// The poor man's jQuery function $(query){ return document.querySelector(query); } function $all(query){ return [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(query)); } window.onload = function(){ var panels = $all("panel"); var pics = $all("pic"); var sims = $all("sim"); var words = $all("words"); // Adjust positions & dimensions of all the things var boxes = panels.concat(pics).concat(words).concat(sims); boxes.forEach(function(b){ var s = b.style; var val; if(val = b.getAttribute("x")) s.left = val+"px"; if(val = b.getAttribute("y")) s.top = val+"px"; if(val = b.getAttribute("w")) s.width = val+"px"; if(val = b.getAttribute("h")) s.height = val+"px"; }); // Pics have image (and maybe crop it?) pics.forEach(function(p){ var s = p.style; var val; if(val = p.getAttribute("src")){ s.backgroundImage = "url("+val+")"; var x = p.getAttribute("sx") || 0; var y = p.getAttribute("sy") || 0; s.backgroundPosition = (-x)+"px "+(-y)+"px"; var w = p.getBoundingClientRect().width; s.backgroundSize = Math.round((3000/w)*50)+"%"; } }); // Sims have iframes in them. (Pass in the labels!) sims.forEach(function(sim){ // Create & append iframe var iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); iframe.src = sim.getAttribute("src"); iframe.scrolling = "no"; sim.appendChild(iframe); }); // Words... no bg? And, fontsize, color? words.forEach(function(word){ var s = word.style; var val; if(val = word.getAttribute("bg")) s.background = val; if(val = word.getAttribute("fontsize")) s.fontSize = s.lineHeight = val+"px"; if(val = word.getAttribute("color")) s.color = val; }); // Panels... Any MESSAGES? panels.forEach(function(panel){ var msg; // Fade in! if(msg = panel.getAttribute("fadeInOn")){ subscribe(msg, function(){ panel.style.opacity = 1; }); } // BG? var s = panel.style; var val; if(val = panel.getAttribute("bg")) s.background = val; }); }; window.getLabel = function(name){ return $("#"+name).innerHTML; } window.broadcastMessage = function(message){ publish(message); };