// The poor man's jQuery function $(query){ return document.querySelector(query); } function $all(query){ return [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(query)); } window.onload = function(){ var panels = $all("panel"); var pics = $all("pic"); var sims = $all("sim"); var words = $all("words"); // Adjust positions & dimensions of all the things var boxes = panels.concat(pics).concat(words).concat(sims); boxes.forEach(function(b){ var s = b.style; var val; if(val = b.getAttribute("x")) s.left = val+"px"; if(val = b.getAttribute("y")) s.top = val+"px"; if(val = b.getAttribute("w")) s.width = val+"px"; if(val = b.getAttribute("h")){ if(s.height!="auto") s.height = val+"px"; } }); // Pics have image (and maybe crop it?) pics.forEach(function(p){ var s = p.style; var val; if(val = p.getAttribute("src")){ s.backgroundImage = "url("+val+")"; var x = p.getAttribute("sx") || 0; var y = p.getAttribute("sy") || 0; s.backgroundPosition = (-x)+"px "+(-y)+"px"; var w = p.getBoundingClientRect().width; s.backgroundSize = ((3000/w)*50).toFixed(2)+"%"; } }); // Sims have iframes in them. (Pass in the labels!) sims.forEach(function(sim){ // Create & append iframe var iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); //iframe.src = sim.getAttribute("src"); var src = sim.getAttribute("src"); iframe.setAttribute("will_source", src); iframe.scrolling = "no"; iframe.className = "simulation"; sim.appendChild(iframe); }); // Words... no bg? And, fontsize, color? words.forEach(function(word){ var s = word.style; var val; if(val = word.getAttribute("bg")) s.background = val; if(val = word.getAttribute("fontsize")) s.fontSize = s.lineHeight = val+"px"; if(val = word.getAttribute("color")) s.color = val; }); // Panels... Any MESSAGES? panels.forEach(function(panel){ var msg; // Fade in! if(msg = panel.getAttribute("fadeInOn")){ subscribe(msg, function(){ panel.style.opacity = 1; }); } // BG? var s = panel.style; var val; if(val = panel.getAttribute("bg")) s.background = val; }); // On scroll window.onscroll(); // Load sounds loadSounds(); //////////////////////// // i hate ios so much // for WHATEVER reason, // I have to DELETE AND RE-ADD THE HTML of the chapter names // to get them to render at the correct size. // I don't know how INTERNET EXPLORER can do this properly // but MOBILE SAFARI can't. Gawd. //////////////////////// setTimeout(function(){ $all("#chapter_name").forEach(function(nameDOM){ var html = nameDOM.innerHTML; nameDOM.innerHTML = ""; nameDOM.style.fontSize = "100px"; setTimeout(function(){ nameDOM.innerHTML = html; },1); }); },1000); }; window.getLabel = function(name){ return $("#"+name).innerHTML; } window.broadcastMessage = function(message, args){ publish(message, args); }; // Editable Flashcard Labels $all("div[editable]").forEach(function(dom){ var cardname = dom.getAttribute("editable"); subscribe("answer_edit_"+cardname, function(text){ dom.innerText = text; }); }); ////////////////////////////////////////// // TOTAL HACK: the GIFTS ///////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////// // Wallpaper var _lastHow = null; if($("#gift_wallpaper")){ var gw_text = detectmob() ? "gift_wallpaper_phone" : "gift_wallpaper_desktop"; $("#gift_wallpaper").innerHTML = $("#"+gw_text).innerHTML; var WALLPAPER_CHANGED = true; subscribe("answer_edit_you_what",function(){ WALLPAPER_CHANGED = true; }); subscribe("answer_edit_you_why",function(){ WALLPAPER_CHANGED = true; }); setInterval(function(){ // Wallpaper, re-make ONLY IF CHANGED if(WALLPAPER_CHANGED){ WALLPAPER_CHANGED = false; var canvas = makeWallpaper(); var dataURL = canvas.toDataURL(); $("#wallpaper_link").href = dataURL; $("#wallpaper_link").download = (getLabel("gift_wallpaper_filename").trim())+".png"; $("#wallpaper_image").src = dataURL; } // Box/App, change ONLY IF HOW CHANGED var currHow = $("#flashcard_you_how_back").innerText.trim().toLocaleLowerCase(); if(_lastHow != currHow){ var showWhat = "other"; if(currHow.search("leit") >= 0 || currHow.search("liet") >= 0){ // for typos showWhat = "leitner"; }else if(currHow.search("anki") >= 0){ showWhat = "anki"; }else if(currHow.search("tiny") >= 0){ showWhat = "tiny"; } $("#gift_app").innerHTML = $("#gift_app_"+showWhat).innerHTML; } _lastHow = currHow; },5000); //},1000); // Can't download .zip if(detectmob()){ $all(".not_on_mobile").forEach(function(dom){ dom.style.display = "none"; }); } } // From https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11381673/detecting-a-mobile-browser function detectmob(){ if( navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/webOS/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/BlackBerry/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/Windows Phone/i) ){ return true; } else { return false; } } var wallpaperBGImage = new Image(); wallpaperBGImage.src = "pics/wallpaper.png"; function makeWallpaper(){ var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); canvas.width = window.screen.width * window.devicePixelRatio; canvas.height = window.screen.height * window.devicePixelRatio; var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); // bg ctx.fillStyle = "#8296BF"; ctx.fillRect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height); // in a square ctx.save(); ctx.translate(canvas.width/2, canvas.height/2); var SIZE = 500; var squareSize = Math.min(canvas.width,canvas.height); var scale = (squareSize/SIZE)*0.8; ctx.scale(scale, scale); ctx.translate(-SIZE/2, -SIZE/2); // Square //ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(255,255,255,0.2)"; //ctx.fillRect(0, 0, SIZE, SIZE); ctx.drawImage(wallpaperBGImage, 0, 0, SIZE, SIZE); // text var what = getLabel("gift_wallpaper_what").trim(); what += " " + $("#flashcard_you_what_back").innerText.trim(); var why = getLabel("gift_wallpaper_why").trim(); why += " " + $("#flashcard_you_why_back").innerText.trim(); var do1 = getLabel("gift_wallpaper_do_1").trim(); var do2 = getLabel("gift_wallpaper_do_2").trim(); // draw text ctx.textAlign = "center"; ctx.fillStyle = "#000"; ctx.font = "40px PatrickHand, Helvetica, Arial"; ctx.fillText(what, 250, 400); ctx.fillText(why, 250, 450); // draw DO ME ctx.font = "80px PatrickHand, Helvetica, Arial"; ctx.fillStyle = "#000"; ctx.fillText(do1, 400, 190); ctx.fillText(do2, 400, 270); // Return canvas; ctx.restore(); return canvas; } /////////////////// // Chapter Links // /////////////////// var linx = $("#label_chapter_links"); if(linx){ $all("#chapter_links").forEach(function(linkContainer){ linkContainer.innerHTML = linx.innerHTML; }); } // HACK: Duplicate header text for absolute positioning coz CSS sucks /*$all(".divider").forEach(function(divider){ var html = divider.querySelector("div").innerHTML; divider.querySelector("#divider_container").innerHTML = html; });*/ ////////////////////// // SOUNDS //////////// ////////////////////// var SOUNDS_TO_LOAD = [ ["applause",1], ["ding",1], ["button_down",1], ["button_up",1], ["flip_down",1], ["flip_up",1], ["reset",1], ["slider_down",0.25], ["slider_up",0.25], ["tada",0.5], ["type1",1], ["type2",1], ["type3",1], ["type4",1], ["type5",1], ["win",1], ["win_final",1], ]; var SOUNDS = {}; function loadSounds(){ SOUNDS_TO_LOAD.forEach(function(config){ var name = config[0]; var vol = config[1]; SOUNDS[name] = new Howl({ src: ["audio/"+name+".mp3"], volume: vol }); }); } window.playSound = function(name){ SOUNDS[name].play(); }; subscribe("PREflip_spaced_rep",function(){ setTimeout(function(){ SOUNDS.tada.play(); },500); }); subscribe("PREflip_the_end",function(){ SOUNDS.applause.play(); }); ///////////////////////////// // IFRAME SCROLL //////////// ///////////////////////////// var splashes = $all("iframe.splash"); window.onscroll = function(){ // Playables - PAUSE & UNPAUSE var scrollY = window.pageYOffset; var innerHeight = window.innerHeight; for(var i=0;i0); } // Also, iframe scrollables var BUFFER = innerHeight/2; var simulations = $all("iframe.simulation"); simulations.forEach(function(sim){ if(!sim.src){ var bounds = sim.getBoundingClientRect(); if(bounds.top-BUFFER){ sim.src = sim.getAttribute("will_source"); console.log("Loading "+sim.src+"..."); } } }); // More iframes var iframes = $all("iframe"); iframes.forEach(function(iframe){ if(!iframe.src){ var gotoSrc = iframe.getAttribute("gotosrc"); 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"en" : pagename.split(".")[0]; //////////////////////////////// // A database of languages! var langs = xhr.response.split("\n\n"); langs.forEach(function(lang){ var splitup = lang.split("\n"); while(splitup.length>0 && splitup[0]=="") splitup.shift(); // in case of extra newlines if(splitup.length==0) return; // no emptiness var code = splitup[0]; if(code=="ex") return; // no Example if(code.substr(0, 2)=="//") return; // no Comments LANGUAGES[code] = { name: splitup[1], link: splitup[2], ask: splitup[3], yes: splitup[4], no: splitup[5], translatedBy: splitup[6], originalIn: splitup[7] }; }); // Show languages options in the box var LANGS_SORTED = []; for(var code in LANGUAGES){ LANGS_SORTED.push(code); } LANGS_SORTED.sort(); var html = ""; LANGS_SORTED.forEach(function(code){ var lang = LANGUAGES[code]; if(code==pageLang) return; // no need for this page, obviously html += ""+lang.name+"
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