// One-off with noise SLIDES.push({ id: "noise", onstart: function(self){ var o = self.objects; // Iterated Simulation self.add({id:"iterated", type:"Iterated", x:130, y:133}); self.objects.iterated.dehighlightPayoff(); // Words on top & bottom self.add({ id:"topWords", type:"TextBox", text_id:"noise_1", x:130, y:35, width:700, height:100, align:"center" }); self.add({ id:"btmWords", type:"TextBox", text_id:"noise_1_end", x:130, y:410, width:700, height:100, align:"center" }); // STAGES var STAGES = [ {button:"cooperate", message:"cooperate"}, {button:"cooperate", message:"cheat"}, {button:"cooperate", message:"cooperate"}, {button:"cheat", message:"cheat"} ]; var STAGE_INDEX = 0; // ONE Button self.add({ id:"button", type:"Button", x:383, y:463, text_id:"label_cooperate", uppercase:true, onclick: function(){ // Make sim go var s = STAGES[STAGE_INDEX]; publish("iterated/"+s.message); o.button.deactivate(); // Hide words _hide(o.topWords); _hide(o.btmWords); } }); // Re-activate... var _foreverWar = false; var _foreverMove = "cheat"; listen(self, "iterated/round/end", function(){ if(_foreverWar){ publish("iterated/"+_foreverMove); if(_foreverMove=="cheat") _foreverMove="cooperate"; else if(_foreverMove=="cooperate") _foreverMove="cheat"; }else{ STAGE_INDEX++; // New words o.topWords.setTextID("noise_"+(STAGE_INDEX+1)); o.btmWords.setTextID("noise_"+(STAGE_INDEX+1)+"_end"); _fadeIn(o.topWords, 100); _fadeIn(o.btmWords, 300); // Next stage if(STAGE_INDEX>=STAGES.length){ publish("iterated/cooperate"); _foreverWar = true; // The FINAL buttons... remove the button & put it back in. self.remove("button"); self.add({ id:"button", type:"Button", x:304, y:463, text_id:"noise_5_btn", size:"long", message: "slideshow/scratch" }); }else{ // Reactivate buttons var s = STAGES[STAGE_INDEX]; o.button.setText("label_"+s.button); o.button.activate(); } } }); }, onend: function(self){ unlisten(self); self.clear(); } }); // New characters SLIDES.push({ onstart: function(self){ // WORDS self.add({ id:"score1", type:"TextBox", x:160, y:20, width:640, text_id:"noise_characters" }); // CHARS self.add({ id:"char_tf2t", type:"CharacterTextBox", x:160, y:70, width:640, character: "tf2t" }); self.add({ id:"char_pavlov", type:"CharacterTextBox", x:160, y:190, width:640, character: "pavlov" }); self.add({ id:"char_random", type:"CharacterTextBox", x:160, y:320, width:640, character: "random" }); // Next... self.add({ id:"next", type:"TextBox", x:160, y:420, width:640, align:"right", text_id: "noise_characters_end" }); // Next Button! self.add({ id:"next_button", type:"Button", x:460, y:460, size:"long", text_id:"noise_characters_btn", message:"slideshow/scratch" }); }, onend: function(self){ self.clear(); } }); // Tournament: simpleton wins SLIDES.push({ id: "noise", onstart: function(self){ var o = self.objects; // Tournament Tournament.resetGlobalVariables(); Tournament.INITIAL_AGENTS = [ {strategy:"tf2t", count:3}, {strategy:"pavlov", count:3}, {strategy:"random", count:3}, {strategy:"tft", count:3}, {strategy:"all_c", count:13} ]; PD.NOISE = 0.05; self.add({id:"tournament", type:"Tournament", x:-20, y:20}); // Words to the side self.add({ id:"text", type:"TextBox", x:510, y:30, width:450, height:500, text_id:"noise_evo_1" }); // BETS var _addButton = function(character, x, y){ (function(character, x, y){ self.add({ id:"bet_"+character, type:"Button", x:x, y:y, text_id: "icon_"+character, onclick:function(){ _.answer = character; publish("slideshow/next"); } }); })(character, x, y); }; var x = 510; var y = 295; var dx = 200; var dy = 70; _addButton("tf2t", x, y); _addButton("pavlov", x+dx, y); _addButton("random", x, y+dy); _addButton("tft", x+dx, y+dy); _addButton("all_c", x, y+dy*2); }, onend: function(self){ self.remove("bet_all_c"); self.remove("bet_tft"); self.remove("bet_tf2t"); self.remove("bet_pavlov"); self.remove("bet_random"); } }); SLIDES.push({ onstart: function(self){ var o = self.objects; // Words o.text.setTextID("noise_evo_2"); _hide(o.text); _fadeIn(o.text, 100); ///////////////////////////////////////// // BUTTONS for playing ////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////// var x = 135; var y = 175; var dy = 70; self.add({ id:"playButton", type:"Button", x:x, y:y, text_id:"label_start", onclick: function(){ if(o.tournament.isAutoPlaying){ publish("tournament/autoplay/stop"); }else{ publish("tournament/autoplay/start"); } } }); listen(_, "tournament/autoplay/stop",function(){ o.playButton.setText("label_start"); }); listen(_, "tournament/autoplay/start",function(){ o.playButton.setText("label_stop"); }); self.add({ id:"stepButton", type:"Button", x:x, y:y+dy, text_id:"label_step", message:"tournament/step" }); self.add({ id:"resetButton", type:"Button", x:x, y:y+dy*2, text_id:"label_reset", message:"tournament/reset" }); ///////////////////////////////////////// // SHOW THE NEXT WORDS, and a NEXT // NEXT var reproduceSteps = 0; _.misc = {}; listen(_.misc, "tournament/step/completed", function(step){ if(step=="reproduce"){ reproduceSteps++; if(reproduceSteps==6){ publish("slideshow/next"); } } }); }, onend: function(self){ unlisten(_.misc); } }); SLIDES.push({ onstart: function(self){ var o = self.objects; // Words o.text.setTextID("noise_evo_3"); _hide(o.text); _fadeIn(o.text, 100); // Tournament Tournament.resetGlobalVariables(); Tournament.INITIAL_AGENTS = [ {strategy:"tf2t", count:3}, {strategy:"pavlov", count:3}, {strategy:"random", count:3}, {strategy:"tft", count:3}, {strategy:"all_d", count:13} ]; PD.NOISE = 0.05; o.tournament.reset(); // HIDE PLAYER _hide(o.playButton); o.playButton.deactivate(); _hide(o.stepButton); o.stepButton.deactivate(); _hide(o.resetButton); o.resetButton.deactivate(); // BETS var _addButton = function(character, x, y){ (function(character, x, y){ self.add({ id:"bet_"+character, type:"Button", x:x, y:y, text_id: "icon_"+character, onclick:function(){ _.answer = character; publish("slideshow/next"); } }); })(character, x, y); }; var x = 510; var y = 295; var dx = 200; var dy = 70; _addButton("tf2t", x, y); _addButton("pavlov", x+dx, y); _addButton("random", x, y+dy); _addButton("tft", x+dx, y+dy); _addButton("all_c", x, y+dy*2); }, onend: function(self){ self.remove("bet_all_c"); self.remove("bet_tft"); self.remove("bet_tf2t"); self.remove("bet_pavlov"); self.remove("bet_random"); } }); SLIDES.push({ onstart: function(self){ var o = self.objects; // SHOW PLAYER _fadeIn(o.playButton,1); o.playButton.activate(); _fadeIn(o.stepButton,1); o.stepButton.activate(); _fadeIn(o.resetButton,1); o.resetButton.activate(); o.playButton.setText("label_start"); // Words o.text.setTextID("noise_evo_4"); _hide(o.text); _fadeIn(o.text, 100); ///////////////////////////////////////// // SHOW THE NEXT WORDS, and a NEXT // NEXT var reproduceSteps = 0; _.misc = {}; listen(_.misc, "tournament/step/completed", function(step){ if(step=="reproduce"){ reproduceSteps++; if(reproduceSteps==8){ publish("slideshow/next"); } } }); }, onend: function(self){ unlisten(_.misc); } }); // TODO: SMALLER SANDBOX-PLAY BUTTONS SLIDES.push({ onstart: function(self){ var o = self.objects; // Words o.text.setTextID("noise_evo_5"); _hide(o.text); _fadeIn(o.text, 100); // Tournament o.tournament.reset(); // Slider! var x = 510; var y = 100; self.add({ id:"noiseLabel", type:"TextBox", x:x, y:y, width:450, noSelect:true }); self.add({ id:"noiseSlider", type:"Slider", x:x, y:y+55, width:450, min:0.00, max:0.50, step:0.01, message: "rules/noise" }); _.misc = {}; var _updateLabel = function(value){ value = Math.round(value*100); var words = Words.get("sandbox_rules_3"); words = words.replace(/\[N\]/g, value+""); // replace [N] with the number value o.noiseLabel.setText(words); }; listen(_.misc, "rules/noise", function(value){ _updateLabel(value); o.tournament.reset(); }); o.noiseSlider.setValue(0.05); _updateLabel(0.05); // Continue whenever you want to... var x = 510; var y = 300; self.add({ id:"continueLabel", type:"TextBox", x:x, y:y+5, width:200, height:50, align:"right", color:"#aaa", size:17, text_id:"noise_evo_6_continue" }); self.add({ id:"continueButton", type:"Button", x:x+215, y:y, size:"short", text_id:"label_continue", message: "slideshow/next" }); }, onend: function(self){ unlisten(_.misc); self.remove("noiseLabel"); self.remove("noiseSlider"); self.remove("continueLabel"); self.remove("continueButton"); } }); SLIDES.push({ onstart: function(self){ var o = self.objects; // Words o.text.setTextID("noise_evo_6"); _hide(o.text); _fadeIn(o.text, 100); // Next button self.add({ id:"button", type:"Button", x:510, y:466, text_id:"noise_evo_6_btn", size:"long", message:"slideshow/scratch" }); }, onend: function(self){ self.clear(); unlisten(self); unlisten(_); unlisten(_.misc); } });