/****************************************** THE PENCIL it's purely visual. replace the cursor draw / erase / click ******************************************/ function Pencil(){ var self = this; self.canvas = createCanvas( $("#pencil"), 100, 100 ); self.ctx = self.canvas.getContext('2d'); // Sprite self.sprite = new Sprite({ src: "sprites/pencil.png", frames:3, sw:200, sh:200, }); self.sprite.pivotX = 0; self.sprite.pivotY = 200; self.sprite.scale = 0.75; var _size = 100; var _margin = 10; var _offset = 10; self.colors = [ "#ccc", "#000", "#ff5555" ]; // Update self.update = function(){ // Pencil's rotation if(isNaN(self.x)) self.x=0; if(isNaN(self.y)) self.y=0; var xy_velocity = ((Mouse.x-self.x) + (Mouse.y-self.y))/10; // in down-right direction var gotoRotation = -sigmoid(xy_velocity) * Math.TAU/8; self.sprite.rotation = self.sprite.rotation*0.8 + gotoRotation*0.2; // Pencil's offset var gotoOffset = Mouse.pressed ? -8 : 10; _offset = _offset*0.5 + gotoOffset*0.5; // Update position self.x = Mouse.x; self.y = Mouse.y; // Move DOM there self.canvas.style.left = self.x-_margin; self.canvas.style.top = self.y-_size+_margin; // Reset canvas var ctx = self.ctx; ctx.clearRect(0,0,self.canvas.width,self.canvas.height); ctx.save(); ctx.translate(_margin*2, 200-_margin*2); // Draw pencil's dot if(!Mouse.pressed){ ctx.fillStyle = self.colors[self.sprite.currentFrame]; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(0, 0, 5, 0, Math.TAU); ctx.fill(); } // Draw pencil self.sprite.x = _offset; self.sprite.y = -_offset; self.sprite.draw(ctx); ctx.restore(); }; }