/********************************** RANDOM CRAP TO MAKE MY LIFE EASIER **********************************/ // POLLUTE THIS NAMESPACE var _ = {}; _.clear = function(){ var c = _.clear; _ = {}; _.clear = c; }; // the most hack-y crap ever // Pi is for unwashed plebians Math.TAU = 2*Math.PI; // The poor man's jQuery var $ = function(query){ return document.querySelector(query); }; // Add & Remove INSTANTLY var _add = function(self){ self.slideshow.dom.appendChild(self.dom); }; var _remove = function(self){ self.slideshow.dom.removeChild(self.dom); }; // Make Label var _makeLabel = function(wordID, config){ var dom = document.createElement("div"); dom.className = "label"; dom.innerHTML = Words.get(wordID); config = config || {}; _configText(config, dom); return dom; }; var _configText = function(config, dom){ if(config.x!==undefined) dom.style.left = config.x+"px"; if(config.y!==undefined) dom.style.top = config.y+"px"; if(config.w!==undefined) dom.style.width = config.w+"px"; if(config.h!==undefined) dom.style.height = config.h+"px"; if(config.noSelect) dom.classList.add("no-select"); if(config.rotation!==undefined) dom.style.transform = "rotate("+config.rotation+"deg)"; if(config.align!==undefined) dom.style.textAlign = config.align; if(config.color!==undefined) dom.style.color = config.color; if(config.size!==undefined) dom.style.fontSize = config.size; if(config.width!==undefined) dom.style.width = config.width; if(config.lineHeight) dom.style.lineHeight = config.lineHeight+"em"; } // Tween var Tween_get = function(target){ return Tween.get(target, {useTicks:true}); } var _s = function(seconds){ return Math.ceil(Ticker.framerate*seconds); // converts seconds to ticks }; // Animation var _hide = function(object){ object.dom.style.opacity = 0; }; var _fadeIn = function(object, time){ setTimeout(function(){ object.dom.classList.add("fader"); object.dom.style.opacity = 1; setTimeout(function(){ object.dom.classList.remove("fader"); },500); },time); }; /******* Hook listeners to an object, and unsubscribe ALL AT ONCE *******/ var _listeners = []; var listen = function(object, message, callback){ var handler = subscribe(message, callback); _listeners.push({ object: object, handler: handler }); }; var unlisten = function(object){ var objectListeners = _listeners.filter(function(l){ return l.object==object; }); objectListeners.forEach(function(objectListener){ unsubscribe(objectListener.handler); // unsubscribe _listeners.splice(_listeners.indexOf(objectListener), 1); // but also FORGET it }); } var debugListeners = function(){ var count = 0; for(var sub in c_){ count += c_[sub].length; } console.log("there are currently "+count+" listeners!"); }; /******* Make a Sprite. e.g: _makeSprite("bg", {width:960}); *******/ function _makeSprite(textureName, options){ options = options || {}; // Make Sprite var sprite = new PIXI.Sprite(PIXI.loader.resources[textureName].texture); // Options if(options.width!==undefined) _scaleToWidth(sprite, options.width); if(options.anchorX!==undefined) sprite.anchor.x=options.anchorX; if(options.anchorY!==undefined) sprite.anchor.y=options.anchorY; // Gimme return sprite; } /******* Make a MovieClip. e.g: _makeSprite("button", {width:960}); *******/ function _makeMovieClip(resourceName, options){ options = options || {}; // Make that MovieClip! var resources = PIXI.loader.resources; var resource = resources[resourceName]; if(!resource) throw Error("There's no MovieClip named '"+resourceName+"'!"); var numFrames = Object.keys(resource.data.frames).length; var frames = []; for(var i=0; i