var slides = [ // SIM { id: "sim", add:[ {id:"tournament", type:"Tournament", x:0, y:20}, { id:"_w1", type:"WordBox", x:500, y:0, width:460, height:50, text:"Let's say there are three kinds of players:
"+ "Always Cooperate, "+ "Always Cheat & "+ "Tit For Tat"+ "

"+ "What happens when you let a mixed population play against each other, and evolve over time?" }, { id:"_b1", type:"Button", x:500, y:150, width:140, text:"1) play tournament", message:"tournament/play" }, { id:"_b2", type:"Button", x:500, y:220, width:140, text:"2) eliminate bottom 5", message:"tournament/eliminate", active:false }, { id:"_b3", type:"Button", x:500, y:290, width:140, text:"3) reproduce top 5", message:"tournament/reproduce", active:false }, { id:"_w3", type:"WordBox", x:500, y:370, width:460, height:200, text:"Always Cheat dominates at first, but when it runs out of suckers to exploit, "+ "its empire collapses – and the fairer Tit For Tat takes over.
"+ "
"+ "We are not punished for our sins, but by them.
"+ "- Elbert Hubbard" } ] }, // Intro { id: "intro0", add:[ {id:"button", type:"Button", x:550, y:200, width:100, height:100, text:"NEXT SLIDE", message:"slideshow/next"}, ] }, // Intro 1 { id: "intro1", add:[ {id:"wordbox1", type:"WordBox", x:500, y:0, width:100, height:200, text:"foo bar foo bar foo bar"}, ] }, // Intro 2 { id: "intro2", add:[ {id:"wordbox2", type:"WordBox", x:500, y:100, width:100, height:200, text:"even more foo bar"}, {id:"silly", type:"SillyPixi", x:700, y:50, width:200, height:200} ] }, // Intro 3 { id: "intro3", remove:[ {id:"wordbox1"}, {id:"wordbox2"} ], add:[ {id:"wordbox3", type:"WordBox", x:500, y:0, width:100, height:200, text:"aaAAAAHHHHhhh"} ] }, // Intro 4 { id: "intro4", remove:[ {id:"wordbox3"} ] }, // Intro 5 { id: "intro5", remove:[ {id:"button"}, {id:"silly"} ], add:[ {id:"the_end", type:"WordBox", x:600, y:300, width:100, height:200, text:"THE END"} ] } ];