mobile fix and copycat glitch fixed

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Nicky Case 2017-07-27 11:55:25 -04:00
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*The Evolution of Trust* is dedicated to the public domain, and is made thanks to the many Creative Commons & open source resources out there! Here is a full list of music, sounds, and code used:
**Music:** "Bleu" by Komiku (CC Zero). Download their full album on [Free Music Archive](
**Music:** "Bleu" by Komiku (CC Zero). [Download their full album on Free Music Archive](
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<h3>"The Evolution of Trust"</h3>
<p>This interactive guide is heavily based off Robert Axelrod's groundbreaking 1984 book, <a href="">The Evolution of Cooperation</a>! I was also heavily inspired by his 1997 sequel, <a href="">The Complexity of Cooperation</a>, and Robert Putnam's 2000 book on America's declining "social capital", <a href="">Bowling Alone</a>.</p>
<p>yes i'm a bookworm nerd, plz don't bully me</p>
<h3>"Fewer and fewer people say they trust each other"</h3>
<p>To see a thorough statistical take on this, check out <a href="">Our World In Data</a>. Mmmm stats</p>
<h3>"The Game of Trust"</h3>
<p>This game is also known in game theory as the infamous <em>Prisoner's Dilemma</em>. The Prisoner's Dilemma is named after a story where two suspects can either squeal on their partner-in-crime ("cheat"), or stay silent ("cooperate"). I chose not to do this story because 1) in this case, both players "cooperating" would be bad for society, and 2) it's unrealistic, everyone knows that snitches get stitches</p>
<h3>"You won't know in advance when the last round is"</h3>
<p>In the repeated game of trust (also known as <em>Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma</em>), it's important that neither player knows <em>when</em> the last round is. Why? Think about it - on the last round, both players would know their action has no consequence, so they'd both cheat. But that means in the second-last round, their actions can't change the next round, so they'd also both cheat. But that means in the third-last round... etc etc.</p>
<p>This strategy is better known in game theory as <em>Tit For Tat</em>. It was created by Anatol Rapoport in 1980, for Robert Axelrod's game theory tournament. I chose not to use the name "Tit For Tat" because 1) it <em>sounds</em> mean, although it's a nice &amp; fair strategy, and 2) a lot of the public have already heard about Tit For Tat, so if I used that name, players might just place their bets on this character because they've already heard of "Tit For Tat".</p>
<h3>"You may be skeptical about the Christmas Truce"</h3>
<p>There was another guy who was skeptical, too. During the truce, a German corporal remarked with disgust, <a href="">"Such a thing should not happen in wartime. Have you no German sense of honor?"</a></p>
<p>That man was Adolf Hitler.</p>
<p>You can't make this sh*t up.</p>
<h3>"For culture to evolve"</h3>
<p>There's a new, super-young interdisciplinary field that I'm really <em>excited</em> by, called <em>Cultural Evolution</em>. Admittedly, it's a bad name, not least because it sounds uncomfortably close to "Social Darwinism". Which it's not. Pinky promise.</p>
<p>One core part of Cultural Evolution Theory is culture evolves the same way life does: through variation &amp; selection. Variation: people differ in beliefs &amp; behaviors, and invent new ones almost every day. Selection: people try to imitate their heroes &amp; elders, and adopt their beliefs/behaviors.</p>
<p>(Note: this is <em>not</em> quite Richard Dawkin's "meme" theory. "Meme" implies, that, like genes, ideas come in discrete chunks &amp; replicate with high fidelity. This is obviously untrue. Also you can't say "meme" with a straight face these days, so whatever)</p>
<p>The reason why I think Cultural Evolution is so promising, is that it could integrate <em>all</em> the human sciences: psychology, sociology, economics, anthropology, political science, neuroscience, biology. The greatest problems of our time do not obey conventional academic boundaries -- so, it's about dang time we created a common language between the sciences and humanities.</p>
<p>If you want to learn more about Cultural Evolution Theory, I highly recommend Joseph Heinlich's 2015 book, <a href="">The Secret of Our Success</a>!</p>
<h3>"[Always Cheat's] exploitativeness was its downfall"</h3>
<p>You may have heard that someone found a player strategy that can "exploit evolution". From the <a href="">Scientific American</a>: "[Press &amp; Dyson's results] suggested the best strategies were selfish ones that led to extortion, not cooperation."</p>
<p>Press &amp; Dyson's findings <em>are</em> really important, but Scientific American confused two different uses of the word "evolutionary". The first use, the way this interactive guide used it, was to mean that the <em>tournament's population</em> changes over time. The second use, the way P&amp;D meant it, was that the <em>player's rules</em> changes over time. For example: Detective is "evolutionary" since it changes its own rules, while Copycat is <em>not</em> "evolutionary" since it sticks to its principles.</p>
<p>So, P&amp;D found strategies that could exploit "evolutionary" <em>players</em> like Detective, but their strategies <em>still could not exploit the evolution of the tournament</em>, because in the long run, fair &amp; nice strategies still win. </p>
<h3>"We have fewer friends -- period."</h3>
<p>Seriously, go read Robert Putnam's 2000 book, <a href="">Bowling Alone</a>. Yeah it's a bit outdated by now, 17 years later, but its core findings and lessons are still true as ever -- probably even more so.</p>
<h3>"Non-zero-sum game" / "Win-Win"</h3>
<p>This is kinda cheesy, but I still adore the 1989 book, <a href="">The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People</a> -- especially Habit #4: Think Win-Win.</p>
<p>Because, contrary to popular belief, coming up with Win-Win solutions is hard, takes lots of effort, and is emotionally painful. Heck, I'd go even further I'd say our culture's default stance of Win-Lose "us versus them" is the easy path, the lazy path, the equivalent of activism junk food.</p>
<p>Anyway. Exaggerations aside, I strongly believe "Win-Win" / "Non-Zero-Sum" is something we all urgently need -- in our personal lives, social lives, and <em>definitely</em> political lives.</p>
<p>Just like how Copycat's original name was Tit For Tat, Copykitten's original name is <em>Tit For Two Tats</em>. Same rule: Cooperate, unless the other players cheats <em>twice</em> in a row.</p>
<p>There's another forgiving variant of Tit For Tat called <em>Generous Tit For Tat</em>. It's got a similar but slightly different rule: Cooperate, but when the other player cheats, forgive them with a X% chance. This design, with the variable "X", lets you set different "forgiveness" levels for the player.</p>
<p>Also known as Pavlov, or Win-Shift-Lose-Stay.</p>
<h3>"Our modern media [...] has increased our miscommunication"</h3>
<p>I'm only in my twenties, I don't know why I always sound like an old grump shaking my fist at a cloud. But, yeah, anyway, go read Neil Postman's 1985 book, <a href="">Amusing Ourselves To Death</a>. It's about how the communications technology we use subtly shapes our culture ("the medium is the message") and how technology that is biased towards quick &amp; fast information (TV in 1985, social media now) turns us all into trivial, short-term thinkers.</p>
<p>Although I don't agree with <em>everything</em> in his book, it's a real eye-opener, and surprisingly prescient for 1985. His rant against Sesame Street is kinda weird, though.</p>
<h3>"Build relationships. Find win-wins. Communicate clearly."</h3>
<p>Giving advice can come off as condescending, so let me be perfectly honest: I do <em>not</em> have any of this figured out, personally. I'm bad at developing friendships, especially with people of different political views than me. I occasionally forget about win-wins, and lapse into "us versus them" thinking. And judging by this rambling, I'm also still terrible at communicating clearly.</p>
<p>But I want to get better. This stuff is <em>hard</em>. Building peace &amp; trust in the world, from the bottom up, is <em>hard</em>.</p>
<p>And that's why it's worth it. &lt;3</p>

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<div><img src="polygon/freddie-f.png"/><span>Freddie Firth</span></div>
<div><img src="polygon/glen-i.png"/><span>Glen E. Ivey</span></div>
<div><img src="polygon/green.png"/><span>Green</span></div>
<div><img src="polygon/iago-c.png"/><span>Iago Medeiros Cordeiro</span></div>
<div><img src="polygon/jack.png"/><span>Jack</span></div>
<div><img src="polygon/joe-s.png"/><span>Joe Shumaker</span></div>
<div><img src="polygon/karen-c.png"/><span>Karen Cooper</span></div>
<div><img src="polygon/klemen-s.png"/><span>Klemen Slavic</span></div>
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<div><img src="polygon/leslie-r.png"/><span>Leslie Robinson</span></div>
<div><img src="polygon/linda-l.png"/><span>Linda Liukas</span></div>
<div><img src="polygon/macdiva.png"/><span>MacDiva</span></div>
<div><img src="polygon/mark-p.png"/><span>Mark Poko</span></div>
<div><img src="polygon/matt.png"/><span>Matt</span></div>
<div><img src="polygon/nelson-c.png"/><span>Nelson Crespo</span></div>
<div><img src="polygon/nimrod-k.png"/><span>Nimrod Kimhi</span></div>
<div><img src="polygon/olivia-b.png"/><span>Olivia Brode-Roger</span></div>
<div><img src="polygon/peter-k.png"/><span>Peter Kadlot</span></div>
<div><img src="polygon/philippe-v.png"/><span>Philippe Vallotti</span></div>
<div><img src="polygon/rob-n.png"/><span>Rob Napier</span></div>
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<div><img src="polygon/thomas-r.png"/><span>Thomas de Rego</span></div>
<div><img src="polygon/tom-l.png"/><span>Tom Lieber</span></div>
<div><img src="polygon/william-o.png"/><span>William O'Hanley</span></div>
<div><img src="polygon/zach-s.png"/><span>Zach Smith</span></div>
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3Blue1Brown <br>
Adam M. Smith<br>
Andrew <br>
Andy <br>
Ansh Patel<br>
Aria Minaei<br>
Artemiy Solopov<br>
Aschelon <br>
ben fei<br>
Benjamin Wasty<br>
Bill <br>
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Boondoggle <br>
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Brian Wu<br>
Brie Code<br>
Bruno Chagas Macedo Carvalho<br>
Bruno Guerrero<br>
Buster Benson<br>
Casey Ross<br>
Charlie McIlwain<br>
Christopher <br>
Colin <br>
Colin #2<br>
Cort Stratton<br>
Craig Protzel<br>
Craig Steele<br>
Daniel Horowitz<br>
Daniel Shiffman<br>
Dave Tu<br>
David Smit<br>
Dylan Meconis<br>
emily hutchison<br>
Eric Willisson<br>
Fabio Utzig<br>
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Forrest Oliphant<br>
Frank Leon Rose<br>
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Heather Weaver<br>
Hed Bar-Nissan<br>
Henry Reich<br>
iphenox <br>
J. Hu<br>
Jacob Christian Munch-Andersen<br>
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James Hogan<br>
Jamie Gilyazetdinov<br>
Jan Kölling<br>
Janusz Leidgens<br>
Jason Brennan<br>
Jeanne Kramer-Smyth<br>
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JMyong <br>
Joel <br>
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John Hergenroeder<br>
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Jonathan <br>
Joshua Horowitz<br>
Julia Karmo<br>
Justin <br>
Karishma Bhatia<br>
Kat Suricata<br>
Kathryn Long<br>
Keith Olson<br>
Kevin McGillivray<br>
Kevin <br>
Landy Manderson<br>
Lawrence <br>
Linda Booth Sweeney<br>
Luming Hao<br>
Maic Lopez Saenz<br>
Malcolm Ocean<br>
Margaret Monahan<br>
Mark Trexler<br>
Mark Wilson<br>
Matt ""Kupo" Roszak"<br>
May-Li Khoe<br>
Mekki MacAulay<br>
Memo Akten<br>
Michael Sargent<br>
Miguel Sicart<br>
Milan Pingel<br>
Monika Denes<br>
Mustafa Alic<br>
Nick Ketter<br>
Nick Schrag<br>
Nikita <br>
Noah Swartz<br>
Orta Therox<br>
Pat Mächler<br>
Peter McEvoy<br>
Piotr Migdal<br>
Rachel Nabors<br>
Rajen Savjani<br>
Raphael D'Amico<br>
Rebecca Niles<br>
Richard Hackathorn<br>
Roland Tanglao<br>
Ryan Barker<br>
SailEars <br>
Sam Anderson<br>
Sam Maynard<br>
Sam Thompson<br>
Samira Nedungadi<br>
Sarah Barbour<br>
sarah mathys<br>
SB Sigma<br>
Seanny123 <br>
Serguei Filimonov<br>
Shaun Lee<br>
Shawn Douglas<br>
Sigpipe <br>
Sina Khanifar<br>
Slava Romanovsky<br>
Sylvain Francis<br>
Syria Carys Sirlay<br>
Tara Zuber<br>
Thembers <br>
Thibaut Renaux<br>
Tony Onodi<br>
Traci Lawson<br>
Vanessa <br>
Wick Perry<br>
Woo-Kyeong Choi<br>
Yona <br>
Zack Thornton<br>
Zoe Bogner
<!-- Playtesters -->
<p style="text-align:center; font-size:25px; line-height:1.5em; margin-top:45px;">
and a special thanks to my friends who let me pester them to do playtests...
<div class="credits_names">
Alex Dytrych<br>
Amit Patel<br>
Dan Cook<br>
Dan Salz<br>
Dan Zajdband<br>
EmilyKate McDonough<br>
Hamish Todd<br>
Jack Schaedler<br>
Jessie Salz<br>
Kayle Sawyer<br>
Kiara Vincent<br>
Pat Rowan<br>
Pietro Passarelli<br>
Scarlett Shiloh<br>
Toph Tucker<br>
Tanya Short<br>
Vanessa Shen<br>
Yohan John

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@ -80,23 +80,49 @@ function Slider(config){
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// Iterated Simulation
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