♻️ Improved profile token claims support

This commit is contained in:
Maxim Lebedev 2022-02-18 02:47:13 +05:00
parent 2a6c3a3447
commit b5c29dd553
Signed by: toby3d
GPG Key ID: 1F14E25B7C119FC5
4 changed files with 93 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ import (
// Profile describes the data about the user.
type Profile struct {
Photo []*URL `json:"photo"`
URL []*URL `json:"url"`
Email []*Email `json:"email"`
Name []string `json:"name"`
Photo []*URL `json:"photo,omitempty"`
URL []*URL `json:"url,omitempty"`
Email []*Email `json:"email,omitempty"`
Name []string `json:"name,omitempty"`
func NewProfile() *Profile {

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@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ type (
Expiry time.Time
ClientID *ClientID
Me *Me
Profile *Profile
Scope Scopes
Extra map[string]interface{}
AccessToken string
RefreshToken string
@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ type (
Expiration time.Duration
Issuer *ClientID
Subject *Me
Profile *Profile
Scope Scopes
Secret []byte
Claims map[string]interface{}
Algorithm string
NonceLength int
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ var DefaultNewTokenOptions = NewTokenOptions{
Secret: nil,
Algorithm: "HS256",
NonceLength: 32,
Claims: nil,
Profile: nil,
// NewToken create a new token by provided options.
@ -83,9 +83,20 @@ func NewToken(opts NewTokenOptions) (*Token, error) {
for key, val := range opts.Claims {
if err = tkn.Set(key, val); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to set JWT token claim: %w", err)
if opts.Profile != nil {
for key, val := range map[string]interface{}{
"name": opts.Profile.GetName(),
"url": opts.Profile.GetURL(),
"photo": opts.Profile.GetPhoto(),
"email": opts.Profile.GetEmail(),
} {
if val == nil {
if err = tkn.Set(key, val); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to set JWT token claim: %w", err)
@ -111,8 +122,8 @@ func NewToken(opts NewTokenOptions) (*Token, error) {
ClientID: opts.Issuer,
CreatedAt: now,
Expiry: now.Add(opts.Expiration),
Extra: opts.Claims,
Me: opts.Subject,
Profile: opts.Profile,
RefreshToken: "", // TODO(toby3d)
Scope: opts.Scope,
}, nil
@ -165,7 +176,7 @@ func TestToken(tb testing.TB) *Token {
ClientID: cid,
Me: me,
Scope: scope,
Extra: nil,
Profile: TestProfile(tb),
AccessToken: string(accessToken),
RefreshToken: "", // TODO(toby3d)

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@ -20,7 +20,10 @@ type tokenUseCase struct {
func NewTokenUseCase(tokens token.Repository, sessions session.Repository, config *domain.Config) token.UseCase {
jwt.RegisterCustomField("email", new(domain.Email))
jwt.RegisterCustomField("photo", new(domain.URL))
jwt.RegisterCustomField("scope", make(domain.Scopes, 0))
jwt.RegisterCustomField("url", new(domain.URL))
return &tokenUseCase{
config: config,
@ -56,28 +59,27 @@ func (useCase *tokenUseCase) Exchange(ctx context.Context, opts token.ExchangeOp
return nil, nil, token.ErrEmptyScope
if !session.Scope.Has(domain.ScopeProfile) {
session.Profile = nil
} else if !session.Scope.Has(domain.ScopeEmail) {
session.Profile.Email = nil
tkn, err := domain.NewToken(domain.NewTokenOptions{
Algorithm: useCase.config.JWT.Algorithm,
Expiration: useCase.config.JWT.Expiry,
Issuer: session.ClientID,
NonceLength: useCase.config.JWT.NonceLength,
Subject: session.Me,
Scope: session.Scope,
Secret: []byte(useCase.config.JWT.Secret),
Subject: session.Me,
Profile: session.Profile,
Algorithm: useCase.config.JWT.Algorithm,
NonceLength: useCase.config.JWT.NonceLength,
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot generate a new access token: %w", err)
if !session.Scope.Has(domain.ScopeProfile) {
return tkn, nil, nil
p := new(domain.Profile)
// TODO(toby3d): if session.Scope.Has(domain.ScopeEmail) {}
return tkn, p, nil
return tkn, session.Profile, nil
func (useCase *tokenUseCase) Verify(ctx context.Context, accessToken string) (*domain.Token, error) {
@ -100,8 +102,16 @@ func (useCase *tokenUseCase) Verify(ctx context.Context, accessToken string) (*d
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot validate JWT token: %w", err)
result := new(domain.Token)
result.AccessToken = accessToken
result := &domain.Token{
CreatedAt: tkn.IssuedAt(),
Expiry: tkn.Expiration(),
ClientID: nil,
Me: nil,
Profile: nil,
Scope: nil,
AccessToken: accessToken,
RefreshToken: "", // TODO(toby3d)
result.ClientID, _ = domain.ParseClientID(tkn.Issuer())
result.Me, _ = domain.ParseMe(tkn.Subject())
@ -109,6 +119,40 @@ func (useCase *tokenUseCase) Verify(ctx context.Context, accessToken string) (*d
result.Scope, _ = scope.(domain.Scopes)
if !result.Scope.Has(domain.ScopeProfile) {
return result, nil
result.Profile = domain.NewProfile()
if name, ok := tkn.Get("name"); ok {
if n, ok := name.(string); ok {
result.Profile.Name = append(result.Profile.Name, n)
if url, ok := tkn.Get("url"); ok {
if u, ok := url.(*domain.URL); ok {
result.Profile.URL = append(result.Profile.URL, u)
if photo, ok := tkn.Get("photo"); ok {
if p, ok := photo.(*domain.URL); ok {
result.Profile.Photo = append(result.Profile.Photo, p)
if !result.Scope.Has(domain.ScopeEmail) {
return result, nil
if email, ok := tkn.Get("email"); ok {
if e, ok := email.(*domain.Email); ok {
result.Profile.Email = append(result.Profile.Email, e)
return result, nil

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@ -88,18 +88,24 @@ func (h *RequestHandler) handleUserInformation(ctx *http.RequestCtx) {
resp := new(UserInformationResponse)
if tkn.Extra == nil {
if tkn.Profile == nil {
_ = encoder.Encode(resp)
resp.Name, _ = tkn.Extra["name"].(string)
resp.URL, _ = tkn.Extra["url"].(string)
resp.Photo, _ = tkn.Extra["photo"].(string)
resp.Name = tkn.Profile.GetName()
if tkn.Scope.Has(domain.ScopeEmail) {
resp.Email, _ = tkn.Extra["email"].(string)
if url := tkn.Profile.GetURL(); url != nil {
resp.URL = url.String()
if photo := tkn.Profile.GetPhoto(); photo != nil {
resp.Photo = photo.String()
if email := tkn.Profile.GetEmail(); email != nil && tkn.Scope.Has(domain.ScopeEmail) {
resp.Email = email.String()
_ = encoder.Encode(resp)