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package jwe
import (
// Recipient holds the encrypted key and hints to decrypt the key
type Recipient interface {
Headers() Headers
EncryptedKey() []byte
SetHeaders(Headers) error
SetEncryptedKey([]byte) error
type stdRecipient struct {
// Comments on each field are taken from
// header
// The "header" member MUST be present and contain the value JWE Per-
// Recipient Unprotected Header when the JWE Per-Recipient
// Unprotected Header value is non-empty; otherwise, it MUST be
// absent. This value is represented as an unencoded JSON object,
// rather than as a string. These Header Parameter values are not
// integrity protected.
// At least one of the "header", "protected", and "unprotected" members
// MUST be present so that "alg" and "enc" Header Parameter values are
// conveyed for each recipient computation.
// JWX note: see Message.unprotectedHeaders
headers Headers
// encrypted_key
// The "encrypted_key" member MUST be present and contain the value
// BASE64URL(JWE Encrypted Key) when the JWE Encrypted Key value is
// non-empty; otherwise, it MUST be absent.
encryptedKey []byte
// Message contains the entire encrypted JWE message. You should not
// expect to use Message for anything other than inspecting the
// state of an encrypted message. This is because encryption is
// highly context sensitive, and once we parse the original payload
// into an object, we may not always be able to recreate the exact
// context in which the encryption happened.
// For example, it is totally valid for if the protected header's
// integrity was calculated using a non-standard line breaks:
// {"a dummy":
// "protected header"}
// Once parsed, though, we can only serialize the protected header as:
// {"a dummy":"protected header"}
// which would obviously result in a contradicting integrity value
// if we tried to re-calculate it from a parsed message.
type Message struct {
// Comments on each field are taken from
// protected
// The "protected" member MUST be present and contain the value
// BASE64URL(UTF8(JWE Protected Header)) when the JWE Protected
// Header value is non-empty; otherwise, it MUST be absent. These
// Header Parameter values are integrity protected.
protectedHeaders Headers
// unprotected
// The "unprotected" member MUST be present and contain the value JWE
// Shared Unprotected Header when the JWE Shared Unprotected Header
// value is non-empty; otherwise, it MUST be absent. This value is
// represented as an unencoded JSON object, rather than as a string.
// These Header Parameter values are not integrity protected.
// JWX note: This field is NOT mutually exclusive with per-recipient
// headers within the implmentation because... it's too much work.
// It is _never_ populated (we don't provide a way to do this) upon encryption.
// When decrypting, if present its values are always merged with
// per-recipient header.
unprotectedHeaders Headers
// iv
// The "iv" member MUST be present and contain the value
// BASE64URL(JWE Initialization Vector) when the JWE Initialization
// Vector value is non-empty; otherwise, it MUST be absent.
initializationVector []byte
// aad
// The "aad" member MUST be present and contain the value
// BASE64URL(JWE AAD)) when the JWE AAD value is non-empty;
// otherwise, it MUST be absent. A JWE AAD value can be included to
// supply a base64url-encoded value to be integrity protected but not
// encrypted.
authenticatedData []byte
// ciphertext
// The "ciphertext" member MUST be present and contain the value
// BASE64URL(JWE Ciphertext).
cipherText []byte
// tag
// The "tag" member MUST be present and contain the value
// BASE64URL(JWE Authentication Tag) when the JWE Authentication Tag
// value is non-empty; otherwise, it MUST be absent.
tag []byte
// recipients
// The "recipients" member value MUST be an array of JSON objects.
// Each object contains information specific to a single recipient.
// This member MUST be present with exactly one array element per
// recipient, even if some or all of the array element values are the
// empty JSON object "{}" (which can happen when all Header Parameter
// values are shared between all recipients and when no encrypted key
// is used, such as when doing Direct Encryption).
// Some Header Parameters, including the "alg" parameter, can be shared
// among all recipient computations. Header Parameters in the JWE
// Protected Header and JWE Shared Unprotected Header values are shared
// among all recipients.
// The Header Parameter values used when creating or validating per-
// recipient ciphertext and Authentication Tag values are the union of
// the three sets of Header Parameter values that may be present: (1)
// the JWE Protected Header represented in the "protected" member, (2)
// the JWE Shared Unprotected Header represented in the "unprotected"
// member, and (3) the JWE Per-Recipient Unprotected Header represented
// in the "header" member of the recipient's array element. The union
// of these sets of Header Parameters comprises the JOSE Header. The
// Header Parameter names in the three locations MUST be disjoint.
recipients []Recipient
// TODO: Additional members can be present in both the JSON objects defined
// above; if not understood by implementations encountering them, they
// MUST be ignored.
// privateParams map[string]interface{}
// These two fields below are not available for the public consumers of this object.
// rawProtectedHeaders stores the original protected header buffer
rawProtectedHeaders []byte
// storeProtectedHeaders is a hint to be used in UnmarshalJSON().
// When this flag is true, UnmarshalJSON() will populate the
// rawProtectedHeaders field
storeProtectedHeaders bool
// populater is an interface for things that may modify the
// JWE header. e.g. ByteWithECPrivateKey
type populater interface {
Populate(keygen.Setter) error
type Visitor = iter.MapVisitor
type VisitorFunc = iter.MapVisitorFunc
type HeaderPair = mapiter.Pair
type Iterator = mapiter.Iterator