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2022-06-09 17:35:23 +00:00
package router
import ""
// Group returns a new group.
// Path auto-correction, including trailing slashes, is enabled by default.
func (g *Group) Group(path string) *Group {
return g.router.Group(g.prefix + path)
// GET is a shortcut for group.Handle(fasthttp.MethodGet, path, handler)
func (g *Group) GET(path string, handler fasthttp.RequestHandler) {
g.router.GET(g.prefix+path, handler)
// HEAD is a shortcut for group.Handle(fasthttp.MethodHead, path, handler)
func (g *Group) HEAD(path string, handler fasthttp.RequestHandler) {
g.router.HEAD(g.prefix+path, handler)
// POST is a shortcut for group.Handle(fasthttp.MethodPost, path, handler)
func (g *Group) POST(path string, handler fasthttp.RequestHandler) {
g.router.POST(g.prefix+path, handler)
// PUT is a shortcut for group.Handle(fasthttp.MethodPut, path, handler)
func (g *Group) PUT(path string, handler fasthttp.RequestHandler) {
g.router.PUT(g.prefix+path, handler)
// PATCH is a shortcut for group.Handle(fasthttp.MethodPatch, path, handler)
func (g *Group) PATCH(path string, handler fasthttp.RequestHandler) {
g.router.PATCH(g.prefix+path, handler)
// DELETE is a shortcut for group.Handle(fasthttp.MethodDelete, path, handler)
func (g *Group) DELETE(path string, handler fasthttp.RequestHandler) {
g.router.DELETE(g.prefix+path, handler)
// OPTIONS is a shortcut for group.Handle(fasthttp.MethodOptions, path, handler)
func (g *Group) CONNECT(path string, handler fasthttp.RequestHandler) {
g.router.CONNECT(g.prefix+path, handler)
// OPTIONS is a shortcut for group.Handle(fasthttp.MethodOptions, path, handler)
func (g *Group) OPTIONS(path string, handler fasthttp.RequestHandler) {
g.router.OPTIONS(g.prefix+path, handler)
// OPTIONS is a shortcut for group.Handle(fasthttp.MethodOptions, path, handler)
func (g *Group) TRACE(path string, handler fasthttp.RequestHandler) {
g.router.TRACE(g.prefix+path, handler)
// ANY is a shortcut for group.Handle(router.MethodWild, path, handler)
// WARNING: Use only for routes where the request method is not important
func (g *Group) ANY(path string, handler fasthttp.RequestHandler) {
g.router.ANY(g.prefix+path, handler)
// ServeFiles serves files from the given file system root.
// The path must end with "/{filepath:*}", files are then served from the local
// path /defined/root/dir/{filepath:*}.
// For example if root is "/etc" and {filepath:*} is "passwd", the local file
// "/etc/passwd" would be served.
// Internally a fasthttp.FSHandler is used, therefore http.NotFound is used instead
// Use:
// router.ServeFiles("/src/{filepath:*}", "./")
func (g *Group) ServeFiles(path string, rootPath string) {
g.router.ServeFiles(g.prefix+path, rootPath)
// ServeFilesCustom serves files from the given file system settings.
// The path must end with "/{filepath:*}", files are then served from the local
// path /defined/root/dir/{filepath:*}.
// For example if root is "/etc" and {filepath:*} is "passwd", the local file
// "/etc/passwd" would be served.
// Internally a fasthttp.FSHandler is used, therefore http.NotFound is used instead
// of the Router's NotFound handler.
// Use:
// router.ServeFilesCustom("/src/{filepath:*}", *customFS)
func (g *Group) ServeFilesCustom(path string, fs *fasthttp.FS) {
g.router.ServeFilesCustom(g.prefix+path, fs)
// Handle registers a new request handler with the given path and method.
// For GET, POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE requests the respective shortcut
// functions can be used.
// This function is intended for bulk loading and to allow the usage of less
// frequently used, non-standardized or custom methods (e.g. for internal
// communication with a proxy).
func (g *Group) Handle(method, path string, handler fasthttp.RequestHandler) {
g.router.Handle(method, g.prefix+path, handler)