// Evolution Intro SLIDES.push({ id: "evolution", onstart: function(self){ // WORDS self.add({ id:"text1", type:"TextBox", x:0, y:20, width:774, height:42, text_id:"evolution_intro" }); self.add({ id:"text2", type:"TextBox", x:0, y:235, width:287, height:117, align:"center", text_id:"evolution_intro_1" }); self.add({ id:"text3", type:"TextBox", x:336, y:235, width:287, height:117, align:"center", text_id:"evolution_intro_2" }); self.add({ id:"text4", type:"TextBox", x:669, y:235, width:287, height:117, align:"center", text_id:"evolution_intro_3" }); self.add({ id:"text5", type:"TextBox", x:132, y:370, width:817, height:95, align:"right", text_id:"evolution_intro_footer" }); // IMAGE self.add({ id:"img", type:"ImageBox", src: "assets/evolution/evolution_intro.png", x:0, y:60, width:960, height:170 }); // Button self.add({ id:"button", type:"Button", x:615, y:466, text_id:"evolution_intro_button", size:"long", message:"slideshow/scratch" }); }, onend: function(self){ self.clear(); } }); // Place Your Bets SLIDES.push({ onstart: function(self){ // Tournament Tournament.resetGlobalVariables(); Tournament.INITIAL_AGENTS = [ {strategy:"all_c", count:15}, {strategy:"all_d", count:5}, {strategy:"tft", count:5} ]; self.add({id:"tournament", type:"Tournament", x:-20, y:20}); // Words to the side self.add({ id:"text", type:"TextBox", x:510, y:30, width:450, height:500, text_id:"evo_1" }); // BETS var _addButton = function(character, x, y){ (function(character, x, y){ self.add({ id:"bet_"+character, type:"Button", x:x, y:y, text_id: "icon_"+character, onclick:function(){ _.answer = character; publish("slideshow/next"); } }); })(character, x, y); }; _addButton("all_c", 510, 295); _addButton("all_d", 510, 295+70); _addButton("tft", 510, 295+70*2); }, onend: function(self){ self.remove("bet_tft"); self.remove("bet_all_c"); self.remove("bet_all_d"); } }); // Result: ROUNDS ALL THE WAY 'TIL THE END SLIDES.push({ onstart: function(self){ var o = self.objects; // What was your bet? var response = Words.get("evo_2_"+_.answer)+" "+Words.get("evo_2"); o.text.setText(response); _hide(o.text); _fadeIn(o.text, 100); // The tournament control buttons var x = 510; var y = 200; var nextStep; // [FOR DEBUGGING] var textStep = 2; // var textStep = 8; self.add({ id:"step_1", type:"Button", x:x, y:y, text_id: "label_play_tournament", size:"long", onclick:function(){ o.step_1.deactivate(); nextStep = o.step_2; publish("tournament/play"); } }); self.add({ id:"step_2", type:"Button", x:x, y:y+70, text_id: "label_eliminate_bottom_5", size:"long", onclick:function(){ o.step_2.deactivate(); nextStep = o.step_3; publish("tournament/eliminate"); }, active: false }); self.add({ id:"step_3", type:"Button", x:x, y:y+70*2, text_id: "label_reproduce_top_5", size:"long", onclick:function(){ o.step_3.deactivate(); nextStep = o.step_1; publish("tournament/reproduce"); }, active: false }); listen(_, "tournament/step/completed", function(step){ nextStep.activate(); if(step=="reproduce"){ textStep++; var response; if(textStep<9){ if(textStep==3){ response = Words.get("evo_3_"+_.answer)+" "+Words.get("evo_3"); }else{ response = Words.get("evo_"+textStep); } o.text.setText(response); _hide(o.text); _fadeIn(o.text, 100); _showButtons(); }else{ publish("slideshow/next"); } } }); var _showButtons = function(){ _hide(o.step_1); _fadeIn(o.step_1, 500); _hide(o.step_2); _fadeIn(o.step_2, 600); _hide(o.step_3); _fadeIn(o.step_3, 700); }; _showButtons(); }, onend: function(self){ unlisten(_); self.remove("step_1"); self.remove("step_2"); self.remove("step_3"); } }); // Result Explanation SLIDES.push({ onstart: function(self){ var o = self.objects; // What was your bet? var response = Words.get("evo_9")+"

"+Words.get("evo_9_"+_.answer)+" "+Words.get("evo_9_end"); o.text.setText(response); _hide(o.text); _fadeIn(o.text, 100); // Oh by the way... self.add({ id:"button", type:"Button", x:510, y:320, text_id:"evo_9_btn", size:"long", message: "slideshow/next" }); _hide(o.button); _fadeIn(o.button, 400); }, onend: function(self){ self.remove("button"); } }); // (Yup, even w Grudgers & Detectives) SLIDES.push({ onstart: function(self){ var o = self.objects; // SCRATCH IN TOURNAMENT Scratcher.smallScratch(0, 0, 480, 540, function(){ Tournament.resetGlobalVariables(); Tournament.INITIAL_AGENTS = [ {strategy:"all_c", count:5}, {strategy:"all_d", count:5}, {strategy:"tft", count:5}, {strategy:"grudge", count:5}, {strategy:"prober", count:6} ]; o.tournament.reset(); }); // The same with grudger & detetive! o.text.setTextID("evo_10"); _hide(o.text); _fadeIn(o.text, 1000); // Button: start/stop var isPlaying = false; self.add({ id:"autoplay", type:"Button", x:510, y:100, text_id:"evo_autoplay", size:"long", onclick: function(){ if(!isPlaying){ o.autoplay.setText("evo_autoplay_stop"); publish("tournament/autoplay/start"); isPlaying = true; }else{ o.autoplay.setText("evo_autoplay"); publish("tournament/autoplay/stop"); isPlaying = false; } } }); _hide(o.autoplay); _fadeIn(o.autoplay, 1200); // Listen... var step = 0; listen(_, "tournament/step/completed", function(aahhhh){ step++; if(step==13){ _goOn(); } }); var _goOn = function(){ // Text followup (hidden) self.add({ id:"text2", type:"TextBox", x:510, y:180, width:450, height:500, text_id:"evo_10_followup" }); _hide(o.text2); _fadeIn(o.text2, 400); // Button: next (hidden) self.add({ id:"next", type:"Button", x:510, y:450, text_id:"evo_10_btn", size:"long", message: "slideshow/next" }); _hide(o.next); _fadeIn(o.next, 600); }; }, onend: function(self){ unlisten(_); self.remove("autoplay"); self.remove("text2"); self.remove("next"); } }); // Problem 1: Number of interactions SLIDES.push({ onstart: function(self){ var o = self.objects; // TODO: FART SOUND Tournament.resetGlobalVariables(); Tournament.INITIAL_AGENTS = [ {strategy:"all_d", count:24}, {strategy:"tft", count:1} ]; o.tournament.reset(); // Text o.text.setTextID("evo_11"); //_hide(o.text); _fadeIn(o.text, 100); // Next self.add({ id:"next", type:"Button", x:510, y:425, text_id:"evo_11_btn", size:"long", message: "slideshow/next" }); //_hide(o.next); _fadeIn(o.next, 200); }, onend: function(self){ self.remove("text"); self.remove("next"); _.clear(); } }); // Problem 2: Payoffs // Teaser...