/****************************** Boxes of HTML. With words and pictures! ******************************/ function Boxes(){ var self = this; self.dom = $("#slideshow"); self.boxes = []; // Clear self.clear = function(){ self.boxes.forEach(function(box){ self.dom.removeChild(box); }); self.boxes = []; }; // Add Box self.add = function(config){ // Add to DOM var box = document.createElement("div"); box.className = "box"; self.dom.appendChild(box); // Standard box properties... if(config.id) box.id = config.id; if(config.x) box.style.left = config.x; if(config.y) box.style.top = config.y; if(config.w) box.style.width = config.w; if(config.h) box.style.height = config.h; if(config.hidden) box.style.display = "none"; // words: if(config.text){ box.innerHTML = getWords(config.text); if(config.align) box.style.textAlign = config.align; if(config.color) box.style.color = config.color; } // pics: if(config.img){ box.classList.add("image"); box.style.backgroundImage = "url("+config.img+")" } // Replace "next" buttons! var next; if(next = box.querySelector("next")){ // Create next button var nextButton = document.createElement("div"); nextButton.className = "next_button"; nextButton.innerHTML = next.innerHTML; nextButton.onclick = function(){ slideshow.next(); }; // Replace it in parent! next.parentNode.replaceChild(nextButton, next); } // Add to array self.boxes.push(box); }; // Update & Draw... nothing self.update = function(){}; self.draw = function(){}; /////////////////////// // HELPERS AND STUFF // /////////////////////// self.getChildByID = function(id){ return self.boxes.find(function(box){ return box.id==id; }); }; self.showChildByID = function(id){ var toShow = self.getChildByID(id); toShow.style.display = "block"; }; self.hideChildByID = function(id){ var toHide = self.getChildByID(id); toHide.style.display = "none"; }; self.removeChildByID = function(id){ var removeBox = self.getChildByID(id); self.dom.removeChild(removeBox); removeFromArray(self.boxes, removeBox); }; }