/******************************* // Step 1: a bunch of numbered, colored boxes (array) @done // Step 2: a calendar @done // Step 3: "cards" go up/down on STEP/day @done // Step 4: ...with 5% failing @done Next steps: - Per DAY, now. @done - labels for steps @done - labels for day @done Animation - cards number @done - box bounce @done - multiple times... @done - arrows for movement of cards - + for adding cards // Arrowheads @done // TOTAL CARDS say... CALCULATOR... nah. ********************************/ window.onload = function(){ BOXES[0] += NEW_CARDS; _newStep(); update(); // Get Mode window.MODE = parseInt( _getQueryVariable("mode") ); if(MODE==2){ $("#MODE2_time").style.display = "inline-block"; //$("#MODE2_sliders").style.display = "block"; } }; ////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////// /*************** Each day... a. Review levels from top to bottom (if succeed, next level) (if fail, back to Level 1) b. All cards in Level 1 go to Level 2 c. Add new cards to Level 1 ****************/ var NEW_CARDS = 10; var CARDS_WRONG = 0.05; var _STAGE = 0; // 0 - new day // 1 - reviewing // 2 - adding // Button Labels $("#next_step").innerHTML = _getLabel("leitner_button_next_step"); $("#next_day").innerHTML = _getLabel("leitner_button_next_day"); $("#next_week").innerHTML = _getLabel("leitner_button_next_week"); $("#next_month").innerHTML = _getLabel("leitner_button_next_month"); $("#reset").innerHTML = _getLabel("leitner_reset"); // RESET ALL $("#reset").onclick = function(){ BOXES = [ 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, ]; DAY = 0; //ANIM_CARDS = BOXES.concat(); // clone //ANIM_BOXES = BOXES.concat(); // clone CURRENTLY_REVIEWED = -1; QUEUE = []; BOXES[0] += NEW_CARDS; _STAGE = 0; _newStep(); //update(); }; // UI Sliders var slider_new = $("#slider_new"); slider_new.oninput = function(){ NEW_CARDS = parseInt(slider_new.value); $("#slider_new_label").innerHTML = _getLabel("leitner_slider_new").replace("[N]",NEW_CARDS); }; slider_new.oninput(); var slider_wrong = $("#slider_wrong"); slider_wrong.oninput = function(){ CARDS_WRONG = parseFloat(slider_wrong.value); $("#slider_wrong_label").innerHTML = _getLabel("leitner_slider_wrong").replace("[N]",Math.round(CARDS_WRONG*100)); }; slider_wrong.oninput(); function _updateLabels(){ // Step var html; switch(_STAGE){ case 2: html = _getLabel("leitner_step_new").replace("[N]",NEW_CARDS); break; case 0: html = _getLabel("leitner_step_to_review") + QUEUE.toString(); break; case 1: html = _getLabel("leitner_step_reviewing").replace("[N]",CURRENTLY_REVIEWED+1); break; } $("#label_step").innerHTML = html; // Day $("#label_day").innerHTML = _getLabel("leitner_day").replace("[N]",DAY); // Stats var sum = 0; var vlt = 0; BOXES.forEach(function(n, i){ sum += n; if(i>=7) vlt += n; // Level 6 and up }); html = _getLabel("leitner_step_stats").replace("[N]", sum); if(vlt>0){ html += _getLabel("leitner_step_stats_2").replace("[N]", vlt); } $("#label_stats").innerHTML = html; } $("#next_step").onclick = function(){ _newStep(); }; function _newStep(skipLabels){ // If queue's empty, start a new day! if(QUEUE.length==0){ if(_STAGE==1){ _STAGE = 2; // add new cards BOXES[0] += NEW_CARDS; // Annotate _clearAnnotations(); _annotateAdd(NEW_CARDS); }else{ _newDay(); _STAGE = 0; // new day! _clearAnnotations(); } CURRENTLY_REVIEWED = -1; }else{ // review _STAGE = 1; // But if not, pop off the queue. var reviewedLevel = QUEUE.shift(); var rIndex = reviewedLevel-1; CURRENTLY_REVIEWED = rIndex; // Is this Level 1? var total, passed, failed; total = BOXES[rIndex]; if(reviewedLevel==1){ // ALL goes to Level 2 passed = total; failed = 0; }else{ // 95% goes to next level // the rest goes to ONE passed = Math.round(total*(1-CARDS_WRONG)); failed = total-passed; } BOXES[rIndex+1] += passed; BOXES[0] += failed; BOXES[rIndex] = 0; // Annotations _clearAnnotations(); _annotatePass(rIndex, passed); _annotateFail(rIndex, failed); } // Label if(!skipLabels) _updateLabels(); window.REDRAW = 60; }; $("#next_day").onclick = function(){ _newDay(); _updateLabels(); }; function _newDay(skipLabels){ // Any previous stuff in queue? Finish it! if(QUEUE.length>0){ while(QUEUE.length>0 || _STAGE==1){ _newStep(true); // until queue's done AND past "adding new cards" } } // Increase day, add stuff to queue DAY++; var d = (DAY-1)%CALENDAR.length; // -1 for offset, also loop around. QUEUE = QUEUE.concat(CALENDAR[d]); // to clone it. // Redraw window.REDRAW = 60; // Label _STAGE = 0; // new day! _clearAnnotations(); if(!skipLabels) _updateLabels(); }; function _reviewMultipleDays(days){ for(var i=0;i0) annPass = {from:from, N:N}; } function _annotateFail(from, N){ if(N>0) annFail = {from:from, N:N}; } function _annotateAdd(N){ annAdd = {N:N}; } window.REDRAW = 0; function update(){ // Don't re-draw unnecessarily! if(window.REDRAW>0){ window.REDRAW -= 1; // Clear & Retina ctx.clearRect(0,0,ctx.canvas.width,ctx.canvas.height); ctx.save(); ctx.scale(2,2); // Draw boxes, 1 to 7 for(var i=0;i=0); // +1 coz offset if(CURRENTLY_REVIEWED==i) activeToday=true; // also if CURRENTLY reviewed... var color = COLORS[i]; // Fill ctx.fillStyle = activeToday ? color : "#fff"; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 60, 60); // Stroke if(!activeToday){ ctx.strokeStyle = color; var lw = 2; ctx.lineWidth = lw; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.rect(lw/2, lw/2, w-lw, h-lw); ctx.stroke(); } // Number ctx.font = "50px PatrickHand"; ctx.textAlign = "center"; ctx.textBaseline = "middle"; ctx.fillStyle = activeToday ? "#fff": color; ctx.fillText((i+1), w/2, h/2); ctx.restore(); } // Draw Annotations! if(annFail){ _drawArrow(true); } if(annPass){ _drawArrow(); } if(annAdd){ // The number... ctx.fillStyle = "#000"; ctx.font = "18px PatrickHand"; ctx.textAlign = "center"; ctx.textBaseline = "bottom"; var label = "+" + annAdd.N; var pos = _calculateCardLabelPosition(0); ctx.fillText(label, pos.x, pos.y-15); } // And, again... ctx.restore(); } requestAnimationFrame(update); } function _drawArrow(fail){ var ann = fail ? annFail : annPass; // Points var pos1 = _calculateCardLabelPosition(ann.from); var pos2 = _calculateCardLabelPosition(fail ? 0 : ann.from+1); var xOffset = fail ? -5 : 5; pos1.x += xOffset; pos1.y -= 15; pos2.x -= xOffset; pos2.y -= 15; var cp = { x: (pos1.x+pos2.x)/2, y: Math.min(pos1.y,pos2.y)-30 }; // Color! var color = fail ? COLORS[0] : COLORS[3]; // red/green // Arrow ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(pos1.x, pos1.y); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(cp.x, cp.y, pos2.x, pos2.y); ctx.strokeStyle = color; var w = ann.N/10; if(w<1) w=1; if(w>7) w=7; ctx.lineWidth = w; ctx.stroke(); // ArrowHEAD ctx.save(); ctx.translate(pos2.x, pos2.y); var dy = pos2.y - cp.y; var dx = pos2.x - cp.x; var rotation = Math.atan2(dy,dx); ctx.rotate(rotation-Math.PI/2); ctx.beginPath(); var arrSize = w*1.5; if(arrSize<5) arrSize=5; ctx.moveTo(-arrSize,-arrSize); ctx.lineTo(0,0); ctx.lineTo(arrSize,-arrSize); ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore(); // The number... ctx.fillStyle = color; ctx.font = "18px PatrickHand"; ctx.textAlign = "center"; ctx.textBaseline = "bottom"; var label = (fail ? "-" : "+") + ann.N; ctx.fillText(label, cp.x, cp.y+15); }