🔧 Replaced viper config to environment variables

due 12factor, see: https://12factor.net/config
This commit is contained in:
Maxim Lebedev 2023-01-16 15:24:31 +06:00
parent 30f8be2c6c
commit b67c386ce7
Signed by: toby3d
GPG Key ID: 1F14E25B7C119FC5
2 changed files with 54 additions and 75 deletions

View File

@ -11,68 +11,68 @@ import (
type (
Config struct {
Code ConfigCode `yaml:"code"`
Database ConfigDatabase `yaml:"database"`
IndieAuth ConfigIndieAuth `yaml:"indieAuth"`
JWT ConfigJWT `yaml:"jwt"`
Server ConfigServer `yaml:"server"`
TicketAuth ConfigTicketAuth `yaml:"ticketAuth"`
Name string `yaml:"name"`
RunMode string `yaml:"runMode"`
Code ConfigCode `envPrefix:"CODE_"`
Database ConfigDatabase `envPrefix:"DATABASE_"`
IndieAuth ConfigIndieAuth `envPrefix:"INDIEAUTH_"`
JWT ConfigJWT `envPrefix:"JWT_"`
Server ConfigServer `envPrefix:"SERVER_"`
TicketAuth ConfigTicketAuth `envPrefix:"TICKETAUTH_"`
Name string `env:"NAME" envDefault:"IndieAuth"`
RunMode string `env:"RUN_MODE" envDefault:"dev"`
ConfigServer struct {
CertificateFile string `yaml:"certFile"`
Domain string `yaml:"domain"`
Host string `yaml:"host"`
KeyFile string `yaml:"keyFile"`
Port string `yaml:"port"`
Protocol string `yaml:"protocol"`
RootURL string `yaml:"rootUrl"`
StaticURLPrefix string `yaml:"staticUrlPrefix"`
EnablePprof bool `yaml:"enablePprof"`
CertificateFile string `env:"CERT_FILE"`
Domain string `env:"DOMAIN" envDefault:"localhost"`
Host string `env:"HOST" envDefault:""`
KeyFile string `env:"KEY_FILE"`
Port string `env:"PORT" envDefault:"3000"`
Protocol string `env:"PROTOCOL" envDefault:"http"`
RootURL string `env:"ROOT_URL" envDefault:"{{protocol}}://{{domain}}:{{port}}/"`
StaticURLPrefix string `env:"STATIC_URL_PREFIX"`
EnablePprof bool `env:"ENABLE_PPROF"`
ConfigDatabase struct {
Path string `yaml:"path"`
Type string `yaml:"type"` // memory
Path string `env:"PATH"`
Type string `env:"TYPE" envDefault:"memory"` // memory
// Configuration of a one-time code after giving permission to an
// application. The client needs to request the server with this code to
// exchange it for a token or user information.
ConfigCode struct {
Expiry time.Duration `yaml:"expiry"` // 10m
Length uint8 `yaml:"length"` // 32
Expiry time.Duration `env:"EXPIRY" envDefault:"10m"` // 10m
Length uint8 `env:"LENGTH" envDefault:"32"` // 32
ConfigJWT struct {
Expiry time.Duration `yaml:"expiry"` // 1h
Algorithm string `yaml:"algorithm"` // HS256
Secret string `yaml:"secret"`
NonceLength uint8 `yaml:"nonceLength"` // 22
Expiry time.Duration `env:"EXPIRY" envDefault:"1h"` // 1h
Algorithm string `env:"ALGORITHM" envDefault:"HS256"` // HS256
Secret string `env:"SECRET"`
NonceLength uint8 `env:"NONCE_LENGTH" envDefault:"22"` // 22
ConfigIndieAuth struct {
Password string `yaml:"password"`
Username string `yaml:"username"`
Enabled bool `yaml:"enabled"` // true
Password string `env:"PASSWORD"`
Username string `env:"USERNAME"`
Enabled bool `env:"ENABLED" envDefault:"true"` // true
ConfigTicketAuth struct {
Expiry time.Duration `yaml:"expiry"` // 1m
Length uint8 `yaml:"length"` // 24
Expiry time.Duration `env:"EXPIRY" envDefault:"1m"` // 1m
Length uint8 `env:"LENGTH" envDefault:"24"` // 24
ConfigRelMeAuth struct {
Providers []ConfigRelMeAuthProvider `yaml:"providers"`
Enabled bool `yaml:"enabled"` // true
Providers []ConfigRelMeAuthProvider `envPrefix:"PROVIDERS_"`
Enabled bool `env:"ENABLED" envDefault:"true"` // true
ConfigRelMeAuthProvider struct {
ID string `yaml:"id"`
Secret string `yaml:"secret"`
Type string `yaml:"type"`
ID string `env:"ID"`
Secret string `env:"SECRET"`
Type string `env:"TYPE"`

View File

@ -17,15 +17,14 @@ import (
_ "modernc.org/sqlite"
@ -86,7 +85,6 @@ type (
const (
DefaultCacheDuration time.Duration = 8760 * time.Hour // NOTE(toby3d): year
DefaultReadTimeout time.Duration = 5 * time.Second
DefaultWriteTimeout time.Duration = 10 * time.Second
@ -96,11 +94,15 @@ var (
// NOTE(toby3d): write logs in stdout, see: https://12factor.net/logs
logger = log.New(os.Stdout, "IndieAuth\t", log.Lmsgprefix|log.LstdFlags|log.LUTC)
config = new(domain.Config)
indieAuthClient = new(domain.Client)
indieAuthClient = &domain.Client{
URL: make([]*url.URL, 1),
Logo: make([]*url.URL, 1),
RedirectURI: make([]*url.URL, 1),
var (
configPath, cpuProfilePath, memProfilePath string
cpuProfilePath, memProfilePath string
enablePprof bool
@ -109,31 +111,15 @@ var staticFS embed.FS
func init() {
flag.StringVar(&configPath, "config", filepath.Join(".", "config.yml"), "load specific config")
flag.BoolVar(&enablePprof, "pprof", false, "enable pprof mode")
flag.StringVar(&cpuProfilePath, "cpuprofile", "", "set path to saving CPU memory profile")
flag.StringVar(&memProfilePath, "memprofile", "", "set path to saving pprof memory profile")
viper.AddConfigPath(filepath.Join(".", "configs"))
if configPath != "" {
viper.SetEnvKeyReplacer(strings.NewReplacer(".", "_"))
var err error
if err = viper.ReadInConfig(); err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("cannot load config from file %s: %v", viper.ConfigFileUsed(), err)
if err = viper.Unmarshal(&config); err != nil {
logger.Fatalln("failed to read config:", err)
if err := env.Parse(&config, env.Options{
Prefix: "INDIEAUTH_",
}); err != nil {
// NOTE(toby3d): The server instance itself can be as a client.
@ -147,24 +133,17 @@ func init() {
indieAuthClient.ID = *cid
u, err := url.Parse(rootURL)
if err != nil {
if indieAuthClient.URL[0], err = url.Parse(rootURL); err != nil {
logger.Fatalln("cannot parse root URL as client URL:", err)
logo, err := url.Parse(rootURL + config.Server.StaticURLPrefix + "/icon.svg")
if err != nil {
if indieAuthClient.Logo[0], err = url.Parse(rootURL + config.Server.StaticURLPrefix + "/icon.svg"); err != nil {
logger.Fatalln("cannot parse root URL as client URL:", err)
redirectURI, err := url.Parse(rootURL + "callback")
if err != nil {
if indieAuthClient.RedirectURI[0], err = url.Parse(rootURL + "callback"); err != nil {
logger.Fatalln("cannot parse root URL as client URL:", err)
indieAuthClient.URL = []*url.URL{u}
indieAuthClient.Logo = []*url.URL{logo}
indieAuthClient.RedirectURI = []*url.URL{redirectURI}
//nolint:funlen,cyclop // "god object" and the entry point of all modules