var PEEP_STATE_COLORS = { 1: "#ccc", 2: "#dd4040" }; var _hack_SHOW_BOTH_STATES = false; var _hack_HIDE_BARS = false; var _hack_REINTEGRATION_PUZZLE = false; var testingImage = new Image(); testingImage.src = "img/testing.png"; function Peep(config){ var self = this; // Properties self.x = config.x; self.y = config.y; self.state = config.state; // Update: self.numFriends = 0; self.numInfectedFriends = 0; self.faceX = 0; self.faceY = 0; self.faceBlink = 0; self.isMajority = false; var _faceFollow = 0.75+(Math.random()*0.1); self.update = function(){ // Face position! var faceVector = { x: (Mouse.x-self.x)/5, y: (Mouse.y-self.y)/5 }; faceVector.mag = Math.sqrt(faceVector.x*faceVector.x + faceVector.y*faceVector.y); var max_distance = 5; if(faceVector.mag>max_distance){ faceVector.x = faceVector.x * (max_distance/faceVector.mag); faceVector.y = faceVector.y * (max_distance/faceVector.mag); } self.faceX = self.faceX*_faceFollow + faceVector.x*(1-_faceFollow); self.faceY = self.faceY*_faceFollow + faceVector.y*(1-_faceFollow); // Blink? if(!self.faceBlink){ if(Math.random()<0.002) self.faceBlink=true; }else{ if(Math.random()<0.09) self.faceBlink=false; } // Friends connected... or infected var friends = getConnected(self); self.numFriends = friends.length; self.numInfectedFriends = 0; friends.forEach(function(friend){ if(friend.state==2) self.numInfectedFriends++; }); }; // Draw var radius = 20; var barWidth = 30; var barHeight = 10; self.draw = function(ctx){; ctx.translate(self.x, self.y); // Circle //ctx.fillStyle = (self.state==1) ? "#ccc" : "#dd4040"; //"#ffdf00"; var myColor = PEEP_STATE_COLORS[self.state]; ctx.fillStyle = myColor; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(0, 0, radius, 0, Math.TAU, false); ctx.fill(); // INFECT ON NEXT TURN? /*var infectOnNextTurn = (self.numFriends>0 && self.numInfectedFriends/self.numFriends>=CONTAGION_THRESHOLD); if(infectOnNextTurn){ ctx.strokeStyle = PEEP_STATE_COLORS[2]; ctx.lineWidth = 2; ctx.stroke(); }*/ // Face; ctx.translate(self.faceX, self.faceY); ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)"; if(self.faceBlink){ ctx.beginPath(); ctx.rect(-14, -1, 8, 2); ctx.fill(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.rect(6, -1, 8, 2); ctx.fill(); }else{ ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(-10, -1, 3, 0, Math.TAU, false); ctx.fill(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(10, -1, 3, 0, Math.TAU, false); ctx.fill(); } ctx.beginPath(); ctx.rect(-7, 4, 14, 2); ctx.fill(); ctx.restore(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LABEL FOR INFECTED/FRIENDS, BAR, AND CONTAGION LEVEL // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(!_hack_HIDE_BARS && !self._hack_TESTED){; // Say: Infected/Friends ctx.translate(0,-42); var labelNum = self.numInfectedFriends+"/"+self.numFriends; var labelPercent = ""; if(self.numFriends>0){ labelPercent = Math.round(100*(self.numInfectedFriends/self.numFriends)) + "%"; } ctx.font = '12px sans-serif'; ctx.fillStyle = myColor; ctx.textAlign = "center"; ctx.textBaseline = "middle"; ctx.fontWeight = "bold"; ctx.fillText(labelNum, 0, 0); // A nice bar ctx.translate(0,12); ctx.lineWidth = 1; // the white fill ctx.fillStyle = "#fff"; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.rect(-barWidth/2, -barHeight/2, barWidth, barHeight); ctx.fill(); // The color fills if(self.numFriends>0){ if(!_hack_SHOW_BOTH_STATES){ ctx.fillStyle = PEEP_STATE_COLORS[2]; // state = 2 infected ctx.beginPath(); ctx.rect(-barWidth/2, -barHeight/2, barWidth*(self.numInfectedFriends/self.numFriends), barHeight); ctx.fill(); }else{ var ratio = self.numInfectedFriends/self.numFriends; if((!_hack_REINTEGRATION_PUZZLE && self.state==1) || (_hack_REINTEGRATION_PUZZLE && self.state==2)){ var w = barWidth*(1-ratio); ctx.fillStyle = PEEP_STATE_COLORS[1]; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.rect(-barWidth/2, -barHeight/2, w, barHeight); ctx.fill(); ctx.fillStyle = PEEP_STATE_COLORS[2]; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.rect(-barWidth/2+w, -barHeight/2, barWidth*(ratio), barHeight); ctx.fill(); }else{ var w = barWidth*(ratio); ctx.fillStyle = PEEP_STATE_COLORS[2]; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.rect(-barWidth/2, -barHeight/2, w, barHeight); ctx.fill(); ctx.fillStyle = PEEP_STATE_COLORS[1]; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.rect(-barWidth/2+w, -barHeight/2, barWidth*(1-ratio), barHeight); ctx.fill(); } } } // The outline ctx.strokeStyle = myColor; ctx.beginPath(); if(self.numFriends>0){ ctx.rect(-barWidth/2, -barHeight/2, barWidth, barHeight); }else{ ctx.rect(-barWidth/2, 0, barWidth, 0); } ctx.stroke(); // a pointer for contagion level ctx.translate(0, barHeight/2+2); if(!_hack_REINTEGRATION_PUZZLE){ if(CONTAGION_THRESHOLD && CONTAGION_THRESHOLD>0){ self._drawThreshold(ctx, CONTAGION_THRESHOLD); } if(CONTAGION_THRESHOLD_2 && CONTAGION_THRESHOLD_2>0){ self._drawThreshold(ctx, CONTAGION_THRESHOLD_2); } }else{ if(self.state==1){ self._drawThreshold(ctx, 1/3); }else{ self._drawThreshold(ctx, 2/3); } } // Percent ctx.font = '8px sans-serif'; ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0.8)"; ctx.textAlign = "center"; ctx.textBaseline = "middle"; ctx.fontWeight = "bold"; ctx.fillText(labelPercent, 0, -6); ctx.restore(); } // AM I BEING TESTED if(self._hack_TESTED){ ctx.drawImage(testingImage, -30, -85, 60, 60); } ctx.restore(); }; self._drawThreshold = function(ctx, threshold){; ctx.translate(barWidth*threshold - barWidth/2, 0); ctx.strokeStyle = "#000"; //PEEP_STATE_COLORS[2]; ctx.lineWidth = 1; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(0,0); ctx.lineTo(0,-14); ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore(); } // Hit Test self.hitTest = function(x,y,buffer){ if(buffer===undefined) buffer=0; var dx = self.x-x; var dy = self.y-y; var dist2 = dx*dx+dy*dy; var r = radius+buffer; return (dist2