {
if len(p.URL) == 0 {
return nil
return p.URL[0]
func (p Profile) HasPhoto() bool {
return len(p.Photo) > 0
// GetPhoto safe returns first photo, if any.
func (p Profile) GetPhoto() *url.URL {
if len(p.Photo) == 0 {
return nil
return p.Photo[0]
func (p Profile) HasEmail() bool {
return len(p.Email) > 0
// GetEmail safe returns first email, if any.
func (p Profile) GetEmail() *Email {
if len(p.Email) == 0 {
return nil
return p.Email[0]

View File

@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
package httputil
import (
const RelIndieauthMetadata = "indieauth-metadata"
var ErrEndpointNotExist = domain.NewError(
"cannot found any endpoints",
func ExtractFromMetadata(client *http.Client, u string) (*domain.Metadata, error) {
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, u, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(body)
endpoints := ExtractEndpoints(buf, resp.Request.URL, resp.Header.Get(common.HeaderLink), RelIndieauthMetadata)
if len(endpoints) == 0 {
return nil, ErrEndpointNotExist
if resp, err = client.Get(endpoints[len(endpoints)-1].String()); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch metadata endpoint configuration: %w", err)
result := new(domain.Metadata)
if err = json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(result); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal emtadata configuration: %w", err)
return result, nil
func ExtractEndpoints(body io.Reader, u *url.URL, linkHeader, rel string) []*url.URL {
results := make([]*url.URL, 0)
urls, err := ExtractEndpointsFromHeader(linkHeader, rel)
if err == nil {
results = append(results, urls...)
urls, err = ExtractEndpointsFromBody(body, u, rel)
if err == nil {
results = append(results, urls...)
return results
func ExtractEndpointsFromHeader(linkHeader, rel string) ([]*url.URL, error) {
results := make([]*url.URL, 0)
for _, link := range linkheader.Parse(linkHeader) {
if !strings.EqualFold(link.Rel, rel) {
u, err := url.Parse(link.URL)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse header endpoint: %w", err)
results = append(results, u)
return results, nil
func ExtractEndpointsFromBody(body io.Reader, u *url.URL, rel string) ([]*url.URL, error) {
endpoints, ok := microformats.Parse(body, u).Rels[rel]
if !ok || len(endpoints) == 0 {
return nil, ErrEndpointNotExist
results := make([]*url.URL, 0)
for i := range endpoints {
u, err := url.Parse(endpoints[i])
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse body endpoint: %w", err)
results = append(results, u)
return results, nil
func ExtractProperty(body io.Reader, u *url.URL, itemType, key string) []any {
if data := microformats.Parse(body, u); data != nil {
return FindProperty(data.Items, itemType, key)
return nil
func FindProperty(src []*microformats.Microformat, itemType, key string) []any {
for _, item := range src {
if slices.Contains(item.Type, itemType) {
return item.Properties[key]
if result := FindProperty(item.Children, itemType, key); result != nil {
return result
return nil

View File

@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
package httputil_test
import (
const testBody = `<html>
<link rel="lipsum" href="https://example.com/">
<link rel="lipsum" href="https://example.net/">
<body class="h-page">
<main class="h-app">
<h1 class="p-name">Sample Name</h1>
func TestExtractEndpointsFromBody(t *testing.T) {
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "https://example.com/", nil)
if err != nil {
in := &http.Response{Body: io.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(testBody))}
out, err := httputil.ExtractEndpointsFromBody(in.Body, req.URL, "lipsum")
if err != nil {
exp := []*url.URL{
{Scheme: "https", Host: "example.com", Path: "/"},
{Scheme: "https", Host: "example.net", Path: "/"},
if !cmp.Equal(out, exp) {
t.Errorf(`ExtractProperty(resp, "h-card", "name") = %+s, want %+s`, out, exp)
func TestExtractProperty(t *testing.T) {
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "https://example.com/", nil)
if err != nil {
in := &http.Response{Body: io.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(testBody))}
if out := httputil.ExtractProperty(in.Body, req.URL, "h-app", "name"); out == nil || out[0] != "Sample Name" {
t.Errorf(`ExtractProperty(%s, %s, %s) = %+s, want %+s`, req.URL, "h-app", "name", out,
[]string{"Sample Name"})

View File

@ -42,8 +42,6 @@ type (
const relIndieauthMetadata = "indieauth-metadata"
func NewHTTPMetadataRepository(client *http.Client) metadata.Repository {
return &httpMetadataRepository{
client: client,

View File

@ -13,11 +13,9 @@ import (
// ValuesExtractor defines a function for extracting values (keys/tokens) from the given context.
type ValuesExtractor func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) ([]string, error)
const (
// extractorLimit is arbitrary number to limit values extractor can return. this limits possible resource
// exhaustion attack vector.
extractorLimit = 20
// extractorLimit is arbitrary number to limit values extractor can return. this limits possible resource
// exhaustion attack vector.
const extractorLimit = 20
var (
errHeaderExtractorValueMissing = errors.New("missing value in request header")

View File

@ -8,8 +8,11 @@ import (
@ -17,17 +20,6 @@ type httpProfileRepository struct {
client *http.Client
const (
ErrPrefix string = "http"
DefaultMaxRedirectsCount int = 10
hCard string = "h-card"
propertyEmail string = "email"
propertyName string = "name"
propertyPhoto string = "photo"
propertyURL string = "url"
func NewHTPPClientRepository(client *http.Client) profile.Repository {
return &httpProfileRepository{
client: client,
@ -39,64 +31,69 @@ func (repo *httpProfileRepository) Create(_ context.Context, _ domain.Me, _ doma
return nil
func (repo *httpProfileRepository) Get(ctx context.Context, me domain.Me) (*domain.Profile, error) {
func (repo *httpProfileRepository) Get(_ context.Context, me domain.Me) (*domain.Profile, error) {
resp, err := repo.client.Get(me.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: cannot fetch user by me: %w", ErrPrefix, err)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: cannot fetch user by me: %w", profile.ErrNotExist, err)
body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot read response body: %w", err)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: cannot read response body: %w", profile.ErrNotExist, err)
buf := bytes.NewReader(body)
result := domain.NewProfile()
mf2 := microformats.Parse(bytes.NewReader(body), resp.Request.URL)
out := new(domain.Profile)
for _, name := range httputil.ExtractProperty(buf, me.URL(), hCard, propertyName) {
if n, ok := name.(string); ok {
result.Name = append(result.Name, n)
for _, rawEmail := range httputil.ExtractProperty(buf, me.URL(), hCard, propertyEmail) {
email, ok := rawEmail.(string)
if !ok {
for i := range mf2.Items {
if !slices.Contains(mf2.Items[i].Type, common.HCard) {
if e, err := domain.ParseEmail(email); err == nil {
result.Email = append(result.Email, e)
parseProfile(mf2.Items[i].Properties, out)
for _, rawURL := range httputil.ExtractProperty(buf, me.URL(), hCard, propertyURL) {
rawURL, ok := rawURL.(string)
if !ok {
if u, err := url.Parse(rawURL); err == nil {
result.URL = append(result.URL, u)
for _, rawPhoto := range httputil.ExtractProperty(buf, me.URL(), hCard, propertyPhoto) {
photo, ok := rawPhoto.(string)
if !ok {
if p, err := url.Parse(photo); err == nil {
result.Photo = append(result.Photo, p)
// TODO(toby3d): create method like result.Empty()?
if result.GetName() == "" && result.GetURL() == nil && result.GetPhoto() == nil && result.GetEmail() == nil {
return nil, profile.ErrNotExist
return result, nil
return out, nil
func parseProfile(src map[string][]any, dst *domain.Profile) {
for _, val := range src[common.PropertyName] {
v, ok := val.(string)
if !ok {
dst.Name = v
for _, val := range src[common.PropertyURL] {
v, ok := val.(string)
if !ok {
var err error
if dst.URL, err = url.Parse(v); err != nil {
for _, val := range src[common.PropertyPhoto] {
v, ok := val.(string)
if !ok {
var err error
if dst.Photo, err = url.Parse(v); err != nil {

View File

@ -8,34 +8,45 @@ import (
type httpUserRepository struct {
client *http.Client
type (
MetadataResponse struct {
TicketEndpoint domain.URL `json:"ticket_endpoint"`
AuthorizationEndpoint domain.URL `json:"authorization_endpoint"`
IntrospectionEndpoint domain.URL `json:"introspection_endpoint"`
RevocationEndpoint domain.URL `json:"revocation_endpoint,omitempty"`
ServiceDocumentation domain.URL `json:"service_documentation,omitempty"`
TokenEndpoint domain.URL `json:"token_endpoint"`
UserinfoEndpoint domain.URL `json:"userinfo_endpoint,omitempty"`
Microsub domain.URL `json:"microsub"`
Issuer domain.URL `json:"issuer"`
Micropub domain.URL `json:"micropub"`
GrantTypesSupported []domain.GrantType `json:"grant_types_supported,omitempty"`
IntrospectionEndpointAuthMethodsSupported []string `json:"introspection_endpoint_auth_methods_supported,omitempty"`
RevocationEndpointAuthMethodsSupported []string `json:"revocation_endpoint_auth_methods_supported,omitempty"`
ScopesSupported []domain.Scope `json:"scopes_supported,omitempty"`
ResponseTypesSupported []domain.ResponseType `json:"response_types_supported,omitempty"`
CodeChallengeMethodsSupported []domain.CodeChallengeMethod `json:"code_challenge_methods_supported"`
AuthorizationResponseIssParameterSupported bool `json:"authorization_response_iss_parameter_supported,omitempty"`
const (
DefaultMaxRedirectsCount int = 10
hCard string = "h-card"
propertyEmail string = "email"
propertyName string = "name"
propertyPhoto string = "photo"
propertyURL string = "url"
relAuthorizationEndpoint string = "authorization_endpoint"
relIndieAuthMetadata string = "indieauth-metadata"
relMicropub string = "micropub"
relMicrosub string = "microsub"
relTicketEndpoint string = "ticket_endpoint"
relTokenEndpoint string = "token_endpoint"
httpUserRepository struct {
client *http.Client
const DefaultMaxRedirectsCount int = 10
func NewHTTPUserRepository(client *http.Client) user.Repository {
return &httpUserRepository{
client: client,
@ -47,113 +58,166 @@ func (httpUserRepository) Create(_ context.Context, _ domain.User) error {
return nil
func (repo *httpUserRepository) Get(ctx context.Context, me domain.Me) (*domain.User, error) {
resp, err := repo.client.Get(me.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot fetch user by me: %w", err)
user := &domain.User{
AuthorizationEndpoint: nil,
IndieAuthMetadata: nil,
Me: &me,
Micropub: nil,
Microsub: nil,
Profile: domain.NewProfile(),
TicketEndpoint: nil,
TokenEndpoint: nil,
var metadata *domain.Metadata
if metadata, err = httputil.ExtractFromMetadata(repo.client, me.String()); err == nil {
user.AuthorizationEndpoint = metadata.AuthorizationEndpoint
user.Micropub = metadata.MicropubEndpoint
user.Microsub = metadata.MicrosubEndpoint
user.TicketEndpoint = metadata.TicketEndpoint
user.TokenEndpoint = metadata.TokenEndpoint
out := &domain.User{
Profile: new(domain.Profile),
// NOTE(toby3d): resolved Me may be different from user-provided Me
out.Me, _ = domain.ParseMe(resp.Request.URL.String())
body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot read response body: %w", err)
extractUser(me.URL(), user, body, resp.Header.Get(common.HeaderLink))
extractProfile(me.URL(), user.Profile, body)
mf2 := microformats.Parse(bytes.NewReader(body), resp.Request.URL)
return user, nil
// NOTE(toby3d): fetch user profile from nodes
for i := range mf2.Items {
if !slices.Contains(mf2.Items[i].Type, common.HCard) {
func extractUser(u *url.URL, dst *domain.User, body []byte, header string) {
for key, target := range map[string]**url.URL{
relAuthorizationEndpoint: &dst.AuthorizationEndpoint,
relIndieAuthMetadata: &dst.IndieAuthMetadata,
relMicropub: &dst.Micropub,
relMicrosub: &dst.Microsub,
relTicketEndpoint: &dst.TicketEndpoint,
relTokenEndpoint: &dst.TokenEndpoint,
parseProfile(mf2.Items[i].Properties, out.Profile)
// NOTE(toby3d): fetch endpoints from HTML nodes
for key, dst := range map[string]**url.URL{
common.RelAuthorizationEndpoint: &out.AuthorizationEndpoint,
common.RelIndieAuthMetadata: &out.IndieAuthMetadata,
common.RelMicropub: &out.Micropub,
common.RelMicrosub: &out.Microsub,
common.RelTicketEndpoint: &out.TicketEndpoint,
common.RelTokenEndpoint: &out.TokenEndpoint,
} {
if target == nil {
vals, ok := mf2.Rels[key]
if !ok || len(vals) == 0 {
if endpoints := httputil.ExtractEndpoints(bytes.NewReader(body), u, header, key); len(endpoints) > 0 {
*target = endpoints[len(endpoints)-1]
for i := range vals {
var u *url.URL
if u, err = url.Parse(vals[i]); err == nil {
*dst = u
// NOTE(toby3d): fetch endpoints from Link header
for _, link := range linkheader.Parse(resp.Header.Get(common.HeaderLink)) {
for key, dst := range map[string]**url.URL{
common.RelAuthorizationEndpoint: &out.AuthorizationEndpoint,
common.RelIndieAuthMetadata: &out.IndieAuthMetadata,
common.RelMicropub: &out.Micropub,
common.RelMicrosub: &out.Microsub,
common.RelTicketEndpoint: &out.TicketEndpoint,
common.RelTokenEndpoint: &out.TokenEndpoint,
} {
if link.Rel != key {
var u *url.URL
if u, err = url.Parse(link.URL); err == nil {
*dst = u
if out.IndieAuthMetadata == nil {
return out, nil
// NOTE(toby3d): fetch endpoints from metadata payload
if resp, err = repo.client.Get(out.IndieAuthMetadata.String()); err != nil {
return out, fmt.Errorf("cannot fetch endpoints from provided metadata URL: %w", err)
metadata := new(MetadataResponse)
if err = json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(metadata); err != nil {
return out, fmt.Errorf("cannot decode metadata response: %w", err)
for src, dst := range map[domain.URL]**url.URL{
metadata.AuthorizationEndpoint: &out.AuthorizationEndpoint,
metadata.Micropub: &out.Micropub,
metadata.Microsub: &out.Microsub,
metadata.TicketEndpoint: &out.TicketEndpoint,
metadata.TokenEndpoint: &out.TokenEndpoint,
} {
if src.URL == nil {
*dst = src.URL
return out, nil
func extractProfile(u *url.URL, dst *domain.Profile, body []byte) {
for _, name := range httputil.ExtractProperty(bytes.NewReader(body), u, hCard, propertyName) {
if n, ok := name.(string); ok && !slices.Contains(dst.Name, n) {
dst.Name = append(dst.Name, n)
for _, rawEmail := range httputil.ExtractProperty(bytes.NewReader(body), u, hCard, propertyEmail) {
email, ok := rawEmail.(string)
func parseProfile(src map[string][]any, dst *domain.Profile) {
for _, val := range src[common.PropertyName] {
v, ok := val.(string)
if !ok {
if e, err := domain.ParseEmail(email); err == nil && !slices.Contains(dst.Email, e) {
dst.Email = append(dst.Email, e)
dst.Name = v
for _, rawURL := range httputil.ExtractProperty(bytes.NewReader(body), u, hCard, propertyURL) {
rawURL, ok := rawURL.(string)
for _, val := range src[common.PropertyURL] {
v, ok := val.(string)
if !ok {
if parsedURL, err := url.Parse(rawURL); err == nil && !containsUrl(dst.URL, u) {
dst.URL = append(dst.URL, parsedURL)
var err error
if dst.URL, err = url.Parse(v); err != nil {
for _, rawPhoto := range httputil.ExtractProperty(bytes.NewReader(body), u, hCard, propertyPhoto) {
photo, ok := rawPhoto.(string)
for _, val := range src[common.PropertyPhoto] {
v, ok := val.(string)
if !ok {
if p, err := url.Parse(photo); err == nil && !containsUrl(dst.Photo, p) {
dst.Photo = append(dst.Photo, p)
func containsUrl(src []*url.URL, find *url.URL) bool {
for i := range src {
if src[i].String() != find.String() {
var err error
if dst.Photo, err = url.Parse(v); err != nil {
return true
return false
for _, val := range src[common.PropertyEmail] {
v, ok := val.(string)
if !ok {
var err error
if dst.Email, err = domain.ParseEmail(v); err != nil {

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import (
@ -39,14 +40,15 @@ func TestGet(t *testing.T) {
user := domain.TestUser(t)
user.Me = nil
srv := httptest.NewServer(testHandler(t, user))
user.Me = domain.TestMe(t, srv.URL+"/")
user.IndieAuthMetadata, _ = url.Parse(srv.URL + user.IndieAuthMetadata.Path)
result, err := repository.NewHTTPUserRepository(srv.Client()).
Get(context.Background(), *user.Me)
Get(context.Background(), *domain.TestMe(t, srv.URL+"/"))
if err != nil {
@ -70,12 +72,12 @@ func testHandler(tb testing.TB, user *domain.User) http.Handler {
`<` + user.TokenEndpoint.String() + `>; rel="token_endpoint"`,
}, ", "))
w.Header().Set(common.HeaderContentType, common.MIMETextHTMLCharsetUTF8)
fmt.Fprintf(w, testBody, user.Name[0], user.URL[0].String(), user.Photo[0].String(), user.Email[0])
fmt.Fprintf(w, testBody, user.Name, user.URL, user.Photo, user.Email)
mux.HandleFunc(user.IndieAuthMetadata.Path, func(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set(common.HeaderContentType, common.MIMEApplicationJSONCharsetUTF8)
fmt.Fprint(w, `{
"issuer": "`+user.Me.String()+`",
"issuer": "https://auth.example.com/",
"authorization_endpoint": "`+user.AuthorizationEndpoint.String()+`",
"token_endpoint": "`+user.TokenEndpoint.String()+`"